为什么 NBA2008 篮球比赛每次暂停时间 或者进入第二节比赛都是失…

以下文章完成是在几年之前了,按类别做了一个分类。内容多有疏漏,也并非十分完善。为了清晰简明我直接选取了规则部分,忽略掉了些细微的规则修改。另做一点小补充:每一年NBA裁判组都会对规则重新作出解释,在比赛中也会调整吹罚的强度,所以篮球规则只是个纲要,很多时候如果出现错位也没必要特别较真。篮球规则初始规则:篮球运动是用手进行的运动,球是圆的;手拿着球走或者跑都是不允许的;运动员可以到场上任何地方,只要不影响和妨碍对方运动员;运动员与运动员之间不允许发生身体接触;篮圈应该是水平的。奈?史密斯十三法则:球员可以用单手或双手向任何方向扔球。球员可以用单手或双手向任何方向抢、打球,但绝对不能用拳头击球。球员不能带球走。必须用手持球,而不允许用头顶、脚踢球。不允许球员用肩撞、手拉、手推、手打、脚绊等方法来对付另一方的队员。任何队员违反此规则,第一次被认为是犯规,第二次再犯规,就要被强行停止比赛,直到命中一个球后才能重新上场参加比赛。如果有意伤害对方球员,就要取消他参加整个比赛的资格,且不允许替补。用拳击球违反第3条和第4条规则。如果任何一方连续犯规3次,就要算对方命中一球。连续犯规的意思是指:在一段时间里,对方队员未发生犯规,而本方队员接连发生犯规。如果防守者没有触到球或干扰球,当球投入篮内并停留在篮里就算中篮。如果球停在篮筐上,而对方队员触动了篮筐,也算命中一球。当球出界,球将由第一个接触球者扔进场内。若有争论,裁判员将球扔进场内。掷界外球允许5秒钟,如果超过5秒钟,球判给对方。主裁判员是球员的裁判,他有权吹犯规。当某队连续3次犯规,他将通知副裁判员。他有权宣布取消某队员的比赛资格。副裁判员是球的裁判,他可决定什么时候球在比赛中,并要计时、决定球的命中、记录命中的球数以及承担通常裁判员应该承担的责任。比赛在两个 15分钟内进行,中间休息5分钟。球命中最多的一方获胜,如果平局,经双方队长的同意,比赛可延至再命中一球为止。NBA规则 防守:1978-79当防守球员不侵犯进攻球员的进攻轨迹时可以进行身体接触。1994-95从对方后场底线到本方罚球线外禁止用手推人防守。当一名球员侵犯了持球者的进攻路径,则处以两次罚球。1997-98当进攻球员在前场面框攻击时,防守者不得以前臂阻挡进攻球员。1999-00进攻球员和防守球员均不可侵犯对方已占据的位置,防守者不得以前臂,肩膀,屁股或者手改变或阻止进攻球员的进攻路径。以抓,拍击,搂抱等方式减缓或干扰进攻球员同样视为非法。2000-01防守者在进攻者通过罚球线之前不得以手合前臂进行肢体接触,通过罚球线后,防守者只能以前臂进行防守。进攻球员和防守球员均不可驱逐和替代对方占据的位置。防守者不得以前臂,胳膊,屁股和手臂阻止和改变进攻球员的进攻路径,也不能阻止其他进攻球员为其设置的进攻路径。2001-02防守球员的短暂肢体接触被允许,但肢体接触不得影响球员进攻。2004-05推人犯规被重新定义。 联防:1946-47区域联防被定义为非法。1966-67区域联防被重新定义:在进攻方运球至前场后,防守球员不能在没有对特定防守球员的时候进入罚球区超过三秒。1981-82对已有的区域防守规则进行明确:1,弱侧防守球员不得在罚球区内超过3秒(罚球区以NBA罚球区为准)。2,低位防守球员允许进入防守3秒区域(低位球员定义为接近油漆区的任何球员)。3,不可包夹弱侧的无球队员。4,当进攻方站在弧顶时,防守球员必须在罚球线前站位。5,防守者必须以盯人防守,轮转换位或者包夹的方式完成对球防守。1988-89如果进攻队在圈顶外或无球一侧放置3名或3名以上的队员,应宣判违例。否则进攻方失去球,球将判给对方在圈顶延伸部分的边线掷界外球。1997-98当两名弱侧进攻球员在弧顶扩大区站位,其中一名防守者可以进入弱侧,如果满足一下条件之一,防守球员可进入罚球区:对球有包夹威胁,因包夹失位,或者持球假动作的正常反应。防守者对持球假动作做出反应之后应回到合法区域或继续进行对球包夹。当两名进攻球员在弧顶扩大区之外,防守球员应在罚球区外站位。1999-00强侧防守不受联防规则限制。弱侧防守者应站在合理冲撞区之外,除非:对球包夹,补防无人防守的进攻球员,近距离防守进攻球员。2004-05对三秒时限进行重新定义。罚金:1974-75球员和教练违体犯规的罚金由50美元增长到100美元。1976-77任何一名参与打架的球员将被处以10000美元的罚金。1977-78板凳球员在打架时离开座位的罚金由100美元增至150美元。赛前热身时球员吊在篮筐上将处以25美元的罚金。球员或教练意图官方与官方接触会导致至少一场的禁赛,并会导致罚金或更严重的处罚。1984-85球员和教练直接进入更衣室的而不叫暂停的罚金将由100美元增加至500美元。板凳球员在打架时离开座位的罚金由100美元增加至500美元。1990-91恶意犯规将被判两罚一掷。通过主裁判的判断,没有明显对球犯规的意向,或者违反常规有可能导致伤病的犯规动作将导致犯规球员被驱逐出场。犯规球员将被处以250美元的罚款。1993球员有拳击动作将被立刻罚出场外,并禁赛至少一场,并且处以一定数量的罚金。如果球员拳击对手,并有直接肢体接触将被立刻发出球场,并受到至少1到5场比赛的处罚,并处以一定数量的罚金。球队也将会处以与球员罚金数额等值的罚款。在打架中离开座位的替补球员的罚金由500美元增加至2500美元,每一个离开板凳区域的球员将会导致对球队5000美元的罚款。1994-95任意在场上斗殴中离开板凳席的替补球员将会被处以至少一场的禁赛并且处以最大数额达到20000美元的罚款,并消当场比赛薪水。技术犯规被处以的罚金增长为每次500美元,之前的罚款数额为首次技术犯规100美元,之后罚款数额为150美元。罚球区:1951-52罚球区从6英增加至12英尺。1964-65罚球区从12英尺增加至16英尺。1972-73除罚球队员外,罚球出手之前任何人不得进入罚球区。1997-98合理冲撞区由2×6(米)的区域增大为半径四尺,居于罚球区中线部位的半圆。2001-02如果没有防守特定球员,防守球员在罚球区内时间不能超过3秒。2006-07球员在进行罚球时,无关球员必须在3分线外,在球出手双方球员才可进入罚球区。三分球:1978-79三分球在季前赛中试行。1979-80规定三分线边角距离为22英尺,弧顶处距离为23英尺9英寸。1980-81三分球成为篮球的固定规则。1994-95将三分线距离缩短为距离球筐22英尺。1997-98将三分线的距离重新提高为边角距离22英尺,弧顶距离23英尺9英寸。暂停:1974-75暂定的要求需即时生效,不可延伸到下个时段结束。在比赛的最后两分钟或者加时,拥有球权的球队只有在球进入前场之后才可叫暂停。1976-77拥有球权的球队在最后两分钟内,进攻方在暂停之后可以选择在中线发球。1977-7820秒暂停后,球队只能替换受伤球员。对手也可以用暂停时间替换球员。比赛的最后两分钟或者是加时赛中,当一支球队在获得球权之后立刻要求暂停,他们可以选择在中线继续发球开始比赛。1983-84当20秒短暂停和强制暂停同时在同一支球队应用,只有强制暂停会被计算在内。1984-85球队在加时赛可叫暂停数量从两次增加到3次,并且之前的比赛或加时赛所叫的暂停数不计入在内。1992-93无论是否有球权,两支球队都可以在比赛停止时叫暂停并且交换受伤球员。当球队没有暂停时,他们会得到20秒的时间交换伤病球员,当交换没有完场,原球员必须重新回到场上。1997-98当一名球员的双脚都在空中而身体的任意部分触及边线的垂直部分,他不可以叫暂停。2000-01每场比赛暂停数量由第6次增加至7次。第四节四节每队暂停时间由2次增加为3次。对暂停流程的重新规定。计时:1976-77 时钟从发球开始计时,如果在5秒之内罚球,时钟将重新开始计时。(相当于5秒发球规则)1990-91发球后球立即出界至少需要0.3秒。投篮时间至少需要0.3秒。球员在罚球中取得球权并叫暂停至少需要0.3秒。补篮至少需要0.1秒。1992-93只有在篮球触碰篮筐后计时器才重新计时。1999-00如果计时器少于14秒,当对方球员得到用脚踢球,用拳击球等无罚球犯规时,计时器重新回到14秒。2000-01如果跳球后进攻方获得球权,时钟重置为14秒钟,当剩余时间高于14秒时,计时器保持不变。当防守方获得球权,计时器重置为24秒。犯规:1978-79非法防守被重新修改,第一次非法犯规的被处以口头警告而在第二次犯规之后一并处罚的规则将不再适用。1979-80教练和训练师的人数设限,在比赛中,比赛人员被限制在端线附近28英尺和从中场开始19英尺的区域,违反者将被处以技术犯规。1980-81进攻方被判罚技术犯规是,进攻回合将不会重新计时。之前的规则为:无论是进攻方还是防守方,在获得技术犯规之后进攻回合都将重新计时。1996-97当球队没有暂停时间仍然叫暂停时球队将会被处以一次技术犯规,并且失去球权。2006-07如果比赛球员未在球员名单中出现,在此种情况被发现之后,球员将在第一个死球后丧失比赛资格,球队被处以一次进攻犯规。
很久以前,我写过完全版本的,但期间换了几次电脑有过文件流失,我还真不知道现在在哪台电脑里面,下面附上的,是完全版,来源NBA官方历史频道,我五六年前写规则变化时,就是用这个文档做基础提纲的我大致看了下,与我五六年前写的又略有升级了,增加了这几年的一些变化,主要是前面一些,使用编年体针对规划变化做了完整记录,希望对篮球规则爱好的球迷有用NBA Rules HistoryPosted May 2 PMTake a look back at some of the rules changes that have taken place over the years.(Changes/clarifications implemented prior to season, except where noted)Initial Ruleso 60-game schedule followed by championship playoffs involving the top three teams in each division.o Games are 48 minutes long.o Players are allowed six personal fouls.o Every time you scored, the other team is given possession of the ball.o Zone defenses are allowed.1946-47o Zone defenses outlawed on January 11, 1947.1947-48o Player fouls allowed per game increased from five to six.o Maximum roster size reduced from 12 to 10 players per team.1950-51o After a free throw is made in the last three minutes, there is a jump ball (between the player who committed the foul and the player fouled) instead of possession for the team that committed the foul.To eliminate deliberate fouling and roughness1951-52o Lane widened from six to 12 feetChange