i hate to say thisit, but..... 例句

Well, usually, it's some guy that - I hate my father, I hate my mother.
But I hate huge egos and I hate wasting my time.
To be honest i hate it cuz i dont have one!
And, again, as I said earlier, I hate to -- political conditions and development in different countries are different, and I would hate to generalize.
Last week, I wrote about how much I hate being asked if I work from home.
Also, I hate pretense, and I felt that he was pressuring me to accept his view of our happy family unit.
As much as I hate the occupation, I welcome their presence for the next couple of years until we achieve real democracy.
Even if I hate him, which I do.
Well, I hate the world and everything I see, everything I see, everything I see.
But it's the city I hate to love, and I won't go back -- especially now that I'm raising a son.
And believe it or not, I hate to say it, I think the Phillies are going to overtake the Mets and the Mets will not make the playoffs.
And while I hate to say it, I blame my kids.
"I hate to admit this but I had not heard of him, " says Wolff, who sketched the scene in "Another Hill, " his 1994 novel about the Spanish Civil War.
The most common phrase uttered to me - and not at rallies or public events but in meetings of chance, quietly, is not "I hate you" or "I like you" but "I would not have your job for all the world".
Jeffrey, I hate to say it, but I am very disappointed with this article.
But i hate to make look bad but i want to give everyone the truth here.
They all run the verticals (they hate when I call them Product Managers) that are core
and our publishing platform.
"I hate to say it, but I think Arizona would not be in the top 10 locales to make that investment, " he said.
Regarding Apple, the hate mail I receive usually spikes when I write that Apple is overly dependent on subsidies from phone carriers or when I write that my research shows Apple is facing headwinds with less affluent consumers.
Ms. HEATHER CARDERO: Well, I'm an independent but I hate Rick Santorum so much that I'm going to vote for Casey, who I honestly resent that I have to vote for him because I want a Democratic Congress to have more checks and balances in our government.
Still, as much as I hate Stuff, there are now times I find myself missing things.
"I hate when people say, 'I'm like Steve Jobs, I drive people to perfection, '" Mr. Isaacson says.
"I hate to say it like that but I'm done if something does happen tonite be ready for another funeral later, " England wrote.
In fact, if I had to list the top three places I hate in the world -- which I guess I don't, but I will -- the mall would fall right at No. 2, between any amusement park and La Guardia.
"I hate to say it, but going forward I expect more of the same, " he remarked.
"I hate everything that has happened, and now I must admit I feel even worse, knowing what allegedly was happening so close to me, and that I was unaware, " he wrote.
"What I expressed was that, unlike a lot of others, I do not hate him, that I forgive him, " the 23-year-old woman told reporters outside the courthouse.
Staff: Sir, I hate to bring this to a close, but I know you're at the end of your time here.
"Otto Porter, I hate to say this in some ways, but I was talking today before the game, I think he's the best all-around player I've seen in this league, " Boeheim said.
Somehow, though I hate to just let these items go unnoticed, so I occasionally do a post that covers a few of them briefly.
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