
# Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances.
# This journal is (C) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
# This file contains crystal structure data downloaded from the
# Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) hosted by the Cambridge
# Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
# Full information about CCDC data access policies and citation
# guidelines are available at http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/access/V1
# Audit and citation data items may have been added by the CCDC.
# Please retain this information to preserve the provenance of
# this file and to allow appropriate attribution of the data.
_database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 1482780'
deposited with the CCDC.
downloaded from the CCDC.
'from EXP file using GSAS2CIF'
# The following items are used to identify the programs used.
# (In the unusual case where multiple samples are used in a single
Rietveld study, this information should be moved into the phase
# The following three fields describe the preparation of the material.
# The cooling rate is in K/min.
The pressure at which the sample was
# prepared is in kPa.
The temperature of preparation is in K.
colourless # use ICDD colour descriptions
'C11 H15 N2 O4'
'C11 H15 N2 O4'
'C11 H15 N2 O4'
? # for minerals and
# natural products
# The following item identifies the program(s) used (if appropriate).
# 8. Phase information from GSAS
'from C:/data/powder/irai/toyoshima/gsas/polymer.cif'
1 +x,+y,+z
2 -x,+y+1/2,-z+1/2
-1 -x,-y,-z
-2 +x,-y+1/2,+z+1/2
C C1 0....0 Uiso 0.
O O2 0....0 Uiso 0.
C C3 0....0 Uiso 0.
O O4 0....0 Uiso 0.
C C5 0....0 Uiso 0.
C C6 0....0 Uiso 0.
N N7 -0....0 Uiso 0.
C C8 -0....0 Uiso 0.
O O9 -0....0 Uiso 0.
N N10 -0....0 Uiso 0.
C C11 -0....0 Uiso 0.
O O12 -0....0 Uiso 0.
C C13 -0....0 Uiso 0.
C C14 0....0 Uiso 0.
C C15 0....0 Uiso 0.
C C16 -0....0 Uiso 0.
C C17 -0....0 Uiso 0.
H H18 0...708(10) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H19 0..307(4) 0..0 Uiso 0.
H H20 0.571(4) 0..743(8) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H21 0....0 Uiso 0.
H H22 0....0 Uiso 0.
H H23 0....0 Uiso 0.
H H24 -0....0 Uiso 0.
H H25 0...289(11) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H26 0.196(8) 0..338(8) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H27 0.186(7) 0.598(4) 0.153(4) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H28 0....0 Uiso 0.
H H29 -0....0 Uiso 0.
H H30 -0....0 Uiso 0.
H H31 -0..481(4) 0.087(4) 1.0 Uiso 0.
H H32 -0.481(8) 0..044(4) 1.0 Uiso 0.
# If you change Z, be sure to change all 3 of the following
'C11 H15 N2 O4'
C1 O2 1.4453(9) . 1_555 N
C1 H18 0.9601(5) . 1_555 N
C1 H19 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C1 H20 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
O2 C1 1.4453(9) . 1_555 N
O2 C3 1.3456(9) . 1_555 N
C3 O2 1.3456(9) . 1_555 N
C3 O4 1.2154(9) . 1_555 N
C3 C5 1.5102(9) . 1_555 N
O4 C3 1.2154(9) . 1_555 N
C5 C3 1.5102(9) . 1_555 N
C5 C6 1.5231(9) . 1_555 N
C5 H21 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C5 H22 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C6 C5 1.5231(9) . 1_555 N
C6 N7 1.4714(9) . 1_555 N
C6 H23 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C6 H24 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
N7 C6 1.4714(9) . 1_555 N
N7 C8 1.3496(9) . 1_555 N
N7 C15 1.4399(9) . 1_555 N
C8 N7 1.3496(9) . 1_555 N
C8 O9 1.2116(9) . 1_555 N
C8 N10 1.4045(9) . 1_555 N
O9 C8 1.2116(9) . 1_555 N
N10 C8 1.4045(9) . 1_555 N
N10 C11 1.3584(9) . 1_555 N
N10 C16 1.4703(9) . 1_555 N
C11 N10 1.3584(9) . 1_555 N
C11 O12 1.2286(9) . 1_555 N
C11 C13 1.5045(9) . 1_555 N
O12 C11 1.2286(9) . 1_555 N
C13 C11 1.5045(9) . 1_555 N
C13 C14 1.5222(9) . 1_555 N
C13 C15 1.5402(8) . 1_555 N
C13 C15 1.5747(7) . -1_565 N
C14 C13 1.5222(9) . 1_555 N
C14 H25 0.9599(5) . 1_555 N
C14 H26 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C14 H27 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C15 N7 1.4399(9) . 1_555 N
C15 C13 1.5402(8) . 1_555 N
C15 C13 1.5747(7) . -1_565 N
C15 C15 2.2014(9) . -1_565 N
C15 H28 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C16 N10 1.4703(9) . 1_555 N
C16 C17 1.5151(9) . 1_555 N
C16 H29 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C16 H30 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C17 C16 1.5151(9) . 1_555 N
C17 C17 1.5253(9) . -1_465 N
C17 H31 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
C17 H31 1.75(7) . -1_465 N
