
完美宠物:秘密地下室 伦理片
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请问一下IEEE copyright给我发了这个邮件,我用回复吗?
我看了一下大致意思是我上传的copyright 选择的是他的OA形式,就是需要花钱买断文章的版权,但是上传文章时候还是传统上传方式,他意思是若我坚持传统上传,就不用管这个邮件,我理解的对吗?附上邮件内容:
Dear IEEE Author,
Thank you for your recent manuscript submission to an IEEE journal. I am writing at this time to inform you about a recent modification to the IEEE Copyright Form, and to explain the steps IEEE staff will be taking to correct a possible error with your copyright form submission.
The IEEE Open Access Copyright Form (the OACF) was deployed recently for use by authors that submit open access papers to IEEE periodicals that offer an OA option. Please note, the OA option requires authors to pay a publication fee. Our records indicate that you have submitted an OACF but did not select the OA publishing option in ScholarOne during the manuscript submission process.
We are currently working on permanent fixes for this technical difficulty, one of which will include the ability for IEEE staff to go into the eCF database and correct the OACFs on behalf of all our authors. In the near future, you will receive a brief email from us informing you that the submitted OACF has been changed to the eCF. Since IEEE staff will be making these changes, you will not need to do anything. If you intended to submit your manuscript as an OA paper but mistakenly did not select this option in ScholarOne, please let us know immediately.
Please accept my apologies for any confusion we may have caused. I want to assure you that these corrections will be made by staff, and therefore you will not need to take any action. Please feel free to let me know if you should have any comments/questions.
Bill Hagen, Manager
IEEE Intellectual Property Rights
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
(732) 562-3966
这位大哥,还想问问,我文章从上传到现在20多天了,状态一直是undergoing review, 一直没变过。。这到底什么原因呀~急啊。。。
开始是什么?with editor还是undergoing review。一般来讲,undergoing review就是在review程序中了,这个期刊不同差别很大,快的2、3周,慢的要几个月。等等看吧,着急的话可以给editorial office发邮件
开始就是undergoing review,一直没变过,所以很纠结啊。。


