辐射3不能使用vats VATS打哪里伤害最高?

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00:47:48 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 
所以你的确可以说大部分爆击会造成两倍伤害. (武器伤害x2)
也就是-& (武器伤害+爆击伤害) x 2就是潜行中造成的总伤害.
打三发敌人剩四格,敌人血量就是3 x 2 + 4 = 10格血
潜行爆击一发就扣(2+2) x 2 = 8格血
10格血- 8格血= 2格血
用PC版可以很简单就做到测试,先给自己加一卡车的Stealth Boy(要确保潜行和要中断战斗),开tgm(省得装子弹和造成武器耗损影响伤害输出),拿着没有倍率也没有暴击伤害的短管散弹***(Saw-Off Shotgun)到Megaton旁边的Springvale小学,先开Stealth Boy潜行过去,用「setav health 200」、「setav damageresist 0」把强盗的血调成200,防御设为0。
然后测试两种情况,一是潜行下贴着他们朝身体轰一***,用「getav health」查,只剩95的血。二是直接大大方方进入战斗(显示[Danger]),冲过去在零距离下用VATS瞄他们的头(手动也可以,只是我没那么神手)轰一***,用指令查,一样剩95的血。
计算方式是这样:短管散弹***的原始伤害值是50,我有选Bloody Mess和Better Critical,上面潜行暴击打身体和单纯打头两种情况是(50*1.05)*2=105,合乎计算。
其他武器的暴击伤害是「追加」上去的,一样用上面的情况测试,武器换成Ol' Painless,潜行打身体和单纯打头是[(30*1.05)+(30*1.5)]*2 =153,潜行爆头是[(30*1.05)+(30*1.5)]*4=306(用getav health指令查尸体的HP是变成-106)
Bloody Mess只影响表伤害,Better Critical只影响暴击追加的伤害,像短管散弹***这种暴击追加为零的武器就没办法享受到Better Critical带来的好处,也只是这样而已。所以不是什么没有倍率和没有暴击伤害就不能增加伤害值的。有这种问题时自己动手测一下很容易就能得到结果,PC版的好处就在这些部份。
游民星空联运游戏查看: 3118|回复: 9
4.传说中的每击必暴的外星***,对此等血牛的伤害其实也就那回事。。 1次两三格血
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辐射3武器大全 - 辐射:新维加斯+辐射3 - 游侠NETSHOW论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
Type: 种类
Item ID: 控制台代码
Weight: 重量
Value: 值多少钱
Damage: 伤害(不是每发伤害,而是VATS里面打一下的伤害,所以自动武器每发伤害就要把这数字除以每次VATS所射出的子弹数目
Action Points: VATS里面打一下要消耗的AP
Rate of Fire: 攻击速度,应该是越大越快
Spread: 准绳度(重要,0是最准,这就是为什么狙击***人手瞄准很准,而Hunting Rifle就没那么准的原因。当然,0 spread的也要配合高技能点才能打的准确。顺带一提,这数值不影响VATS命中,所以VATS中用狙击***的命中%和Hunting Rifle的就差不远。)
Crit % Multiplier: 爆击几率,貌似是 你原本的爆击几率乘以这数目=你用这武器的爆击几率
Crit Damage: 爆击的额外伤害。
有些武器很奇怪,Crit % Multiplier是0的有些能打出潜行爆击,有些却不能;但是我自己就试过拿The Kneecapper打出普通爆击,不过没看到有没有伤害加成。而火箭发射器和地雷手雷能打出爆击字句,但没有伤害加成。
Unarmed Weapons
Brass Knuckles
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Damage: 13
Action Points: 18
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 6
Deathclaw Gauntlet
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Item ID: 0000432B
Weight: 10
Value: 150
Damage: 27
Action Points: 26
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 5
Crit Damage: 30
This custom weapon is constructed from Wonderglue, Leather Belt, Medical Brace, and Deathclaw Hand.
