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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
Since Red Alert 2, the IFV has been the most versatile unit at the Allies disposal. Alone it is a fairly cheap scouting, anti-air, anti-vehicle, and troop carrying unit, but with the addition of certain infantry, it can be much more. The IFV combinations fall into three categories, anti-infantry, anti-vehicle and support. They maybe versatile units, but they are not good at everything, so employing different combinations of the IFVs is good practice for a well rounded IFV force. Mixing them with other units like Guardian Tanks, Mirage Tanks, Athena Cannons, and Cryocopters make for a well rounded army.
Peacekeeper IFV and Javelin Soldier IFV
Here is the classic anti-infantry choice which essentially makes a better armored and faster Peacekeeper. Also, since it is faster than the Riptide ACV, it makes a good anti-scouting unit which is good for taking down incoming or camped Attack Dogs and Armored Bears. The Peacekeeper IFV is also the Allies most effective counter when destroying Terror Drones while on the offensive at tier 1.
The Javelin Soldier IFV is a quick unit that packs a lot of this is an incredibly effective harassment unit. 3 to 4 of these will destroy an enemy Ore Collector in a matter of seconds. These are also exceptionally good at destroying slower armored units, and with proper micro can be used to kite and destroy tanks. Javelin Soldier IFVs are also great anti-air units shredding apart smaller aircraft in no time, and accompanied with the Apollo Fighter can destroy Kirovs quickly as well as Balloon Bombs. Another thing to keep in mind is the Javelin Soldier’s Laserlock ability, which can be used when he is evacuated from the IFV. This is mainly effective against buildings, and should be used when there are no other anti-infantry units or structures to put him in danger.
Both of these IFVs in combination make a deadly early game force since they compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses well. Remember to keep Peacekeeper IFVs near the front of the pack to deal with infantry at close range while your Javelin Soldier tangles with armored units, structures and the occasional aircraft.
Engineer IFV
When an Engineer is placed into an IFV the result is a mobile repair unit. Mixing these into your attack force prolongs assaults and forces your enemy to fire upon these first, leaving your stronger attacking units free to fire back on your opponent’s forces. It is also an effective way to cope with pesky Terror Drones in the field. Since the IFV is also a troop transport, putting an Engineer in is a quick way to get to far away tech structures and can be used sneakily used to capture enemy structures on land. The repair mechanics are illustrated in the video below.
Unlike other IFV combos, the Engineer IFV has no direct way of killing enemy units. This makes it solely a support unit in battle and is extremely vulnerable to all types of attacks with used alone. When using sneaky tactics such as capturing Construction Yards, a distracting force, Cryoblast, or Chrono Chasm is a must.
Putting a Spy into an IFV works very much like putting a Sniper in an IFV in Red Alert 2. At tier 2, it is a much more effective at dealing with enemy infantry than the Peacekeeper IFV and is able to kill most infantry and Terror Drones with one shot. However unlike the Sniper IFV from Red Alert 2, the Spy IFV has to be at fairly close range. The following video illustrates the power of a well microed Spy IFV.
Like the Peacekeeper IFV, the Spy IFV is weak against other armored units and air strikes. Worse yet, trying to evacuate the Spy while the IFV is being attacked blows the Spy’s cover and forces your opponent to build extra dogs or bears. Although it does cost more than the Peacekeeper IFV, it is much more effective, especially at full veterancy.
Remember the Navy Seal IFV from Red Alert 2? Well it’s back in the form of the Tanya IFV as the extreme anti-infantry IFV. Putting Tanya into an IFV is also a quick way to get her around the map and leaves her less vulnerable to Sickle or Twinblade attacks. Also, putting her into an IFV allows her to be Chrono Shifted into an enemy base for a quick Construction Yard or tech building knockout. This can be done as soon as you hit tier 3 since the Chronosphere is a tier 2 superweapon. Here’s a video demonstrating the power of the Tanya IFV.
Like its anti-infantry counterparts, the Tanya IFV is extremely vulnerable to aerial assaults. However, once removed from the IFV, Tanya is capable of destroying any land or sea based targets. With the IFV as backup, she is less likely to fall to air based attackers and other anti-infantry armored units.
There is one more IFV combination worth mentioning and that is the Attack Dog IFV, because it is not a very useable combo. The stun duration is extremely short and has to be done at close range, leaving a very tiny window of opportunity to use effectively. The Attack Dog IFV may be useful against Commandos, Tanya in particular, but Natasha and Yuriko have long ranged attacks that will render it useless before it can be used.
