
日 来源:贴吧 编辑:纯真
& & 《》游戏中玩家们可以通过修改存档实现全收集,具体怎么改?还不了解的玩家们可以参考以下&Boikinov&分享的修改玩法介绍,一起来看看吧。
& & Steam累计100多小时,该完成的基本都完成了
& & 就差几个死活挖不倒的文物妨碍我的全成就大业
& & 虽然再坚持挖个几十年肯定是能出的
& & 但我觉得这已经完全属于毫无乐趣的垃圾时间了
& & 所以决定修改存档来完成这最后一点收集
& & 首先说明以下所有步骤都是基于steam英语正版
& & 如果你玩的是汉化版,请自行寻找英汉物品名的对照
& & 假设你完全不懂怎么修改存档
& & 那么第一步就是找到自己的存档位置
& & 最简单的方法是打开文件浏览器,在路径栏里输入%AppData%直接跳转到你账号下的Roaming目录
& & 进入Stardew\Saves\游戏角色名_一串
& & 里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件
& & 这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开
& & 打开以后大量的文字,估计和看到天书一样
& & 所以为了简化编辑难度,我建议先对你的游戏存档进行一些准备工作
& & 先进入游戏
& & 为了简化修改步骤,我使用的方法是将已有的物品改头换面成我们所需要的东西,而不是凭空增加一个物品到我们的物品栏
& & 拿大家最喜爱的Prismatic Shard(彩虹石)为例子
& & 彩虹石属于矿石类,所以我们先在物品栏里摆放一个普通易得到的矿石,比如Ruby(红)
& & 建议第一次做修改时可以将要修改的原始物品多堆叠几块在一起,比如放个7块Ruby在一个格子里
& & 请备份存盘文件,请备份存盘文件,请备份存盘文件
& & 下面开始修改
& & 按照上面说的找到存盘文件并用你习惯的文本编辑器打开
& & 然后搜索字符串Ruby,就是我们上一步骤准备好的东西
& & 如果你的身上只有一叠Ruby应该很快就能搜到正确的地方
& & 如果不确定也没关系
& & Ruby在物品栏里的字串描述基本如下(我存档里的内容)
& & &Item xsi:type=&Object&&&specialVariable&0&/specialVariable&&category&-2&/category&&specialItem&false&/specialItem&&hasBeenInInventory&true&/hasBeenInInventory&&Name&Ruby&/Name&&Stack&7&/Stack&&tileLocation&&X&0&/X&&Y&0&/Y&&/tileLocation&&parentSheetIn&64&/parentSheetIndex&&owner&0&/owner&&name&Ruby&/name&&type&Minerals&/type&&canBeSetDown&true&/canBeSetDown&&canBeGrabbed&true&/canBeGrabbed&&isHoedirt&false&/isHoedirt&&isSpawnedObject&false&/isSpawnedObject&&questItem&false&/questItem&&isOn&true&/isOn&&fragility&0&/fragility&&price&150&/price&&edibility&-300&/edibility&&stack&7&/stack&&quality&0&/quality&&bigCraftable&false&/bigCraftable&&setOutdoors&false&/setOutdoors&&setIndoors&false&/setIndoors&&readyForHarvest&false&/readyForHarvest&&showNextIndex&false&/showNextIndex&&flipped&true&/flipped&&hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer&true&/hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer&&isRecipe&false&/isRecipe&&isLamp&false&/isLamp&&minutesUntilReady&0&/minutesUntilReady&&boundingBox&&X&0&/X&&Y&0&/Y&&Width&64&/Width&&Height&64&/Height&&Location&&X&0&/X&&Y&0&/Y&&/Location&&/boundingBox&&scale&&X&0&/X&&Y&0&/Y&&/scale&&/Item&
& & 如果你搜到的位置基本和上面的内容相符的话那就八九不离十了
& & 再进一步确认的话就可以利用刚才提到的,多放几块Ruby在一起的方法
& & 例子里有两处&Stack&7&/Stack&,意思就是这段物品描述有7个堆在一起
& & 如果你放了3块,那么在你的存档里此处应该是&Stack&3&/Stack&
& & 等熟悉查找后基本就不需要放多块物品了,这只是帮助新手提高查找准确性的方法
& & 确认物品位置后我们只需要修改很少几处地方就能让它变成彩虹石
& & 首先就是改物品名
& & 仔细看的话可以发现描述里有两处物品名
& & 大写&Name&Ruby&/Name&和小写&name&Ruby&/name&
& & 把两个Ruby都改成Prismatic Shard
& & 改完以后游戏中该物品就叫Prismatic Shard了,但它依然还是一块Ruby
& & 然后最重要的就是改物品编号
& & 找到&parentSheetIndex&64&/parentSheetIndex&
& & 64是Ruby的物品编号,把它改成74
& & 现在这块石头真的变成了Prismatic Shard彩虹石
& & 至此你已经有了一块可以献祭或者捐给博物馆的彩虹石
& & 但如果你想完善修改,让它更像一块真的彩虹石的话你可能还要改一下价格
& & 因为Ruby只值250块,而彩虹石可是值2000的啊
& & 所以找到&price&250&/price&,把250改成2000即可
& & 当然如果你想横发一笔大财,完全可以把这个数字改的更高,然后去游戏里卖掉即可,这个价格值只代表你当前此物品的售价,游戏里再次获得的同类物品依然是原价的
& & 如果你想修改一下物品的数量,比如觉得7块Ruby换7块彩虹石很亏,想要换100个
& & 那就找到上面提到过的大写&Stack&7&/Stack&和小写&stack&7&/stack&两处,想改多少就改多少
& & 到这里基本的修改方法就传授完毕
& & 大家可以实践一下
& & 下面接着说一下物品图鉴如何点亮的问题
& & 先说一下图鉴里的矿石和文物点亮与否和是否捐给博物馆毫无关系
& & 改出来的东西毕竟不是自己真正挖到的,在物品图鉴里的图标还是暗的
& & 你可以把改出来的物品捐掉,哪怕图鉴里一片空白,你依然可以完成图书馆全收集的成就
& & 但对于有强迫症的人来说这是无法接受的
& & 没有关系,继续修改刚才的存档
& & 还是上面的物品描述,其中有两个地方
& & &hasBeenInInventory&true&/hasBeenInInventory& 是否已进入过物品栏
& & &hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer&true&/hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer& 是否已被玩家拾取过
& & 把这两处true统统改成false
& & 于是在你的物品栏里有了一块还没被你获得过的彩虹石
& & 你要做的就是进入游戏,把石头扔地上,再假装第一次遇到一样捡起来
& & 这里必须提醒一下,扔东西就是把物品拿起来,再点到物品栏外面的空白处,千万不要点垃圾桶!
& & 另外先脱掉你的磁铁戒指,否则物品还没落地就又被吸回来了,这样是不算的
& & 好了以上就是全部修改方法,点亮图鉴完成收集成就完全没有问题
& & 下面我会发完整的物品和对应编号,东西很多,所以会很长
& & 你可以改出各种你想要的东西,但还是建议用同类物品修改替换的方法来尽可能的避免改坏的风险
