AimShootshoot them是什么意思思

&>&&>&&>& > aim什么意思怎么翻译-aim的用法介绍
时间: 16:20:17&&&
名词 aim :
1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
同义词: purpose, intent, intention, design
2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
同义词: object, objective, target
3. the action of directing something at an object
4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
同义词: bearing, heading
动词 aim :
1. point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
同义词: take, train, take aim, direct
2. propose or intend
同义词: purpose, purport, propose
3. move into a desired direction of discourse
同义词: drive, get
4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
同义词: calculate, direct
5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
同义词: target, place, direct, point
6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal
7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
同义词: draw a bead on, aspire, shoot for
英音 [ eim ] ; 美音 [ eim ]
动词: 1.把(武器、球、箭、火箭等)瞄准,把…对准;把…对准掷向(或射向);把(拳、棒等)对准挥向(at) 不及物动词: 1.以…为目标[目的] 2.努力,力求;企图,试图(通常与to或at连用) 3.针对,把努力对准目标 4.目的在于,旨在(at);致力于(for) n. 1.瞄准 2.目标,目的 3.志向 及物动词: 1.使针对;使旨在;致力于;把…用于(at) 2.引导,制导 3.[aim oneself](指武器)装有(制导装置)
Harry aims at becoming a doctor.
Their sole aim is to destabilize the government.
They aim to raise ten thousand signatures.
Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.
A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.
A good archer is not known by his arrows But his aim.
This self-massage is aimed at promoting longevity.
The book has no artistic merit
its sole aim is to titillate
Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim
If you don't aim high you will never hit high
as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment
the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
direct (a remark) toward an intended goal
move into a desired direction of discourse
propose or intend
adj. 每日的
2017aim是什么意思由沪江网提供。当前位置: &
音标:[ ʃu:t ]&&发音:&&过去式: shot&&&过去分词: shot&&&名词复数: shoots&&&现在分词: shooting&&&
中文翻译vt.(shot )1.发射;射(箭);开(***);放(炮);放射(光线)。2.射中;打中;射死;射伤;打伤;〔比喻〕毁坏。3.投;掷;抛出;倒出;撒(网等)。4.爆破;使爆炸。5.〔美俚〕递送;传递。6.【纺织;印染】投(梭)。7.发(芽);发出 ( up)。8.突出;伸出;突入。9.闩(门);上(门栓);拔出(门栓)。10.【足球】射门;【篮球】投篮;击(球)。11.掷(骰子)。12.飞速通过;迅速投送[派遣];迅速推进。13.拍摄。14.把…刨光。15.〔通例用 p.p.〕织入异色纬纱。16.测量(天体的)高度。17.给…注射[打针]。vi.1.射箭;放***;放炮。2.射击;(子弹)打中;击中。3.出猎;拿***打猎。4.迅速移动;箭一般地飞行;射出。5.(船)飞也似地开行;(车)疾驰(而过)。6.(光)闪发。7.(牙齿等)感到剧痛;急痛。8.(草木)发芽;生长;长大;发育。9.高耸 (up) 落下;流下。10.冲出;突出;伸出。11.〔足球〕射门;〔篮球〕投篮;打球。12.掷骰子等。13.【纺织;印染】投梭。14.〔美国〕拍电影,拍照;摄影。15.〔美俚〕讲吧;快讲。短语和例子shoot out one's tongue 伸出舌头。 shoot rubbish 倒垃圾。 S- the salt to me. 把盐递给我。 shoot edges 刨齐边缘。 I'll be shot if ...如果是…的话打死我好了;决不是…。 shoot a bolt 拉开插销。 shoot a covert [an estate] 在猎场[庄园]打猎。 shoot ahead 疾进;超过;追过。 shoot a line 〔俚语〕吹牛。 shoot a match 参加竞射。 shoot a tie 射击比赛比分相同时重行射击。 shoot away 1. 继续不停的发射子弹;打光;射完(子弹等)。 2. 打掉;击毁。 3. 像子弹出膛般飞快离去。 shoot craps 〔美俚〕掷骰子。 shoot disc 掷骰子。 shoot down 1. 射落;打下来;射倒。 2. 击死;打死。 3. 〔口语〕严厉谴责;〔俚语〕驳倒。 4. 遗弃。 shoot fire (眼睛)闪闪发光;发亮。 shoot for [at] 力争;切望。 shoot forth 射出;弄出。 shoot into 〔美国〕使人相信;想左右某人。 shoot off 1. 〔及物用法〕发射(子弹);击毁,打掉(腿等);使爆炸。 2. 〔不及物用法〕像子弹出膛般飞快离去;吹嘘 (about)。 (shoot off firecrackers 放鞭炮。 have one's leg shot off 一条腿给打断了。 