primarily attributed to the dominance of George Mikan1952-53o The late-game free-throw rule (see 1950-51) now required the jump ball to take place between the man who is fouled and the player who is guarding him.To eliminate the advantages of having a tall-man foul a short-man.1953-54o Players limited to two fouls per quarter and if a thi the player has to sit out the remainder of that quarter. The rule is rescinded when it fails to prevent late game fouling.1954-55o The 24-second shot clock is introduced.o A penalty free throw is awarded following a team’s sixth foul in any quarter.Both rules had to be adopted to make each one work. The time limit made in unnecessary for the trailing team to foul deliberately, since it would get the ball after 24 seconds. The foul limit made it too costly to foul to prevent a chance at a basket.o The penalty for a backcourt foul became two shots - three to make two if you are over the limit.o Offensive fouls are treated as violations, no free throws and the defensive team gets possession. The foul would still count towards a player’s limit of six personal fouls.1964-65o Lane widened from 12 to 16 feetChange primarily attributed to the dominance of Wilt Chamberlain1966-67o The team foul limit is reduced to five per quarter. In the last two minutes of any period, a team is allowed only one foul before the penalty, even if it hadn’t used up its allotment.o The following language was added to the Zone Defense Rule: "After the offensive team has advanced the ball to its front court, a defensive player may not station himself in the key area longer than three seconds if it is apparent he is making no effort to play an opponent. The three second count starts when the offensive team is in clear control in the front court."1972-73o No foul shots are attempted, other than shooting fouls, until the fifth team foul of any period.o Other than the shooter, players are no longer restricted from entering the lane on free throws attempts.o Teams have 30 seconds to replace a disqualified player.o Errors in the fourth period and overtime must be discovered before the end of the period to be corrected.1974-75o Fine increased from $50 to $100 for a player or coach ejected after being charged with a technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct.o A timeout request made at the instant time expires for a period shall not be granted and the period ends.o In the last two minutes of the game or overtime, no timeouts are allowed once the ball is inbounded until the ball is in the frontcourt.o The “force out” rule is clarified as incidental contact near a boundary line, which causes a player to commit a violation or go out of bounds, and neither team is responsible for the action. The offensive team retains possession.o When there are punching fouls on both teams during the same play, the team last offended is awarded possession.1975-76o After any playing court violation, the ball is to be put into play at the sideline.1976-77o Excessive and/or vigorous swinging of the elbows, without contact, is a violation.o If a defensive player causes the ball to go out-of-bounds, the offensive team, on regaining the ball for throw-in, shall now have the unexpired time or 5 seconds (instead of 10), whichever is longer, to attempt a shot.o For an inbounds play for the last two minutes, the offensive team has the option of moving the ball to midcourt or taking it at the spot following a timeout.o The “force out” rule is eliminated.o If less than five seconds appear on the 24-second clock when the offensive team is entitled to a throw-in, the clock will be reset to five seconds.o The team that gains possession after the opening tap will put the ball into play at their opponent’s end line to begin the fourth period. The team losing the opening tap will put the ball into play at their opponent’s end line at the beginning of the second and third quarters.In putting the ball into play, the thrower-in may run along the end line or pass it to a teammate who is also out-of-bounds at the end line--as after a score.o Any player who engages in a fight is subject to a fine of $10,000 and a suspension.This went into effect March 7, 1977.1977-78o If a coach wants to discuss a rule or an interpretation of a rule prior to the start of a period, it will be mandatory for the officials to ask the other coach to be present during the discussion. Previously, the rule only addressed pre-game discussions.o Any field goal that, in the opinion of the officials is intentionally scored in the wrong basket shall be disallowed.o The 24-second shot clock shall be reset to 24 seconds on all violations, as well as after a zone warning.o If the ball enters the basket from below, a violation has occurred.o Fine increased from $100 to $150 for a player not in the game who does not remain in the vicinity of his team’s bench during a fight.o A $25 fine shall be assessed to any player