
原版1.12便携版 360云盘:/cPXfELEujbyKz
百度贴吧资源合集 百度网盘:&使用说明:&包括原版、起义时刻、模组、万能工具等。
1.& 解压缩:高清版,先***已下载的7-zip解压缩程序,用7-zip提取“RA3.7z.001”至“RA3.7z.009”全部文件到适当的磁盘位置。便携版,用WinRAR解压“红色警戒3_Small.part1.rar”至“红色警戒3_Small.part3.rar”全部文件到适当的磁盘位置。提取出的文件为红警3游戏程序。
2.& 注册表修复:在提取出的文件中,RA3_tool.exe,这是红警3万能工具。右键点击程序图标,选择管理员模式打开,然后在万能工具内点击修复注册表,然后多次点击切换序列号。很多人***后玩不了游戏,就是因为没有做这步,导致弹窗显示“please
install at least one language pack(没有***语言包)”或者“请输入游戏注册码”。从其他地方下载的游戏如果不包含万能工具,请在百度贴吧资源合集中下载,注意一定要放在游戏根目录中。
3.& 直接点击“RA3.exe”打开游戏,或者使用万能工具内的控制中心打开游戏。
Alert 3\Replays”。从其他地方下载的游戏如果不包含万能工具,百度搜索下载一个就好。
加载新地图:从外部下载的地图文件,需要先放入特定的地图文件夹,才能进行游戏。地图文件夹可用红警3万能工具打开,也可手动寻找,在路径中输入%appdata%点击回车,然后打开Red Alert
2. 野战-CSI汇编了很多红色警戒3资源,包括原声唱片等
3. GR社区提供最新地图包1.12.4,新增了很多地图(部分起义地图、EEC4地图、多人对战地图),修复了很多bug(崩溃游戏、新造维和5秒不投弹等),还优化了一些视觉特效。地图均是编译地图,不可在对战平台上传输,在官网也不计入排名。下载地址
1. 优酷上的对战解说和第一视角:CCZD-Tony、CCZD-sky、Pika4、野战-天使之翼、dimoei、ironcrow、新之黑、GS_Forever、RETE龙魂、墨者Inkian、g63、野战-苏疯、暗淡烈火莉莉丝、、yzzd-逗号等等。
2. B站上的解说和第一视角:螺丝/1386271、深红/5682430、龙魂/1538221、墨者/845921
3. Twitch第一视角、对战解说和直播:顶尖盟军玩家Vindies第一视角
4. Youtube上的对战解说和第一视角(翻墙问题请自理):GR社区著名解说Sybert
5. NSS新手对战学校愚公新手教学第一视角/视频解说:
简单地讲就是一群国人以为PO(pokemon online)是自家地盘刷中文,觉得说英文的都应该T掉 但是这是人家老外开发的平台。详情如下
(17:22:16) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????:
(17:22:16) ~~Server~~: A tournament (CHALLENGE CUP) is currently running.
(17:22:16) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????:
(17:22:16) *** The beta server is running in Debug mode. It may be slower than usual ***
(17:22:16) Francis Lu: 素质点~ (17:22:16) Pokemon、吉: 他们先说我们的好吧?? (17:22:20) 柒柒: - - (17:22:31) Pokemon、鼬: 还在吵啊-,- (17:22:31) Brandon: it says youre busy (17:22:37) Pokemon、吉: 啊啊不管了前辈来玩 (17:22:40) Chobits: 对老外来说满屏幕的中文好看啊? (17:22:42) Pokemon、混蛋: - -||我打不过你 (17:22:42) Pokemon、鼬: 大家大都让一步不就行了-,- (17:22:45) barry19: im just sitting here (17:22:46) Pokemon、客官: 好看啊 (17:22:47) Pokemon、客官: 多华丽啊 (17:22:51) Brandon: log out and come back in. that should fix the problem (17:22:53) Pokemon、吉: 噗 (17:22:55) barry19: ok (17:23:00) Pokemon、客官: 对我们来说 满屏幕的英文好看? (17:23:01) Pokemon、吉: 你们还全部都是英文呢 (17:23:02) Pokemon、客官: 傻X (17:23:08) 长接力: 长接力好强啊&& (17:23:11) Pokemon、吉: 傻X+1 (17:23:11) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:23:11) 破灭之愿: 好了 (17:23:13) Chobits: 这是他们的地方不是? (17:23:15) barry19: ok (17:23:15) Pokemon、客官: 真的是满屏幕诶 (17:23:17) Pokemon、混蛋: 坏了 (17:23:23) R与Inaba的战斗开始了。 (17:23:23) Jack Atlas: 这里全是中国人 (17:23:23) Pokemon、吉: 的确= = (17:23:23) Jack Atlas: 太好了 (17:23:23) 破灭之愿: 别说语言了 (17:23:24) Pokemon、客官: 他们的地方怎么了- - (17:23:26) Pokemon、客官: 了不起么- - (17:23:32) masterjaden: i want a battle (17:23:33) Pokemon、客官: 你们有本事别来中国啊 (17:23:35) Francis Lu: 差不多了吧,已经满屏了 (17:23:36) Pokemon、吉: 我们抢土地的噗哈哈 (17:23:40) Pokemon、吉: 嗯嗯 (17:23:40) The dark magician: lol (17:23:44) masterjaden: who wants a battle (17:23:51) [LU]天然娘: 文字侵略战争 (17:23:51) Jack Atlas: I (17:23:51) Harry: me (17:23:53) Pokemon、客官: 满屏幕诶 小吉 (17:23:55) 柿子: - - (17:23:56) Ⅰ???: - - (17:23:58) ??????: :) (17:23:58) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:24:04) ??????: :-0 (17:24:05) 柒柒: 以前他们没满屏幕么??? (17:24:07) Pokemon、吉: 啊 (17:24:08) Pokemon、吉: 啊 (17:24:10) Pokemon、客官: 呵呵 我知道 (17:24:12) Pokemon、混蛋: - -这表情就我们中国人用而已 (17:24:16) Pokemon、客官: 我只是和小吉说说- - (17:24:19) 吉拉奇: 你好,那位是。。。。? (17:24:20) 柒柒: - - (17:24:22) Pokemon、混蛋: 外国都是用:)这种的 (17:24:22) Francis Lu: - - (17:24:25) Pokemon、混蛋: :( (17:24:32) Ⅰ???: 额... (17:24:36) 柿子: - - (17:24:36) 风南: 。。。
(17:24:49) Francis Lu: 0 0你们要霸屏多久啊汗,玩游戏吧。 (17:24:54) Pokemon、客官: - -
(17:24:56) Pokemon、神殇: 现在外国人看咱们表演呢吧 (17:25:04) Pokemon、客官: - = (17:25:04) Chatot: ._. (17:25:08) Pokemon、吉: 他们看不懂&&噗 (17:25:10) Pokemon、客官: 不是很好啊 我们出名了- - (17:25:12) 柒柒: = - (17:25:13) Pokemon、神殇: 全是中文他们会傻了的 (17:25:17) Pokemon、鼬: 貌似是吧-,- (17:25:18) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:25:20) Ⅰ???: 汗 (17:25:20) Chatot: CHING CHANG CHONG (17:25:22) 长接力: 又是认输&& (17:25:24) Pokemon、混蛋: 哦耶 (17:25:27) Innocent: lol (17:25:27) Francis Lu: 知道的还以为俺们在内部吵架 (17:25:37) Ⅰ???: ..... (17:25:37) Pokemon、鼬: 汗.... (17:25:39) 柿子: 加油 (17:25:41) Pokemon、吉: 噗哈哈&&这对话真有喜感 (17:25:42) Wobbuffet the wise: wobbaffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet (17:25:44) Chatot: IMA JAPANESE: CHING CHANG CHONG (17:25:46) Pokemon、谜鹭: 没事,就像我当初无视英文一样,他们也会无视的.. (17:25:51) *** Chatot runs (17:25:59) 破灭之愿: 其实不少英文ID是中国人 (17:26:02) Chatot: Woooooooooooobbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (17:26:02) Pokemon、混蛋: 满屏刷 (17:26:03) 柒柒: 是啊- - (17:26:07) Ⅰ???: ....... (17:26:07) it's wonderful life: - - (17:26:13) Pokemon、鼬: 相当老外么-,- (17:26:17) Pokemon、混蛋: +.+ (17:26:25) 柒柒: -- - (17:26:40) Pokemon、谜鹭: 喂喂,我们队伍前面加着这个,可以吐槽这个么.. (17:26:41) 柿子: ? (17:26:44) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:26:47) 柒柒: - - (17:26:53) Francis Lu: - - (17:26:53) Pokemon、混蛋: Pokemon (17:26:54) Pokemon、鼬: 貌似不能-,- (17:27:15) Pokemon、吉: 可以= = (17:27:19) 柿子: 列队。。。 (17:27:21) Pokemon、混蛋: - -| (17:27:21) 柿子: = =
(17:27:23) ~~Server~~: barry19 advances to the next round. (17:27:23) ~~Server~~: Brandon is out of the tournament.
