
BALL SKILLS ( 24 ) 控球技巧: A! m( ?, _+ K, w" Q# r7 o1. Smash home a volley in the Arena 在训练场射入凌空抽射/ Y4 j0 }* |' h6 gBall Control +1 控球; l* \2 @, R8 c&&y! w2. Dribble past an opposition player 盘带过一个对手&&y4 J7 L0 w' B' q% b* F; EDribbling +1 盘带, w, G4 Y+ ?9 [( i4 v3. Score a chipped penalty in the Arena 在训练场射入一个勺子点球! Z' S&&[" a& |Ball Control +1 控球2 a6 e' n/ B; l' a1 ?4. Dribble past an opponent using a skill move使用技巧过人动作过一个对手8 q0 h' z3 @1 nDribbling +1 盘带" S1 P&&Q8 }, \, q5 H3 I5. Juggle the ball 5 times in the Arena 在训练场使用5次颠球动作# Y9 @: E7 |' f1 x5 G0 RUnlocks 2 Star Moves 解锁过人动作2星级. `( t9 M# y! h, ?. L6 z6. Score a finesse shot in the Arena 在训练场用巧射打入一球5 J' i% @" v* |3 PCurve +4 旋转(弧线)&&s/ ~1 ~! Y7. Claim 5 assists form chipped trough balls in your career 生涯中使用过顶球助攻5次! N1 L3 X&&f- a* ]1 O8 zBall Control + 2 控球' y$ X% @. a! E8 t$ `8. Dribble past 5 opposition players in a match 在一场比赛里盘带过5名对方球员4 b( e3 ^. d+ N) JDribbling +2 盘带' S9 v% [2 X/ @0 q* o( k9. Chip the keeper & score from inside the box in a match 在比赛中小禁区内吊射过顶守门员进球9 y4 |7 z7 |2 c4 G8 f7 JBall Control +2 控球7 @' z/ x) h- ~10.Dribble past 3 opposition players with skill moves in a match 一场比赛内用技巧过人过对方三名球员. H" \1 k) c! v( C* T% hDribbling +2 盘带! f% ]! T, \&&T) ?: C11. Pull off all 2 star skill moves in the Arena 在训练场内使用所有的2星技巧过人动作$ H. K9 w5 n8 S, eUnlocks 3 Star Skill Moves& &解锁3星 3 U# M- g0 c4 ~' b& u4 w0 s! X12. Score 5 curled free kicks in your career 生涯里罚进5个旋转(弧线)任意球0 M$ x' @6 {" H8 h5 |Curve +5 旋转(弧线)/ p$ s# t% b9 I* t13. Backheel the ball to a team mate 用脚后跟给队友传球/ |) t' Z! y- b& R4 K: e4 {Ball Control +3 控球) C& I" [9 |8 {1 ~+ ^! i7 T5 `14. Beat 25 players with skill moves in your career 生涯里使用技巧过人突破25次对手9 j1 i, k&&a' l+ CDribbling +3 盘带# v: m+ k. L. |! r# C9 {. _; e15. Score with a backheel in a match 在比赛中用脚后跟射门得分6 ]- S/ x4 H) [/ M. [% C3 }Ball Control +3 控球5 U; P9 q1 M1 ?& u7 p+ x! |9 d16. Dribble past 50 players in your career 生涯内带球突破50名球员! g7 _1 g: l&&u% D! `; f% h( rDribbling +3 盘带% w1 t5 D6 c&&S' e17. Master all the 3 star skill moves in the Arena 在训练场内使用所有的3星技巧过人动作8 N1 M- O& S2 mUnlocks 4 Star Skill Moves * g! m&&Z4 Q& U; {18. Get credited for an assist form a corner 角球助攻得分$ y, F" V: `" w& E; t! WCurve +5 弧线+5+ g$ s$ m/ c" u. b% u0 Y# I" J* k19. Play 3 back-heeled passes in your career 生涯内使用3次脚后跟传球, ^9 g4 g) z* r+ l5 D7 p0 H$ qBall Control +4 控球+4/ o' w. {2 t/ [; e20. Beat 50 players with skill moves in your career 生涯里使用技巧过人突破50次对手) Z( [. W9 b6 H- P; P$ M9 d. z* wDribbling +4 盘带+44 N0 c) B8 q. N4 @# y% J% I. h1 C21. Claim 15 career assists form chipped trough balls 生涯中使用过顶球助攻15次2 |+ k8 \1 i! X. D! h8 vBall Control +4 控球+43 Z+ k+ {& b% w0 {" p3 j: _- c22. Beat 100 players with skill moves 生涯里使用技巧过人突破100次对手& y$ r# K( [&&i$ XDribbling +4& &盘带+4# }9 l7 Z- W* r. q23. Score 50 finesse shots in your career 生涯里用巧射打入50球, ]- F, }3 o* R, ACurve +6& &弧线+6$ ~) ~- S8 Z6 ^1 [4 W24. Pull off all 4 star skill moves in the Arena. 在训练场内使用所有的4星技巧过人动作/ b4 k6 {; d* e" B, h&&lUnlocks 5 Star Skill Moves 解锁5星过人8 t$ i: f$ q& \) K
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号 |  |   |  |
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《FIFA 11》综合翻译翻译图示(beat版 0.2)
16:55:09 来源:a9vg 作者:stanhjd 编辑:木淋 
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
游戏制作:Electronic Arts
游戏发行:Electronic Arts


