
浆糊是什么意思 浆糊在线翻译 浆糊什么意思 浆糊的意思 浆糊的翻译 浆糊的解释 浆糊的发音 浆糊的同义词 浆糊的反义词 浆糊的例句
浆糊 基本解释浆糊[jiàng hu]词典:面团;糨糊;肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用);(制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃。词典:淀粉,含淀粉的食物;形式主义;古板,僵硬;元气。词典:规模;大小,尺寸;胶料,浆糊;巨大,大量。浆糊 网络解释1. paste:电热地膜是通过将碳晶棒(碳素)等多种有益于人体的物质搭配而成的浆糊(Paste)涂敷于电燃用PET,在涂银(Silver Past)母线上面加铜箔母线以后,通过覆膜进行裱糊处理的高科技平面加热设备.2. 2. der Kleber:ohne Porto 免费 | der Kleber 浆糊 | das Klebemittel 胶水3. 3. adhesive paste:adhesive paper 胶粘纸 | adhesive paste 浆糊 | adhesive plaster for treating gastric trouble 胃安膏4. Envelope Glue:205 Enchilada 油炸玉米馅饼 | 206 Envelope Glue 浆糊 | 207 Eraser 橡皮浆糊 双语例句1. 此外,通过精确施胶和精确的浆糊计量,能让瓦楞在单面机上不接触,防止了楞尖的塌陷。&&&&In addition, by sizing and precise measurement of the paste, can make a single side of Corrugating in without contact to prevent the collapse of the cord to tip.2. 经证明,ISO-BARTFM系统消除了过量的浆糊应用,至少减少30%的浆糊用量,只将能够实现足够粘合强度的浆糊涂到瓦楞,在上胶期间还能减少或避免楞尖塌陷现象。&&&&Certified, ISO-BARTFM system eliminates the excessive application of glue, or at least reduced by 30%, but the paste dasage will be able to achieve sufficient bond strength of pulp in corrugated, 'Tis folly to glue period reduces or avoid cord to tip subsidece.3. 3. 的结晶化拍摄中自动客观地描述结果的特征,并运用数据挖掘技术来优化未来的结晶化试验。通知:见到饼干番长要记得高呼贵安,萌饼满赛板载洪福齐天仙福永享寿与天齐千秋万代一桶浆糊~ BY 饼干陛下??室&&&&In turn, this will allow them to automatically and objectively characterize results from the high-throughput crystallization screens, and then apply data mining techniques to optimize future crystallization experiments.4. 通知:见到饼干番长要记得高呼贵安,萌饼满赛板载洪福齐天仙福永享寿与天齐千秋万代一桶浆糊~ BY 饼干陛下??室&&&&In order to be able to use your own avatar you must have aMember Status of at least `Member` or higher.5. 瞧,浆糊都嘎巴在你袖子上了。&&&&Look, the paste has crusted on your sleeve.6. 为了提高纸板性能,据ISO-BARTMTFM上胶机生产企业KohlerCoating估计,如果使用他们的新上胶单元,瓦线速度大约可以提高40%,浆糊用量能减少25%多,而每个蒸汽室里的蒸汽压力能减少50%~90%。&&&&In order to improve performance, as far as ISO-BARTMTFM paerboard Impregnator production enterprise KohlerCoating estimates, if you are using their new plastic unit, you can increase the line speed of about 40%, paste dasage more than can be reduced by 25%, and each steam room of steam pressure can be reduced by 50%~ 90%.7. 7. 他用浆糊把这些纸张粘在一起。&&&&He adhibit these papers together with gluewater.8. 8. 因为,我也说不清,我的脑子已经是一团浆糊了。&&&&Because I don't know, I felt like that gelled.9. 蕃茄味道的取决有一定量的因素,此因素包括当他们的采收,酸度的程度,所含的糖、水量,和果实结构中的外皮及果肉〈可以当做浆糊状来形容〉等。&&&&The flavor of tomatoes depends on a number of factors, including when they were harvested, their degree of acidity, their sugar and water content, as well as the texture of their skin and flesh (which can be relatively starchy).10. 