(17:27:23) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????:
(17:27:23) THE WINNER OF THE TOURNAMENT IS : barry19
(17:27:23) *** Congratulations, barry19, on your success! ***
(17:27:23) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????:
(17:27:24) Pokemon、吉: 我们都是在同一个群里的 (17:27:30) Derick: grats (17:27:35) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:27:36) barry19: wowo im first time in a toury on my first day (17:27:38) Ⅰ???: ....... (17:27:39) Chatot: I'M A GAY JAPANESE: CHING CHANG CHONG (17:27:40) Pokemon、混蛋: 老外又跑出来了 (17:27:40) 围观,继续: &&&&&& (17:27:42) Chatot: lol (17:27:44) Derick: OU doubles tourney (17:27:45) Pokemon、吉: 哇 (17:27:47) Pokemon、吉: 看 (17:27:50) Pokemon、谜鹭: 没关系,和谐共处嘛.. (17:27:50) Chatot: Graaatz (17:27:51) Pokemon、吉: 自重哥耶 (17:27:51) Derick: dont be racist (17:27:57) 围观,继续: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (17:27:57) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 围观围观- - (17:27:58) Pokemon、混蛋: 河蟹- - (17:27:58) 柒柒: - - (17:27:59) Redleader02: no doubles (17:28:01) Ⅰ???: - - (17:28:08) Redleader02: just OU tourney would be nice (17:28:09) Pokemon、鼬: 围观-,- (17:28:11) Pokemon、混蛋: 没人卖酱油啊- - (17:28:18) Pokemon、鼬: 我打酱油-,- (17:28:19) Pokemon、吉: 我是打酱油的== (17:28:20) Pokemon、谜鹭: 喊俩城管来,让人好好招待国外来宾.. (17:28:21) Ⅰ???: = = (17:28:23) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我。 (17:28:24) Derick: OU doubles! (17:28:24) 柿子: - -我和酱油 (17:28:29) Ⅰ???: 路过 (17:28:30) Pokemon、鼬: ... (17:28:31) Derick: actually UU! (17:28:33) Derick: UU! (17:28:35) Francis Lu: Chatot:The figure is good? (17:28:44) 长接力: 长接力无敌! (17:28:44) Derick: lol (17:28:46) Pokemon、吉: 你喝&&你打算进化成黑色的变异柿子么= = (17:28:52) Pokemon、混蛋: - -黑色喷火龙 (17:28:59) barry19: anymore tourys (17:28:59) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 这里真的被和谐了吗- - (17:28:59) Redleader02: ENGLISH , MOTHERFUCKER , DO YOU SPEAK IT (17:28:59) 柿子: - -挺好的。。 (17:29:03) 茉: = =我也来了 (17:29:11) Pokemon、鼬: -,- (17:29:11) Derick: ~Start a Tourney~ (17:29:18) barry19: me?? (17:29:18) Pokemon、吉: 茉~ (17:29:20) Redleader02: OU tourney ftw (17:29:22) barry19: idk how (17:29:29) 茉: 吉~ (17:29:29) Pokemon、神殇: 你们累不累啊 (17:29:32) Redleader02: only admins can (17:29:40) barry19: then wtf (17:29:40) 柿子: 马上吃晚饭就不累了。。 (17:29:41) Pokemon、吉: 不累= = (17:29:44) Derick: barry, u get 2 choose the ier (17:29:48) Pokemon、吉: 我还没吃 (17:29:52) 茉: = =额。。。。。。 (17:29:52) barry19: ok (17:29:56) Pokemon、混蛋: - -饭都没煮的说 (17:29:57) bg: 没骂了么 (17:29:58) Pokemon、吉: 肚子饿= = (17:30:01) 柒柒: - - (17:30:03) R战胜了Inaba。 (17:30:04) Pokemon、鼬: -,- (17:30:05) barry19: umm UU (17:30:07) Pokemon、客官: 我擦 这么经典的战报没有了说 是不是啊 鼬 (17:30:11) Gtfo: what (17:30:14) Pokemon、客官: 你有没有保存的 - - (17:30:14) Gtfo: i gained no pointrs (17:30:16) bg: = = (17:30:17) Gtfo: points (17:30:18) Redleader02: OU (17:30:18) Pokemon、吉: 不要说的说了的说&&男生用的说很猥琐的的说&& (17:30:20) 柿子: 原来黑色喷火龙就是闪光的啊。。。 (17:30:21) Gtfo: in my last vicotry (17:30:22) Ⅰ???: = = (17:30:23) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:30:23) barry19: NU (17:30:27) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:30:28) Francis Lu: 保存也只是乱码 (17:30:30) Pokemon、客官: 谁猥琐了啊 - - (17:30:31) Gtfo: oh man keyboard fails (17:30:34) Pokemon、客官: 我这个不是乱码 (17:30:38) 长接力: 长接力被破了&& (17:30:42) 茉: 我在吃巧克力,嚼嚼嚼。。。。。。 (17:30:42) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:30:46) Pokemon、客官: e (17:30:47) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 用海皇+玛娜菲很猥琐的说。 (17:30:50) barry19: yea i pick UU/NU (17:30:50) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:30:53) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:30:58) Pokemon、混蛋: 猥琐CD流 (17:31:00) 柒柒: - - (17:31:04) Pokemon、吉: 盖欧卡无敌本来就很强了的说= = (17:31:06) Pokemon、客官: 我猥琐么 (17:31:09) Pokemon、客官: 我只是YD - - (17:31:09) Redleader02: AWIIGHT , uu IS FINE TOO (17:31:12) Pokemon、吉: 我是女生反抗猥琐的说= = (17:31:12) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: DNF玩多了? (17:31:20) Pokemon、吉: 你发现的太晚了 (17:31:21) LordLemon: -.- (17:31:23) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:31:24) bg: = =不骂了= = (17:31:25) 柿子: - - (17:31:27) 柒柒: - - (17:31:30) Royal Minu: erhfhdgkjs (17:31:41) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我的海皇1级的说 (17:31:43) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:31:44) Pokemon、谜鹭: 阿吉是女生啊.. (17:31:48) Pokemon、鼬: 他们在说什么-,- (17:31:52) Ⅰ???: = = (17:31:55) bg: 啊哈 (17:31:55) Pokemon、谜鹭: 可以很淡定的说,完全没有看出来么.. (17:32:02) Pokemon、吉: 我是小吉 (17:32:04) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:32:04) Pokemon、吉: 反抗 (17:32:05) Pokemon、客官: 小吉 不是阿吉- - (17:32:14) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:32:19) Royal Minu: sorry guys...but please...can u speak in english please?????? (17:32:26) LordLemon: Agreed (17:32:26) Pokemon、吉: 我的形象是男的??明明是女生吧= = (17:32:30) Francis Lu: 他们?没看到他们的字,他们以为我们在吵架,让我们说 (17:32:32) Gtfo: no, this is an open server (17:32:35) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:32:38) Pokemon、客官: 纳尼 (17:32:38) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 池田纲吉吧-_,- (17:32:40) Pokemon、吉: 随便他们的吧~ (17:32:40) Gtfo: for all languages (17:32:40) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:32:40) LordLemon: gtfo gtfo (17:32:43) Gtfo: they cant (17:32:45) Pokemon、吉: 去死吧!! (17:32:46) LordLemon: &.