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CHE GUEVARA是谁?要有他的介绍
Che Guevara Though communism may have lost its fire, he remains the potent symbol of rebellion and the alluring zeal of revolution Ernesto Che Guevara was born on June 14 in Rosario, an important town in Argentina. At the age of two Che had his first asthma attack, a disease which he later suffered a great deal while fighting against Batista troops in Sierra Maestra, and which did not let go of him till he was shot to death by Barrientos’ troops in the forests of Bolivia. His father Ernesto Guevara Lynch, an engineer, was from a family of Irish descent, and his mother, Clia dela Sena, was an Irish-Spanish descent. When Che was three his family moved to Buenos Aires. Later, his asthma attacks had gotten so worse that the doctors advised him for a drier climate. Hence once again Guevara family moved, this time to Cordoba. Guavaras were a typical bourgeois family, and in terms of their political inclinations they were known to be liberal closer to left. During the Spanish civil war they had supported the Republicans. In time their financial situation worsened. Che started Dean Funes high school where he was being educated in English. In the meanwhile, he was also learning French from his mother. At the age of fourteen Che started reading Freud, he especially loved French poetry, and he had a great passion for Boudelaire’s works. When he was sixteen, he became an admirer of Neruda. In 1944 Guevara family moved to Buenos Aires. They were having serious financial problems. Che started working while he was a student. He registered to medical school. In the early years of his study at the medical school he traveled throughout the northern and western Argentina, studying on leprosy and tropical diseases in the villages. In his last year at the school, Che went on trip through the Latin America by motorbike with his friend Alberto Granadas. This gave him the chance to get to know better the exploited villagers of the Latin America. Che graduated from medical school as a doctor in March 1953 and decided to work in a leper colony in Venezuela. He was on his way to Venezuela when he was put to jail in Peru because of his earlier publication on the natives. When got out, he stayed in Ecuador for a while, where he met Ricardo Rojo, a lawyer. Meeting Ricardo turned out to be a turning