The driver without a word shot off before he could rightly be seated. 他还没有坐稳当司机就一言不发驱车飞驶了)。 shoot off one's bazoo 〔美俚〕自夸。 shoot off one's [the] mouth [face] 〔美俚〕像连珠炮似地讲;信口开河;瞎说乱讲;瞎吹牛;夸口。 shoot one's cookies 〔美俚〕呕吐。 shoot one's wad 〔美国〕说想说的;做想做的。 shoot oneself in the foot 咎由自取,搬起石头砸自己的脚。 shoot out 1. 射出;投出;发出。 2. 突出;伸出;高耸。 3. 用武力解决。 shoot over [to] a dog 用狗打猎。 shoot sb. full of daylight 〔美俚〕把某人打得全身都是***眼。 shoot straight 正打中。 shoot the breeze 〔美俚〕说大话;夸大;胡扯;吹牛;畅谈。 shoot the bull 【俚】漫谈;夸张。 shoot the moon 〔英俚〕(为了逃避清偿房租)在夜间带着自己的东西潜逃。 shoot the Niagara 冒极大风险,企图做冒险的事。 shoot the sun 【航海】用六分仪测太阳高度。 shoot the works 〔美俚〕孤注一掷,〔比喻〕倾全力而为;尽人事。 shoot up 1. 上冒;喷出;欣欣向荣;猛长;暴腾;猛跳;高耸;涨价。 2. 〔俚语〕注射麻醉剂。 3. 〔美俚〕乱射;乱放***;乱放***吓人。 4. 〔美卑]抛弃。 shot between wind and water 被击中吃水线附近;击中要害。int.哼!咳!〔反感,失望声〕。n.1.射击;发射;开***;放炮;(火箭等的)试射。2.〔棒球俚〕快球的小弯球。3.打鞭会;狩猎;〔英国〕游猎会。4.游猎地;猎场。5.迅速的移动[动作]。6.急流;奔流;喷泉;富矿体。7.光线;光道。8.芽;苗;新梢;嫩枝。9.(滑运木材、煤等的)滑水路;滑槽;泻槽;斜槽。10.垃圾场。11.摄影;拍电影。12.推力;(冰块,土块)崩落。13.(划桨时)两划间的间隔时间。 transplant rice shoots 插秧。 take a shoot 〔美国〕经由急流航行;抄近路。 the whole shoot 所有的东西;全部;一切。 be on the shoot 〔美国〕预备射击;备战。shootout 【足球】(踢成平局后的)点球决胜负。&&&&预备射击&&&&切勿投掷&&&&对准某人/物射击; 向...射击, 力争; 向…射击;力争&&&&争取; 争痊得到&&&&拍摄; 射击; 射门&&&&放箭,不要管我,杀&&&&买凶拍人&&&&买凶拍人&&&&打鸭&&&&辅助枝&&&&射击精确性&&&&不定枝&&&&不定枝&&&&地上茎&&&&气生苗&&&&后冲&&&&一轮杆数一年龄相同或更低&&&&当年生枝&&&&出灰槽; 出渣槽; 泄灰槽&&&&主苗; 主枝&&&&腋生枝&&&&向后射门&&&&笋, 竹笋; 自娱自乐&&&&新梢&&&&嫩芽,抽枝&&&&舒什塔
例句与用法Val did come like a shot at six o'clock .六点钟,法尔飞一般地来了。They had shot their last bolt .他们已经把他们最后的招数都施出来了。She shot an admonitory glance at her son .她向儿子投去责备的目光。Do you wish when you see a shooting star ?你看见流星时提出愿望吗?He particularly warmed to her parting shot .他尤其欣赏她的临别赠言。He was going to fight me down to the last shot .他将要同我斗争到底。He was found guilty and condemned to be shot .他被判有罪,处以***决。Yale shot him a quick, shrewd glance .耶尔迅速而机警地看了他一眼。I aim by sound and i am an expert shot .我凭着声音瞄准,我是神***手。He has won several cups for shooting .他曾多次荣获射击比赛的奖杯。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the act of "they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"a new branch "We injected the glucose into the patient''s vein"同义词:, produce buds, branches, "the potatoes sprouted"同义词:, , , , , , measure the altitude o "shoot a star"utter "She shot back an answer"make a film or pho "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"同义词:, , record
"I photographed the scene of the accident"; "She snapped a picture of the President"同义词:, ,
"shoot a basket"; "shoot a goal" "the gunman blasted away"同义词:, hit with a missile from a weapon同义词:, , spend friv "Fritter away one''s inheritance"同义词:, , , , , , throw dice, as in a crap gamevariegate by interweaving weft threads "shoot cloth"force or drive (a fluid or gas) "inject hydrogen into the balloon"同义词:, throw or propel in a specific direction or towards
"shoot craps"; "shoot a golf ball"move q "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"同义词:, , , , run or move ver "She dashed into the yard"同义词:, , , , , send forth suddenly, intensely, "shoot a glance"cause a shar "The pain shot up her leg"kill by firing a missile同义词:, emit (as light, flame, or fumes) sud "The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"
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