& (17:32:48) Royal Minu: yes,but... (17:32:50) R与Inaba的战斗开始了。 (17:32:51) Pokemon、吉: 家教看多了的孩子啊 (17:32:51) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:32:53) Pokemon、混蛋: - -啊钢 (17:32:53) barry19: lets start (17:32:54) 柒柒: - = (17:32:56) Pokemon、吉: &&噗 (17:33:01) Pokemon、谜鹭: 有没外国人用在线翻译当和事老的,不是很正义感的么.. (17:33:02) Pokemon、客官: 这里骂人很好哦 他们都看不懂 = = (17:33:03) LordLemon: Ching chang chong (17:33:04) 柒柒: 废柴纲 - = (17:33:07) bg: = = (17:33:07) Pokemon、客官: 为什么这里发不上表情= = (17:33:15) barry19: lol thats mean (17:33:17) Pokemon、吉: &&捶地 (17:33:17) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: - -就素就素 (17:33:17) Royal Minu: ahahah!!!lord pokemon (17:33:21) Pokemon、客官: 呵呵 刚才一个傻X就是- - (17:33:26) Pokemon、混蛋: - -如果可以发自定义表情就好了 (17:33:28) Pokemon、吉: = = (17:33:29) Pokemon、客官: 饿= = (17:33:30) Royal Minu: ching ching chong (17:33:32) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 哟西 (17:33:36) bg: 骂呀,狂骂= = (17:33:37) Pokemon、客官: 我想法 可达鸭那个YD的相容 (17:33:37) Pokemon、吉: 纳尼= = (17:33:37) 柒柒: - - (17:33:44) Pokemon、鼬: 还是打酱油吧-,- (17:33:45) LordLemon: 义表情就好了 (17:33:46) Pokemon、吉: 才不啊,他们的翻译器= = (17:33:48) Royal Minu: plin cing plon....xDD (17:33:49) LordLemon: 义表情就好 (17:33:49) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:33:55) barry19: cae we start soo (17:33:56) LordLemon: 义表 (17:33:57) Innocent: No tourneys gonna start? (17:33:58) 柒柒: - - (17:33:58) [OU] Forte: What the fuck is this moonspeak shit? (17:33:59) LordLemon: 义表情就好了 (17:34:02) LordLemon: 义表情就 (17:34:04) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我要ANGEL BEATS (17:34:04) Francis Lu: 对了,谁翻译下那句英文啥意思,吃吃冲? (17:34:07) Dalunatic16: Whos a good lead for NU tier? (17:34:09) LordLemon: 义表情就好了 (17:34:11) Pokemon、吉: 噗 (17:34:13) Innocent: They invaded man. (17:34:13) Gtfo: lol in the ladder i got a skarm bliss cress noob (17:34:19) Pokemon、混蛋: - -翻译器 (17:34:19) Rich Boy Hedda: ching chang chon , im a fucking chink with no manners at all (17:34:19) ?????: ??... (17:34:25) [OU] Forte: I keep getting these fucking Trick Room noobs. (17:34:26) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: = = (17:34:28) Aether: korean..... (17:34:30) Wobbuffet the wise: skarmblisscress is teh law (17:34:34) [OU] Forte: They're not even playing Trick Room correctly (17:34:34) 柒柒: 继续霸屏= = (17:34:42) ?????: Korean!!! ????????? (17:34:44) Harry: can I get a response from anyone ehre (17:34:44) Pokemon、客官: 在线翻译很无语- - (17:34:45) Harry: here* (17:34:45) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 和谐掉吧 = = (17:34:47) 柒柒: -- (17:34:50) Pokemon、客官: - = (17:34:53) Wobbuffet the wise: what was the question? (17:34:53) Francis Lu: 翻译不过来,chichi chong 啥意思 (17:34:53) Wobbuffet the wise: lol (17:34:55) Harry: with a rating better than 1400 (17:34:56) Royal Minu: ehi lord lemon...u speak japan??? (17:34:58) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:34:59) Harry: who does not use stall (17:34:59) 寒寒: = = (17:35:02) 柒柒: - - (17:35:02) Dalunatic16: So good lead for NU? (17:35:03) dutybear15: is there a tournament soon (17:35:05) Pokemon、谜鹭: 外国人偶尔也缩写一把.. (17:35:05) Pokemon、客官: 说方言不就好了- - (17:35:06) Francis Lu: 和谐吧,连韩文也来了 (17:35:09) 柒柒: 吃吃冲-。- (17:35:11) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:35:21) 寒寒: 好混乱的说= = (17:35:22) Lernaean Hydra: I don't stall (17:35:27) Pokemon、客官: 话说中国人好多 (17:35:28) 柒柒: 刚不是有个泰文么-。- (17:35:32) Pokemon、鼬: -,- (17:35:32) Lernaean Hydra: But Pokemon is all about stall (17:35:33) Pokemon、客官: 小吉呢 怎么不说话了- - (17:35:34) barry19: i stall (17:35:35) LordLemon: Where is the mods? (17:35:35) Pokemon、鼬: 看不懂-,- (17:35:36) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 蚂蚁文的说 (17:35:39) 柒柒: 像蚂蚁一样的- -。 (17:35:41) Harry: ok, so one? (17:35:41) barry19: its great (17:35:44) Pokemon、谜鹭: 哥,教科书上说有十三亿呢.. (17:35:48) Wobbuffet the wise: dragonknight (17:35:49) Harry: Shut up, barry (17:35:50) Pokemon、谜鹭: 当然多.. (17:35:50) 寒寒: = = (17:35:52) Wobbuffet the wise: but seems to be afk (17:35:52) Harry: I was not talking to you (17:35:54) Innocent: Stalling is boring (17:35:54) 柒柒: - - (17:35:57) Pokemon、吉: 饭= = (17:35:58) [OU] Forte: Goddamn asians. This is like D-Day in reverse. (17:35:59) R战胜了Inaba。 (17:36:00) barry19: dont giva f (17:36:01) Pokemon、吉: 我都已经遗忘了= = (17:36:02) bg: = = (17:36:03) Pokemon、吉: 去吃饭= = (17:36:07) Harry: neither do I (17:36:08) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 噎住了 (17:36:12) Innocent: hell, I don't even like to switch out (17:36:12) Pokemon、客官: = 、 (17:36:12) 柒柒: - = (17:36:12) Harry: that's why you should shut up (17:36:16) barry19: then dont hate (17:36:17) Royal Minu: こんにちは...