
手动吸痰器怎么用啊?我怎么插不进喉咙_百度知道当前位置: &
英文翻译aspiration of sputum:&&&& draw:&&&& sputum:&&&& sputum suc ...:&&&&electric-drive phlegm-sucker:&&&&tracheal aspiration:&&&&rronchial lavage
例句与用法The clinical application of no - returnable sputum sucking bag一次性吸痰包临床应用效果观察Application of sputum aspirators to hyperbaric oxygen chamber我国高压氧舱内吸痰装置应用的现状Suction secretions as needed or turn client ' s head to the side if no trauma is suspected必要时吸痰或将病人头侧向一侧(如无损伤) 。 Main products of this company are : single - use vein needle , anaesthetic puncture bag , infusion pump , puncture bag for thorax , canula for trachea , trachea cut cannula , sputum aspirator pipe , suction connection pipe , urethral catheterization bag , general anesthesia bag , dressing change bag , oxygen therapy pipe , etc公司主要产品有:一次性使用静脉留置针,麻醉穿刺包,输注泵,胸腔穿刺包,气管导管,气管切开插管,吸痰管,吸引管、连接管,导尿包,全麻包,换药盒,输氧管等Clinic , observe the isolation ward , the therapeutic room has disposed the medical apparatus , including ultraviolet lamp , baby treat the incubator , sucking phlegm machine , emergency tender , infusion apparatus , medical cupboard , refrigerator etc . , can deal with children ' s common diseases , frequently - occurring diseases医务室、观察隔离室、治疗室配置了医疗设备,包括紫外线灯、婴儿治疗保温箱、吸痰机、急救车、输液设备、药品柜、冰箱等,能处理儿童的常见病、多发病。 Results according to the severity of asthma , we managef the patients with antibiotic therapy on the basic diseases such as hypertension , diabetes mellitus , gastrointestinal ulcer , and to the respiratory function mechanical ventilation , sputum suction via fiberoptic bronchoscopy and local ledocaine douche结果根据患者哮喘发作的轻重、呼吸功能的改变、伴发糖尿病和应激性溃疡等病变情况,积极抗感染,及时进行机械通气、经纤维支气管镜吸痰和利多卡因局部灌洗治疗。 &&
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