& & 0: &Weeds/0/-1/Basic/A bunch of obnoxious weeds.& #!String
& & 2: &Stone/0/-300/Basic/A useful material when broken with the Pickaxe.& #!String
& & 4: &Stone/0/-300/Basic/A useful material when chopped with the axe.& #!String
& & 16: &Wild Horseradish/50/5/Basic -81/A spicy root found in the spring.& #!String
& & 18: &Daffodil/30/0/Basic -81/A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.& #!String
& & 20: &Leek/60/16/Basic -81/A tasty relative of the onion.& #!String
& & 22: &Dandelion/40/10/Basic -81/Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.& #!String
& & 24: &Parsnip/35/10/Basic -75/A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is full of nutrients.& #!String
& & 30: &Lumber/2/10/Basic/A versatile resource used for building and fuel.& #!String
& & 60: &Emerald/250/-300/Minerals -2/A precious stone with a brilliant green color.& #!String
& & 62: &Aquamarine/180/-300/Minerals -2/A shimmery blue-green gem .& #!String
& & 64: &Ruby/250/-300/Minerals -2/A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster.& #!String
& & 66: &Amethyst/100/-300/Minerals -2/A purple variant of quartz.& #!String
& & 68: &Topaz/80/-300/Minerals -2/Fairly common but still prized for its beauty.& #!String
& & 70: &Jade/200/-300/Minerals -2/A pale green ornamental stone.& #!String
& & 72: &Diamond/750/-300/Minerals -2/A rare and valuable gem.& #!String
& & 74: &Prismatic Shard//Minerals -2/A very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins.& #!String
& & 78: &Cave Carrot/25/12/Basic -81/A starchy snack found in caves. It hel miners work longer.& #!String
& & 80: &Quartz/25/-300/Minerals -2/A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines.& #!String
& & 82: &Fire Quartz/100/-300/Minerals -2/A glowing red crystal commonly found near hot lava.& #!String
& & 84: &Frozen Tear/75/-300/Minerals -2/A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti.& #!String
& & 86: &Earth Crystal/50/-300/Minerals -2/A resinous substance found near the surface.& #!String
& & 88: &Coconut/100/-300/Basic -79/A seed of the coconut palm. It has many culinary uses.& #!String
& & 90: &Cactus Fruit/75/30/Basic -79/The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus.& #!String
& & 92: &Sap/2/-1/Basic -81/A fluid obtained from trees.& #!String
& & 93: &Torch/5/-300/Crafting/Provides a modest amount of light.& #!String
& & 94: &Spirit Torch/5/-300/Crafting/It's unclear where the blue color comes from...& #!String
& & 96: &Dwarf Scroll I/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a red bow.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99& #!String
& & 97: &Dwarf Scroll II/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a green ribbon.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99& #!String
& & 98: &Dwarf Scroll III/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a blue rope.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99& #!String
& & 99: &Dwarf Scroll IV/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a golden chain.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99& #!String
& & 100: &Chipped Amphora/40/-300/Arch/An ancient vessel made of ceramic material. Used to transport both dry and wet goods./Town .04/Item 3 461& #!String
& & 101: &Arrowhead/40/-300/Arch/A crudely fashioned point used for hunting./Mountain .02 Forest .02 BusStop .02/Debris 2 30 14& #!String
& & 102: &Lost Book/50/-300/asdf/Writings from a wide variety of time periods./Town .05/Note& #!String
& & 103: &Ancient Doll/60/-300/Arch/An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual./Mountain .04 Forest .03 BusStop .03 Town .01/Money 1 250& #!String
