ouf qulight中文界面 头像血量文字、符能文字太小,在cfg.lua里,...

[不懂就要问] [4_1] oUF_Qulight 目标名字显示为问号如何解决。新手求教
啥也不说了 上图
需要有字体支持cfg.lua[code=lua] cfg.font = &fonts\\FRIZQT__.ttf& -- main font oUF_Qulight(改成自己的字体)[/code] lua
[quote][pid=][b]Post by yui-08-11 18:45):[/b][/pid]需要有字体支持cfg.lua[code=lua] cfg.font = &fonts\\FRIZQT__.ttf& -- main font oUF_Qulight(改成自己的字体)[/code] lua[/quote]昨天搜到楼上的发的贴字难道只能再DATA里边自行添加一个FONTS了?
cfg.font = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetFont()
[quote][pid=][b]Post by zwgzwg12 ( 09:51):[/b][/pid]cfg.font = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetFont()[/quote]晚上试试去 多谢各位大大Updated: 11-02-14 01:33 AM
Compatibility:Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:11-02-14 01:33 AM
Created:03-08-11 08:01 AM
oUF Qulight&
Version: 2.5by:
oUF Qulight
/config - In-game oUF_Qulight Config.
- ingame command for change all oUF_Qulight positions.
/ui reset - Set default oUF_Qulight positions.
- Unitframes for: Player, Target, ToT, Pet/Vehicle, Focus, Focus Target, Boss, Raid, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Boss F
- AltPowerB
- Castbar support for player, target, focus,
- Totembar, Runebar, Holypower, Chi, Combo point, Eclipse Bar and Soul Sh
- Buff and debuffs
- Raidframes with aggro highlight, indicators, AuraW
- Dispellable debuff highlight for raid frames.
- Raid debuff icons on raid frames.
- AuraWatch to show up to 4 icons representing various player buffs on raid units
- Experience, Re
- ClassTimer support.
Addon support:
- oUF_RaidDebuffs (embedded)
- oUF_DebuffHighligth (embedded)
- oUF_AuraWatch (embedded)
- oUF_Smooth Update (embedded)
- oUF_boring_totembar (embedded)
- oUF_Experience (embedded)
- oUF_Reputation (embedded)
- oUF_CombatFeedback
- oUF_MovableFrames
drakull, monolit, haste
Optional Files (0)
Archived Files (25)
02-09-14 01:41 AM
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03-10-11 04:20 AM
03-08-11 08:01 AM
A Kobold Labourer
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please update,i love it ,thx for you job!
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by MMOGames
Originally Posted by Ezhik
Good question. N( /cry
Very good addon, not phat like another such addons,(
Qulight said he will updated this one! Im waiting
And where?
Really very lightweighted addon....
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Ezhik
Good question. N( /cry
Very good addon, not phat like another such addons,(
Qulight said he will updated this one! Im waiting
A Kobold Labourer
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Good question. N( /cry
Very good addon, not phat like another such addons,(
A Murloc Raider
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Qulight, any chance we getting an update for this one, please?
A Kobold Labourer
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How can I turn the raidframes to grow upwards?
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Tell me how to set target debuff position
Originally Posted by cloudywolf
Tell me how to set target debuff position?
The debuff are broken. Use an addon and desativate Buffs and Debuffs from qulight.
A Kobold Labourer
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Tell me how to set target debuff position
Tell me how to set target debuff position?
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by mulder
This works great on my mage and my warrior, but for some reason on my priest, i get this on log in...
Error occured in: Global
Message: ...ns\oUF_Qulight\Root\Libs\oUF\elements\shadoworbs.lua line 20:
'for' limit must be a number
Getting the same on my priest as well.. It has 3 spots for shadow orbs on the player unit frame and are always litup and spriest now have up to 5 orbs.
Also a Rogues combo points should be moved from the target frame to the player frame. The combo points work similar to a shadow priest orbs. So in other words, if I don't have something targeted, I can't see if I have any generated combo points.
Last edited by Rezman : 03-01-15 at .
A Defias Bandit
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This works great on my mage and my warrior, but for some reason on my priest, i get this on log in...