In Summary
The Peacekeeper IFV is an extremely useful anti-infantry and anti-scouting unit in the early game, but is overshadowed by the Spy IFV come mid to late game.和平守卫者IFV是早期游戏中相当有用的反步兵/反侦察单位,不过在中后期间谍IFV的光环就远远盖过它了。Javelin Soldier IFVs are a very good anti-vehicle, anti-air, and anti-building unit. Evacuating the Javelin Soldier from the IFV to use the Laserlock ability is devastating to structures.标***兵IFV是非常好的反装甲,防空,反建筑单位。让标***兵从IFV中撤离后可以使用激光锁定能力来摧毁建筑。Using an Engineer IFV repairs units while out in the field. This will be a highly targeted unit, so keep it protected at all times.使用工程师IFV可以在战场上修理单位。它是敌人的首要目标,所以要一直保证它在你的保护下。Tanya in an IFV not only increases her survival around anti-infantry units, but also makes a powerful anti-infantry unit itself.谭雅在IFV中不仅增加她在反步兵单位面前的存活能力,而且让它自身成为非常强大的反步兵单位。Attack Dog IVFs are not effective due to a short stun time and high vulnerability to most units.攻击狗IFV由于很短的晕眩时间和易受大多数单位的攻击特性,没有那么有效。
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Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 153, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
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UID1770226主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分974金钱2530 荣誉26 人气0 在线时间32 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 974, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
英文作者: Croutonman
Returning to the Allied ranks from the previous Red Alert games is the Spy, with Sean Connery-like accent and all. The Allied infiltration specialist is an extremely versatile unit being able to walk right into an enemy base disguised as enemy infantry, infiltrates and sabotages enemy structures, and new to Red Alert 3, can bribe enemy units to fight for you.
The Spy’s main ability is to disguise itself as an enemy infantry unit, including dogs and bears. Just like in the previous installments of the Red Alert series, Attack Dogs, and now Burst Drones and Armored Bears can detect Spies. Also like in previous Red Alerts, a disguised Spy cannot be normally targeted by enemy units, but can still be force fired upon.
Being able to get the disguise relies on good scouting, either through good use of scouting units or the Surveillance Sweep support power. Selecting the right units to disguise is also very important since Spies are amphibious units. When sending a Spy through the water, select a disguise of an amphibious enemy unit. Dogs, bears, Shinobis, Engineers, and the three commandos are good choices here. Using land only infantry is a dead give away, and will blow your Spy’s cover in the water. Spies can also disguise themselves as Dolphins. This is a good di however the disguise stays as a Dolphin on land as well.
Using Terrain to Your Advantage
A good disguise can increase the survivability of your Spy, but knowing the layout of the map is also extremely important. Sending your Spy along the edges of the map is a good idea because many people do not scout these areas, even more so if they do not have a navy. Moving your Spy behind a ridge or neutral building can hide him even if the enemy has that area scouted. This leaves the Spy hidden in an area that can only be seen if your opponent rotates their camera angle.
Spies and Structures
The biggest non-battle influencing property that spies have is their ability to infiltrate enemy structures. Getting them in can be a daunting task, but in certain cases can open up chances for attacks or can give a player valuable intelligence as to what your opponent is doing. Sending your spies into different buildings provides different effects, which are listed below:
Construction Yard - Reveals fog of war from the building radius of your enemy’s Construction Yard. It’s perfect for seeing the layout of your enemy’s base as well as keeping tabs on what units are coming out of production structures.主基地----暴露敌人主基地范围内的战争烟雾。这是看到敌人基地布局的好方法同时可以让你知道敌人的生产列表里有什么。Power Plants - Shuts enemy’s power off for 30 seconds. This is useful against turtlers before staging a major offensive or air strike.电厂----让敌人停电30秒。这在进行大规模空袭或进攻前对付防御塔上非常有用。Refineries - Entering a Spy into an enemy Refinery will steal $2,000 from your enemy regardless of how much money they have.矿厂----让间谍进入一个敌矿厂可以偷到2000大洋,而不管敌人有多少钱。Unit Production Structures - Shuts the production structure down for 30 seconds making unit production and repairs impossible. As an added bonus, you will be able to see all units of produced from that structure for a short period of time.单位生产的建筑----让单位生产暂停30秒,可以让单位生产和修理瘫痪。额外的效果是,你可以在一段时间内看到这个建筑生产的所有单位。Technology Structures - This will temporarily stop production of any tier 3 units or structures. More importantly though, it will reset the enemy’s radar, leaving only portions of the map where their units and structures are visible.科技建筑----这将这哪是停止任何三级单位和建筑的生产。更重要的是,他将重置敌人的雷达,只能让他看到他的单位和建筑所能看到的部分。Superweapons - The Spy will reset the cool down counter back to its original time, useful for buying extra time to prepare before it is used.超武----间谍会重启计时器,可以在敌人使用之前为你的作战准备提供宝贵的时间。Bribing
For the first time in the Red Alert series, spies have Bribe. When in a short vicinity of enemy units, the spy can convert enemy units into your own units for $1000. This is a particularly deadly tide turner in battle, especially against tier 3 units which are extremely powerful and an expensive loss for your opponent.