私の名前はロレンツォです! (17:36:18) Pokemon、吉: 我鄙视你!! (17:36:24) bg: ==s (17:36:25) Gtfo: haai Harry (17:36:26) Pokemon、客官: 鼬我以后就叫你 杯具帝了- - (17:36:27) Pokemon、谜鹭: 泥轰人出来来么.. (17:36:27) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 日文来咯 (17:36:30) Pokemon、混蛋: 打赢了- - (17:36:32) dutybear15: some one start a tournament (17:36:33) Pokemon、谜鹭: 还是哪个显得蛋疼.. (17:36:36) Francis Lu: 0 0不是吧,日文 (17:36:37) LordLemon: D: (17:36:45) LordLemon: Ching chang chong (17:36:45) Pokemon、客官: 纳尼 (17:36:45) Bird tamer Mi: &&汉语好风行啊 (17:36:49) Pokemon、客官: 我也会日文- - (17:36:51) Pokemon、吉: 鼬打我过2次&&其他都是输&& (17:36:55) Pokemon、客官: 又是YD的表情- - (17:36:55) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 说句看看 (17:36:55) LordLemon: Hong kong chong (17:37:00) 柒柒: - - (17:37:04) [OU] Forte: I swear, this is why two nukes wasn't enough. (17:37:04) Pokemon、混蛋: 有些人开始比赛 (17:37:04) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 毛啊 (17:37:04) LordLemon: long trong gong (17:37:04) Pokemon、客官: 纳尼- - (17:37:10) Bird tamer Mi: &&说汉语说的特别好的路过 (17:37:14) Pokemon、吉: 香港工? (17:37:16) barry19: dude (17:37:19) Pokemon、吉: = = (17:37:22) Pokemon、客官: 鼬用神兽被我秒- - (17:37:22) Ⅰ???: = = (17:37:22) Royal Minu: 我使用谷歌翻??言,以便 (17:37:24) 柒柒: 蚂蚁文呢。。 (17:37:24) Pokemon、谜鹭: 你除了会说雅灭跌,还会什么.. (17:37:27) Pokemon、客官: 0 0 (17:37:27) barry19: that fed up to asains (17:37:31) Pokemon、混蛋: 有些翻译不出的..看来要找些懂英文的人翻译才行 (17:37:33) Innocent: Oh Forte, your douchebagerry knows no bounds. (17:37:34) Inaba: こんにちは~
(17:37:34) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????: (17:37:34) *** A Tournament was started by lotuspirate! Type /join or !join to enter the tournament! ***
(17:37:34) PLAYERS: 32 (17:37:34) TYPE: SINGLE ELIMINATION (17:37:34) TIER: OVERUSED
(17:37:34) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????:
(17:37:34) Pokemon、吉: 无路赛&& (17:37:35) Pokemon、客官: 我还会纳尼- - (17:37:35) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 来个火星文吧。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 (17:37:37) LordLemon: CHILL OUT!!! PLZ (17:37:39) Player Jaser (IP is being overactive. Jaser被服务器踢出! (17:37:39) barry19: well japaess (17:37:39) ~~Server~~: Harry joined the tournament! 31 more spot(s) left! (17:37:40) ~~Server~~: [ST] Dante Z joined the tournament! 30 more spot(s) left! (17:37:41) Ⅰ???: ......... (17:37:41) Pokemon、客官: 一库- - (17:37:42) Gold: ninja'd (17:37:42) Royal Minu: io nn sono coreano o cinese...parlo con google traduttore!&_& (17:37:42) Bird tamer Mi: &&切 迷鹭君 我们打 (17:37:42) ~~Server~~: Gtfo joined the tournament! 29 more spot(s) left! (17:37:42) ~~Server~~: new.hand joined the tournament! 28 more spot(s) left! (17:37:44) ~~Server~~: Jahken joined the tournament! 27 more spot(s) left! (17:37:44) Inaba: 1 (17:37:45) ~~Server~~: Innocent joined the tournament! 26 more spot(s) left! (17:37:46) ~~Server~~: Red Jackdaw joined the tournament! 25 more spot(s) left! (17:37:48) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:37:49) ~~Server~~: Hat Tricks128 joined the tournament! 24 more spot(s) left! (17:37:50) ~~Server~~: infinitestory joined the tournament! 23 more spot(s) left! (17:37:51) Inaba: こんにちは (17:37:52) Pokemon、客官: 迷路君 - - (17:37:52) ~~Server~~: VolTackle joined the tournament! 22 more spot(s) left! (17:37:52) ~~Server~~: Twister joined the tournament! 21 more spot(s) left! (17:37:53) ~~Server~~: ExploderEX joined the tournament! 20 more spot(s) left! (17:37:55) Gold: dammmit, lotus (17:37:55) [OU] Forte: Can we get a fucking third nuke up in this bitch? (17:37:56) [LU]天然娘: 还是去打打PO吧,别聊那么多了 (17:37:56) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: - -怎么办捏 (17:37:56) ~~Server~~: dutybear15 joined the tournament! 19 more spot(s) left! (17:37:58) ~~Server~~: Wemps joined the tournament! 18 more spot(s) left! (17:37:58) Pokemon、吉: 麋鹿= = (17:37:59) Pokemon、客官: 我擦 刷你妈的屏啊 (17:37:59) ~~Server~~: Snacks joined the tournament! 17 more spot(s) left! (17:38:00) +lotuspirate: lol (17:38:01) Pokemon、吉: 噗 (17:38:02) Gtfo: hai Gold (17:38:03) Pokemon、混蛋: この世界の果てには神である (17:38:06) ~~Server~~: Alexx joined the tournament! 16 more spot(s) left! (17:38:06) Gold: hai, Gtfo (17:38:06) Pokemon、客官: 小吉我们来= = (17:38:07) 柒柒: - -刷你娘 (17:38:07) [ST] Dante Z: gtfo (17:38:08) Snacks: what tourney (17:38:09) Snacks: uu (17:38:11) [ST] Dante Z: partecipi (17:38:11) Francis Lu: 0 0这是系统服务器信息汗 (17:38:11) Wobbuffet the wise: hai Gold (17:38:12) Pokemon、吉: 哦啊 (17:38:13) ~~Server~~: bugtrainerbubu joined the tournament! 15 more spot(s) left! (17:38:13) ~~Server~~: [OU] Forte joined the tournament! 14 more spot(s) left! (17:38:15) Francis Lu: 不是刷屏 (17:38:16) Pokemon、谜鹭: 你英文台难找,你挑我吧.. (17:38:16) Ⅰ???: = = (17:38:16) ~~Server~~: LordLemon joined the tournament! 13 more spot(s) left! (17:38:17) 吉拉奇: - -! (17:38:18) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 草,我们也来 (17:38:18) ~~Server~~: barry19 joined the tournament! 12 more spot(s) left! (17:38:21) Pokemon、混蛋: - - (17:38:21) ~~Server~~: davide527 joined the tournament! 11 more spot(s) left! (17:38:22) ~~Server~~: Wobbuffet the wise joined the tournament! 10 more spot(s) left! (17:38:22) Pokemon、混蛋: 我们也刷屏吧 (17:38:27) [OU] Forte: Bomb...Hiroshima. (17:38:27) Wobbuffet the wise: wobba wobba (17:38:29) [OU] Forte: Must. (17:38:29) Wobbuffet the wise: wobbaffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet (17:38:29) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩恩 (17:38:30) +lotuspirate: and Forte, watch what you're saying (17:38:30) [OU] Forte: Do. (17:38:31) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:31) [OU] Forte: It. (17:38:31) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:32) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:33) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:33) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:34) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩 (17:38:34) Gold: I had written &/tour OverUs& and then it started (17:38:35) [ST] Dante Z: woba (17:38:35) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩恩 (17:38:35) barry19: alright gonna win 1 more (17:38:39) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 恩恩e恩恩 (17:38:39) +KickBot: 戴草帽?