hanging on the rim during pre-game warm-up. o Following a missed free throw, it is not necessary for a player to return to the floor with a rebound before attempting to score.o Following a 20-second timeout, a team may only substitute for the injured player. The opponent may then also substitute one player.o During the last two minutes of regulation or overtime, if a team requests a timeout immediately after getting possession, they shall have the option of putting the ball into play at midcourt or at the out of bounds spot.o Any player or coach making intentional contact with an official will be suspended without pay for a minimum of one game. A fine and/or a longer suspension may also result.o In order to protest the result of a game notice must be sent to the Commissioner’s office within 48 hours after the game. No protests may be filed after midnight of the day of the last game of the regular season.o If a player is fouled and is subsequently ejected from the game before shooting the free throw(s), he must immediately leave the court and one of his teammates on the floor will be designated by the opposing coach to shoot.1978-79o Number of referees officiating game increased from two to three.o Rolling the ball on the floor from out o penalty of loss of possession eliminated.o Technical foul imposed on team instead of warning for first illegal defense and two technical fouls imposed for second and all subsequent violations. Illegal defense rules modified.o Clarification added instructing players and coaches to proceed directly to dressing rooms, without pause or delay, following halftime. Previous rule only stated at conclusion of game. o Clarification added to prohibit hand-checking through “rigid enforcement” of rule allowing a defensive player to retain contact with his opponent so long as he does not impede his opponent’s progress. o The three-point field goal is tried in pre-season.1979-80o Three-point line established 22 feet in the corners extending to 23 feet, nine inches at the top of the key.o Number of referees officiating game reduced from three to two.o If a team is attempting to bring the ball across the centerline within 10 seconds and a defensive player causes the ball to go out of bounds in the backcourt, the offensive team will no longer receive an additional 10-second count in which to advance the ball past the centerline.o Coaches and trainers are limited, during games, to a 28-foot area between the baseline and a hash mark to be placed 19 feet from mid-court. The penalty is a technical foul.There was concern that coaches and trainers were roaming too far away from their benches and interfering with the functions of the scorer’s table.1980-81o 20-second injury timeout eliminated such that each team is now entitled to one 20-second timeout per half, regardless of injury, for a total of two per game, including overtimes.o Red light, synchronized to light up when the horn sounds at the expiration of each period, added behind backboard.o Officials shall not permit any players to play with any type of hand, arm face, nose, ear, head, or neck jewelry. Safety rules clarified to include all facemasks and eye or nose protectors must conform to the contour of the face and have no sharp or protruding edges. Also, all equipment used by players must be appropriate for basketball and equipment that is unnatural and designed to increase a player’s height or reach, or to gain an advantage, shall not be used.o Any time a technical foul is called on the offensive team, the 24-second clock shall not be reset. Previously, the 24-second clock would be reset regardless of whether the technical foul was charged to the offensive or defensive team.o The 24-second clock shall be reset after a zone warning.o Clarification added regarding free throws: a player shall not deflect or catch the ball before it reaches the basket.o On a flagrant foul, the coach of the offended team selects the free throw shooter.o The three-point field goal becomes a permanent rule.o If any period begins with teams lined up improperly and scores result from this error, all points will be deleted and the period re-started unless ten seconds have elapsed from the game clock. If ten seconds have elapsed, all points count and teams shoot for the same baskets.1981-82o Zone defense rules clarified with new rules for Illegal Defensive Alignments.a. Weak side defenders may come in the pro lane (16’), but not in the college lane (12’) for more than three seconds.b. Defender on post player is allowed in defensive three-second area (A post player is any player adjacent to paint area).c. Player without ball may not be double-teamed from weak side.d. Offensive player above foul line and inside circle must be played by defender inside dotted line.e. If offensive player is above the top of the circle, defender must come to a position above foul line.f. Defender on cutter must follow the cutter, switch, or