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Create fashion-inspired digital collage in Adobe Photosop CS6
Today, you’ll learn how to use a variety of tools in Adobe Photoshop CS6 to mix fashion photography with abstract shapes, and how to use adjustment layers and masks to unite the colour palette and composition of an illustration. Layered PSD file included. Let’s get started!
Final Image Preview
Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS6 with the size 1000px by 1500px (RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill with #212F60 color the new background layer.
Find a stock photo with a model represented on it, I used this
from . I would like to thank the
of this photo, or if you prefer, you can substitute similar image of your own.
Remove the background using your favorite tools like Pen Tool (P), Magic Wand Tool (W), Magnetic Lasso (L) or even a simple Filter&Extract and insert it on a new layer in our main document.
Put the model’s layer in a group (holding Ctrl button, select the the model’s layer in Layers panel and then press CTRL+G). Then apply the mask on the group by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and choose the Soft Round brush of black color.
Paint in the mask to hiding the model’s layer the same way from the next picture.
Create a new layer and select on it the brush mentioned above to paint the bottom part of the canvas, choosing the color #7B78FF (brush Opacity – 20%). Place this layer under the model’s one.
Next create a new layer and select on it also the Soft Round brush to paint around the model the same way from the next picture, using the color #0097E0 (brush Opacity – 15%). Place this layer also under the model’s layer.
We’ve got the next result:
Next step we’ll download set of brushes
Also download set of
for Adobe Photoshop, named: Light Brushes 2.
Copy the brushes files to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop XPresetsBrushes folder (Adobe Photoshop X been your version of Photoshop).
Create a new layer and select the next brush from Sujune brush Pack 2 to paint the background with the color #37004A (brush Opacity – 15%).
Place this layer under the model’s one too.
Create another new layer and choose for it the Soft Round brush to paint the left part of the canvas as well as the right lowest corner of the same picture.
The brush’s color is #37004A (brush Opacity – 15%). Place this layer under the model’s one.
Use the Rectangle Tool (U) now to draw a rectangle of the color #2E5783. It must be inclined, applying the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command and placed its layer under the model’s one.
Insert the mask on the last made layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and choose the Soft Round brush of black color (set Opacity to 15% in Options bar).
Paint in the mask to hide out the rectangle along its edges.
Create a new layer and choose the brush used before to paint the zone behind the model and under the rectangle. The brush’s color is #00B1ED (brush Opacity – 30%). This layer must be situated also under the model’s layer.
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click between the brush’s layer and the rectangle’s one in the Layers panel to create a clipping mask.
We’ve got the next result:
Next we’ll represent the next new layer on which we’ll apply the Soft Round brush to draw a spot behind the model. It is of white color (brush Opacity – 20%).
The spot’s layer will be situated under the model’s layer in the Layers panel.
Set the Blending mode for this layer to Overlay.
Using the Rectangle Tool (U), represent a line of the color #DADADA. Add Stroke from Option bar as shown.
The inclined position may be obtained by applying the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command.
Set the Blending mode for this layer to Vivid Light.
Insert the mask on the same layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and choose after that the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make the next selection:
Using the Soft Round brush of black color (brush Opacity – 20%), paint to hide out the inside part of the selection on the left and right sides.
We’ve got the next result:
Make a copy of the recently made layer and change the Blending mode to Normal. Try to hide the line’s edges in the mask also, using the brush applied previously of black color. The copied layer containing the line will be situated under the model’s layer.
Make a copy of the last made line’s layer and choose the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to displace the copy exactly as on the next picture it is demonstrated. The copy’s layer must be situated under the model’s layer.
Create a new layer above the recently made copy and select the Soft Round brush to paint the line’s edges. The brush’s color is #4BC5EE.
This layer will be situated also under the model’s layer.
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click between the brush’s layer and the line’s layer in the Layers panel to create a clipping mask.
Set the Blending mode for this layer to Linear Light.
Using the Rectangle Tool (U), make another line, inclining it also with the Free Transform (Ctrl+T).
Set Fill to 0% for this layer and click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel to select Gradient Overlay.
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close the Gradient Editor dialog box.
Add Drop Shadow:
We’ve got the next result:
Make eleven copies of the last made layer and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to place the copies the same way indicated below and placing this layer lower than the model’s one.
Next we have to put together all the thin lines’ layers (hold Ctrl button to select the layers in Layers panel and finally press CTRL+E to Merge Down). Set the Blending mode for this layer to Lighter Color.