& & 104: &Elvish Jewelry/200/-300/Arch/Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found./Forest .01/Debris 1 20 6& #!String
& & 105: &Chewing Stick/50/-300/Arch/Ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean./Mountain .02 Town .01 Forest .02/Decor 10 28& #!String
& & 106: &Ornamental Fan/300/-300/Arch/This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy./Beach .02 Town .008 Forest .01/Money 1 300& #!String
& & 107: &Dinosaur Egg/350/-300/Arch/A giant dino egg... The entire shell is still intact!/Mine .01 Mountain .008/Item 1 107& #!String
& & 108: &Rare Disc/300/-300/Arch/A heavy black disc studded with peculiar red stones. When you hold it, you're overwhelmed with a eling of dread./UndergroundMine .01/Decor 1 29& #!String
& & 109: &Ancient Sword/100/-300/Arch/It's the remains of an ancient sword. Most of the blade has turned to rust, but the hilt is very finely crafted./Forest .01 Mountain .008/Debris 1 30 2& #!String
& & 110: &Rusty Spoon/25/-300/Arch/A plain old spoon, probably ten years old. Not very interesting./Town .05/Debris 5 30 2& #!String
& & 111: &Rusty Spur/25/-300/Arch/An old spur that was once attached to a cowboy's boot. People must have been raising animals in this area for many generations./Farm .1/Money 1 100& #!String
& & 112: &Rusty Cog/25/-300/Arch/A well preserved cog that must have been part of some ancient machine. This could be dwarven technology./Mountain .05/Debris 1 20 4& #!String
& & 113: &Chicken Statue/50/-300/Arch/It's a statue of a chicken on a bronze base. The ancient people of this area must have been very fond of chickens./Farm .1/Decor 5 31& #!String
& & 114: &Ancient Seed/5/-300/Arch/It's a dry old seed from some ancient plant. By all appearances it's long since dead.../Forest .01 Mountain .01/Seeds 9& #!String
& & 115: &Prehistoric Tool/50/-300/Arch/Some kind of gnarly old digging tool./Mountain .03 Forest .03 BusStop .04/Debris 1 30 12& #!String
& & 116: &Dried Starfish/40/-300/Arch/A starfish from the primordial ocean. It's an unusually pristine specimen!/Beach .1/Money 1 200& #!String
& & 117: &Anchor/100/-300/Arch/It may have belonged to ancient pirates./Beach .05/Item 1 289& #!String
& & 118: &Glass Shards/20/-300/Arch/A mixture of glass shards smoothed by centuries of ocean surf. These could have belonged to an ancient mosaic or necklace./Beach .1/Item 1 462& #!String
& & 119: &Bone Flute/100/-300/Arch/It's a prehistoric wind instrument carved from an animal's bone. It produces an eerie tone./Mountain .01 Forest .01 UndergroundMine .02 Town .005/Recipe 2 Flute_Block 150& #!String
& & 120: &Prehistoric Handaxe/50/-300/Arch/One of the earliest tools employed by humans. This \&crude\& tool was created by striking one rock with another to form a sharp edge./Mountain .05 Forest .05 BusStop .05/Item 1 294& #!String
& & 121: &Dwarvish Helm/100/-300/Arch/It's one of the helmets commonly worn by dwarves. The thick metal plating protects them from falling debris and stalactites./UndergroundMine .01/Debris 1 50 0& #!String
& & 122: &Dwarf Gadget/200/-300/Arch/It's a piece of the advanced technology once known to the dwarves. It's still glowing and humming, but you're unable to understand how it works./UndergroundMine .001/Money 1 500& #!String
& & 123: &Ancient Drum/100/-300/Arch/It's a drum made from wood and animal skin. It has a low, reverberating tone./BusStop .01 Forest .01 UndergroundMine .02 Town .005/Recipe 2 Drum_Block 300& #!String
& & 124: &Golden Mask/500/-300/Arch/A creepy golden mask probably used in an ancient magic ritual. A socket in the forehead contains a large purple gemstone./Desert .04/Money 1 1000& #!String
& & 125: &Golden Relic/250/-300/Arch/It's a golden slab with heiroglyphs and pictures emblazoned onto the front./Desert .08/Debris 1 40 6& #!String