double-team the ball.o After the first illegal defense violation, the clock is reset to 24 seconds. All subsequent violations result in one free throw and possession of the ball. If any violation occurs during the last 24 seconds of each quarter or overtime period, the offended team receives one free throw.o If a foul committed by a player calls for a single free throw after a successful field goal in the penalty stage, no additional free throw will be allowed if the first foul attempt is missed.o Three fre two to make one eliminated.o Players must report to the 8-foot box area in front of the scorer’s table before referee will beckon them into the game. Players were previously required to report “to the scorer.”o Backcourt fouls considered common fouls and two shots will only be awarded once offending team is over the limit.1982-83o After the ball is out-of-bounds, the team, not the official, shall designate a player to make the throw-in.o On a throw-in, which is not touched inbounds, the ball is returned to the original throw-in spot, as opposed to the point where the ball crossed a boundary.1983-84o If a 20-second timeout has been granted, and a mandatory timeout by the same team is due, only the mandatory timeout will be charged.o Locations of certain jump balls such as a double free-throw violation or when the ball lodges in a basket support changed.o The free thrower shall not purposely fake a free throw attempt.o If a shot is taken simultaneously with a whistle for an illegal defense, and is successful, the basket shall count and no penalty shall be imposed.1984-85o The number of timeouts teams are allowed in overtime increased from two to three regardless of the number of timeouts called or remaining during the regulation play or previous overtimes.o If a foul is committed against any offensive player in his frontcourt, who has a clear path to the basket and is thereby deprived of the opportunity to score, a second free throw and possession of the ball out of bounds shall be awarded.o Fine increased from $100 to $500 for coaches and players who do not leave the court and go directly to their dressing rooms, without pause or delay, at halftime and the end of each game. o Fine increased from $150 to $500 for a player not in the game who does not remain in the vicinity of his team’s bench during a fight.1988-89o Number of referees officiating game increased from two to three.1990-91o Penalties for flagrant fouls increased such that an infraction is penalized by two free throw attempts and possession of the ball out-of-bounds. The offender may also be ejected if there is no apparent effort to play the ball and/or, in the official’s judgment, the contact was of such an excessive nature that an injury could have occurred. Ejected players will be automatically fined $250.o :00.3 must expire on the clock when a ball is inbounded and then hit instantly out-of-boundso :00.3 is needed on the clock to catch the ball and shoot it into the basket whether the shot is made or not.o :00.3 must expire on the clock when a player gets possession of a missed free throw and immediately requests a timeout.o :00.1 is needed on the clock to tip the ball in the basket whether the shot is made or not.1991-92o If a player suffers a laceration or wound where bleeding occurs, game officials will stop play and remove the injured player from the game. The player is then allowed to return after receiving appropriate medical attention.1992-93o The 24-second clock is reset only when the basketball hits the rim.Previously, the clock would be reset if the ball hit either the rim or the backboard.o Either team, whether or not it has possession of the ball, may call a timeout when play is stopped to treat a player, who suffers a laceration or wound where bleeding occurs, and return him to the game without missing play. If that player’s team has no timeouts remaining, the officials will give the team twenty seconds to treat the wound. If treatment is not completed in that time, the player must be removed from the game.1993 Playoffso Any player who throws a punch now immediately ejected from the game, suspended for at least one game, and fined an appropriate dollar amount. Any player throwing a punch that connects with another player will be ejected from the game, suspended for a minimum of one to five games, and fined an appropriate dollar amount. Teams will also be fined an amount equal to the total sum of their players’ fines. Any player leaving the bench area during a fight will be fined $2,500, up from $500, and that player’s team will be fined $5,000 for each of its players who leave the bench area.1993-94o “Five-point” flagrant foul rule implemented whereby if a player’s season total exceeds five points, he receives an automatic suspension following the game in which his point total exceeds five and for each additional flagrant foul committed during the season.1994-95o Shortened