there is a zombie on your lawn植物大战dj小可 僵尸 zombie主题曲的mp3...

&&& 【小编说】快种下你的植物,守卫家园吧,将可怕的僵尸阻挡在草地的那边!小朋友们,你们玩过植物大战僵尸这个游戏吗?你觉得惊险刺激吗?它的主题曲也好好听哦,快来听听吧!
&&& 【游戏介绍】玩家通过武装多种植物切换不同的功能,快速有效地把僵尸阻挡在入侵的道路上。《草地上的僵尸们》是游戏《植物大战僵尸》的主题曲。
《草地上的僵尸们 Zombies on your Lawn 》歌词
&&& Sunflowers 向日葵们~
&&& One two three 1 2 3
&&& There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们不想僵尸在草坪上
I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 我知道你们的特征:高大,黑暗,还是死的
You want to bite all the petals of my head 你们想要把我们头上的花瓣都吃掉
And then eat the brain of the one who planted me here 然后吃掉把我种在这里的人的大脑
[NO!!! ] 不!!!
I'm just a sunflower but see me 我只是一朵向日葵,但看看我
power an entire infantry 组成了支部队
You like the taste of brains 你们喜欢品尝大脑
we dont's like zombies 我们却不喜欢僵尸
[zombies 僵尸们]
I used to play football 我曾经是橄榄球球员
Road cones protect my head 路障保护着我的头
I have a screen-door shield 我有铁窗门做盾
We are the undead 我们是不死族
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上
Maybe it's time to reevaluate 也许是时候重新评估了
I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你们的盘子里有许多食物
Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 大脑是富含胆固醇的 [对心脏是重负]
You're dead so it doesn't matter 你们是死人 , 因此没关系
Instead we'll use this solar power 而我们将使用太阳的力量
to make a lawn defense at any hour 来时刻守护这片草坪
[zombies 僵尸们]
I like your tricycle 我喜欢你的三轮车
There's butter on my head 黄油扣在了我头上
I'm gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的大脑
We are the undead 我们是不死族
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
We don't want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上
热门推荐:人人网 - 抱歉
文明办网文明上网举报***: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&推荐这篇日记的豆列植物大战僵尸主题曲:Zombies on Your Lawn
&&&&&&& 热门游戏植物大战僵尸的设计师Geroge Fan的女友Laura Shigihara是一个职业游戏音乐制作人,她负责制作并演唱了植物大战僵尸这款游戏的主题音乐Zombies on Your Lawn
There's a zombie on your law-awn
There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
There's a zombie on your law-awn
We don't want zombies on the lawn...
I know your type: tall, dark, and dead
You want to bite all the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains off
the one who planted me here (SFX: Noooo!)
I'm just a sunflower but see
me power an entire infantry
You like the taste of brains
we don't like zombies
I used to play football (Footbaw-all)
Road cones protect my head (Cone on his head)
I have a screen door shield (Door Shield)
All zombies: We are the undead!
Repeat Chorus, in Night and Fog stages
Maybe it's time to reevaluate
I know you have a lot of food on your plate
Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
You're dead so it doesn't matter,
so Instead we'll use this solar power
to make a lawn defense at any hour
I like your tricycle (cy-cle)
There's butter on my head (oh on his head)
(dolphin sound) I'm gonna eat your brains (oh no no no)
We are the undead!
There's a zombie on your law-awn
There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
There's a zombie on your law-awn
We don't want zombies on the lawn...
I know your type: tall, dark, and dead
You want to bite all the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains off the one who planted me here (SFX: Noooo!)
I'm just a sunflower but see
me power an entire infantry
You like the taste of brains
we don't like zombies
I used to play football (Footbaw-all)
Road cones protect my head (Cone on his head)
I have a screen door shield (Door Shield)
All zombies: We are the undead!
Repeat Chorus, in Night and Fog stages
Maybe it's time to reevaluate
I know you have a lot of food on your plate
Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
&大脑是富含胆固醇的 [对心脏是重负]
You're dead so it doesn't matter,
你们是死人 , 因此没关系
so Instead we'll use this solar power
to make a lawn defense at any hour
I like your tricycle (cy-cle)
There's butter on my head (oh on his head)
(dolphin sound) I'm gonna eat your brains (oh no no no)
We are the undead!
1.Plants VS zombie&
& zombie n.& 僵尸, 行尸走肉, 木讷呆板的人
&&& 1.He looked like a zombie the morning after he went out drinking.
&&&&& 在他外出喝酒后的次日早晨,他看起来了无生气像一个僵尸。
&&& 2.I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.
&&&&& 一天中的大部分时间我像行尸走肉般四处走动。
&&& 3.Her father thought her boyfriends were zombies.
&&&&& 她父亲认为她的男友们都木讷呆板。
2.You want to bite all the petals off of my head
& petal n.花瓣
&&& 1. A petal fluttered to the ground.
&&&&&& 一片花瓣飘落到地上。
& bite off 咬掉
&&& 1.Our dog bit off its collar and ran away.
&&&&& 我们的狗咬掉自己的环跑了。
&&& 2.You've bitten off the end of your pipe.
&&&&& 你把烟斗的嘴都咬掉啦。
3.Road cones protect my head (Cone on his head)
& cone圆锥体&& road cone& 路锥
& volcanic cone&& 火山锥
4.I have a screen door shield (Door Shield)
& shield n.& 盾, 盾状物, 防卫物
&&& 1.he shield protected him from the blows of his enemy.
&&&&& 这盾牌保护他免受敌人的打击。
&&& 2.There is a shield in the badge of PLA men.
&&&&& 解放军的徽章上有着盾状物。
&&& 3.He must pile more sand on top as a shield.
&&&&& 他必须在顶上多加些沙土作为防御物。
5.Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
& rich in 富含,富有
&&& 1.This product is rich in herbal essence.
&&&&& 富含纯净的植物精华。
&&& 2.The rich young woman has an easy life.
&&&&& 那位富有的年轻女人过著舒适的生活。
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123