小黄Ф was kicked for flood. (17:38:39) Pokemon、吉: 不要刷啊啊 (17:38:41) LordLemon: CHILL OUT!! u daym asianz -._.- (17:38:41) 柒柒: 你妹的服务器信息别英文啊- - (17:38:41) Pokemon、混蛋: 小黄加油小黄加油 (17:38:42) Gold: I was liek &wut?& (17:38:42) Francis Lu: - -人家服务器战报 (17:38:42) 柒柒: 擦 (17:38:44) ~~Server~~: Fiend joined the tournament! 9 more spot(s) left! (17:38:44) Alexx: kip kip (17:38:44) 柒柒: 擦擦 (17:38:45) 柒柒: 擦 (17:38:46) 柒柒: 擦 (17:38:46) 柒柒: 擦 (17:38:49) Pokemon、混蛋: 哈 (17:38:50) 柒柒: - - (17:38:50) Francis Lu: 别刷屏靠 (17:38:51) Royal Minu: 嘿...我是熊?!&_& (17:38:51) +lotuspirate: stop spamming please (17:38:55) ~~Server~~: [KHRL] Riley joined the tournament! 8 more spot(s) left! (17:38:55) Alexx: speak english omg (17:38:58) Pokemon、混蛋: 还是去人PK算了 (17:39:02) Gtfo: lol Gold (17:39:02) ~~Server~~: A Kid Named Cudi joined the tournament! 7 more spot(s) left! (17:39:02) ~~Server~~: [TR] Wid joined the tournament! 6 more spot(s) left! (17:39:03) Gtfo: you failed (17:39:10) +lotuspirate: they're allowed to speak whatever language they want (17:39:10) Gold: oh god, I am so waiting for the channel update (17:39:15) Inaba: so bad.. (17:39:17) Gtfo: channel? (17:39:17) [OU] Forte: So, that World War II. (17:39:18) barry19: leave them alone (17:39:20) [OU] Forte: wasn't THAT a bitch? (17:39:21) Francis Lu: ~~Server~~:是系统服务器- - (17:39:23) LordLemon: They r spamming (17:39:26) LordLemon: &_& (17:39:28) 柒柒: = - (17:39:28) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: - - (17:39:32) Royal Minu: I'm speaking chinese with google (17:39:32) [OU] Forte: How was that whole 'nuclear radiation' thing? (17:39:32) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 于是? (17:39:32) Royal Minu: xD (17:39:32) VolTackle: 管理??你?可以?中文但不可以刷屏 (17:39:34) [ST] Dante Z: kick (17:39:34) ~~Server~~: Pako Trainer JeiiZe joined the tournament! 5 more spot(s) left! (17:39:38) Pokemon、混蛋: ... (17:39:38) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 噢噢噢哦 (17:39:40) ~~Server~~: Lucarioboy8 joined the tournament! 4 more spot(s) left! (17:39:43) [ST] Dante Z: the fuckin' japonise (17:39:45) [OU] Forte: Too soon? (17:39:46) Red Jackdaw: at least we dont understand their spam if its in chinese (17:39:46) 柒柒: - - (17:39:51) Francis Lu: 明白了,我们不刷屏 (17:39:56) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 他自己刷屏的说 (17:39:56) davide527: 4 more (17:39:58) [OU] Forte: Hey, it could ALWAYS be worse. (17:39:58) Gtfo: what would the chinese keyboard look like?? =/ (17:39:59) 柒柒: 是啊- - (17:39:59) Pokemon、混蛋: - -|| (17:40:01) Gold: wait, I think I recognise that (17:40:03) [OU] Forte: You could have little dicks. (17:40:03) Francis Lu: - - (17:40:04) [OU] Forte: Oh wait... (17:40:05) Gold: is it Japanese? (17:40:05) [OU] Forte: Fuck. (17:40:08) [OU] Forte: Sorry. (17:40:10) [OU] Forte: :( (17:40:11) Innocent: lol (17:40:13) [ST] Dante Z: c'& (17:40:16) Red Jackdaw: same as an english one I suppose (17:40:16) [ST] Dante Z: la pure (17:40:16) 柒柒: 满屏英文来了 (17:40:18) [ST] Dante Z: mio fratello (17:40:20) Gtfo: yes i think is japanese (17:40:20) Red Jackdaw: but they type in pinyin (17:40:22) bg: = = (17:40:25) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 于是MINA怎么办- - (17:40:29) S?Z: Ke ha tuo fratello? D: (17:40:32) LordLemon: CHILL OUT!&!! O_O (17:40:33) Royal Minu: especially do not understand anything so (17:40:34) 柒柒: - - (17:40:34) [ST] Dante Z: ste (17:40:34) bg: NO (17:40:36) Inaba: えっ、何ですか、 (17:40:36) [OU] Forte: Hey, it could STILL be worse. (17:40:37) [ST] Dante Z: lettere (17:40:37) Francis Lu: 无视好 (17:40:43) [ST] Dante Z: basta che cambia la lingua (17:40:47) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 可以屏蔽就好了 (17:40:50) [OU] Forte: All of your samurai could have been rendered obsolete. (17:40:52) [OU] Forte: Oh... (17:40:52) S?Z: Lol ma & ovvio &.& (17:40:53) [OU] Forte: Whoops. (17:40:54) [OU] Forte: :( (17:41:00) S?Z: OlogrammaOlogrammaOlogrammaOlogramma (17:41:00) S?Z: D: (17:41:02) Pokemon、混蛋: :) (17:41:02) 柒柒: 是啊 - - (17:41:04) ~~Server~~: Grapemunch joined the tournament! 3 more spot(s) left! (17:41:06) [OU] Forte: Fuck, I'm bad with these kinds of situations. (17:41:10) Gtfo: nobody joines the ou? (17:41:16) barry19: people join (17:41:18) [ST] Dante Z: come on (17:41:18) davide527: 3 more ! (17:41:20) [OU] Forte: Um...we could have used thee nukes instead of two? (17:41:20) Taichu: WHO WANTS TO UU (17:41:21) [ST] Dante Z: 3 (17:41:21) ~~Server~~: Sayoonarabob joined the tournament! 2 more spot(s) left! (17:41:22) [ST] Dante Z: more (17:41:24) bg: 直接54当前发言== = (17:41:24) [ST] Dante Z: 2 (17:41:26) davide527: 2 (17:41:35) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 菊花, (17:41:35) ~~Server~~: T.U.Apprentice-test- joined the tournament! 1 more spot(s) left! (17:41:35) davide527: 1 (17:41:35) ~~Server~~: Illuminati joined the tournament! 0 more spot(s) left!
