
& 【FMYX】Football Manager 2011博客(一):FM是什么? ...
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Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 在线时间3180 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 评议0
Exclusive Football Manager 2011 blog with Miles Jacobson :Day one, what is Football Manager?
23:15:18 上传
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first day of the Football Manager 2011 blogs!
My name is Miles Jacobson, and I’m studio director at Sports Interactive, who are the developers of the Football Manager series of games.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be providing an insight into the new features for this season’s release, including revealing lots of new features that we haven’t discussed at all as yet so that you are nice and prepared for the release date, which is November 5.
This is the second year that MirrorFootball.co.uk have asked me to write blogs about the game, alongside our “players to watch” guide during the World Cup, and I’m very happy to have the opportunity to go in-depth about some of the new features.
One thing we didn’t do last year though, was actually talk about what Football Manager is - it’s all well and good us going in-depth for all the people who play our games each year, but will have left a lot of others scratching their heads trying to work our what we were going on about!
So, what is Football Manager?
Well, it’s what is known as a football management simulation. A “game” that you can play on your PC or Mac (there is a baby brother on PSP and iPhone called Football Manager handheld too, but that’s another story for another day) that acts as a simulation of the working life of a football manager.
All football fans have opinions. We give you the chance to find out if your opinions are valid or not! You think you can do a better job than Harry, Alex and Arsene? Prove it!
It’s not just about the home countries' leagues though. There are more than 50 countries' leagues that you can try out in the game and the world is there for you to play - and if a league you want to try isn’t already there, we provide an editor to allow you to add them (and there are a plethora of other leagues to download from the web).
And it’s not just about the top divisions either. In England, for example, you can manage any team down to the Blue Square North and South!
All of the clubs in the game have their real-life squad, down to the U-18 squads, with over 430,000 players and staff from around the world currently in our database, each of whom have hundreds of individual stats and attributes that make the players as real to life as possible.
Our database has become so well-known in football circles that it gets used as a reference tool for clubs, and we have an official deal with Everton who use it as part of their scouting network - we have the largest network of scouts in the world, with over 1,000 people in more than 50 countries and regions who are watching players week-in, week-out, at first team, reserve team and youth level. So FM acts not only as a football simulation, but a great way to learn about players from around the world too!
The game isn’t played in real time, so unlike fantasy league games it’s not a case of picking your team and then waiting for the results at the weekend - we have a full match simulation that allows you to watch your team playing against the others in 3D, 2D or with just commentary, and you control the tactics of your team completely, even down to being able to adjust how individual players should be playing.
You deal with the press via press conferences, players' egos via the player interaction system, training, buying and selling of players, balancing the wage and transfer budgets, scouting - anything a real-life manager would do, you can do in the game. Or ask your staff to do it if you don’t want to.
Basically, every game you start with Football Manager will be unique. As soon as you press the “continue” button, it’s your own football world. The computer treats you the same way as it treats all of the artificially intelligent managers you are up against, and your decisions decide what happens at your club in the same way as the AI manager decisions decide what happens at theirs.
It’s down to you to decide who to buy and sell if you’re not happy with your squad to create the ultimate squad for the team you want to manage. But if you think you’re going to be able to attract world-class players to Crewe then you’ll be bitterly disappointed, as the game tries to be as accurate as possible. But if you think that Arsenal need a new keeper, or Liverpool need a new striker, or Man City need another seven defensive midfielders, then choose to play as one of those clubs and do what you think is right - your decisions, your way.
We work with people inside football to try and make it as accurate as possible. After all, we’re attempting to create a football management simulation, and not a game, so their feedback is very important. As an example of that, we work with Ray Houghton, the ex-Republic of Ireland international, on our match engine. He gives feedback on the likes of the position of the players at any point in the game, and the tactical side of things. As another example, we also work with agents and chief execs on the contract module, to make sure that it accurately replicates the kinds of contracts that players would have in real life.
Unlike many football “games”, you don’t need to worry about which button is for shoot and which is for pass - the match simulation does just what it says on the tin, and simulates matches and how the players would react. You are the manager, and control things that way. You don’t need quick reactions, just the ability to make decisions, and make your opinion count.
If you wanted to find out more about Football Manager, in advance of me starting to talk about what’s new in the game which will start tomorrow and carry on until the new game is released, there is a free demo of last year's release, Football Manager 2010 available from this very site at by clicking here.
