每一间办公室,每一栋大楼,你所到之处都会发现有人难以融入他们所处的环境。他们要么惹人讨厌、粗鲁无礼,要么不为他人着想,或者笨手笨脚。他们也许在自己的专业方面很优秀,但在社会人际交往方面就完全不行。他们在社交方面一塌糊涂,人们都尽可能避免和这类人打交道。情商、社会礼仪、亲切感正是这类人所缺乏的。这些要素被称为“软技能”,我们都需要它们,否则我们就可能被社会排挤,或者变***人避而远之的“怪人”。想要加强你的软技能,南京沃尔得口语课堂建议大家可以试试下面这20条小贴士:1. How to remember people’s names, faces, or places. If you can remember at least one of these, you’re heading in the right direction. 知道如何记住他人的姓名、长相和工作地点。如果你能至少记住其中一项,你已经找对方向了。2. Opening successive doors for people. (It takes finesse if you’re doing it for multiple and consecutive sets of doors -- and you have multiple people.) 帮他人打开几扇连续的门。(如果是很多扇连在一起的门,而且同时有多个人通过,是需要策略的。)3. Keeping in contact with your relationships. A great way to hone your soft skills and maintain relationships. 和你的人际圈里保持联系。这是提升软技能并保持人际关系的好办法。4. Learn to be a better listener. Don’t interrupt people, don’t try to control the conversation, and show genuine interest in what people are saying. 学会做一名更好的倾听者。不要打断他人的说话,不要试图掌控一场谈话,要对他人所讲的事情表现出真诚的兴趣。5. Offer people something to drink and eat when they enter your home. 当有人来你家做客时,准备食物饮料招待他们。6. Learn how to make fast healthy snacks for your visitors. 学习为你的访客快速制作健康的小点心。7. The Elevator Rule. Let others out first. This also applies to “non-elevator” situations as well, such as on buses, boats, and trains. 电梯法则----让他人先出去。这在“非电梯”情况下也同样适用,比如在汽车、船只或者火车上。8. Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format. 练习写作电子邮件,做到简单明了且有礼貌。没有人想读一封像散文一样的电子邮件。9. Being discreet when giving tips to relevant service professionals. No one should see the money. This takes some finesse. 在给相关服务人士小费时要注意,不要让其他人看到你给了多少钱。这需要一些技巧。10. Cell phone manners. No one wants to hear your conversation in public transport. It’s supposed to be a private conversation, not a public broadcast. 手机礼仪。没有人想在乘坐公共交通工具时听到你的谈话。这应该是私人谈话,而不是公共广播。 11. Handwriting letters to people adds a personal touch. You can meet almost anyone with enough persistent handwritten letters. 手写的信件会增加一份亲切感。手写信件累积到足够多时,你就好像见到了这个人一样。12. Take interest in the passions of others. This might mean feigning interest initially, but it’s likely that feigned interest will eventually transform itself into a genuine feeling. 对他人所热衷的食物抱有兴趣。最初也许意味着你要假装感兴趣,但很有可能这种假装的兴趣最终会演变为真正的兴趣。13. Taking pride in your appearance helps to make you feel good -- and improves how people perceive you. 对自己的外表有自信会让你有好心情----也有助于他人对你产生好的印象。
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2、领导能力以及团队合作能力。求职说白了也是给别人打工,大多数的人都不可能一个人工作,尤其是在大企业中,工作需要团队来完成。在撰写个人简历方面团队当中的表现也可为个人简历加分,团队的合作精神也是软技能之一。个人简历模板 http://www.还有就是领导能力,所拥有的领导能力,也决定以后职业发展状况。不管是做管理方面的领导者,还是基层人员,团队合作能力都非常重要。
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个人简历模板网 &Some skill sets are easier to screen for than others. A writing sample will highlight com# extremely tough questions will test a candidate&s ability to thin and asking the applicant to discuss previous roles will provide information about his or her experience.有些技能相对于其他的技能来说还是挺容易就能测量出来的:一份写作样本就能体现你的沟通能力;极端刁钻的问题就可以测试面试者的临场反应能力;提问面试者上一份工作的情况就能了解他/她的工作经验。But how can you test for &soft skills,& such as teamwork and empathy, during the interview?