Pulling off a successful bribe is not easy though. Make sure at the very minimum your Spy is disguised as an enemy infantry unit. Sneaking a Spy from the rear or flank is best, creating a potential sandwich of your units between enemy units. This is also best because it buys a little bit of extra time that most units need to turn and fire on your Spy. Also, if your Spy is about to be crushed, bribe the enemy unit to save your Spy.
An easier way to pull off a successful bribe is by using the Chrono Chasm, Fissure, or Rift Powers. Use the support power on the group of units to be bribed, move in the Spy, and then as soon as the units come back from the chrono effect, bribe them. This is shown in the following video:
Spies and IFVs
Spies placed in IFVs act exactly like Snipers in IFVs from Red Alert 2, but without the long range. Aside from being great infantry killers, they can also destroy Terror Drones in one shot. For more information regarding this combination, refer to
In Summary
Picking the right disguise increases your Spy’s chances for survival. Be sure to pick an appropriate disguise based on the route taken to the enemy’s base. Also, use terrain to your advantage.选择适当的伪装可以增加间谍存活的几率。确保根据不同的潜入路径选择合适的伪装。同时要考虑利用地形优势。Sending a Spy into an enemy structure can give some valuable information, stall your opponent’s ore gathering, stop unit production, or reset superweapon timers.派一个间谍潜入敌人建筑可以得到一些有价值的信息,阻止敌人采矿,停止单位生产,或是重置超武计时器。Bribing enemy units will turn them against their makers for $1000. Set up a distraction or use the Chrono Chasm ability to paralyze units and set your spies up for bribing.贿赂敌军单位可以用1000元的代价收买他们为你所用。首先要吸引敌人注意力或是要用时空裂缝能力来瘫痪单位,然后让你的间谍去贿赂它们。Spies in a IFVs act as snipers and can take out groups of infantry with the correct micro.间谍在IFV中作为近程狙击手使用,通过正确的微操它们可以干掉大组步兵。
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天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
冷酷的 征召兵
UID895232主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分186金钱460 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 186, 距离下一级还需 14 积分
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喜欢 RedAlert & Need For Speed
UID1770226主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分974金钱2530 荣誉26 人气0 在线时间32 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 974, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
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UID2621438主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分250金钱539 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 250, 距离下一级还需 250 积分
帖子精华0积分250金钱539 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
New to the Allies in Red Alert 3 is cryo-technology, and aside from the support powers, the Cryocopter is the only Allied unit to harness this power. While it does not have a directly damaging weapon, it is a great support unit, allowing players to freeze or shrink units.
RA3中出现的盟军的新技术----冰冻科技。除去支援能力外, 冷冻直升机是盟军唯一可以使用这个能力的单位。它不是可以直接产生伤害的武器,不过它是个非常棒的支援单位,可以让玩家冰冻或缩小单位。
Freeze Beam
The main attack of the Cryocopter is the Freeze beam, which will literally freeze all types of units after a certain number of shots. Once frozen, the units are extremely susceptible to all forms of damage. The Freeze Ray is especially good at freezing already slow but powerful enemy units like Apocalypse Tanks, Assault Destroyers, or King Oni Mechs. When higher tier units are frozen, lower tier units can mop them up with ease. Another good target for the Cryocopter is enemy Ore Trucks. Once frozen, a quick strike from a Vindicator or Surgical Strike will one shot any frozen Ore Truck as shown in the video below.
