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音标:[ səul ]&&发音:&&名词复数: souls&&&
中文翻译n.1.灵魂,心灵 (opp. body); 精神;气魄;热情;道义力量。2.精华,精髓,要素。3.化身,典型。4.领唱者,领袖,首脑,中心人物。5.人。6.〔美国〕(黑人表演激起的)强烈感情。7.(美国)黑人文化的特征;黑人种族的自豪感。短语和例子His whole soul revolted from it. 他十分讨厌它。 Not a soul was to be seen. 一个人也没有。 Be a good soul and help me. 好孩子来帮帮我的忙。 There's a good soul. 好孩子〔安慰小孩子、仆人等的话〕。 a good soul 〔口语〕好人。 a thirsty soul 酒徒。 Poor soul! 〔插入句〕可怜。adj.〔美国〕黑人的,黑人文化的,黑人控制的。 a soul radio station 黑人广播电台。 All Souls' Day 万灵节。 by my soul 真的,的的确确。 cannot call one's soul one's own 完全受别人支配。 for my soul =for the soul of me 一定;无论如何也。 have no soul 没有骨气;(作品等)没有感情。 in my soul of souls 天地良心。 keep body and soul together 苟延残喘。 possess one's soul in patience 忍耐。 sell one's soul for 为了…出卖灵魂,作出一切牺牲去得到…。 soul and body 热心地。 soul aviator 〔美国〕牧师。 the soul of hono(u)r 诚实的人。 the very life and soul of …的灵魂[领袖等]。 to save my soul=for the soul of me. upon (or 'pon, on, 'on) my soul=by my soul. with one's heart and soul 全神贯注;全心全意。&&&&由该书的两位作者&&&&论灵魂》&&&&生当做人杰; 死亦为鬼雄&&&&电鬼&&&&灵魂相对&&&&我的灵魂&&&&陷落的灵魂&&&&自由魂&&&&恶毒的灵魂&&&&糊涂虫&&&&黑夜孤魂&&&&灵魂收割机&&&&性情相投的人&&&&灵魂吸收&&&&心之咏叹调
例句与用法He fought body and soul for his country .他全心全意地为祖国而战斗。There is no gall or spite in my soul .我内心对谁都没有怨恨或恶意。I had a longing for a homeland for my soul .我渴望着我心灵上的归宿。Why doesn't he show his hand, damn his soul ?妈的,他干吗不露一手呢?He looked at every soul in the congregation .他望着会场上的每一个人。He had his sister's soul and person .他具有和他姐姐一样的心灵和人品。Our soul possesses two cognitive powers .我们的灵魂具有两种认知力量。A little body often harbours a great soul .伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯。The odor of souls is a brace to the walls .灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。Harmony was the soul of our companionship .和睦可以说是我们友谊的精髓。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释 "there was too much for one person to do"同义词:, , , , , the human emb "the soul of honor"a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s; "soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement"deep feeling or emotion同义词:, the immater the actuating cause of an individual life同义词:,
百科解释The soul, in many mythological, religious, philosophical, and psychological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a person, living thing, or object.&soul.&Encyclop?dia Britannica. 2010. Encyclop?dia Britannica 2006 CD. 13 July 2010.详细百科解释
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