& & 126: &Strange Doll//Arch/???/Farm .001 Town .001 Mountain .001 Forest .001 BusStop .001 Beach .001 UndergroundMine .001/Item 1 126& #!String
& & 127: &Strange Doll//Arch/???/Farm .001 Town .001 Mountain .001 Forest .001 BusStop .001 Beach .001 UndergroundMine .001/Item 1 127& #!String
& & 128: &Pufferfish/200/-40/Fish -4/Inflates when threatened./Day^Summer& #!String
& & 129: &Anchovy/30/5/Fish -4/A small silver fish found in the ocean./Day Night^Spring Fall& #!String
& & 130: &Tuna/100/15/Fish -4/A large fish that lives in the ocean./Day^Summer Winter& #!String
& & 131: &Sardine/40/5/Fish -4/A common ocean fish./Day^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 132: &Bream/45/5/Fish -4/A fairly common river fish that becomes active at night./Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 136: &Largemouth Bass/100/15/Fish -4/A popular fish that lives in lakes./Day^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 137: &Smallmouth Bass/50/10/Fish -4/A freshwater fish that is very sensitive to pollution./Day Night^Spring Fall& #!String
& & 138: &Rainbow Trout/65/10/Fish -4/A freshwater trout with colorful markings./Day^Summer& #!String
& & 139: &Salmon/75/15/Fish -4/Swims upstream to lay its eggs./Day^Fall& #!String
& & 140: &Walleye/105/12/Fish -4/A freshwater fish caught at night./Night^Fall Winter& #!String
& & 141: &Perch/55/10/Fish -4/A freshwater fish of the winter./Day Night^Winter& #!String
& & 142: &Carp/30/5/Fish -4/A common pond fish./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall& #!String
& & 143: &Catfish/200/20/Fish -4/An uncommon fish found in streams./Day^Spring Fall Winter& #!String
& & 144: &Pike/100/15/Fish -4/A freshwater fish that's difficult to catch./Day Night^Summer Winter& #!String
& & 145: &Sunfish/30/5/Fish -4/A common river fish./Day^Spring Summer& #!String
& & 146: &Red Mullet/75/10/Fish -4/Long ago these were kept as pets./Day^Summer Winter& #!String
& & 147: &Herring/30/5/Fish -4/A common ocean fish./Day Night^Spring Winter& #!String
& & 148: &Eel/85/12/Fish -4/A long, slippery little fish./Night^Spring Fall& #!String
& & 149: &Octopus/150/-300/Fish -4/A mysterious and intelligent creature./Day^Summer& #!String
& & 150: &Red Snapper/50/10/Fish -4/A popular fish with a nice red color./Day^Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 151: &Squid/80/10/Fish -4/A deep sea creature that can grow to enormous size./Day^Winter& #!String
& & 152: &Seaweed/20/5/Fish/It can be used in cooking./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 153: &Green Algae/15/5/Fish/It's really slimy./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 154: &Sea Cucumber/75/-10/Fish/A slippery, slimy creature found on the ocean floor./Day^Fall Winter& #!String
& & 155: &Super Cucumber/250/50/Fish -4/A rare, purple variety of sea cucumber./Night^Summer Fall& #!String
& & 156: &Ghostfish/45/15/Fish -4/A pale, blind fish found in underground lakes./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 157: &White Algae/25/8/Fish/It's super slimy./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 158: &Stonefish/300/-300/Fish -4/A bizarre fish that's shaped like a brick./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 159: &Crimsonfish/1500/15/Fish -4/Lives deep in the ocean but likes to lay its eggs in the warm summer water./Day^Winter& #!String
& & 160: &Angler/900/10/Fish -4/Uses a bioluminescent dangler to attract prey./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 161: &Ice Pip/500/15/Fish -4/A rare fish that thrives in extremely cold conditions./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 162: &Lava Eel/700/20/Fish -4/It can somehow survive in pools of red-hot lava./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 163: &Legend//Fish -4/The king of all fish! They said he'd never be caught./Day^Winter& #!String