point in Che’s life. He changed his mind of going to Venezuela, and instead went to Guatemala with Ricardo Rojo. When revolutionary Arbenz government was overthrown by a rightist coup, he took refuge in Argentina embassy. Soon afterword he joined the resistance he was forced to leave the Embassy. When it became too dangerous for him to stay in Guatemala, he went to Mexico. During his stay in Guatemala he had met Fidel Castro’s brother Raul as well as many Cuban exiles. In Mexico, he met Fidel Castro and his friends, and joined the Cuban revolutionaries. Later, he left for Cuba onboard the ship Granma and took part in the front lines till the end of the war. After the Revolution he, Colonel Ernesto Che Guevara, was assigned to the command of fort la Cabana in Havana. In 1959 he was given Cuban citizenship. Later he married a fellow comrade Aleida March. He was assigned to the presidency of the Institute of National Agricultural Reform, and of the National Bank of Cuba in 1959, by which he was given the financial responsibilities of the country. In February 23rd, 1961, the Revolutionary Government of Cuba assigned Che as the head of newly established Ministry of Industry. However, during the Playa Giran battle he was again called for the command of the fort. In the following years, his many visits to underdeveloped countries provided Che with a closer understanding of the exploited nations and the imperialists. This awakened the rebel in him. He decided to organize the peoples of other Latin American countries. In September of 1965, he left for the unknown countries. In October 3rd, 1965, Fidel Castro read Che’s famous farewell to the people of Cuba. ...And the death caught up with him near Higueras in Bolivia. He was surrounded by Barrientos’ troops on the night of October 7th, 1967. Heavily wounded from his leg, and he was locked up in a school in Higueras. Never he bowed to anyone. Nine bullets fired by Mario Turan, a murderer for Barrientos. ...Che died on October 9th , 1967. 切?格瓦拉魅力长存的传奇战士 日,拉丁美洲著名革命家、“游击中心”理论倡导者切?格瓦拉在前一天战斗中负伤被俘后,被美国支持的玻利维亚军人政权***决. 早在20世纪60年代,切?格瓦拉的名字便在世界传扬.当年中国也曾称赞过他在古巴推行的游击战道路,而西方对他则冠以“红色罗宾汉”、“共产主义的堂?吉诃德”等称号.直至2000年,北京舞台上演的话剧《格瓦拉》还曾轰动一时.那个生活在地球另一面的传奇革命家,其战斗和生活的轨迹其实曾与我们紧密相关,其悲欢也值得国人品味反思…… ■以***著作为师,为穷苦人的利益而抛弃了医生的职业到古巴打游击 在古巴革命中闻名的格瓦拉,原本是阿根廷人.他于1928年生于较优裕的家庭,毕业于医学院,在行医中痛感人民苦难非药可治,在阅读了马列著作后决心从事政治斗争,以解放整个拉丁美洲为己任.1957年,他在墨西哥结识了古巴革命者卡斯特罗并与其结成密友,两人很快便率一支小队乘船潜回古巴,登陆后他们上山进行游击战,一年多后就推翻了亲美的独裁政权. 