
&& WCG无磁托辊是一种非磁性平行托辊,采用非磁性金属材料加工而成,***在输送胶带底部,托平皮带使物料处于疏散状态,与悬挂除铁器配套使用,能有效的提高除铁效果。 主要技术参数: 型号/参数/项目适应带宽mm重量kg外形尺寸mmACDWCTG-55001375060089WCTG-6600/65016900750WCTG-8800201100950WCTG-1010002813001150108WCTG-1212003415501400WCTG-1414005017501600133WCTG-1616006520001800WCTG-1818008022502000廊坊昌盛磁电***:86-、2229110传真:网址: 分类: |The 3U Industrial HMI is a rackmount computer designed to provide flexibility & reliability. Offering high performance in a small footprint, this unit can be customized to fit a variety of requirements.
The synergies created by merging CCS & FoxGuard allow our team to provide industrial computing solutions as well as cyber security & regulatory compliance programs.
From slightly modified COTS to completely custom units, our team offers a variety of industrial computing solutions to meet your specific needs.
Our team builds customized programs to improve the cyber security & compliance posture of industrial control systems. Our solutions can also reduce the likelihood of system downtime.
As of April 8, 2014, support for Windows(R) XP has been discontinued. Watch our webinar to find out how to mitigate the impact of the End of XP on your system's reliability and compliance.
Who We Are
Comprehensive Computer Solutions
(better known as CCS-Inc.) is merging with FoxGuard Solutions to meet the needs of the growing critical infrastructure sector. The merged company will&provide industrial computing solutions as well as cyber security and regulatory compliance programs
and services.
Welcome back to Compliance 101!& Previous articles of this series dealt with the various regulatory requirements for Information Technology Equipment (ITE)…
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