(17:41:36)& && && && &Red Jackdaw VS dutybear15 (17:41:36)& && && && && & Twister VS Grapemunch (17:41:36)& && && && && && &Fiend VS T.U.Apprentice-test- (17:41:36)& && & A Kid Named Cudi VS bugtrainerbubu (17:41:36)& && && &&&[ST] Dante Z VS Hat Tricks128 (17:41:36)& && && && && &&&Jahken VS barry19 (17:41:36)& && && && && && &Alexx VS Illuminati (17:41:36)& && && && &&&LordLemon VS [TR] Wid (17:41:36)& & Pako Trainer JeiiZe VS Lucarioboy8 (17:41:36)& && && && && && &Harry VS Innocent (17:41:36)& && && && &&&VolTackle VS ExploderEX (17:41:36)& && && && && && & Gtfo VS Snacks (17:41:36)& && && && && && &Wemps VS [KHRL] Riley (17:41:49)& && && && && &new.hand VS Sayoonarabob (17:41:49)& && && && & [OU] Forte VS davide527 (17:41:49)& && && & infinitestory VS Wobbuffet the wise
(17:41:49) Gold: I was having a dream about japan... in a game. (17:41:49) [ST] Dante Z: fuck you japanese (17:41:49) bg: 不理就行 (17:41:49) Gtfo: lol (17:41:49) Red Jackdaw: why so racist to the japanese? (17:41:49) Red Jackdaw: They invented pokemon (17:41:51) Royal Minu: think that I'm using google translator to stop dirfli (17:41:52) Gtfo: yaay opponent not online (17:41:52) Royal Minu: xD (17:41:57) Gtfo: maybe i'll get a by (17:42:02) Gold: japanese people are awesome
(17:42:05) ~~Server~~: Alexx advances to the next round. (17:42:05) ~~Server~~: Illuminati is out of the tournament. (17:42:05) *** 15 battle(s) remaining.
(17:42:07) [OU] Forte: Weeaboos. (17:42:09) Alexx: i loled (17:42:10) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: PO素哪个国家开创的 - = (17:42:14) 柒柒: - - (17:42:15) [OU] Forte: Without the Japanese, there would be no weeaboos. (17:42:15) [KHRL] Riley: (11:43:10) Wemps refused your challenge. (17:42:16) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我?了 (17:42:19) [KHRL] Riley: ._. (17:42:28) Francis Lu: 这游戏日本发明的? (17:42:31) Wemps: Loaded team (17:42:37) [KHRL] Riley: Mierda (17:42:37) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 不可能吧- - (17:42:37) [KHRL] Riley: cai en la trampa (17:42:38) Francis Lu: 刚有外国人说了,草日本人 (17:42:39) [KHRL] Riley: y me metio en una CC (17:42:41) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 日本怎么蚂蚁日语 (17:42:47) 柒柒: -- (17:42:54) Gold: they invented manga/anime, including poke, made a fuckload of awesome games, and can play sick guitar (17:42:54) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 真不和谐 (17:42:55) 茉: 不知 (17:43:00) Gtfo: yes (17:43:09) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 日文人怎么没有见到日语啊 = = (17:43:09) Gtfo: chineses sucks (17:43:13) Gtfo: they didnt do anything (17:43:17) Royal Minu: 你可以改??言? ...或者至少不使用全息?? (17:43:20) bg: -_,-翻译的 (17:43:20) 茉: 不知道 (17:43:24) Derick: agreed. (17:43:33) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我改繁体吧 (17:43:34) Gtfo: japanese is a clever specie (17:43:42) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: ?西 (17:43:44) Gtfo: chineses are not
(17:43:53) ~~Server~~: [ST] Dante Z advances to the next round. (17:43:53) ~~Server~~: Hat Tricks128 is out of the tournament. (17:43:53) *** 14 battle(s) remaining.
(17:44:01) [ST] Dante Z: Ok (17:44:02) Royal Minu: I asked in their language not to use holograms ... (17:44:05) Gold: easily shown by how the chinese and koreans tried to
invade japan so many times and got their ass handed to them (17:44:06) [ST] Dante Z: l'ho passato (17:44:15) bg: = =自娱自乐- - (17:44:19) Gtfo: lol (17:44:19) 柒柒: = = (17:44:20) Gold: even though they had more people (17:44:27) Gtfo: Japan FTW (17:44:29) [KHRL] Riley: hey (17:44:31) Red Jackdaw: There was never a chinese or korean invasion of japan...
(17:44:32) ~~Server~~: Lucarioboy8 advances to the next round. (17:44:32) ~~Server~~: Pako Trainer JeiiZe is out of the tournament. (17:44:32) *** 13 battle(s) remaining.
(17:44:35) [KHRL] Riley: me estan metiendo en una challenge cup (17:44:38) [KHRL] Riley: e.e (17:44:39) Pako Trainer JeiiZe: haxer (17:44:39) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 反正我??就素了= = (17:44:40) [ST] Dante Z: bg fuck you,fuck with your letters (17:44:43) 柒柒: 满屏英文- -
(17:44:45) ~~Server~~: VolTackle advances to the next round. (17:44:45) ~~Server~~: ExploderEX is out of the tournament. (17:44:45) *** 12 battle(s) remaining.
(17:44:47) Royal Minu: this guys are japanese!!
(17:44:49) ~~Server~~: Jahken advances to the next round. (17:44:49) ~~Server~~: barry19 is out of the tournament. (17:44:49) *** 11 battle(s) remaining.
(17:45:00) Gold: we don't care, Royal Minu (17:45:06) barry19: ddamn (17:45:06) Pokemon、客官: 不来了 又事 (17:45:11) Gold: we are just having a discussion (17:45:15) 柒柒: - - (17:45:16) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 我上DNF咯 (17:45:16) Pokemon、吉: dd= = (17:45:18) Royal Minu: lol (17:45:20) Hat Tricks128: that guys droppin f bombs in the main chat (17:45:22) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: - -?噢,被封了
(17:45:23) ~~Server~~: davide527 advances to the next round. (17:45:23) ~~Server~~: [OU] Forte is out of the tournament. (17:45:23) *** 10 battle(s) remaining.
(17:45:25) ~~Server~~: Fiend advances to the next round. (17:45:25) ~~Server~~: T.U.Apprentice-test- is out of the tournament. (17:45:25) *** 9 battle(s) remaining.
(17:45:35) Gtfo: somebody dq my opponent (17:45:36) Lady Umb: hi all :O
(17:45:41) ~~Server~~: Grapemunch advances to the next round. (17:45:41) ~~Server~~: Twister is out of the tournament. (17:45:41) *** 8 battle(s) remaining.
(17:45:41) [OU] Forte: I blame these goddamn moonspeak bastards for my loss.
(17:45:44) ~~Server~~: Red Jackdaw advances to the next round. (17:45:44) ~~Server~~: dutybear15 is out of the tournament. (17:45:44) *** 7 battle(s) remaining.
(17:45:45) Gold: hai, lady (17:45:46) 吉拉奇: 请问哪一个才是剩饭啊 (17:45:49) nightsash: hi (17:45:51) Gtfo: hey lady (17:45:51) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:45:52) [ST] Dante Z: parla col moderatore (17:45:55) Grapemunch: twister blisterrrr (17:45:56) Pokemon、鼬: - -、 (17:45:56) [KHRL] Riley: Alguien sabe espa?ol aqui? (17:45:59) [KHRL] Riley: necesito un mod (17:45:59) Pokemon、客官: 被吃过的苹果 (17:45:59) Francis Lu: - -有中文补丁下的 (17:45:59) Gtfo: lo so lo so (17:46:02) +TourneyBot: Snacks was removed from the tournament by Gold!
(17:46:02) ~~Server~~: gtfo advances to the next round. (17:46:02) ~~Server~~: snacks is out of the tournament. (17:46:02) *** 6 battle(s) remaining.