& & 164: &Sandfish/75/5/Fish -4/It tries to hide using camouflage./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 165: &Scorpion Carp/150/-50/Fish -4/It's like a regular carp but with a sharp stinger./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 166: &Treasure Chest//Basic/Wow, it's loaded with treasure! This is sure to fetch a good price./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 167: &Joja Cola/25/5/Fish -20/The flagship product of Joja corporation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 168: &Trash/0/-300/Fish -20/It's junk./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 169: &Driftwood/0/-300/Fish -20/A piece of wood from the sea./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 170: &Broken Glasses/0/-300/Fish -20/It looks like someone lost their glasses. They're busted./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 171: &Broken CD/0/-300/Fish -20/It's a JojaNet 2.0 trial CD. They must've made a billion of these things./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 172: &Soggy Newspaper/0/-300/Fish -20/This is trash./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter& #!String
& & 174: &Large Egg/50/15/Basic -5/It's an uncommonly large white egg!& #!String
& & 176: &Egg/25/10/Basic -5/A regular white chicken egg.& #!String
& & 178: &Hay/0/-300/Basic/Dried grass used as animal food.& #!String
& & 180: &Egg/25/10/Basic -5/A regular brown chicken egg.& #!String
& & 182: &Large Egg/50/15/Basic -5/It's an uncommonly large brown egg!& #!String
& & 184: &Milk/85/15/Basic -6/A jug of cow's milk./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 186: &Large Milk/110/20/Basic -6/A large jug of cow's milk./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 188: &Green Bean/40/10/Basic -75/A juicy little bean with a cool, crisp snap.& #!String
& & 190: &Cauliflower/175/30/Basic -75/Valuable, but slow-growing. Despite its pale color, the florets are packed with nutrients.& #!String
& & 192: &Potato/80/10/Basic -75/A widely cultivated tuber.& #!String
& & 194: &Fried Egg/35/20/Cooking -7/Sunny-side up./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 195: &Omelet/125/40/Cooking -7/It's super fluffy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 196: &Salad/110/45/Cooking -7/A healthy garden salad./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 197: &Cheese Cauliflower/300/55/Cooking -7/It smells great!/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 198: &Baked Fish/100/30/Cooking -7/Baked fish on a bed of herbs./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 199: &Parsnip Soup/120/34/Cooking -7/It's fresh and hearty./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 200: &Vegetable Medley/120/66/Cooking -7/This is very nutritious./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 201: &Complete Breakfast/350/80/Cooking -7/You'll feel ready to take on the world!/food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 202: &Fried Calamari/150/32/Cooking -7/It's so chewy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 203: &Strange Bun/175/20/Cooking -7/What's ?/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 204: &Lucky Lunch/250/40/Cooking -7/A special little meal./food/0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/960& #!String