最后,这个黄豆酱,就变成一堆浆糊==。&&&&At the end, it becomes more like an over-boiled paste.11. 偶尔地用一汤匙发酵粉、盐和水制成的浆糊擦洗木质或塑料砧板即可让其保持干净。&&&&&&Keep your wooden or plastic cutting board clean by occasionally scrubbing it with a paste made from 1 tablespoon each baking soda, salt, and water.12. 备注:在冷水中能形成浆糊。&&&&&&Note: in cold water to form a paste.13. 他提出这样一种假说:人们吃东西是为了满足味觉的需要,当食品吃起来像是图书馆里的浆糊时,人们就要多吃才能满足味蕾的感觉。&&&&&&He proposes such a hypothesis that people eat in order to satisfy the sense of taste. When food has the flavor of library paste, people need to eat more so as to satisfy the frustrated taste buds.14. 浆糊14. 当食物吃起来像图书馆里的浆糊,也许人类的本能会使他不断地吃下去,不知不觉地希望最终能满足灰心失望的味蕾的渴望。&&&&&&When food has the flavor of library paste, it may be the instinct of mankind to go on eating in the unconscious hope of finally satisfying the frustrated taste buds.15. 当食物仅只是一连串看上去漂亮的菜肴,嚼上去如煮马粪纸,尝起来像图书馆里用的浆糊,也许人类的本能会使他不断地吃下去,不知不觉地希望最后终能满足灰心失望的味蕾那永恒地渴望。&&&&&&When food is merely a pretty cascade of viands, with the texture of boiled cardboard and the flavor of library paste, it may be the instinct of genus homo to go on eating in the unconscious hope of finally satisfying the ageless craving of the frustrated taste buds.16. 16. 为进行麦精处理使粮食发芽时,淀粉变成浆糊和葡萄糖。&&&&&&When grain is allowed to germinate for malting purposes, starch is changed to dextrine and dextrose.17. 浆糊什么意思17. 母亲:你们可以用面粉和水做点浆糊。&&&&&&Mother:You can make some glue with flour and water.18. 人们把精选的绿豆磨成豆瓣,用水发泡,漂去豆皮,然后上水磨成汁,再加水过箩去渣,经过三次去毛浆,待成洁白的淀粉后,再兑好汁,搅成浆糊状,用尖锅缓火摊制成圆形薄片,一张咯扎就做成了。&&&&&&It is the selection of mung beans ground into watercress, water foam, drift to the Yuba, and then ground into juice, Sheung Shui, plus water to slag off the baskets, after three to hair slurry, to be white as starch, and then against the good juice, jiao cheng paste-like, with sharp relief to the fire pot made of a circular thin share, a bar on the cause of cough.19. 19. 纲手叹气,了解她现在脑袋肯定一团浆糊到不知道自己&&&&&&Tsunade. The girl groaned, knowing that her mind had to be20. 浆糊什么意思20. 你抹浆糊,我来贴布告。&&&&&&You smear the wall with paste and I'll stick the notice on it.浆糊是什么意思,浆糊在线翻译,浆糊什么意思,浆糊的意思,浆糊的翻译,浆糊的解释,浆糊的发音,浆糊的同义词,浆糊的反义词,浆糊的例句,浆糊的相关词组,浆糊意思是什么,浆糊怎么翻译,单词浆糊是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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英文翻译: sizystarchy
A Bottle of paste
A stiff paste
Stiffen paste
Give(sb.)the runaround
He sealed the envelope with paste.
Stiffen the shirt with starch
Paste made by a mixture of flour and water.
Fasten(the cover,flap,etc of sth)with glue,paste,etc
Please paste these sheets of paper tighter
He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.
你说的是农家做的浆糊么 ?把白面里掺少许水加热