(17:46:02) Francis Lu: - - (17:46:05) [KHRL] Riley: me han metido en una CC (17:46:06) [KHRL] Riley: ._. (17:46:11) Gtfo: k thanks Goldy (17:46:15) 吉拉奇: 喂,大家为 (17:46:16) Gold: ^^ (17:46:17) Francis Lu: ? (17:46:22) bg: 额 (17:46:23) Gtfo: ? (17:46:25) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 啥 (17:46:30) 吉拉奇: 为什么不说话 (17:46:32) Pokemon、客官: 我不是告诉你了么 (17:46:32) [ST] Dante Z: nooo snacks (17:46:32) bg: = = (17:46:33) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 没啥好说的 (17:46:35) Grapemunch: &3 (17:46:35) [ST] Dante Z: ?_? (17:46:36) Francis Lu: 打字很累0 0 (17:46:36) 柒柒: - - (17:46:41) Grapemunch: snaaacks (17:46:41) [ST] Dante Z: era una leggenda (17:46:44) 吉拉奇: 哪一个是剩饭 (17:46:45) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: ★ (17:46:45) [ST] Dante Z: snacks (17:46:51) Grapemunch: & (17:46:51) Pokemon、客官: 被吃过的苹果 (17:46:52) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 被吃过的苹果 (17:46:54) Pokemon、客官: 名字是乱码 (17:46:56) Grapemunch: nomnom (17:46:57) 柒柒: - - (17:47:00) 吉拉奇: 没呀 (17:47:06) 柒柒: 好无聊0 - (17:47:07) Grapemunch: ???????????????????? (17:47:12) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: 眼残不解释 (17:47:12) VolTackle: 剩?=Leftovers (17:47:29) bg: 啊,不是呀
(17:47:30) ~~Server~~: Harry advances to the next round. (17:47:30) ~~Server~~: Innocent is out of the tournament. (17:47:30) *** 5 battle(s) remaining.
(17:47:32) [ST] Dante Z: Fuck the japanise
(17:47:37) ~~Server~~: [KHRL] Riley advances to the next round. (17:47:37) ~~Server~~: Wemps is out of the tournament. (17:47:37) *** 4 battle(s) remaining.
(17:47:39) [KHRL] Riley: Uff (17:47:40) bg: 至少我的不是 (17:47:41) [KHRL] Riley: al fin
(17:47:41) ~~Server~~: A Kid Named Cudi advances to the next round. (17:47:41) ~~Server~~: bugtrainerbubu is out of the tournament. (17:47:41) *** 3 battle(s) remaining.
(17:47:42) ~~Server~~: new.hand advances to the next round. (17:47:42) ~~Server~~: Sayoonarabob is out of the tournament. (17:47:42) *** 2 battle(s) remaining.
(17:47:43) [KHRL] Riley: me hizo hacer una CC (17:47:44) Rapidash marino: ??????????? (17:47:45) [KHRL] Riley: y gane =D (17:47:47) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:47:52) Rapidash marino: ???? (17:47:52) [ST] Dante Z: NO SPAM (17:47:52) Pokemon、客官: 不是什么- - (17:47:55) Rapidash marino: ok (17:47:58) Rapidash marino: sorry (17:48:00) Red Jackdaw: How come you dont get kicked for racism here? (17:48:08) [ST] Dante Z: it's (17:48:13) [ST] Dante Z: not racism (17:48:28) Bird tamer Mi: 我居然输了&& (17:48:28) [ST] Dante Z: ._. (17:48:38) [OU] Forte: It's not racism when it's true. (17:48:45) [OU] Forte: Now someone get the third nuke ready. (17:48:50) [OU] Forte: It's time we end this chat. (17:49:02) [ST] Dante Z: they spam (17:49:11) Hat Tricks128: how come u dont get in trouble for dropping f bombs in main chat (17:49:17) Rapidash marino: p (17:49:18) Rapidash marino: p (17:49:21) Red Jackdaw: How can 'fuck the japanese' be true when its not even a fact? (17:49:21) [OU] Forte: We shall name this third nuke...Desu. (17:49:30) Jack Atlas: 我的对手太墨迹了 (17:49:36) Jack Atlas: 就加血 (17:49:36) [OU] Forte: Because 'fuck the Japanaese' is a normal response. (17:49:37) Jack Atlas: 垃圾 (17:49:41) [OU] Forte: Something most people can agree with. (17:49:41) 吉拉奇: 为什么这么多英国人 (17:49:45) .Light.: chi gioca? (17:49:47) [OU] Forte: Or did you forget WWII?
(17:49:51) ~~Server~~: LordLemon advances to the next round. (17:49:51) ~~Server~~: [TR] Wid is out of the tournament. (17:49:51) *** 1 battle(s) remaining.
(17:49:51) Red Jackdaw: Are you american? (17:49:52) Rapidash marino: io se vuoi (17:49:52) Pokemon、客官: - - (17:50:00) Jack Atlas: 这里是中国人的地盘 (17:50:02) Jack Atlas: 外国人都滚 (17:50:04) .Light.: ti challo (17:50:12) [OU] Forte: No, I'm German. That's why I'm bringing up WWII. (17:50:12) [ST] Dante Z: Who? (17:50:12) Pokemon、客官: 你以为说英语的就是英国人么 - - (17:50:12) Pokemon、混蛋: - -|| (17:50:12) [OU] Forte: Cause we OBVIOUSLY won. (17:50:12) Bird tamer Mi: &&自重 (17:50:14) [OU] Forte: Fucking genius. (17:50:16) R: They are Chinese kids.I'm sorry about what they didI beg you pardon (17:50:17) Pokemon、客官: JACK 话不能这么说的饿- - (17:50:19) 国王骑士: 自重 (17:50:19) TRUNCKS: this random move lollll (17:50:20) new.hand: ?少?一句啊 你?真的很??... (17:50:24) Pokemon、客官: = = (17:50:28) [ST] Dante Z: They spam (17:50:29) Jack Atlas: 怎么了 (17:50:40) Pokemon、混蛋: 别乱骂`- - (17:50:40) Pokemon、客官: 我只是回答某人的问题而已 不丢脸- - (17:50:41) bg: = = (17:50:42) 国王骑士: ?在外?人面前??人??了 (17:50:44) Jack Atlas: 我在第2个频道说了一句中文,他就把我踢了 (17:50:46) R: 这是外国服务器,外国人的地盘 (17:50:46) Forte: Fucking Desu bastards. (17:50:48) new.hand: ?不是?玩po的 聊天的?私聊吧 (17:50:51) Forte: Needs moar A-Bombs. (17:50:51) 黑暗训练师: 恩 (17:50:52) R: 请不要丢人 (17:50:53) [ST] Dante Z: fuck off every body (17:50:53) Jack Atlas: 而且是好几次 (17:50:54) LordLemon: =/ (17:50:58) Bird tamer Mi: &&外国人中国人都不愿意听你这么说话 (17:51:05) LordLemon: orly? (17:51:09) 黑暗训练师: 和老外打一定要赢啊 (17:51:09) Forte: This chat is proof that two nukes wasn't enough. (17:51:14) Francis Lu: 0 0他们走完了,估计这房子不过20个人,玩个了,不PBO去了
(17:51:15) ~~Server~~: Wobbuffet the wise advances to the next round. (17:51:15) ~~Server~~: infinitestory is out of the tournament.