Meanwhile I’ll be back here tomorrow to give an overview on the new features we’ve already announced for the forthcoming Football Manager 2011, and a surprise or two along the way too, and will start going a bit more in-depth later in the week.
[ 本帖最后由 xiaoaaaaaa 于
10:33 编辑 ]
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 在线时间3180 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 评议0
沙发 坐等翻译帝
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
UID3400972主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分763金钱1049 荣誉0 人气3 在线时间128 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 763, 距离下一级还需 237 积分
帖子精华0积分763金钱1049 荣誉0 人气3 评议0
有一件事情我们没有做到,去年虽然,实际上是谈论足球经理是 - 这一切都准备好,良好的美中为所有的人谁玩我们的游戏,每年的深度,但有很多人留下了划痕他们的头上我们的努力工作,我们是什么回事呢!
这不只是对家国的联赛虽然。有超过50个国家的联赛,你可以尝试在游戏和世界上还有你玩 - 如果一个联盟中你想尝试尚不存在,我们提供了一个编辑器,让您将它们添加(也有大量的其他联赛从网上下载)。
在游戏的俱乐部都有自己的现实生活小分队,下到U - 18队,拥有超过43万球员和工作人员来自世界各地目前在我们的数据库中,每个人都有个人的统计信息和属性,使数百名球员尽可能真实的生活。
我们的数据库已经变得如此良好的足球,它得到作为俱乐部的参考工具界很有名,我们已经与埃弗顿官方处理谁使用,作为他们的球探网的一部分 - 我们在世界上最大的网络侦察兵,有超过1000名在50多个国家和地区的人民观看选手们谁是一周又一周出在一线队,预备队和青年的水平。因此,调频行为不仅是足球模拟,而是一个伟大的方式了解来自世界各地的选手也!
游戏不是实时播放,所以不像梦幻联赛这不是一个选择你的团队,然后于周末等待结果的情况 - 我们有一个完全匹配模拟,让你看你对别人队踢球在3D,2D或只评论,你完全控制你的团队战术,甚至下降到能够调整单个球员应该怎样打。
你跟记者通过新闻发布会的交易,球员的自我通过玩家交互系统,训练,购买和出售球员,平衡的工资和转会预算,侦察 - 任何一个真实的经理会做,你可以在游戏中。或者要求你的员工做,如果你不想要。
这下你来决定谁买,卖,如果你放弃你的球队创造的团队,你要管理的最终阵容感到高兴。但如果你认为你将能够吸引世界级的选手克鲁然后你会感到深深的失望,因为游戏试图尽可能准确。但如果你认为阿森纳需要一个新的门将,或者利物浦需要一个新的前锋,或者曼城需要另一个七防守型中场,然后选择要发挥这些俱乐部之一,做你认为是正确的 - 你的决定,你的方式。
不像许多足球“游戏”,你不必担心哪个按钮是拍摄,亦是传递 - 不只是模拟比赛上写着什么锡,模拟比赛,球员们的反应如何。你是经理,控制这么认为。你并不需要快速的反应,只是决策能力,使你的意见计数。
谷歌帝 辛苦了 = =
总评分:&金钱 + 1&
billie jean is not my lover
shes just a girl who claims that i am the one
but the kid is not my son
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &-M.J
UID480626主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分156金钱1729 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间308 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 156, 距离下一级还需 44 积分
帖子精华0积分156金钱1729 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
OK 顶了再看&&期待2011&&
UID699313主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分701金钱1833 荣誉28 人气4 在线时间594 小时评议0
帖子精华1积分701金钱1833 荣誉28 人气4 评议0
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first day of the Football Manager 2011 blogs!
My name is Miles Jacobson, and I’m studio director at Sports Interactive, who are the developers of the Football Manager series of games.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be providing an insight into the new features for this season’s release, including revealing lots of new features that we haven’t discussed at all as yet so that you are nice and prepared for the release date, which is November 5.
This is the second year that MirrorFootball.co.uk have asked me to write blogs about the game, alongside our “players to watch” guide during the World Cup, and I’m very happy to have the opportunity to go in-depth about some of the new features.
One thing we didn’t do last year though, was actually talk about what Football Manager is - it’s all well and good us going in-depth for all the people who play our games each year, but will have left a lot of others scratching their heads trying to work our what we were going on about!