the three-point line (22 feet in the corners extending to 23 feet, nine inches at the top of the key) to a uniform 22 feet around the basket.o Awarded three foul shots for any player fouled while attempting a three-point field goal.o Any player who leaves the bench during a fight automatically suspended for a minimum of one game and fined a maximum of $20,000; in addition to losing 1/82nd of his salary for each game, he is suspended.o Any player who commits two flagrant fouls in one game will be ejected.o Hand-checking eliminated from the end line in the backcourt to the opposite foul line.o Technical foul fines increased to $500 each. Formerly, the fines were $100 for the first technical and $150 for the second.o “Clear path” rule changed to include contact in the backcourt. If a defender, grabs a player when the player has a clear path to the basket on a breakaway, two foul shots will be awarded.o The second or more of back-to-back timeouts when the ball is not inbounded will be limited to 45 seconds.1996-97o A team that calls timeout without having any remaining will be assessed a technical foul and lose possession of the ball.o No illegal defense violation may occur when the ball is in the backcourt.1997-98o The three-point line, 22 feet from the basket, lengthened to its original distance of 23 feet, nine inches, except in the corners, where the distance remained 22 feet. o A defender will not be permitted to use his forearm to impede the progress of an offensive player who is facing the basket in the frontcourt.o A player will not be allowed to call timeout (regular or 20-second) if both of his feet are in the air and any part of his body has broken the vertical plane of the boundary line.o The “no-charge area,” formerly a two-by-six foot box where an offensive foul is not called if contact is made with a secondary defensive player who has established a defensive position, will be expanded to the area consisting of a half circle with a four-foot radius measured from the middle of the goal.o If two offensive players on the weak side are positioned above the top-of-the-circle extended, one of the two defenders may occupy any area on the weak side, except that he may not enter the inside lane other than to: aggressively double-team the ball, or defend an offensive player(s) who is open because of a double-team on the ball, or as a normal reaction to a “ball fake.” Following a “ball fake,” the defender must immediately return to a legal position or double-team on the ball.Previously, if two offensive players are positioned above either, the tip-of-circle extended on the strong side or weak side of the court, both defenders had to be positioned above the free throw line.1999-00o In the backcourt, there is no contact with hands and forearms by defenders. In the frontcourt, there is no contact with hands and forearms by defenders except below the free throw line extended in which case the defender may only use his forearm. In the post, neither the offensive player nor the defender is allowed to dislodge or displace a player who has legally obtained a position. Defender may not use his forearm, shoulder, hip or hand to reroute or hold-up an offensive player going from point A to point B or one who is attempting to come around a legal screen set by another offensive player. Slowing or impeding the progress of the screener by grabbing, clutching, holding “chucking” or “wrapping up” is prohibited.o The official(s) will visually commence a five-second count if an offensive player with the ball and not facing-up starts dribbling below the free throw line extended while b or if he starts dribbling outside and then penetrates below the free throw line extended while being closely guarded. The five-second count commences when the offensive player penetrates the free throw line extended. The penalty is the offensive team’s loss of possession of the ball.o If the shot clock is below 14 seconds, it is recycled to 14 seconds when a kicked ball, a punched ball, a common foul requiring no free throw attempts or an illegal defense requiring no free throw attempts occurs.o Any defense is legal on the strong side. Defenders must remain on the weak side outside the paint unless they are double-teaming the ball, picking up a free cutter or closely guarding an offensive player.2000-01o The number of timeouts per team per game was changed to six from seven.o The number of fourth-period timeouts per team was changed to three from four.o The number of timeouts per team during the last two minutes of the fourth period or last two minutes of an overtime period was changed to two from three.o Full timeouts in regulation and overtime will be reduced from 100 to 60 seconds with the following exceptions: (1) the first two timeouts in each period, regardless of which team calls them. (2) the two mandatory timeouts in the second and fourth periods. In those two instances, timeouts will continue