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正在加载中,请稍后...Fink Usage
F.A.Q. - 5. Installing, Using and Maintaining Fink
about every package, including those that are still in the unstable
section. The dselect and apt-get tools on
the other hand only know about the packages available as precompiled
binary packages. Many packages are not available in precompiled form
through these tools for a variety of reasons. A package must be in the
"stable" section of the latest point release to be considered, and it
must pass additional checks for policy compliance as well as licensing
and patent restrictions.If you want to install a package that is not available via
dselect / apt-get, you have to compile it
from source using fink install packagename
Make sure you have the Developer Tools installed before you try this.
(If there is no installer for the Developer Tools in your
/Applications folder, you can get them from the
after free registration.) See also the question about unstable
has been created to assist with that.
indicated problems (including kernel panics
and infinite hangs during patching) when using Fink to compile
packages while anti-virus software is installed. You may need to
switch off any anti-virus software before using Fink.
(thanks to Rob Braun) , and you can run fink configure to
choose to search "Master" source mirrors so that Fink will
automatically look there.If this doesn't work, please let the package maintainer (available
from "fink describe packagename
") know that the
URL not all maintainers read the mailing lists all of the
time.To get a usable source, first try hunting around the remote site in
other directories for the same version of the source that Fink wants
(e.g. in an "old" directory). Keep in mind, though, that some remote
sites like to trash the old versions of their packages. If the
official site doesn't have it, then try a web search--sometimes there
are unofficial sites that have the tarball you want. Another place to
which is where Fink stores sourcefiles from packages that have been
released in binary form. If all of the above fail, then you might
consider posting on the
to ask if anybody has the old source available to
give you.Once you locate the proper source tarball, download it manually,
and then move the file into your Fink source location (i.e. for a
default Fink install, "sudo mv package-source.tar.gz
/sw/src/". Then use 'fink install packagename
' as normal.If you can't get the source file, then you'll have to wait for the
maintainer to deal with the problem. They may either post a link to
the old source, or update the .info and .patch files to use the newer
in the Users Guide. If /sw/sbin is there, but
there are other directories ahead of it (e.g.
/usr/local/bin), then you will either want to
reorder your PATH so that /sw/sbin is near the
beginning. Or if you really need the other directory to be before
and this former directory includes another install-info directory, then you'll want to temporarily rename this install-info subdirectory when you use Fink.
), then you can get a .deb file by running sudo
apt-get install --reinstall --download-only packagename
. Otherwise you can build one yourself by running fink
rebuild packagename
, but it won't install yet.Once you have a valid .deb file, then you can reconstitute the
file. First become root by using sudo -s (enter your
administrative user password if necessary), and then use the following
command:dpkg -c full-path-to-debfile | awk '{if ($6 == "./"){ print "/."; } \
else if (substr($6, length($6), 1) == "/")\
{print substr($6, 2, length($6) - 2); } \
else { print substr($6, 2, length($6) - 1);}}'\
& /sw/var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.liste.g.dpkg -c /sw/fink/debs/libgnomeui2-dev_2.0.6-2_darwin-powerpc.deb | awk \
'{if ($6 == "./") { print "/."; } \
else if (substr($6, length($6), 1) == "/") \
{print substr($6, 2, length($6) - 2); } \
else { print substr($6, 2, length($6) - 1);}}' \
& /sw/var/lib/dpkg/info/libgnomeui2-dev.listWhat this does is to extract the contents of the .deb file, remove
everything but the filenames, and write these to the .list file.您所在位置: &
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摘要 二十一世纪,探究性学习成为主流学习方法,中国正在目睹一场教学和学习方法上
于提高农村地区学生的英语阅读能力方面的研究几乎是一项空白。因此,此项研究对于 以在中国农村地区全面培养多层次、高素质、有创造力的人才显得尤为重要。本篇论文


