
  R4烧录卡最早在2006年底诞生,由于其简单的使用方法以及低廉的价格,在极短的时间内就击败了当时SC、M3等老品牌烧录卡,一跃成为最受NDS玩家欢迎的烧录卡,就如R4烧录卡的全名“Revolution For DS”一样,R4的出现堪称NDS烧录卡历史中的一次重大革命。但是老牌的烧录卡SC、M3依然占据着非常大烧录卡的市场份额,究其原因在于这些老牌烧录卡有功能强大的内核,人性化的操作界面,几乎完美的游戏兼容性,以及游戏辅助功能,如即时存档、即时攻略、金手指、多存档等,因此注定这些老牌烧录卡的价格也是相当昂贵的,很多nds玩家也是望洋兴叹。很多玩家想知道市面上有没有一种价格很实惠,但是功能能和老牌烧录卡相媲美的产品存在呢?临近西方鬼节万圣节,这里小编告诉大家一个好消息,即将面市的R4iSDHCRTS()就是大家期待已久的烧录卡,它是R4&M3的强强合作,新一代的革命性的R4产品。采用M3的技术,内核更新速度与M3同步,游戏兼容性非常之高,经过小编和厂家沟通测试得出的结果,目前只有八款游戏不能顺畅的运行,技术人员已经在加班加点的进行内核修正,据说已经有一个内测版本。可惜对外保密,小编没有拿到。此R4卡拥有M3独创的RTS功能(即时存档),使玩家不必为了某个难过的关卡而叹息。革命性的动感图形界面和超快速而且独特的游戏管理界面。下面我详细的介绍下,让各位玩家有一个清晰的认识。
  这是R4i SDHC RTS的苹果派包装依然保持的R4i SDHC苹果派包装风格,包装盒内置白色内衬和TF卡读卡器和烧录卡,内部结构设计紧凑。银色字体丝印在黑色的苹果派包装盒上,给人强烈的视觉冲击,让人过目不忘。
  整个“R4i SDHC RTS”的卡带设计与R4雷同,卡带背面的金手指部分光滑明亮,没有间槽,卡带中央略有凸起,是由内置的芯片过于突出造成的。通过卡带后部的TF卡槽空隙能看到主板。
  在充分了解了外部特征后,让我们来看看R4i rts的内部构造。首先来瞧瞧这块芯片,前面提到的突出部分就是这个圆圆的突出的绑定。
  包装中赠送的TF卡读卡器比较眼熟,用过r4isdhc的烧录的玩家应该也有此感。整个烧录卡插入DS主机中没有明显突出,连接也较为紧密,没有松动现象。&&&&2017 R4ISDHC RTS Lite (The silver)
2017 R4ISDHC RTS Lite has been completely updated with more functions and mature technology, it combined with core technology of R4, M3 and DS TWO.
RTS (real time save) function is added. High-density chip was used to enable the games run more faster and last longer.
The chip has better appearance and better Micro SD compatibility. The plastic case structure is more precise.
&&&&2017 R4i dual-core (The White)
2017 R4ISDHC Dual-Core has been completely updated with more functions and mature technology, it combined with core technology of R4, M3 and DS TWO.
RTS (real time save) function is added. High-density chip was used to enable the games run more faster and last longer.
The chip has better appearance and better Micro SD compatibility. The plastic case structure is more precise.
&&&&2017 R4i gold pro (The Gold)
2017 R4ISDHC Gold Pro has been completely updated with more functions and mature technology, it combined with core technology of R4, M3 and DS TWO.
RTS (real time save) function is added. High-density chip was used to enable the games run more faster and last longer.
The chip has better appearance and better Micro SD compatibility. The plastic case structure is more precise.
&&&&2015 R4ISDHC Snoopy (The red)
2015 R4ISDHC Snoopy is a new item on sale. It combined with core technology of R4, M3 and DS TWO.
RTS (real time save) function is added. High-density chip was used to enable the games run more faster and last longer.
The chip has better appearance and better Micro SD compatibility. The plastic case structure is more precise
&&&&2015 R4ISDHC Upgrade (The purple)
2015 R4ISDHC Upgrade is a new item on sale. It combined with core technology of R4, M3 and DS TWO.
RTS (real time save) function is added. High-density chip was used to enable the games run more faster and last longer.
The chip has better appearance and better Micro SD compatibility. The plastic case structure is more precise.
R4i sdhc and R4 sdhc are slot-1 flash card which.delicated for the developments of Nintendo Dual screen (NDS) consoles.It's the successor of the onginal R4 ds flash card whom,received highest reviews.R4i sdhc and R4 sdhc support high capacity which allow the maximum of 32GB.Apart from home brew gaming,it also supports homebrew obligations,multimedias functions.This is a senes Ds gamers must have. && 
R4 cards can be purchased in the UK from Moby Memory.
Card & , visit an , or find a
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