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Item ID: 000CB601
Value: 100
Damage: 32
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1.5
Crit Damage: 25
Plunketts Valid Points
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Item ID: 000CAFA9
Damage: 19
Action Points: 15
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 12
Power Fist
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Value: 100
Damage: 27
Action Points: 28
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 20
Spiked Knuckles
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Damage: 16
Action Points: 19
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 9
The Shocker
Category: Weapon
Type: Unarmed
Item ID: 000BFF62
Value: 150
Damage: 27
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 20
Special: This unique weapon does an additional 25 damage to robots and turrets.(对机械的伤+25,打中机械时还会有电)
Melee Weapons
Ants Sting
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000C553E
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 4
Special: Poison: Hit Points -4 for 10 seconds(令目标中毒,10秒内每秒扣4血)
Baseball Bat
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 0000421C
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 9
Board of Education
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000C310F
Damage: 12
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 12
Butchs Toothpick
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Damage: 10
Action Points: 18
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 2.5
Crit Damage: 13
Chinese Officers Sword
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 0006415D
Damage: 10
Action Points: 28
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 15
Combat Knife
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 13
Fawkes Super Sledge
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 0007843F
Weight: 18
Value: 300
Damage: 32
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 32
Special: This unique weapon has a faster attack speed than a regular Super Sledge.(这东西攻击速度比普通的super sledge要快)
Highwaymans Friend
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Damage: 10
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 10
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000C6E5B
Value: 200
Damage: 30
Action Points: 65
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 15
Special: This unique weapon cripples limbs at a faster rate than a standard ripper.(对肢体伤害+50%)
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 4
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 18
Nail Board
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000A01DD
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Occams Razor
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000CB602
Damage: 10
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 13
Police Baton
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 4
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Repellent Stick
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Value: 120
Action Points: 40
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
打中Mole Rat一下:5秒后爆头
打中Mole Rat两下:立刻爆头...
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Value: 100
Damage: 30
Action Points: 65
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Rolling Pin
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: Unknown
Damage: 20
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 0000434E
Value: 200
Damage: 35
Action Points: 28
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 24
This custom weapon is constructed from a Motorcycle Gas Tank, Motorcycle Handbrake, Lawnmower Blade, and Pilot Light.
Special: Ignite: Hit Points -2 for 5 seconds(点燃,5秒内每秒扣2血)
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 00063FA2
Weight: 12
Value: 130
Damage: 20
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 10
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000C80BE
Damage: 10
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 4
Crit Damage: 15
Special: This unique weapon cripples limbs at a faster rate than a standard combat knife.(对肢体造成更大伤害)
Super Sledge
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000B0E7C
Weight: 20
Value: 180
Damage: 25
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 18
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 00066C77
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 6
The Tenderizer
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Item ID: 000A874B
Weight: 12
Value: 230
Damage: 30
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 15
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 6
Vampires Edge
Category: Weapon
Type: Melee Weapons
Value: 400
Damage: 15
Action Points: 28
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 20
Small Guns
.32 Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0000080A
Value: 110
Ammo: .32 Caliber Round 5
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: 6
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 6
10mm Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 225
Ammo: 10mm Round 12
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 6
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 9
10mm Submachine Gun
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 330
Ammo: 10mm Round 30
Damage: 37
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: 10
Spread: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 7
Assault Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0001FFEC
Value: 300
Ammo: 5.56mm Round 24
Damage: 38
Action Points: 23
Rate of Fire: 8
Spread: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 8
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 000C0327
Ammo: BB 100
Action Points: 28
Rate of Fire: 0.75
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 4
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 500
Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum 6
Damage: 55
Action Points: 32
Rate of Fire: 2.25
Spread: 0.3
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 45
Chinese Assault Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0000080B
Value: 500
Ammo: 5.56mm Round 24
Damage: 51
Action Points: 23
Rate of Fire: 8
Spread: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 10
Chinese Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 190
Ammo: 10mm Round 10
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 6
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 4
Combat Shotgun
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 200
Ammo: Shotgun Shell 12
Damage: 55
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 27
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0000432A
Value: 500
Ammo: Dart 1
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: 8.33
Crit % Multiplier: 2.5
Crit Damage: 12
Special: This custom weapon is constructed from a Paint Gun, Radscorpion Poison Gland, Toy Car, and Surgical Tubing.