C17 H32 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H18 C1 0.9601(5) . 1_555 N
H18 O2 1.984(14) . 1_555 N
H18 H19 1.568(7) . 1_555 N
H18 H20 1.5677(17) . 1_555 N
H19 C1 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H19 O2 1.9837(11) . 1_555 N
H19 H18 1.568(7) . 1_555 N
H19 H20 1.568(5) . 1_555 N
H20 C1 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H20 O2 1.984(11) . 1_555 N
H20 H18 1.5677(17) . 1_555 N
H20 H19 1.568(5) . 1_555 N
H21 C5 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H21 H22 1.5584(9) . 1_555 N
H22 C5 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H22 H21 1.5584(9) . 1_555 N
H23 C6 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H23 H24 1.5651(8) . 1_555 N
H24 C6 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H24 H23 1.5651(8) . 1_555 N
H25 C14 0.9599(5) . 1_555 N
H25 H26 1.5674(30) . 1_555 N
H25 H27 1.568(9) . 1_555 N
H26 C13 2.055(9) . 1_555 N
H26 C14 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H26 H25 1.5674(30) . 1_555 N
H26 H27 1.568(4) . 1_555 N
H27 C13 2.048(6) . 1_555 N
H27 C14 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H27 H25 1.568(9) . 1_555 N
H27 H26 1.568(4) . 1_555 N
H28 N7 1.9840(12) . 1_555 N
H28 C15 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H29 C16 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H29 H30 1.5677(10) . 1_555 N
H30 C16 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H30 H29 1.5677(10) . 1_555 N
H31 C17 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H31 C17 1.75(7) . -1_465 N
H31 H32 1.5675(33) . 1_555 N
H32 C17 0.9600(5) . 1_555 N
H32 H31 1.5675(33) . 1_555 N
O2 C1 H18 109.5(12) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O2 C1 H19 109.47(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O2 C1 H20 109.4(9) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H18 C1 H19 109.5(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H18 C1 H20 109.47(16) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H19 C1 H20 109.5(6) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C1 O2 C3 122.11(17) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O2 C3 O4 121.37(14) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O2 C3 C5 112.23(14) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O4 C3 C5 126.39(15) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C3 C5 C6 114.70(11) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C3 C5 H21 108.36(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C3 C5 H22 108.39(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C6 C5 H21 108.34(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C6 C5 H22 108.39(6) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H21 C5 H22 108.52(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C5 C6 N7 110.15(11) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C5 C6 H23 108.01(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C5 C6 H24 109.41(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C6 H23 109.29(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C6 H24 110.72(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H23 C6 H24 109.21(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C6 N7 C8 117.50(12) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C6 N7 C15 115.80(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C8 N7 C15 123.89(14) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C8 O9 123.46(19) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C8 N10 117.36(15) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O9 C8 N10 119.04(19) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C8 N10 C11 125.68(18) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C8 N10 C16 117.47(16) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C11 N10 C16 116.62(15) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N10 C11 O12 118.57(17) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N10 C11 C13 118.75(16) 1_555 . 1_555 N
O12 C11 C13 122.44(18) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C11 C13 C14 109.75(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C11 C13 C15 115.09(12) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C11 C13 C15 110.51(8) 1_555 . -1_565 N
C14 C13 C15 113.92(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C14 C13 C15 116.57(8) 1_555 . -1_565 N
C15 C13 C15 89.928(34) 1_555 . -1_565 N
