
html - IE9 res://ieframe.dll Error - Stack Overflow
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I have a website that allows users to post images to Facebook pages. Im using a form and posting it to a hidden IFRAME, to prevent the user from being redirected after the images was posted.
The form definition:
&form name="myform" id="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST" onsubmit="getAction(this);" target="uploader"&
//....form code....//
The Iframe:
&iframe name="uploader" width=2px height=2px style="visibility: hidden"&&/iframe&
My problem is, that in My Own Internet Explorer 9, When I'm trying to upload an image, Im getting these errors:
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff.htm
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/ErrorPageTemplate.css
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/errorPageStrings.js
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/httpErrorPagesScripts.js
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/noConnect.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/bullet.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/bullet.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/bullet.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/down.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/favcenter.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/favcenter.png
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by res://ieframe.dll/background_gradient.jpg
And it gets even weirder, as in my friend's computer, which has the same IE9 version, and is connected to the same network, the post is working just fine (It is also working on another computer in my house, and another one in my brother's computer). I could have said that it is only a local problem, but as this site addresses many clients, I cant afford not understanding this error, if it happened on my own OS, it can happen on other machines.
I will also note that this is working on Chrome and FireFox with no problem.
I'm not sure that it is a code related issue, I've tried to google it and found both
and . But I removed any third party IE addons, We and my friends are connected to the same router (So it is not a router issue) and I've installed the latest Windows Updates.
I'm currently have no idea about solving the problem, So I wanted to ask if any of you have experienced similar/same errors ? and maybe has some ideas about solutions...
I will be happy to provide more code if requested, but I didn't want to fill the question with code from the first place, as in most scenarios it works fine.
If it is working in your friend’s IE 9, but not in your’s - then compare your security settings.
Especially the one named “Launching programs and files in an IFRAME” could be the deal breaker, I’d suspect.
If that one is not it, then try to set every security option offering this from “Disable” to “Prompt”, and see if you get any messages in your IE.
It is best to fix this problem at server level rather than client side, since we can't expect all other site visitors to change their IE settings just so they can use your website.
As you mentioned, it is indeed caused by your iframe in https environment. IE9 is particular strict on this, so you will need to define it in your x-frame-options:
For Apache, HTTP Server
Add/Change following line in Apache Web Server’s httpd.conf file
Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
Make sure it is not set to DENY.
Restart web server
Let me know if that helps
Solution for 'res://ieframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff.htm#':
1. Open Control Panel-Internet Options
2. Privacy tab
3. Set Low
4. Apply and OK.
We had these exact errors in the IE11 console yesterday.
For us, setting the Request Header in IIS for the iframed content (the page that will be the src of the iframe) to P3P=NOI helped. We got there by checking on Request Headers based on Georges answer above.
The scenario was different in the way that we were passing an number generated by the portal to the iframed content by query parameter. Both the portal and the iframed site run https.
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res ieframe.dll 跳转
方法/步骤 问题现象 每次打开QQ的网址都显示res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htm。但是手动输入网站却没有问题 重置IE设置 如果IE手动输入网站没有问题,这种情况一般都是IE的... 主页被篡改&了&&用&ie浏览器试试或直接修改 360急速浏览器【按步骤操作:先"开始急救";扫描完后,出现木马,就点"隔离";再点"修复" (可以全选)――"立即修复"。 接着,点"恢复丢失的DLL文件",添加系统检测时所得知丢失的DLL文件,再点"...在CMD打开的DOS命令符界面输入下面这串代码, for %i in (%systemroot%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32 %i /s 然后回车,会自动执行这个命令,时间约五分钟,会将所有DLL检测并重... 您好,根据您描述的现象,您可以参照下列提示操作下,希望我的回答对您有所帮助! 【解决方案】: 方案一: 1.打开安全卫士.在功能大全中打开"断网急救箱"; 2.根据提示诊断、修... 那是系统或程序出了问题,需要使用一些工具来修复。 ***已发到窗口右上方"我的消息"里,请使用。挺管用的! 完后,效果不好的话,也可考虑系统还原一下(选好还原点)。... 注意IIS服务是否已经开启,然后就是域名的解析了,C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/HOSTS/ETC/HOSTS、文件有没有异常,如果这两个正常是就好了 你的问题是IE设置被流氓软件强行锁定,试试以下步骤恢复 第一步:下载包含浏览器修复功能的金山网盾【百度搜索 金山网盾选择下载】 第二步 ***金山网盾,***完以后...于是就把推荐的最重要的三个补丁***了。上QQ打开QQ空间IE8浏览器页面突然快速切换,然后马上出现网站还原错误,网址头部出现res://ieframe.dll/acr_error....
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