Hunting Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 150
Ammo: .32 Caliber Round 5
Damage: 25
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: 0.75
Spread: 0.3
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 25
Lincolns Repeater
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0003C07A
Value: 500
Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum 15
Damage: 50
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: 0.75
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 50
神器呀...还可以用普通Hunting Rifle来修,而这把***亦是游戏内唯一一把有独特造型的***。
Ol Painless
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 00066C76
Value: 250
Ammo: .32 Caliber Round 5
Damage: 30
Action Points: 23
Rate of Fire: 1.1
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 30
Railway Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 200
Ammo: Railway Spike 8
Damage: 30
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: 2
Spread: 0.75
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 30
Special: This custom weapon is constructed from a Crutch, Steam Gauge Assembly, Fission Battery, and Pressure Cooker.
Reservists Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Weight: 10
Value: 500
Ammo: .308 Caliber Round 3
Damage: 40
Action Points: 32
Rate of Fire: 1.6
Crit % Multiplier: 5
Crit Damage: 40
Sawed-Off Shotgun
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0000434C
Value: 150
Ammo: Shotgun Shell 2
Damage: 50
Action Points: 37
Rate of Fire: 2.25
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
Scoped .44 Magnum
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0000434D
Value: 300
Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum 6
Damage: 35
Action Points: 32
Rate of Fire: 2.25
Spread: 0.3
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 35
Silenced 10mm Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Value: 250
Ammo: 10mm Round 12
Action Points: 21
Rate of Fire: 6
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 5
Sniper Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Weight: 10
Value: 300
Ammo: .308 Caliber Round 5
Damage: 40
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: 1
Crit % Multiplier: 5
Crit Damage: 40
Sydneys 10mm Ultra SMG
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0006E7CC
Value: 430
Ammo: 10mm Round 50
Damage: 59
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: 10
Spread: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 9
The Kneecapper
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 0006B53A
Value: 350
Ammo: Shotgun Shell 2
Damage: 75
Action Points: 37
Rate of Fire: 1.9
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
The Terrible Shotgun
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Weight: 10
Value: 250
Ammo: Shotgun Shell 12
Damage: 80
Action Points: 27
Rate of Fire: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 40
Victory Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 000CB548
Weight: 10
Value: 450
Ammo: .308 Caliber Round 5
Damage: 40
Action Points: 38
Rate of Fire: 1
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 40
Xuanlong Assault Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 000C800E
Value: 400
Ammo: 5.56mm Round 36
Damage: 64
Action Points: 23
Rate of Fire: 8
Spread: 1.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 12
Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Small Guns
Item ID: 00060C2C
Value: 290
Ammo: 10mm Round 10
Damage: 12
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 4.5
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 4
Special: Ignite: Hit Points -2 for 5 seconds(点燃,跟火剑一样)
Energy Weapons
A3-21s Plasma Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 2200
Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell 12
Damage: 50
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: 4
Spread: 0.2
Crit % Multiplier: 2.5
Crit Damage: 50
Alien Blaster
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 500
Ammo: Alien Power Cell 10
Damage: 100
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: 3
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 40
Col. Autumns Laser Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Item ID: 000ABBE4
Value: 420
Ammo: Energy Cell 30
Damage: 79
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 6
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 22
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Item ID: 000C80BA
Value: 750
Ammo: Alien Power Cell 10
Damage: 80
Action Points: 20
Rate of Fire: 3
Crit % Multiplier: 3
Crit Damage: 40
Special: Ignite: Hit Points -2 for 5 seconds(点火,同火焰剑)
这把可算是Alien Blaster的特?版吧,基本伤害不是太高,不过有学Pyromaniac perk的话就不同说法,加上爆击率很高
Laser Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 320
Ammo: Energy Cell 30
Damage: 12
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 6
Crit % Multiplier: 1.5
Crit Damage: 12
Laser Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 1000
Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell 24
Damage: 23
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 2
Crit % Multiplier: 1.5
Crit Damage: 22
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 500
Ammo: Mesmetron Power Cell 5
Action Points: 65
Rate of Fire: 1