但是,如何在面试中测试“软技能”(团队合作精神和换位思考等)呢?There&s no magic formula, but essentially you need to look for two things: self-awareness (because you want a candidate who can make the connection between his or her actions and professional outcom#es) and instincts (because you want someone who would intuitively take the empathetic, team-oriented and optimistic approach).实际上并没有什么神奇的法则,但最基本的就是你必须考虑两件事:自我意识(因为你需要的是一名能够把他/她的行动与专业技能综合运用在一起的面试者)以及本能反应(因为你需要的是能够自觉地为他人着想,有团队凝聚力以及积极的团队成员)。To that end, read on for two questions you can ask in future interviews that will help you sniff out the perfect people to add to your team.综上所述,在未来的面试中,你可以提出下面这两个问题来帮助你找到合适的团队成员。1. &Can you tell me about a time when you worked as part of a group?& “你能告诉我关于你工作的内容吗?”To start with, red-flag a candidate who tells a story about how the group was useless until he or she rode in on a white horse and saved the day. First, this person hasn&t done the interview prep necessary to know you shouldn&t speak poorly of others. Second, it&s not a good sign if the story that com#es to mind is one where he or she personally succeeded and the team failed. The &I&m smarter than everyone else& response indicates both low self-awareness and poor propensity for teamwork.一开始,在面试者抱怨团队如何不济,吹嘘自己是如何拯救团队的时候,给他/她一些提示警告。首先,这位面试者没有好好地准备这次面试,并没有意识到面试官并不想知道他是如何说别人的坏话。其次,如果一个人表示他/她个人是多么的成功而团队是多么的失败,这并不是一个良好的征兆。如果他/她的回应是:“我比任何人都聪明。”这便意味着他/她在团队工作中是自我意识薄弱,有不良意识倾向的一个人。But what if the candidate is exceptional because the team was flailing and he or she saved the day? A candidate who works well with others will tell the story differently. He or she will include the merits of the other approaches and frame it more as a story that shows initiative, leadership and creative thinking, rather than one about being the smartest person on the team. This time, the &I had the solution& answer works.但如果这位面试者是一个例外呢,如果真的是团队正面临危机,而他/她帮助团队脱离困境呢?如果这位面试者与其他同事相处友好,他/她就会用另一种态度来表达这件事。他/她会在表述这件事情的时候提到所有其他方法的优点,并让你听起来更具主动性,领导才能和创造性思维,而不是表达自己是团队中最聪明的人。而此次,“我找到了解决的方法。”这个回答更具说服力。Of course, the best answer is one about a time when a team successfully worked together. The candidate would discuss the other members' contributions as well as his or her own and include what it taught him or her about working well with others. You know this candidate will bring strong teamwork skills to the table (and that his or her first instinct is to discuss working with others positively).当然,最佳的回答就是曾经能够与团队很愉快地相处工作。面试者会提到其他团队成员和他/她自己对于团队的贡献,以及他/她所学到的与他人友好相处的方法。你就会知道,这位面试者能够把强烈的团队精神落到实处(并且他/她的第一反应就是主动与他人合作)。2.&Can you tell me about a time when you had to ask for help?& “你能说说你需要他人帮助的事情吗?”This is one of my all-time favorite interview questions. Why? Because smart candidates know that every answer should make them look like the best choice. So, seeing how an applicant approaches this question will let you know if he can describe (and view) himself as an asset, even when discussing a failure.这是笔者最喜欢提问的面试问题之一。为什么呢?因为聪明的面试者就知道每一个回答都应该让他们看起来是最佳的选择。所以,看看这位求职者是如何回答这个问题的,就能够让你了解到他如何让他自己有价值,即使是在讨论挫折的时候文章出自,转载请保留此链接!。The red-flag answer here is, &I can&t really remember the last time I had to ask for help.