to be 100 seconds.Previously all full timeouts were 100 seconds.o During 20-second timeouts in the last two minutes of the fourth period and/or any overtime period there are unlimited substitutions. Previously the team calling the timeout could substitute one player. The other team could substitute only if the team calling timeout substituted.o After a change of possession in the last two minutes of regulation or any overtime period, the offensive team can call a regular or 20-second timeout and advance the ball to midcourt. The team has the option of inbounding the ball in the frontcourt or backcourt. If it passes into the backcourt, the 10-second rule applies. Previously teams could advance the ball only by calling a regular timeout and had to inbound the ball into the frontcourt.o If neither team has taken a timeout in the second and fourth quarter when there is 8:59 remaining, there will be a mandatory timeout after the first dead ball. If neither team has taken a timeout in all four periods when there is 5:59 remaining, there will be a mandatory timeout after the first dead ball. Previously, timeouts were taken after dead balls after 9:59 in the second and fourth periods and after 6:59 in every period.o If the offense retains possession after a jump ball, the clock is reset to 14 seconds or remains the same if there are more than 14 seconds on the clock. If the defense gains possession, the clock is reset to 24 seconds.Previously, if the offense retained possession, the clock was reset to 24 seconds.)o If a player is fouled when he has a clear-path-to-the-basket, he gets one free throw and his team gets possession of the ball at midcourt. Previously, the player received two free throws.o No contact with either hands or forearms by defenders except in the frontcourt below the free throw line extended in which case the defender may use his forearm only.o Neither the offensive player nor the defender will be allowed to dislodge or displace a player who has legally obtained a position.o Defender may not use his forearm, shoulder, hip or hand to reroute or hold-up an offensive player going from point A to Point B or one who is attempting to come around a legal screen set by another offensive player.o Slowing or impeding the progress of the screener by grabbing, clutching, holding “chucking” or “wrapping up” is prohibited.o A five-second count will begin if an offensive player with the ball and not facing-up starts dribbling below the free throw line extended while being closely guarded or starts dribbling outside and then penetrates below the free throw line extended while being closely guarded. (The five-second count commences when the offensive player penetrates the free throw line extended). After five seconds, a violation will have occurred and the offensive team will lose possession.o The shot clock shall remain as it is or be recycled to 14 seconds if it is below 14 for a common foul requiring no free throw attempts occurs, kicked or punched ball violation, or an illegal defense requiring no free throw attempts.o On the strongside, any defense is legal.o On the weakside, defenders must remain on the weakside outside the paint unless (i) they are double-teaming the ball, (ii) picking up a free cutter or (iii) closely guarding an offensive player.2001-02o Illegal defense guidelines will be eliminated in their entirety.o A new defensive three-second rule will prohibit a defensive player from remaining in the lane for more than three consecutive seconds without closely guarding an offensive player.o The time that a team has to advance the ball past midcourt will be reduced from ten seconds to eight.o Brief contact initiated by a defensive player will be allowed if it does not impede the progress of the player with the ball.2002-03o Use of instant replay to review certain last-second plays at the end of each quarter and overtime periods. Replays will be conducted and processed in two minutes or less by the game officials. Replays are triggered automatically - and not at the discretion of the officials or teams.o Instant replay will also be used when: (1) A foul for which the resulting free throws could affect the outcome of the game is called with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of the fourth quarter or any overtime period or (2) A foul is called with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of the first, second and third quarters.In these situations, officials will review instant replay to determine only whether the called foul occurred prior to the expiration of time on the game clock and not whether the call itself was correct.2003-04o For a 20-Second Timeout, the official shall instruct the timer to record the 20 seconds and to inform him when the time has expired. o If a team calls a 20-second timeout because one of its players is injured and, at the expiration of the 20-second timeout limit, play is unable to resume due