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 0
Plasma Pistol
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 360
Ammo: Energy Cell 16
Damage: 25
Action Points: 21
Rate of Fire: 3
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 25
Plasma Rifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 1800
Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell 12
Damage: 45
Action Points: 25
Rate of Fire: 4
Spread: 0.2
Crit % Multiplier: 2
Crit Damage: 44
Protectrons Gaze
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Item ID: 000C553F
Value: 320
Ammo: Energy Cell 20
Damage: 24
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 3
Spread: 2.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 24
Special: This unique weapon emits two lasers each time its fired.(射一下两条激光)
Smugglers End
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 450
Ammo: Energy Cell 30
Damage: 18
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 6
Crit % Multiplier: 1.5
Crit Damage: 18
Wazer Wifle
Category: Weapon
Type: Energy Weapons
Value: 900
Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell 30
Damage: 28
Action Points: 17
Rate of Fire: 2
Crit % Multiplier: 1.5
Crit Damage: 28
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 000C80BD
Weight: 15
Value: 500
Ammo: Flamer Fuel 60
Damage: 160
Action Points: 50
Rate of Fire: 8
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 4
Crit Damage: 1
Special: Ignite: Hit Points -2 for 5 seconds(点燃)
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Weight: 18
Value: 1500
Ammo: 5mm Round 240
Damage: 105
Action Points: 30
Rate of Fire: 20
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 7
Experimental MIRV
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0003422B
Weight: 30
Value: 2500
Ammo: Mini Nuke 8
Damage: 1610
Action Points: 65
Rate of Fire: 4.5
Spread: 13
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0000432C
Weight: 30
Value: 1000
Ammo: Mini Nuke 1
Damage: 1610
Action Points: 65
Rate of Fire: 4.5
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0000432D
Weight: 15
Value: 500
Ammo: Flamer Fuel 60
Damage: 107
Action Points: 50
Rate of Fire: 8
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 4
Crit Damage: 1
Special: Ignite: Hit Points -2 for 5 seconds(点燃)
Gatling Laser
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0000432E
Weight: 18
Value: 2000
Ammo: Electron Charge Pack 240
Damage: 128
Action Points: 30
Rate of Fire: 20
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 6
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0000433F
Weight: 18
Value: 1000
Ammo: 5mm Round 240
Damage: 75
Action Points: 30
Rate of Fire: 20
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 5
Miss Launcher
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 000B2644
Weight: 15
Value: 400
Ammo: Missile 1
Damage: 220
Action Points: 55
Rate of Fire: 5.5
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
Missile Launcher
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Weight: 20
Value: 500
Ammo: Missile 1
Damage: 170
Action Points: 55
Rate of Fire: 5.5
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 0
Crit Damage: N/A
Rock-It Launcher
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 0000434B
Value: 200
Ammo: Junk Items 12
Damage: 50
Action Points: 32
Rate of Fire: 3.33
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 25
This custom weapon is constructed from a Vacuum Cleaner, Leaf Blower, Firehose Nozzle, and Conductor.
Category: Weapon
Type: Big Guns
Item ID: 000CB547
Weight: 18
Value: 2400
Ammo: Electron Charge Pack 240
Damage: 176
Action Points: 30
Rate of Fire: 20
Spread: 0.5
Crit % Multiplier: 1
Crit Damage: 12
Bottlecap Mine
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Item ID: 0000433A
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 500
Action Points: 35
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
This custom weapon is constructed from a Lunchbox, Cherry Bomb, Sensor Module, and 10 Bottle Caps.
Frag Grenade
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 100
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Item ID: 0000433C
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 100
Action Points: 35
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 500
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
This custom weapon is constructed from a Nuka-Cola Quantum, Tin Can, Turpentine, and Abraxo Cleaner.
Plasma Grenade
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 150
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Plasma Mine
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Item ID: 0000433D
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 150
Action Points: 35
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
Pulse Grenade
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 10
Action Points: 24
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
This grenade disables robots for 8 seconds.
Pulse Mine
Category: Weapon
Type: Explosives
Item ID: 0000433E
Weight: 0.5
Damage: 10
Action Points: 35
Rate of Fire: N/A
Spread: N/A
Crit % Multiplier: N/A
Crit Damage: N/A
This mine disables robots for 8 seconds.
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