& This person thinks the only way to make a good impression is to be perfect. He not only lacks self-awareness, but he could be a dangerous hire, because when he makes a mistake (and who hasn't?) he may not be com#fortable telling anyone.最危险的回答是:“我实在无法回忆起上次我寻求帮忙的时候。”这位面试者单纯地认为留下良好印象的唯一的方法就是表现完美。他不但自我意识薄弱,而且如果聘请他对团队来说可能是一个威胁,因为一旦他犯了错误(谁不会呢?),他可能并不能理性地告诉别人。A second-rate answer would be one that includes a &fake& example (similar to the cop-out answers to &What&s your biggest weakness?&). An example of this would be something along the lines of: &I thought I had the best solution to a problem, and then I hit an obstacle and reached out to someone, and then I realized I did have the best answer all along.& This candidate gets points for reaching out to someone else when she needed a sounding board, as well as having the ability to take a step back and reassess when things weren&t working, but she still isn&t com#fortable admitting to making a true mistake.另外一个相对也不算理性的回答,就是包含“虚假”的例子(类似于逃避“你的最大缺点是什么?”的回答)。比如这样的回答:“我认为我有解决这个问题的最佳方案,然后我清扫了障碍并向他人给予援助,然后我就发现其实我一直都能够找到最佳的解决方法。”这一位面试者能够意识到他人需要回应的时候给予了帮助,并且能够在事情不如意的时候退一步重新评估,但她仍然无法正面承认自己犯了错误。The best answer is one in which the candidate identifies a mistake she made and how she learned from someone else. Why? Because it takes learning experiences in prior roles to apply the lessons learned to a future position. Moreover, an answer like this gives a candidate the chance to speak sincerely about mentorship and growth — which is great for her to share and for you to hear. An ideal answer might sound something like:这个问题的最佳***应该体现出,这位面试者能够意识到自己犯的错误并能够从他人身上学到经验。为什么呢?因为这样能够从职位更高的成员身上获取到未来提升职位的经验。再者,类似这样的回答可以给面试者一个机会表达自己对于导师和学生关系以及个人的成长的看法——对她是一个很好的分享经验,对你是一个很好的故事。理想的回答应该像这样子:“I remember a time at my first job when a disgruntled customer called, and no matter what I said, I couldn&t seem to make her feel any better. Even though she didn&t ask to speak to a manager, I asked my supervisor to speak to her and listened as he ably addressed her concerns. There were some key phrases he used to defuse the situation that I simply hadn&t heard before. I paid attention to what he said so that I was prepared the next time I had to handle a situation like that for myself. ”“我记得在我的第一份工作的时候有一位不太高兴的顾客给我们致电,而且无论我说什么,她似乎都没有感觉满意一点。即使她没有要求与经理面谈,我也主动请求我的上司与她沟通,听取她的需求。上司表达了一些缓解紧张局面的说法,都是我从未听到过的我留心去听他说以便下次处理同样事情的时候能够有所准备。”Oh, and it should go without saying that this is still an interview. So a candidate who admits to doing anything negligent, illegal or mean-spirited automatically fails this question, regardless of whether he demonstrates exceptional honesty and self-awareness when relaying the story.”啊,别忘了这仍然是一场面试。所以如果一位面试者承认了他的工作疏忽,不合规则或不由自主的表现出心胸狭窄,就无法在这个问题上得分了,即使他在述说的过程中多么极力地证明自己非凡的忠诚和坚强的自我意识。Screening for soft skills is just as important as testing for technical abilities. Use the questions above to make sure your new hire has the emotional aptitude to handle the job.测试职场软技能和测试真实的专业技能一样重要。利用上述的问题能够确保的新成员有更高的情商应对工作难题。最近更新:免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与本网无关。看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关职业英语: