
God of War 是战神游戏的名字Ares 是希腊神话中的战神:阿瑞斯,国外一般用他来指战神Mars 是罗马神话中的战神,也有用这个来称呼的War Lord 战争君王,这个比较匹配我们中国传统意义上的战神.
战神是什么意思 战神在线翻译 战神什么意思 战神的意思 战神的翻译 战神的解释 战神的发音 战神的同义词 战神的反义词 战神的例句
战神 双语例句1. 1. 这条路线从帕拉蒂尼山附近的战神广场直到卡皮托利尼山。&&&&The route went from the Campus Martius around the Palatine Hill to the Capitoline Hill.2. 在一次UGDB的采访中,战神3的导演斯蒂格-艾姆森指出,他不敢肯定是否索尼的圣莫妮卡工作室(在战神3的开发中)是否用上了PS3一半的机能。&&&&During an interview conducted by UGDB, Stig Amussen remarked that he isn`t sure if Sony Santa Monica Studios were close to using even 50% of the PlayStation 3`s power.3. 3. 他是一个英武的战神还是一个伟大的民族英雄,。。。。。。&&&&He is the Ares of an of soldierly bearing or a great ethical hero, or be good soldier and is happy event angry......4. 克瑞托斯:战神,我永远不会忘记你的,永远也不会忘记你那一晚所做的一切。&&&&Kratos: God of War, I havent forgotten you, for what you did that night.5. 5. 克瑞托斯:战神,我永远不会忘记你的,永远也不会忘记你那一晚所做的一切。&&&&Kratos: God of War, I haven't forgotten you, for what you did that night.?6. 战神6. 所以在古英语中我们看到以下的名字(以及他们的现代英语形式):Sunnanhd?g,星期日; Monand?g,星期一; Tiwesd?g,星期二(蒂乌神,象玛尔斯一样,是战神); Wodnesd?g,星期三(沃登,象墨丘利一样,行动敏捷,善于词辩); Thunresd?g,星期四古英语中的撒纳及古挪威语的索,象朱庇特一样,是宇宙之主;古挪威语的 Thorsdagr影响了英语中的该词的形式); Friged?g,星期五(女神弗丽嘉,象维纳斯一样,是爱神);和 Saeternesd?g,星期六&&&&Therefore in Old English we have the following names (with their Modern English developments): Sunnandg, S Mnandg, M Twesdg, Tuesday (the god Tiu, like Mars, was a god of war Wdnesdg, Wednesday (the god Woden, like Mercury, was quick and eloquent Thunresdg, Thursday (the god Thunor in Old English or Thor in Old Norse, like Jupiter, Old Norse Thrsdagr influenced the English form Frgedg, Friday (the goddess Frigg, like Venus, was the goddess of love and Saeternesdg, Saturday.7. 战神在分析HON的贼法牧时,给出了一个***是:毁伤更适合冰法,影舞更适合奥法。&&&&God of War in the analysis of animal husbandry HON law when the thief is given an answer is: more suitable for ice damage law, which has affected more suitable NATM dance.8. 8. 火星的英文名是Mars,这是罗马神话中战神的名字,在希腊神话中他的名字叫阿瑞斯。&&&&Until the first flyby of Mars by Mariner 4 in 1965, it was thought that Mars had channels of liquid water.9. 马是兀鹰既是向征战神马斯,也是用来祭祀战神马斯的。&&&&The horse and the vulture symbolize Mars. The horse and the vulture are sacred to Mars.10. 10. 战神从来就不缺超爽的boss战,不过要给系列boss战排个序的话,你肯定是把个头大的boss排在前面。&&&&God of War has always had great boss battles, but if you were to rank the fights from best on down, you'd almost certainly find the biggest guys at the top.11. 战神在线翻译11. 二,三,战神丘表明有勇气。&&&&&&She counts Two, three, Mars, that's courage.12. 他是战神、火星、一个流浪的上帝。&&&&&&He is a god of War and Mars, and therefore a Wandering God.13. 战神的近义词13. 去告诉战神我已经不是他的了。&&&&&&Tell the God of War I am his no longer.14. 艾菲尔铁塔位於巴黎市中心,在战神公园内。&&&&&&Eiffel Tower is located at the center of Paris, inside the Parc du Champ de Mars.15. 法国,巴黎:冰天雪地里,孩子们在战神广场玩雪。&&&&&&Children played in sub-zero temperatures at Champ de Mars in Paris.16. 16. 铁木真是手握一块形状酷似苏鲁锭长***的凝血降生的,这似乎注定了他战神般传奇的一生&&&&&&Temujin was holding a shape resembling the coagulation of ultrahigh ingot pike, it seems the birth of a legend for his life of Mars.17. 这是向荣誉勋章、战神、光晕和宝贝万岁致敬的作品&&&&&&It pays tribute to Medal of Honor, God of War, Halo and Viva Pinata.18. 以战神之名,邪恶必将被遏制,太阳之子必须为保卫土地和家人而愤起反击,哪怕奋战到最后一息,也要将无耻强盗彻底逐出家园。&&&&&&It is this need for sacrifices that drives the Aztecs to conquest.19. 19. 战神归来GOD OF WAR这款游戏说的是小战神阿瑞被奉为冥界之神,但由于其十分淘气,影响到神界的秩序,被雅典娜罚至人间除暴安良,阿瑞终于找到可以释放能量的机会了。&&&&&&God of War was as small Arui Underworld god, but because of its very naughty, the impact on the community of God's order, Athena was to punish human Chupuanliang, Arie can finally found...20. 追星箭学1点(千万别小看这1点),召唤的无敌修满7点为止(需要22点吧),战士冲锋7点,狂爆系破军修满7点,逆手刺学个2点即可,余下的点都加到仙系,血爪最少学1点(血爪的攻击距离最远,还有减速的作用),战神祝福,诅咒,神圣祝福应该学满7点(为了砍凤尾村长方便,本人学了地系的噬魂术1点&&&&&&Starchaser rocket science 1:00 (Do not look down on it 1:00), calls the precise attitude invincible until 7:00 (you need to 22:00), 7:00 Emergency soldiers, the military maniac blasting line break 7:00 precise attitude, reverse the hands of thorns study 2 point to the remaining points are added to sen University, at least study the blood claws 1:00 (blood furthest distance claw attacks, as well as the role of deceleration), God bless, curse, blessing the sacred places should be 7:00 or above in order to Fissidens village cut convenience, I have learned to噬魂surgery department of 1:00战神是什么意思,战神在线翻译,战神什么意思,战神的意思,战神的翻译,战神的解释,战神的发音,战神的同义词,战神的反义词,战神的例句,战神的相关词组,战神意思是什么,战神怎么翻译,单词战神是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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狙击战神狙击战神主演: tim abell
warren derosa
richard l. fox
wesley snipes
serge soric类型: 电影 - 战争军事地区: 欧美电影 片长: 90分钟俄国濒临核灭绝的边缘,只有一个人能拯救,那就是快***手。在一次美国特种兵行动中韦斯利?斯奈匍斯奉命要在恐怖份子炸掉生物反应堆之前引爆俄国核电站。他全副武装出发,指挥美国炸弹系统瞄准目标后逃离,可当他发现是美国自己的导弹即将点燃反应堆,和上级下达的命令时的说法完全不一样,知道自己被利用了,为了世界和人类的安全,正义的快***手要及时阻止核反应堆的爆炸……