Error occured in: Global
Message: ...ns\oUF_Qulight\Root\Libs\oUF\elements\shadoworbs.lua line 20:
'for' limit must be a number
(tail call): ?
oUF_Qulight\Root\Libs\oUF\ouf.lua:158: ?()
Swatter, v5.0.0 (&%codename%&)
AtlasLoot, vv8.00.00beta6
Bartender4, v4.6.5
Chatter, v1.4.5
DBMCore, v
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Decursive, v2.7.3.6
famBags, v1.3.3
GatherMate2, v1.33.3
HealBot, v6.0.3.7
HealBotTips, v6.0.3.7
Masque, v6.0.0
MasqueApathy, v6.0.0
MasqueCainyx, v6.0.0
MasqueCaith, v6.0.0
MasqueCleanIcons, v1.4
MasqueDarion, v4.1.2
MasqueFlatSquares, v1.0.2
MasqueOnyx, v6.0.0
Omen, v3.1.9
oUFQulight, v
oUFQulightConfig, v
Recount, vv6.0.3f release
SexyMap, v2.4.21
SharedMedia, v3.0
SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, v1.0.17
XPBarNone, v60000-1
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.0.3.60000 &none&
A Kobold Labourer
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Default Arena Frames Are Hidden
I'm having a really tough time getting my default arena frames to show using this addon. Anyone know how to get them to work without disabling Quilight completely?
A Murloc Raider
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Are there any plans to update this? Currently using it but its buggy whenever I join a raid....
And I really enjoy this ui.
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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...\AddOns\oUF_Qulight\Addons\UF\Plugins\HarmonyBar.lua:44: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
monk, lv 100, 6 chi
A Murloc Raider
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BUG Report master Qulight:
Raid Frames: Cant see the players life and if its dead or alive
Player Buff Bar: Sometime shows correcly some times show only the bars with no text e.g. Rune of The Fallen Cruseder (DK Weapon Enchant)
Could you teach me how to make the raid frames look like the Tank Bars?
Last edited by MMOGames : 11-10-14 at .
A Kobold Labourer
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Raidframe not work ?
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ZAM Network[MOP] [oUF] ouf_karma的一些常用设置函数说明
一些废话---------------陆续用过drk,lumen,感觉都不太喜欢,后来试过suf,功能强大,设置也便捷,但还不是挺满意。后来看到karma,一眼相中。和ouf其他风格头像类似,各项设置不便捷,一些功能需要自己在文件中改动/添加。研究了两天,自己用到的各项设置的位置都找到了,现在改动后基本满意。和大家也分享下研究的结果,有兴趣的自己对照着去找。对了,我用的是对应5.1的r37,配合ouf_MoveableFrames效果更佳。下面是重点-------------文件_cfg.lua--player,target等框体及其buff,debuff功能开启/关闭--player,target等框体坐标设置(注意原版focus锚点,按照默认设置,我的界面里面是显示不出来focus框体的)--职业能力条开启/关闭--框体比例,材质,字体设置文件_core.lua--player,target等框体函数,可以自定义各框体的组成元素player = function --player框体函数& &self:SetScale --设置缩放比例& &self:SetSize --设置框体尺寸& &self.Health.colorClass = true --按职业着色血条& &self.Power.colorClass = true --按职业着色能量条& &lib.createBuffs(self) --显示buff(函数在lib.lua文件中,有player,target等单独设置)& &lib.createDebuffs(self) --显示debuff(函数在lib.lua文件中,无单独设置)& &lib.gen_WeaponEnchant(self) --显示武器附魔& &lib.gen_castbar(self) --显示施法条& &lib.debuffHighlight(self) --高亮debufftarget = function --target框体函数& &lib.HealPred(self) --治疗预读focus = function --focus框体函数targettarget = function --tot框体函数focustarget = function --focustarget框体函数pet = function --pet框体函数raid = function --raid框体函数party = function --party框体函数self.mystyle = &boss& --BOSS框体设置文件_lib.lua--各种函数的定义lib.gen_hpbar --HP条lib.gen_hpstrings --HP条文本显示函数& &local fontsize --字体大小。