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例句与用法Michael schumacher has sold his winter holiday retreat in norway , according to the german newspaper bild据德国《图片报》报道,迈克尔?舒马赫已经把自己在挪威的冬日度假别墅卖了。 “ i would like to decide my future as soon as possible so i can focus only on football , ” klose told bild"我希望我可以尽快决定我的未来,以让我把注意力集中在球场上. "克洛斯对德国图片报说道A social worker told bild that bille keeps rejecting a room in a homeless center . " we can ' t force her , " he said一名社会工作者告诉《图片报》 ,比勒一直拒绝入住进流浪者中心。他说: “我们不能强迫她。 ” Bild said schumacher ' s role will be to give advice to jean todt and possibly even occasionally test the italian team ' s f1 cars《图片报》报道,舒马赫的工作就是给让-托德做助理,并且有可能偶尔参加试车。 After weeks of rumours tipping him for a move to united , hargreaves told german sports magazine bild that he is ready to complete the switch几周前已经在盛传哈格里夫斯要转会曼联的消息,他在接受德国图片报采访时说,他已经为转会做好最后的准备了。 The arsenal shot - stopper told german newspaper bild : " it was hard enough ( becoming number one ) so why should i make it easier for anybody else这位阿森纳射门终结者告诉德国报纸《图片报》 : “我成为第一是历经艰辛的,那为什么我要让其他人轻松获得? ” German paper bild am sonntag reported klinsmann , who lives in california , has been offered a four - year deal and a contract in excess of $ 3 million per year德图片报早先曾报道,居住在加尼福尼亚的克林斯曼已经接受了这份长达四年,年收入有300万美金的合同。 “ juventus want me at all costs , ” said frings to bild zeitung . “ they are interested in me not as any midfielder , but as the midfielder“尤文图斯不惜一切代价想得到我, ”弗林斯对《图片报》说。 “他们欣赏我是作为一名中场球员的,但也不仅仅是一个中场。 ” Nor did it help relations when the taz published a satirical story claiming that mr diekmann had undergone a penis enlargement in florida而《每日新闻》发布的一则讽刺《图片报》编辑迪克曼的报道,披露后者曾赴佛罗里达接受***增大手术,同样无助于关系的改善。 Hollywood superstar tom cruise and his ex - wife nicole kidman will be working on separate films in berlin from september , german daily bild reported on friday据德国图片报上周五消息,好莱坞巨星汤姆克鲁斯和他的前妻妮可基德曼将于9月齐现柏林,拍摄各自的电影。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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