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photoshop CC 2016(图像处理)V16.1.2 中文官方完美破解版photoshop CC 2016破解版
Photoshop CC是目前最新版本的ps处理软件,该软件具备最先进的图像处理技术、全新的创意选项和极快的性能,借助“内容识别”功能进行润色并使用全新和改良的工具和工作流程创建出出色的设计和影片。photoshop cc 可提供崭新的数字媒体开发体验,使您能够快速工作,以及随时随地为受众提供服务。软件的专长在于图像处理,能够对已有的位图图像进行编辑加工处理以及运用一些特殊效果,帮助用户将图片修改成满意的效果,可以应用于图书封面,招帖、海报,平面印刷品等产品图像处理。软件特别说明Photoshop CC 16.1.2 ***激活:1、***主程序,***补丁升级包;2、运行弹出一个警告视窗 选择“忽略”“试用”;选择”登入” 弹出灰色视窗,选择“稍后登入”,接受Adobe软体授权合约,选择***路径-开始***-直到***完成;3、***完成后先执行Photoshop(若无法执行,请***Adobe Application Manager),此时弹出要求登录ADOBE帐户,请选择“稍后登入”和”开始试用”;4、关闭退出Photoshop,复制破解补丁到***目录中应用!5、破解完成启动Photoshop,检视功能表列--说明--“管理我的帐户,登入,更新”是否为灰色状态,灰色状态即说明破解成功!破解成功后就可以联网了。Photoshop CC现又推送了重大更新,最新升级补丁包v16.1.2,包含多项功能改进,比如最近浏览文件列表和库的内容。不过最关键内容还是允许自定义左侧主要工具栏,这可以快速找到常用功能。photoshopCC 2016(图像处理)官方介绍:Adobe Photoshop - 全球最大的图像处理软件!Photoshop CC 具有更多更高效的性能,新功能包含:新的模糊效果和聚焦区域选定等工具、防抖动功能、Camera RAW功能改进、图像提升采样、属性面板改进、Behance集成、同步设置及其它一些同步等功能。现在为大家分享一款近日俄罗斯网友更新的便携版!Adobe
CC 是 Adobe Creative Cloud 系列中的图像编辑与合成工具,Photoshop CC 依然是数字图象处理和编辑的业界标准,提供广泛的专业级润饰工具套件,并集成了专为激发灵感而设计的强大编辑功能。Adobe Photoshop CC 让你享有更多的自由、速度和功能,让令人惊叹的图像栩栩如生。()的功能:1.焦点选择选择焦点区域工具,Photoshop 就会自动选取合焦区域,还可根据用户需求对合焦边缘进行微调。这项功能对于经常拍摄人像的摄影师来说比较实用。2.颜色查找现在可以从 Photoshop 导出各种格式的颜色查找表。导出的文件可以在 Photoshop、After Effects、 SpeedGrade 以及其他图像或视频编辑应用程序中应用,也可以从具有修改背景图层以及其他颜色的图层中导出颜色查找表进行颜色修改。3.路径模糊和旋转模糊使用路径模糊工具,可以沿路径创建模糊。还可以控制形状和模糊量。Photoshop 可自动合成应用于图像的多路径模糊效果。使用旋转模糊效果,可在一个或更多点旋转和模糊图像。旋转模糊是等级测量的径向模糊。Photoshop 可让您在设置中心点、模糊大小和形状以及其他设置时,查看更改的实时预览。4.内容修补色差在 Photoshop CC中,润色图像和从图像中移去不需要的元素比以往更简单。不论是修容或移除画面中的干扰物,都可以通过此功能进行修改,通过移动、填充和修补的方式,让画面更显自然真实。5.透视变形这项功能可调整图像局部来改变透视角度,同时造成的其他部分的变化则由ps自动修补或者拉伸。能够帮助摄影师轻松纠正广角镜头带来的被摄物体变形问题,或让长焦镜头照片创造出广角镜头般的变形效果。对后期工作者来说,“透视变形”同样拥有神奇功效,它可以让两张照片的透视效果达成一致,从而创作出更逼真的合成图片。6.ACR新功能新增画面对比功能与滤镜参数蒙板功能。能够在调整照片的过程中随时与原片进行对比,并不改变已调整照片的任何参数。7.字体 网络服务 线可使用与计算机同步的Typekit中的字体,支持字体搜索、筛选、即时预览;增强辅助线功能。想要了解更多的Photoshop cc2014新增功能的你
photoshop CC 2016(图像处理)V16.1.2 中文官方完美破解版
Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac (PS mac版)中文破解版