已单独定义player,target。party和raid共用。& &--以下在此处均是设置锚点,显示效果设置在tag.lua& &local name --姓名& &local hpval --血量& &local level --等级lib.gen_ppbar --能量条(材质,尺寸,锚点)lib.gen_InfoIcons --战斗,休息,团队领袖,团队助手图标(材质,尺寸,锚点)lib.gen_castbar --施法条(材质,尺寸,锚点,颜色,字体等)function CreateBuffTimer --buff/debuff时间显示lib.createBuffs --buff函数(已单独定义player,target,focus)& &b[&growth-x&] --x轴增长方向& &b[&growth-y&] --y轴增长方向& &b.size --图标尺寸& &b:SetHeight((b.size+b.spacing)*10) --单行图标数量lib.createDebuffs --debuff函数(未单独定义,所有共用)文件_tag.lua--标签设置,如有中文,需保存成UTF-8UnitGroupRolesAssigned --队伍/团队中的“角色”显示效果(“坦克”“输出”“治疗”)tags.Methods[&karma:perhp&] --百分比血量函数(注意如果想要显示百分比血量,不是单独用这个,karma:hp中定义了变量per)tags.Methods['karma:hp'] --血量显示函数(单独定义了player,target及其他)tags.Methods[&karma:raidhp&] --raid血量显示函数,下方注释有旧版函数tags.Methods['karma:color'] --定义karma:colortags.Methods[&karma:afkdnd&] --定义karma:afkdnd(定义AFK及DND显示效果)tags.Methods['karma:DDG'] --定义karma:DDG(定义“死亡”“鬼魂”“离线”显示效果)tags.Methods['karma:power'] --定义karma:power(定义能量条显示效果为“当前值/最大值”)tags.Methods['karma:pp'] --定义karma:pp(定义player,target能量条显示效果为数值)tags.Methods[&karma:level&] --定义karma:level
換幾個號試驗了好幾次,只有武生小號的隊伍顯示是白色條,读取不出信息,大号术士小徳的队伍 团队 框架显示都是正确的。武生小号的wtf都删除了还是不行。请问这是什么魔法。。。。 [s:32]
又試驗了 小號盜賊顯示也是正確的。。暈了,我用的是ouf_karma v1.5.37r
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by slience夜 ( 14:58):[/b]请问怎么把空血槽颜色改成黑色?红色看的眼花[/quote]改lib.lua[code=lua]--gen healthbar func
lib.gen_hpbar = function(f)
local s = CreateFrame(&StatusBar&, nil, f)
s:SetStatusBarTexture(cfg.statusbar_texture)& &s:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile(true)& &s:SetHeight(retVal(f,24,24,20))
s:SetFrameLevel(4)& &--helper
local h = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, s)
h:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,-5,5)& &h:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&, 5, -5)
local b = s:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
b:SetAllPoints(s)& &b:SetVertexColor(1, 0.1, 0.1,1) --改这里,黑色的话,应该是b:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0,1)& &f.Health = s& &f.Health.bg2 = b
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by cqing ( 23:35)[/b]跪谢大大!!
大大还在吗` [img]./mon_/367_c.jpg[/img]能血量显示379.2K变成无缩写的 3792XX 而过百万就用W缩写`
[b]Reply to [pid=14269,1]Reply[/pid] Post by wudigazhu ( 02:58)[/b]给你一个我在ouf_qulight里的实现方法在tag.lua里添加两个个字段,如[code]local detailedval = function(val)
return (&%d&):format(val)endoUF.Tags.Methods['detailedhp']
= function(u)
if UnitIsDead(u) or UnitIsGhost(u) or not UnitIsConnected(u) then
return oUF.Tags.Methods['DDG'](u)
else& &local per = oUF.Tags.Methods['perhp'](u)..&%& or 0
local min, max = UnitHealth(u), UnitHealthMax(u)
if u == &player& or u == &target& then
if min~=max then
return detailedval(min)..& | &..per
return detailedval(max)
end& &else& &
return per
endendoUF.Tags.Events['hp'] = 'UNIT_HEALTH'[/code]然后在lib.lua的对应字段,应该是在hpstring里的,hpval函数里,把对应的字段[hp]修改成[detailedhp]警告,个人不推荐这种实现方式,因为会导致血量字串非常长,进而导致你需要重新调整字串的显示位置。
[b]Reply to [pid=14269,1]Reply[/pid] Post by wowodavid ( 11:01)[/b]感谢 ,我去尝试一下`
很不错 mark 一下
[b]Reply to [pid=14269,1]Reply[/pid] Post by rjxsxsd ( 16:27)[/b][url]/read.php?tid=5943848[/url]这个问题我修复了,下我包里的就好
感谢楼主分享,帮助很大!回归wow,发现lua的好多东西都忘掉了,还要从头复习- -