在“七支步***起家”的斗争中,格瓦拉读过西班牙文本的《***选集》后深受启发,后来他一再说:“***是游击战大师,我只是个小学生.”1959年,古巴革命胜利.翌年,格瓦拉便来华访问.他见到了被自己奉为导师的***,两人亲密地拉着手说话.回国后,格瓦拉便拿起甘蔗刀下田,宣布这是仿照人民公社的榜样,并号召民众学习中国专家不计较工资只讲奉献的精神. 格瓦拉做体力活并不是装样子给群众看的,而是实实在在地真干,业余时间特别是星期六下午,他的时间主要用于义务劳动.他公私分明,年幼的孩子生了急病,他也绝不许用自己的公车送医院.在当时物资困难的情况下,政府发给每个高级领导人一张特殊供应卡,位居国家第二把手的格瓦拉马上退回,而且始终要求家人到商店同普通百姓一样排队买东西.至于他那些同战士一样站岗,治疗被视为瘟神的麻风病人从不戴手套一类的故事,更是广为传扬.正是这种毫无利己动机的献身榜样,使格瓦拉能够超越时空,被贫困国度的民众和许多富足的西方人同时接受和称赞.卡斯特罗对这位战友的评价则是:“一个在行动上没有一丝污点,在举动中毫无瑕疵的典范就是切!” ■理想主义与现实的矛盾,使他离开古巴进入他国丛林 在革命胜利后的古巴,格瓦拉在取得古巴国籍后只呆了六年.当时,中苏论战势同水火后,他感到两面为难,便在1965年2月再次来华访问,他主张同苏联停止论战,但他的建议未被接受,他也没见到***.带着忧郁离华后,格瓦拉便在公开场合消失,并登报宣布放弃职务和国籍,使古巴政府不必对其行为负责. 后来人们知道,1965年春,格瓦拉进入了刚果(利)东部,指导当地的左派游击队.几个月后,他失望地离开,因为他感到当地人不愿认真打仗,所以失败无法挽回.隐蔽回古巴休整几个月后,1966年11月,格瓦拉又带领几十个说西班牙语的外籍人进入玻利维亚,在丛林中展开游击战. 对于格瓦拉为什么出走,三十多年来不少研究者有过多种解释.多数意见是,他想摆脱国际共运的分歧,在南美洲再树立起一个革命榜样.不过,从近些年发掘出的他的一些当年的文件笔记中看,格瓦拉其实有更深层次的想法,他对社会主义建设道路有诸多疑问,想另辟一条新路. 古巴革命胜利后,格瓦拉是首任国家银行行长,可他却主张废除货币建立“不用钱的文明”.从事建设时,他反对“物质动力”,主张消灭个人主义,要求用劳动竞赛来驱动.由于美国的封锁,经济难以自给的古巴不得不大量接受苏援,在体制和指导原则方面也学习苏联模式,对此格瓦拉很失望,认为从列宁推行“新经济政策”起就开始了“资本主义复辟”的先例,而只有战争条件下同志关系才是真正纯洁的兄弟关系.他这类理想主义的主张,在和平建设的现实生活中注定难以实行,到另一个国度用以往的战争方式再做新探索就势在必然. 抛弃古巴优裕且安宁的城市生活,再进入毒蛇蚊虫出没的南美丛林,对从小便患哮喘病的格瓦拉绝非易事,但是为了理想他义无反顾.在近一年艰难的山区游击跋涉中,格瓦拉只靠一匹骡子驮行李,忍受了诸多困苦,面对追剿和陷入绝境也毫不动摇,并宣布绝不让敌人活捉自己.在日的最后战斗中,他因负伤并犯了哮喘病,才当了俘虏. ■“游击中心”理论随着他的牺牲而终结,忘我的人格魅力却长存人间 格瓦拉学过中国的游击战理论,他提出的“游击中心”论却又有一些不同之处,其中特别强调少数精英的作用,认为到处游击示范便可让民众一涌而起推翻反动政府,而很少注重根据地建设和深入细致的群众工作.格瓦拉最后在玻利维亚的牺牲虽然悲壮,却说明了外籍人到别国输出革命很难成功,实践标准也对其游击理论做了最无情的检验. 记得20世纪70年代后期国内曾翻译过格瓦拉的《游击笔记》(内部出版),笔者曾问过许多熟悉游击战的老前辈的观后感,回答都是叹息不已.从书中可看出,格瓦拉最后近一年在山区到处游动,他想“解放”的当地农民对其却非常冷淡,没有一个人参加游击队,甚至向政府军告密.这支队伍成了无水之鱼,人越打越少,能坚持那么久全靠顽强的毅力和信念支持. 格瓦拉的小队遭伏击覆没,本人被俘后,美国中央情报局特工同他谈了话,出于敬佩曾主张送到关塔那摩关押,玻政府却坚持处决.因该国已取消死刑,刽子手便于 10月9日把格瓦拉带出来,迎面用冲锋***向他扫射,然后拍照后公布说格瓦拉是阵亡.面对***口,格瓦拉昂首挺胸,无愧于一个战士的形象! 格瓦拉牺牲后,比生前获得了更多的荣誉,在世界范围内特别是亚非拉国家有了众多崇拜者.在许多国家的群众集会上,经常可看到他的画像和***像并列.那幅穿作战服留胡子的照片,成了为摆脱苦难而奋斗的许多人的精神偶像. 苏东巨变后,全球虽出现了意识形态趋向淡漠的情形,众多人却仍有“格瓦拉情结”.1997年是他牺牲30周年,恰好其遗骨在玻利维亚被发现,南美许多国家都举行了盛大的纪念活动.阿根廷还专门为他拍摄了故事片,并在国会大厦前举行诗歌朗诵会.更有成千上万各国青年聚集到格瓦拉牺牲的玻利维亚尤罗山谷,昔日冷寂的失败之地召开了欢声鼎沸的大会;古巴的悼念活动更是盛况空前……随后,在北京话剧舞台上出现的格瓦拉,也造成过轰动效应.剧中主人公谴责种种社会不公后大声说:“不革命行吗?”观众(多是年轻人)立即报以一阵掌声和呼喊.当然,剧场内同时也有笑声和叹息,表现出中国新时期价值观念的多元化和情感的多样性. 国际范围内“格瓦拉热”几十年不衰,比格瓦拉本人的胜利和悲剧更值得人们思考.如今,在我们这个喧闹的世界上虽然物欲横流,人们需要物质利益,然而对美好精神境界的追求却没有泯灭.只要社会还存在着压迫和不公,切?格瓦拉那种为解放苦难者不惜献身的精神便永远会受尊崇,众多青年人仍会高呼着:“切!切!”


