翻译成英文:上课没精神 有时紧张说一件事很拖拉,不能讲重点...上课…

英语翻译中文部分是我写的,要翻译成英语作文,下面的英文是我写的,帮我改改,或者重新翻译都可以,我们来谈谈创作.对大部分人来说,创作是一件很痛苦的事情.在我看来,创作就像是在谈恋爱.当你遇见一个你喜欢的女孩,你会控制不住自己去想念她.无论是吃饭睡觉还是走路工作,此时,人们通常陷入一种不正常的状态:发呆,傻笑,或者突然郁闷起来.创作也是如此,你可能会为了一个个构图或者形式而茶不思饭不想,对着空白的画布陷入沉思,有时候甚至脾气变得暴躁.这时,如果你下决心要去追这个姑娘,你会用你的真诚,勇敢,一次次的去努力敲开对方的心房.同样,面对着作品,你必须不断质问自己最想要表达的是什么,然后去尝试,把自己脑中朦胧的影像和模糊的感受凝聚成一件实在的作品.当一件作品渐渐成形,你要尽量提炼语言,去掉与本体无关的细节;好比你爱一个姑娘,你只需说我爱你就足够了,不需要再去解释我爱你什么.甜蜜过后是这一个漫长的过程,有时候可能你会失去热情,感到厌倦,发生争吵.但是,就像罗丹做巴尔扎克的雕像,达芬奇画蒙娜丽莎,你所需的就是耐心,耐心的对待这一切,就会像童话故事的结尾那样:王子和公主从此幸福的生活在一起----你会得到你想要的所有.Let's talk about creativity.For most people,the creation is a very painful thing.In my opinion,creativity is just like falling in love.When you meet a girl you like,you can’t help yourself to miss her whether in eating and sleeping,or in working and studying.In this time,people will fall into an abnormal state:a daze,giggles,or suddenly depressed up.Creation is pretty similar to it:you may fall into a meditation when facing a blank canvas,or sometimes forget to sleep and eat because of a composition,and even become a bad-tempered man.While,if you are determined to chase the girl,you may make the great efforts to knock her heart with your sincerity and courage time and time again.Similarly,when treatment of a work,you must remind yourself that what is the most thing you want to express.And then,to try to form a really works with your own obscure image and fuzzy feelings.When a work gradually forming,you have to try to simplify their own language,get rid of detail which has nothing to do with the Subject.Like you love a girl,you just say I love you enough,not having to explain I love you for what.There is a long process after a short sweet,sometimes you may feel tired,lose your passion,and even quarrel.However,like Rodin create the statue of Balzac,Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa,What all you need is just be patient.finally,Such as the ending of the fairy tale:prince and princess livea happy life together-- you will get everything you expected.不要用在线翻译……
the creation is a very painful thing.这句不要加 the.creativity is just like falling in love.改成 creation is just like falling in love with a girl.you can’t help yourself to miss her whether in eating and sleeping.to miss 改成 missing.In this time 改成 at this time.
Let's talk about creativity. For most people, the creation is a very painful thing. In my opinion, creativity is like in love. When you meet a girl you like, you will miss her unable to control t...
Let's talk about creativity. For most people, the creation is a very painful thing. In my opinion, creativity is like in love. When you meet a girl you like, you will miss her unable to control t...
he creation is a very painful thing. 这句不要加 the。其余一样Let's talk about creativity. For most people, the creation is a very painful thing. In my opinion, creativity is like in love. When you mee...
扫描下载二维码英语翻译下面的都是要翻译成英文的:每件事情都有两面性,我们不该片面的看问题.一件事情的两种或者多种结果都有可能促使事情往好的或不好的方面发展,所以有时我们不能果断的对一件事情做出判断.但是现实需要我们更倾向于一方面!于是我们只能推测出哪一面更由于最后的结果.实在抱歉 最后打错了 后面一句应该是于是我们只能推测出哪一边更有利于最后的结果!
这第一句话是个因果关系的句子,汉语中没有体现因果关系的词,但翻译成英语时一定得翻译出来!每件事情都有两面性,我们不该片面的看问题. We shouldn't consider things partially,because everything has two sides.一件事情的两种或者多种结果都有可能促使事情往好的或不好的方面发展,所以有时我们不能果断的对一件事情做出判断.但是现实需要我们更倾向于一方面!于是我们只能推测出哪一面更由于最后的结果.Two or more results of a thing may impel the thing towards the direction of wrong or right,so we can not judge a thing decisively sometimes.But the reality requires us to be inclined to one side more!So we can only speculate the side which will be propitious to the last result more.
Everything, there are two sides, we should not be one-sided view of the matter. One or two things may result many things to promote good or bad development, So sometimes we can not decisive right thin...
Everything has its dual character.A problem should not be dealed with unilaterally.Two or more results of an issue all could be urge the issue develop to both good and bad ways, So sometime we could n...
Everything contains two sides, we should not analyze problems unilaterlly.The two or more results of one thing maybe lead this affair to a bad or good situation, so we can't make an ajudgement on...
Each affair contains both sides and we shouldn't unilaterally see a problem. Two kinds of perhaps various results of an affair all probably urge an affair to good of or the not good spect develop...
1\Each affair contains both sides and we shouldn't unilaterally see a problem. Two kinds of perhaps various results of an affair all probably urge an affair to good of or the not good spect devel...