(17:51:15)& && && &&&[KHRL] Riley VS davide527 (17:51:15)& && && && && && &Fiend VS A Kid Named Cudi (17:51:15)& && && && && && & Gtfo VS Wobbuffet the wise (17:51:15)& && && && && &&&Jahken VS Red Jackdaw (17:51:15)& && && && &&&VolTackle VS Harry (17:51:15)& && && && && &new.hand VS [ST] Dante Z (17:51:15)& && && && & Grapemunch VS Alexx (17:51:15)& && && && &&&LordLemon VS Lucarioboy8
(17:51:21) LordLemon: This server should be a english only server (17:51:21) Gtfo: lool (17:51:25) Gtfo: woobbaaaa (17:51:28) Lady Umb: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL (17:51:29) Bird tamer Mi: &&其实 个人感觉国人比较厉害 (17:51:29) Wobbuffet the wise: wabba (17:51:33) Wobbuffet the wise: wut (17:51:33) Gtfo: dammit (17:51:33) Wobbuffet the wise: gtfo (17:51:33) Jack Atlas: 中国人不打中国人 (17:51:34) Wobbuffet the wise: &_& (17:51:35) Gtfo: i'm gonna lose (17:51:37) Pokemon、混蛋: 老外用神兽我可打不过- - (17:51:40) Lady Umb: Gtfo vs. Wobbbbaaaaaaaaaa (17:51:46) Lady Umb: :s (17:51:58) Forte: :D (17:51:58) 黑暗训练师: 我用神兽的 (17:52:05) Pokemon、混蛋: 国人的高手不是在这里玩- - (17:52:08) TRUNCKS: i see trisomia is here too lol (17:52:20) Forte: Blow up Japan: Fix chat (17:52:20) Pokemon、鼬: -,- (17:52:37) Red Jackdaw: Forte, your an idiot (17:52:39) Jack Atlas: 什么时候中国能做一个好游戏啊 (17:52:43) Forte: lol your (17:52:47) Red Jackdaw: I'm not japanese and I'm offended (17:52:47) Forte: Nice irony. (17:52:54) ?????: @?@ (17:52:57) 戴草帽?小黄Ф: TX垃圾啊- - (17:53:06) Forte: 'your an idiot'. This is the perfect example of irony. (17:53:07) Pokemon、混蛋: TX- - (17:53:21) Forte: Also, Jack, what ever gave you the idea that I gave a fuck whether or not I offended you?
(17:53:33) ~~Server~~: Jahken advances to the next round. (17:53:33) ~~Server~~: Red Jackdaw is out of the tournament. (17:53:33) *** 7 battle(s) remaining.
(17:53:42) Forte: lol AND you lost the tourney (17:53:43) Forte: Noob. (17:53:50) Hat Tricks128: pm clan fails again (17:53:51) 7sidedie: lol (17:53:54) 7sidedie: hahaha (17:53:56) 7sidedie: Forte (17:53:58) Red Jackdaw: Wow, I lost a pokemon tourney (17:54:02) 7sidedie: Your awsome i luv u (17:54:04) Red Jackdaw: Kill me (17:54:06) Forte: Okay. (17:54:09) Forte: a/s/l (17:54:10) 7sidedie: okay (17:54:14) 7sidedie: :D
(17:54:21) ~~Server~~: Harry advances to the next round. (17:54:21) ~~Server~~: VolTackle is out of the tournament. (17:54:21) *** 6 battle(s) remaining.
(17:54:23) KULA: akhirnya menang.... :D (17:54:34) 吉拉奇: Hello my friend (17:54:44) Jack Atlas: 又赢了一场 (17:54:48) Jack Atlas: 没给中国人丢脸
(17:54:55) ~~Server~~: Grapemunch advances to the next round. (17:54:55) ~~Server~~: Alexx is out of the tournament. (17:54:55) *** 5 battle(s) remaining.
(17:55:07) barry19: what round it in (17:55:08) Pokemon、客官: 你这就是丢脸-- (17:55:09) Alexx: f (17:55:16) Jack Atlas: why? (17:55:27) Grapemunch: woo (17:55:32) Grapemunch: take that shiz alexx face
(17:55:36) ~~Server~~: davide527 advances to the next round. (17:55:36) ~~Server~~: [KHRL] Riley is out of the tournament. (17:55:36) *** 4 battle(s) remaining.
(17:55:42) barry19: battle on shoddy anyone lol (17:55:43) Jack Atlas: 为什么我丢脸 (17:55:47) Pokemon、客官: 赢了有什么好说的- - (17:55:47) [KHRL] Riley: HAX (17:55:49) [KHRL] Riley: PWTFJGSEW (17:55:56) [KHRL] Riley: ME CAGO EN LA PUTAHAX Y SUS MUERTOS U_U (17:56:00) Jack Atlas: 那和中国人打赢了好吗 (17:56:07) davide527: 1 Ch madonna (17:56:12) [KHRL] Riley: si (17:56:16) [KHRL] Riley: justo en el momento justo (17:56:17) Pokemon、客官: 这是游戏 和谁打不都一样么 (17:56:18) [KHRL] Riley: maricon (17:56:20) Franci: ki mi sfida (17:56:26) Pokemon、混蛋: - -赢了就赢了没必要说结果出来.. (17:56:43) Pokemon、混蛋: 同样.也没必要鄙视别人..如果对方只是个新手..那觉得赢的有意义吗? (17:56:45) Forte: Must...not...nuke.
(17:56:49) ~~Server~~: Gtfo advances to the next round. (17:56:49) ~~Server~~: Wobbuffet the wise is out of the tournament. (17:56:49) *** 3 battle(s) remaining.
(17:56:52) Pokemon、鼬: 没意义-,- (17:56:54) Forte: Gtfo... (17:56:55) Forte: :D (17:56:56) Red Jackdaw: Just shutup already (17:57:01) Forte: STFU Jack. (17:57:04) Forte: No one was talking to you. (17:57:05) Forte: kthnx (17:57:06) Freze: where can I update my server? (17:57:11) Freze: link pls? (17:57:18) Red Jackdaw: Dont care, just shaddap (17:57:18) Snacks:
(17:57:22) Forte: Make me, fgt. (17:57:35) Gold: I think there were like 5-6 crits in that match (17:57:38) +lotuspirate: Snacks, don't do that (17:57:40) Gtfo: lulz (17:57:44) Wobbuffet the wise: I go now (17:57:45) Wobbuffet the wise: bai (17:57:46) Gtfo: and some paras and misses as well (17:57:46) Forte: Yeah, don't . (17:57:48) Nintendorkio: Who here thinks Selena Gomez is hot? (17:57:48) Gtfo: bye bye (17:57:54) Dalunatic16: I do (17:57:56) Forte: You know how offended I am that you ? (17:58:05) +lotuspirate: you stop too Forte (17:58:06) Nintendorkio: Dalunatic... I love you (17:58:07) bittman: (19:57) Boy91: Pok&mon Sunday 8/8/2010, guarda l'intera news:
(17:58:13) Forte: What am I doing, lotus? (17:58:15) Dalunatic16: Well I love seelena lol (17:58:18) Forte: I'm expressing my rage... (17:58:25) Forte: Is that so bad? (17:58:29) bittman: Are you gonna hulk? (17:58:34) Forte: Aren't you pissed that he ? (17:58:36) shiningcyndaquil: i love her
(17:58:36) ~~Server~~: new.hand advances to the next round. (17:58:36) ~~Server~~: [ST] Dante Z is out of the tournament. (17:58:36) *** 2 battle(s) remaining.PS:开发者是米国人,平台上大部分都是欧美的人,还有就是韩国人(怎么到哪都有祖先)和中国人,基本没有11区人不做评论,轻喷
国外对战平台上国人的一些表现该投稿暂无简介日本人躺着中***了日本人躺着中***了[+展开简介]投1蕉安利给基友官方下载友情链接反馈本站不提供任何视听上传服务,所有内容均来自视频分享站点所提供的公开引用资源。Copyright (C)
AcFun. 保留所有权利