So, what is Football Manager?
Well, it’s what is known as a football management simulation. A “game” that you can play on your PC or Mac (there is a baby brother on PSP and iPhone called Football Manager handheld too, but that’s another story for another day) that acts as a simulation of the working life of a football manager.
All football fans have opinions. We give you the chance to find out if your opinions are valid or not! You think you can do a better job than Harry, Alex and Arsene? Prove it!
It’s not just about the home countries' leagues though. There are more than 50 countries' leagues that you can try out in the game and the world is there for you to play - and if a league you want to try isn’t already there, we provide an editor to allow you to add them (and there are a plethora of other leagues to download from the web).
And it’s not just about the top divisions either. In England, for example, you can manage any team down to the Blue Square North and South!
All of the clubs in the game have their real-life squad, down to the U-18 squads, with over 430,000 players and staff from around the world currently in our database, each of whom have hundreds of individual stats and attributes that make the players as real to life as possible.
Our database has become so well-known in football circles that it gets used as a reference tool for clubs, and we have an official deal with Everton who use it as part of their scouting network - we have the largest network of scouts in the world, with over 1,000 people in more than 50 countries and regions who are watching players week-in, week-out, at first team, reserve team and youth level. So FM acts not only as a football simulation, but a great way to learn about players from around the world too!
The game isn’t played in real time, so unlike fantasy league games it’s not a case of picking your team and then waiting for the results at the weekend - we have a full match simulation that allows you to watch your team playing against the others in 3D, 2D or with just commentary, and you control the tactics of your team completely, even down to being able to adjust how individual players should be playing.
You deal with the press via press conferences, players' egos via the player interaction system, training, buying and selling of players, balancing the wage and transfer budgets, scouting - anything a real-life manager would do, you can do in the game. Or ask your staff to do it if you don’t want to.
Basically, every game you start with Football Manager will be unique. As soon as you press the “continue” button, it’s your own football world. The computer treats you the same way as it treats all of the artificially intelligent managers you are up against, and your decisions decide what happens at your club in the same way as the AI manager decisions decide what happens at theirs.
It’s down to you to decide who to buy and sell if you’re not happy with your squad to create the ultimate squad for the team you want to manage. But if you think you’re going to be able to attract world-class players to Crewe then you’ll be bitterly disappointed, as the game tries to be as accurate as possible. But if you think that Arsenal need a new keeper, or Liverpool need a new striker, or Man City need another seven defensive midfielders, then choose to play as one of those clubs and do what you think is right - your decisions, your way.
We work with people inside football to try and make it as accurate as possible. After all, we’re attempting to create a football management simulation, and not a game, so their feedback is very important. As an example of that, we work with Ray Houghton, the ex-Republic of Ireland international, on our match engine. He gives feedback on the likes of the position of the players at any point in the game, and the tactical side of things. As another example, we also work with agents and chief execs on the contract module, to make sure that it accurately replicates the kinds of contracts that players would have in real life.
Unlike many football “games”, you don’t need to worry about which button is for shoot and which is for pass - the match simulation does just what it says on the tin, and simulates matches and how the players would react. You are the manager, and control things that way. You don’t need quick reactions, just the ability to make decisions, and make your opinion count.
If you wanted to find out more about Football Manager, in advance of me starting to talk about what’s new in the game which will start tomorrow and carry on until the new game is released, there is a free demo of last year's release, Football Manager 2010 available from this very site at by clicking here.
Meanwhile I’ll be back here tomorrow to give an overview on the new features we’ve already announced for the forthcoming Football Manager 2011, and a surprise or two along the way too, and will start going a bit more in-depth later in the week.
有趣有趣 呵呵~辛苦费~
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 在线时间3180 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分8613金钱17970 荣誉55 人气317 评议0
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
UID4957441主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分21金钱74 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 21, 距离下一级还需 179 积分
帖子精华0积分21金钱74 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
卖耳屎。牙口圣 ..............这名字太强大、太给力啦!
If I am not the Milan fans, how blood is red, hair is black.
Se non sono fan di Milano, come il sangue è rosso, capelli è nero.
Si no me los fans de Milán, cómo la sangre es de color rojo, el pelo es de color negro.
Se n?o estou em Mil?o os f?s, como sangue é vermelho, cabelo é preto.
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