to that player's injury, a full timeout will be charged to that team and 20-second timeout returned.o The 24-second clock shall remain the same as when play was interrupted or reset to 5 seconds, whichever is greater, any time on jump balls retained by the offensive team as the result of a held ball caused by the defense.2004-05o New rules were introduced to curtail hand-checking, clarify blocking fouls and call defensive three seconds to open up the game.2006-07o The head coach may request a timeout (20-second or full) at any time during a game as long as his team has possession of the ball or there is a suspension of play.o Free substitution is permitted during all 20-second timeouts.o On a clear-path-to-the-basket foul, the team that is fouled is awarded two free throw attempt and the ball on the sideline.o If a player not listed on a team’s Active List participates in game play, the officials, upon noticing or being made aware of the ineligible player, will disqualify the player at the first dead ball and the player’s team will be assessed a technical foul.o Players not occupying a lane space during a free- attempt must remain behind the three-point line and above the free-throw line extended until the ball is released by the free-throw shooter.o If a flagrant foul/penalty 1 is called and the fouled player is unable due to injury to shoot his free-throws, his team’s coach (not the opposing team’s coach) selects a replacement free-throw shooter from among players on the floor (not players on the bench) at the time of the foul, and the injured player is not permitted to return to the game. o Note: The rules for unsportsmanlike acts (elbow and punching fouls) and flagrant fouls/penalty 2 state the fouled player’s coach selects the replacement free-throw shooter from any eligible player on his team (whether on the playing floor or the bench) and the injured player is permitted to re-enter the game following the free-throw attempts. There is no change to this rule.2007-081. Rule 2 Section IV. e - Block/Charge ClarificationIf two officials differ on a block/charge foul involving the restricted area and/or lower defensive box, they will conference and share information in an attempt to make the correct call. If no resolution is reached it will be treated as a double foul (See rule 12B VI -f).: Section IV- Different Decisions By Officialsa. The crew chief shall have the authority to set aside or question decisions regardinga rule interpretation made by either of the other officials.b. If two officials give conflicting signals as to who caused the ball to go out-of-bounds,they will conference and reconstruct the play in an attempt to make the correct call. If no resolutionis reached, a jump ball will be signaled between the two players involved at the nearestcircle. If the two players cannot be identified, the jump ball shall be administered at thecenter circle between any two opponents in the game. If one official signals and another officialclearly knows the call is incorrect, they should conference and the calling official maychange the call on the information given. However, if both officials are adamant about theirruling, a jump ball should be held similar to above.c. In the event that a violation and foul occur at the same time, the foul will take precedence.d. Double Foul (See Rule 12-B-Section VI-f).2. Rule 3 Section IV. a - Team Bench ClarificationAll assistants and trainers must remain on the bench.: Section IV-The Coach and Othersa. The coach's position may be on or off the bench from the 28' hash mark to the baseline.They are permitted between the 28' hash mark and the midcourt line to relay informationto players but must return to the bench side of the 28' hash mark immediately or becalled for a non-unsportsmanlike technical foul. A coach is not permitted to cross the midcourtline and violators will be assessed an unsportsmanlike technical foul immediately. Allassistants and trainers must remain on the bench. Coaches and trainers are not permitted togo to the scorer's table, for any reason, except during a dead ball.3. Rule 5 Section VII. a - Clarification on Full Timeouts in Last Two MinutesIf a team has two (2) or three (3) full timeouts remaining when the fourth period reaches the 2:00 mark, one (1) of the timeouts will be changed to a 20-second timeout and they will retain only one (1) full timeout. Therefore, if a team has not yet used its allotted 20-second timeout for the second half, it shall have two 20-second timeouts at its disposal.: Section VII-Regular Timeout-100/60 Seconds:a. Each team is entitled to six (6) charged timeouts during regulation play. Each team is limited to no more than three (3) timeouts in the fourth period and no more than two (2) timeouts in the last two minutes of regulation play. (This is in addition to one 20-second timeout per half.)4. Comments on Rules - Notes. - Blood Rule ModificationA team will not be given an additional 30 seconds should bleeding occur from a wound reopened which is not the result of additional contact.: If a player suffers a laceration of a wound where bleeding occurs or if blood is visible on a player or his uniform, the officials shall suspend the game at the earliest appropriate time and allow a maximum of 30 seconds for treatment. 