& & 205: &Fried Mushroom/200/54/Cooking -7/Earthy and aromatic./food/0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 206: &Pizza/300/60/Cooking -7/It's popular for all the right reasons./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 207: &Bean Hotpot/100/50/Cooking -7/It sure is healthy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 208: &Glazed Yams/200/80/Cooking -7/Sweet and satisfying... The sugar gives it a hint of caramel flavor./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 209: &Carp Surprise/150/36/Cooking -7/It's bland and oily./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 210: &Hashbrowns/120/36/Cooking -7/Crispy and golden-brown!/food/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/480& #!String
& & 211: &Pancakes/80/36/Cooking -7/A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes./food/0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/960& #!String
& & 212: &Salmon Dinner/300/50/Cooking -7/The lemon spritz makes it special./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 213: &Fish Taco/500/66/Cooking -7/It smells delicious./food/0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 214: &Crispy Bass/150/36/Cooking -7/Wow, the breading is perfect./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0/600& #!String
& & 215: &Pepper Poppers/200/52/Cooking -7/Spicy breaded peppers filled with cheese./food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/600& #!String
& & 216: &Bread/60/20/Cooking -7/A crusty baguette./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 218: &Tom Kha Soup/250/70/Cooking -7/These flavors are incredible!/food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 219: &Trout Soup/100/40/Cooking -7/Pretty salty./food/0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/400& #!String
& & 220: &Chocolate Cake/200/60/Cooking -7/Rich and moist with a thick fudge icing./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 221: &Pink Cake/480/100/Cooking -7/There's little heart candies on top./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 222: &Rhubarb Pie/400/86/Cooking -7/Mmm, tangy and sweet!/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 223: &Cookie/140/36/Cooking -7/Very chewy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 224: &Spaghetti/120/30/Cooking -7/An old favorite./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 225: &Fried Eel/120/30/Cooking -7/Greasy but flavorful./food/0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/600& #!String
& & 226: &Spicy Eel/175/46/Cooking -7/It's really spicy! Be careful./food/0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0/600& #!String
& & 227: &Sashimi/75/30/Cooking -7/Raw fish sliced into thin pieces./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 228: &Maki Roll/220/40/Cooking -7/Fish and rice wrapped in seaweed./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 229: &Tortilla/75/20/Cooking -7/Can be used as a vessel for food or eaten by itself./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 230: &Red Plate/400/96/Cooking -7/Full of antioxidants./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0/300& #!String
& & 231: &Eggplant Parmesan/200/70/Cooking -7/Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful./food/0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/400& #!String
& & 232: &Rice Pudding/260/46/Cooking -7/It's creamy, sweet, and fun to eat./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
& & 233: &Ice Cream/120/40/Cooking -7/It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0& #!String
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健身房真是好地方,各式美女简直能让人血脉偾张! ***姐,人家也要这样的惊喜!你给我好不好?
牛仔裤都没办法包住的翘臀,简直让人热血沸腾啊! 厉害了,我的窗帘,你怎么这么调皮啊!
又是同样的套路!第二轮抢购11月8日开启。 “霸道总裁”刘强东:平庸的公司才不会被骂!
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