C13 C14 H25 109.7(11) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C13 C14 H26 109.7(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C13 C14 H27 109.1(5) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H25 C14 H26 109.45(30) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H25 C14 H27 109.5(10) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H26 C14 H27 109.5(4) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C15 C13 116.07(12) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N7 C15 C13 117.68(10) 1_555 . -1_565 N
N7 C15 H28 109.90(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C13 C15 C13 90.072(34) 1_555 . -1_565 N
C13 C15 H28 109.90(7) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C13 C15 H28 111.87(19) -1_565 . 1_555 N
N10 C16 C17 109.56(12) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N10 C16 H29 109.46(10) 1_555 . 1_555 N
N10 C16 H30 109.45(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C17 C16 H29 109.44(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C17 C16 H30 109.45(8) 1_555 . 1_555 N
H29 C16 H30 109.47(9) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C16 C17 C17 114.2(5) 1_555 . -1_465 N
C16 C17 H31 109.45(18) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C16 C17 H32 109.5(11) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C17 C17 H31 87(5) -1_465 . 1_555 N
C17 C17 H32 124.5(24) -1_465 . 1_555 N
H31 C17 H32 109.46(33) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C5 H21 H22 35.74(4) 1_555 . 1_555 N
C5 H22 H21 35.74(4) 1_555 . 1_555 N
# Powder diffraction data for histogram
# if regions of the data are excluded, the reason(s) are supplied here:
# The following item is used to identify the equipment used to record
# the powder pattern when the diffractogram was measured at a laboratory
# other than the authors' home institution, e.g. when neutron or synchrotron
# radiation is used.
# description of the method used
# to calibrate the instrument
'9kW Rotating anode(45kV 200mA ID:1700)'
'Detector monochromator'
'D/teX Ultra|D/teX Ultra' # make or model of detector
step # options are 'step', 'cont',
# 'tof', 'fixed' or
# 'disp' (= dispersive)
# The following two items identify the program(s) used (if appropriate).
# Describe any processing performed on the data, prior to refinement.
# For example: a manual Lp correction or a precomputed absorption correction
# The following item is used for angular dispersive measurements only.
# The following items are used to define the size of the instrument.
# Not all distances are appropriate for all instrument types.
# 10. Specimen size and mounting information
# The next three fields give the specimen dimensions in mm.
The equatorial
# plane contains the incident and diffracted beam.
? # perpendicular to
# equatorial plane
? # parallel to
# scattering vector
# in transmission
? # parallel to
# scattering vector
# in reflection
# This field should be
# used to give details of the
# container.
? # options are 'reflection'
# or 'transmission'
? # options are 'cylinder'
# 'flat_sheet' or 'irregular'
C 44.0 0.000 0.000 2.9 1.5 1.70 0.86500
51.60 International_Tables_Vol_C
O 16.0 0.000 0.000 3.1 2.10 1.90 0.86700
32.80 International_Tables_Vol_C
N 8.0 0.000 0.000 12.70 3.30 2.5 1.16630
0.5 International_Tables_Vol_C
H 60.0 0.000 0.000 0.9 0.7 0.36 0.04081
57.04 International_Tables_Vol_C
_diffrn_radiation_polarisn_ratio 0.5
1..000 K\a~1~ 1
1..500 K\a~2~ 2
GSAS Background function number 1 with 36 terms.
Shifted Chebyshev function of 1st kind
GSAS Absorption/surface roughness correction: function number 0
No correction is applied.
# Extinction correction
Prefered orientation correction range: Min=
0.92989, Max=
CW Profile function number 2 with
Profile coefficients for Simpson's rule integration of pseudovoigt function
C.J. Howard (1982). J. Appl. Cryst.,15,615-620.
P. Thompson, D.E. Cox & J.B. Hastings (1987). J. Appl. Cryst.,20,79-83.
502.699 #2(GV)
-57.807 #3(GW)
0.000 #5(LY)
9.831 #6(trns) =
#7(asym) =
0.0000 #8(shft) =
0.0000 #9(GP)
0.00 #11(ptec)=
0.00 #12(sfec)=
#13(L11) =
0.002 #14(L22) =
0.000 #15(L33) =
#16(L12) =
0.005 #17(L13) =
0.002 #18(L23) =
Peak tails are ignored
where the intensity is below 0.0050 times the peak
Aniso. broadening axis
'Rietveld Refinement'
#---- raw/calc data loop -----
1581.0 . . .
The s.u.s were calculated within the GSAS package
- the slight difference arises due to the absence of the correlation matrix in the IUCr calculation.
The s.u.s were calculated calculated within the GSAS package
- the slight difference arises due to the absence of the correlation matrix in the IUCr calculation.