5. Rule 13 Section I. a - Instant Replay AdditionsInstant Replay review will be triggered automatically in the following situations:(5) - A called Flagrant Foul/Penalty 2(6) - Altercations Rule 13 Section I - Instant Replay AdditionsAltercations:Instant Replay will be utilized to determine:- The identity of all players involved in the altercation, action immediately prior to and immediately following altercation.- The level of involvement of each player.- The appropriate penalty to be assessed against each player. : Section I-Instant Replay Review Triggers:a. Instant replay would be triggered automatically in the following situations:(1) A field goal made with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of thefourth period or any overtime period that, if scored, would affect or potentiallycould affect, the outcome of the game.(2) A field goal made with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of thefirst, second and third periods.(3) A foul called with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of the fourthperiod or any overtime period, provided that it could affect the outcome of thegame.(4) A foul called with no time remaining on the clock (0:00) at the end of the first, secondor third periods. b. Instant replay would NOT be used to check a successful basket in 1 and 2 above ifthe throw-in, free throw attempt or jump ball started with .2 or .1 on the game clock. The officialswill judge the legality of the basket in these situations based on the guidelines as setforth in Comments on the Rules L. Rule 13 Section II - Instant Replay AdditionsFlagrant Foul/Penalty 2:Instant Replay will be utilized to determine:- Whether the Flagrant Foul/Penalty 2 was called correctly or whether it should be downgraded to a Flagrant Foul/Penalty 1 or a Personal Foul. - Whether any other players committed unsportsmanlike acts immediately prior to or immediately following the Flagrant Foul/Penalty 2.: Section II-Reviewable Mattersa. If an instant replay review is triggered as described in Section I-a (1) and (2) above,the officials would review the tape to determine only the following issues:(1) Whether time on the game clock expired before the ball left the shooter's hand.(2) If the shot was timely, whether the successful field goal was scored correctly asa two-point or three-point field goal.(3) If the shot was timely, whether the shooter committed a boundary line violation.For purposes of this review, the official would look only at the position of theshooter's feet at the moment they last touched the floor immediately prior to (or,if applicable, during) the release of the shot.(4) Whether the 24-second clock expired before the ball left the shooter's hand.(5) Whether an 8-second backcourt violation occurred before the ball left the shooter'shand.Rule 13 Section III - Replay Review ProcessReviews would be conducted as a crew. The Crew Chief will make the final decision.Maximum of two minutes to review the video and make a ruling. Reasonable amount of additional time beyond two minutes for review of Flagrant Fouls/Penalty 2 and Player Altercations.Calls made on the court will be overturned only with "clear and conclusive" visual evidence. : Section III-Replay Review Processa. All replay reviews would be conducted by the officials as a crew after gathering asmuch information as possible. In cases of conflict, the crew chief would make the final decision.b. The call made by the game officials during play would be reversed only when thereplay provides the officials with "clear and conclusive" visual evidence to do so.c. The officials will use the following to make their final decision in the order listedbelow.(1) Game clock or shot clock on top of backboard.(2) LED lights.(3) Game clock on the facades of the balcony.(4) Game clock on score boards hanging from the ceiling.(5) Superimposed TV clocks.d. The officials will keep both teams on the court at the end of the second period ifinstant replay is being used to determine if a foul was called prior to expiration or if there isany question whether the shooter committed a 24-second violation, 8-second violation orboundary line violation where time may be added to the game clock.e. The officials will keep both teams on the court anytime instant replay is used at theend of the fourth period or overtime period.
既然楼主问重要的修改,我来说个简略版的,篮球规则经过了三次革命性的变革。第一次 设立三秒区这是为了限制内线,随后由于乔治.麦肯和张伯伦等巨星,又多次修改规则将三秒区扩大。第二次 限制进攻时间由于前期的篮球比赛节奏缓慢,比分低,所以规则限制一次进攻需要在30秒或者24秒内完成,而且在10秒或者8秒的时间内必须过前场。现在通行的规则是24s+8s。第三次 设立三分线在没有三分线的时候,球员之间的投篮能力差距很大却无法区分,为了鼓励远投,设立了三分线。这也直接导致了雷.阿伦 和 米勒这样的传奇投手的诞生。


