city hunter城市猎人’s Civic Biology 啥意思?翻译成猎人的公民...

意思是”他们是食物,我们是猎人“sie 他们 sind 是das中性名词定冠词Essen食物,und和(同英语的and)wir我们(你写错了)sind是die复数定冠词 JÄger猎人德语是拼读法,没有音标的,如果我给你标读音对你没有好处,害了你,让你发音不准,还让别人听不懂
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milf hunter
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英音 [ 'p?th?nt? ] ; 美音 [ 'p?th?nt? ] 名词 猎人
someone who participates in contests in order to collect trophies
a nonprofessional archeologist
someone who hunts for food (not for sport)
n. 锅钩,挂钩,S形笔划
n. 喧扰,骚动,混乱
vi. (使)困扰,(使)烦恼
n. 私酿的威士忌
猎人是什么意思 猎人在线翻译 猎人什么意思 猎人的意思 猎人的翻译 猎人的解释 猎人的发音 猎人的同义词 猎人的反义词 猎人的例句
猎人 基本解释猎人[liè rén]词典猎人;亨特;猎犬;猎狐马,猎食其他动物的野兽词典猎人;管猎犬的人词典好猎手,猎人词典追赶者;追猎者,猎人;[航]追击舰;饮烈酒后喝的饮料词典(为取得食物或赚钱而乱猎的)猎人,(为得奖而参加的)参赛人猎人 汉英大词典猎人[liè rén] huntsman猎人 网络解释1. LR:小马、他同事战士(ZS)耗子、后来加入的一个暗夜精灵猎人(LR)以及我,四个差不多等级(耗子比我们高3级左右)的人经常一起组队做任务,从加基森(JJS)开始,我们就一起下ZUL副本,一起做任务,一起升级.2. 2. chaser:<<猎人>>(Chaser)可以说是Cauldron倾尽全力开发的一款第一人称射击游戏,也是2003年度E3大展Encore Software展示的游戏之一. 两年多的开发让这款游戏具备了什么样的品质呢?看看先.猎人 双语例句1. 其中的一些峰林的形状和名字非常有趣,像泰尔的大锤,猎人和Windows防火墙。&&&&Some of the hoodoos have interesting shapes and names, like Thor's Hammer, the Hunter, and the Wall of Windows.2. 猎人的近义词2. 这比一个高端生存猎人能提供的2456要多。&&&&This is more than the 2, 456 from an Uber Survival Spec Hunter.3. 在澳大利亚边远的城镇那兰德拉附近,进行夜间狩猎的职业袋鼠猎人詹姆斯-坎普敦正将一只袋鼠尸体拉向他的卡车。&&&&Professional kangaroo shooter James Campton drags a kangaroo carcass towards his truck during his nightly hunt near the Australian outback town of Narrandera.4. 4. 我们推出了一款新的游戏并使用了网络服务:《密特罗得美丽猎人》。&&&&We've added a new title to use the service: Metroid Prime Hunters.5. 使用罐装狩猎,野生动物被放置在一个封闭的地区,猎人在近距离内开***杀死动物,许多都是人工饲养和半驯服的动物。&&&&The use of canned hunting, where wild animals are placed in a confined area and shot at close range by a'hunter', who has typically paid a large sum for a guaranteed trophy, is a particularly emotive issue, with many of the victims hand-reared and semi-tame.6. 6. 当这个词的价格,最佳拍档'头利差融入社会前的意见和反对意见的是,它引诱赏金猎人,暴徒为租,致命vixens和双通道歹徒加入追捕。&&&&When the word of the price on Aces'head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-to-be, it entices bounty hunters, thugs-for-hire, deadly vixens and double-crossing mobsters to join in the hunt.7. 你怎么才能逃过猎人的鼻子?&&&&How do you throw the hunter off the scent?8. 传说中的市场,在金钱的猎人美国上游。&&&&Legend of the Chinese market, the upper reaches of the money to the United States of hunters.9. 我在哪里可以看电影吸血鬼猎人D网上免费全速?&&&&Where can I watch Vampire Hunter D movie online free full stream?10. 在猎人队里,韬光晦迹,藏器待时。&&&&He lived among hunters, mingling with worldly people.11. 11. 就在这时,梅花鹿变成一位美丽端庄的姑娘,姑娘爱上了这位善良的猎人,结成夫妇。&&&&&&Just then he saw in the place of the spotted deer a beautiful young maiden.12. 海妖外壳重做,现在将不再根据时间间隔移除负面魔法效果,改为潮汐猎人在累计失去600点生命时会自动移除负面魔法效果。&&&&&&Kraken Shell reworked, instead of removing buffs in time intervals, buffs are now removed whenever 600 HP is lost from player based damage.13. 13. 望诸君监督,为惠君撑腰,严厉把关:不许再添酢醯,更不准夹带私货,向猎人君学习义工意整。&&&&&&With artillery interspers`d--the wheels rumble, the horses sweat14. 14. 从他们的令人印象深刻的歌曲以其强大的声音和充满歌词关于女巫猎人,理查德国王狮心王的态度对战争的英国士兵,他们的突出封面图案,撒克逊明确站在它们的起源。&&&&&&From their impressive songwriting with its powerful sounds and ambitioned lyrics about witch hunters, King Richard Lionheart and the attitude of British soldiers towards war, to their striking cover artwork, Saxon unequivocally stand by their origins.15. 赏金猎人来自各行各业,各有特长,假如有人熟悉电信部门的人,就可以让他们来找***;有的人观察力强,就让他们辨视照片;有的人分析能力强,就让他们分析汇集后的数据。&&&&&&Money reward hunter comes from all trades and professions, each have strong point, if somebody knows the person of telegraphic branch, can let them s Some person observation are strong, let their differentiate
Some person analysis capability are strong, let the data after they analyse an assemble.16. 伯伯和伯母与坦直的猎人开办了一家洗衣店。&&&&&&Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter.17. 911查询·英语单词17. 你最好不是什么赏金猎人!&&&&&&You better not be a manhunter!18. 和维瑟米尔对话----选择所有的内容,会得到更多关于据点和一个名为贝连迦尔的狩魔猎人的信息。&&&&&&Now talk to Vesemir - try to use all the dialogue options to know some more about Kaer Morhen and a witcher named Berengar.19. 19. 澳军单位被形容为无声的猎人---耐心,一丝不?,时常寻找躲在军方想不到地方的越共。&&&&&&Australian units were quiet hunters--patient, thorough, always on the lookout for opportunities to out-think the local Viet Cong.20. 20. 受过训练的婴儿在出生后,yeoman是epitomy的一个猎人,技能和宽限期,他们的消防他们的武器进入敌后,消失前的敌人,甚至达到他们的,只有开始射击,再从另一个位置。&&&&&&Trained from birth, Yeoman are the epitomy of a hunter, with skill and grace they fire their weapons into enemy lines, and disappear before the enemy even reaches them, only to begin firing again from another location.猎人是什么意思,猎人在线翻译,猎人什么意思,猎人的意思,猎人的翻译,猎人的解释,猎人的发音,猎人的同义词,猎人的反义词,猎人的例句,猎人的相关词组,猎人意思是什么,猎人怎么翻译,单词猎人是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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