S.H.R.I.N.K. Beam
The Cryocopter has a very odd secondary ability in the S.H.R.I.N.K. Beam. This is another support ability that doesn’t directly damage enemy units, but severely weaken both their armor and attack power. Also, the S.H.R.I.N.K. Beam reduces the crush level of units to the level of infantry. This means that even the mightiest of units, such as the King Oni Mechs and Apocalypse Tanks can be crushed by Guardian and Mirage Tanks.
Shrinking to Your Advantage
While shrinkage may not seem desirable, there are a few positive tradeoffs that come with it. Shrunk units are much faster than their normal sized counterparts, harder to spot, and harder to target. Use this to get units across the map quicker than normal to set up ambushes and sneak attacks, or to get units out of harms way quickly.
High Technology and Air Superiority
Both High Technology and Air Superiority affect the performance of the Cryocopter. The more noticeable of the two upgrades is High Technology, which cuts the number of shots to freeze a unit by roughly 33%. This can save a lot of time in the thick of battle when a unit needs to be frozen quickly, plus it also affects so many other units like Guardian Tanks. Air Superiority only affects the sight range of the Cryocopter. Since it does not need to land at the Airfield to replenish weapons, the extra weapons payload upgrade is wasted. Unless Vindicators are brought into the mix or there is a huge need for Surgical Strikes and Time Bombs, it’s an upgrade that can wait.
Cryocopters and Vindicators
Remember the GDI’s Orca Rush from Tiberium Wars and Kane’s Wrath? The Allies have a similar rush which uses the Cryocopter Freeze Beam. Like the GDI Orca Rush, it is very limited in it use, primarily against the Soviets. Start with a Barracks, Power Plant, Refinery, then build an Air Field and get the High Technology upgrade. At this point, build one Vindicator and tech up to tier 2. As soon as you are teched to tier 2, build a Cryocopter and send it toward the enemy’s Ore Truck. With the High Technology upgrade, the Cryocopter needs five shots to freeze an Ore Truck. Right before the last shot, bring in your Vindicator and shatter the Ore Truck, and get out quickly. Here is a video showing how this is done.
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
Red Alert 3 offers up some new toys to the Allied arsenal, but one of the deadliest is the Century Bomber. This long range bomber is great for flattening structures and heavily damaging closely packed units. Another new feature, which is reminiscent to older Red Alerts, is the Century Bombers secondary ability to paradrop infantry making it a deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled Allied commander.
Bombing Techniques
The Century Bomber’s main attack is 6 ground busting bombs that have a significant blast radius and with the Air Superiority it increases to 9. With that said one Century Bomber can pack a lot of destructive power. Like the Parabombs from Red Alert or Carpet Bombing like Generals and Zero Hour, the bomber unleashes its payload in a straight line. Bombing structures efficiently is not as easy as just pointing and clicking though, but with a little bit of micro can really give opposing players nightmares.
Bombing Through Choke Points - Like Fish in a Barrel
Is your enemy moving their troops through a valley or along a narrow path? The linear attack pattern of the Century Bomber is perfect for softening up packs of units traveling through tight areas since they cannot easily maneuver to out of the way of falling bombs. This can make your opponent retreat for repairs or think twice about where to attack from.
There are a couple ways to maximize your payloads destructive power. The attack angle the bomber comes in at is critical, since the bomber attacks in a straight line. Be sure to attack in line through the widest part of the structure, maximizing the number of bombs that hit. Force firing while the bomber is over the target, will ensure that the first bomb will also hit its intended target. Then redirect your bomber away and fly over again. This will allow you to reset your attack route and drop of the rest of your bombs resulting in maximum damage. Larger structures like Naval Yards, War Factories, Tech Buildings and Construction Yards require a more bombers, but with adequate micro can still be destroyed in one payload. A video showing the bombing power of one Century Bomber can be seen below.
Paradropping Units
The Century Bomber can do much more then drop bombs on enemy units and structures. Like the IFV and Riptide, it can also be used as a troop transport, but is much faster since it can fly over cliffs. The bomber can also bomb units and structures while units are inside of it, meaning it is possible to bomb a group of units, then drop infantry over them to finish them off. Units transported from the bomber are paradropped to their targets, and like paratroopers in the previous Red Alert titles are vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire.
Another plus is that units can be dropped anywhere they can walk or swim. This means that Dogs, Engineer, Spies and Tanya can be dropped behind enemy lines in or out of the water for a potentially big sneak attack. The paradrop power of the Century Bomber also opens up new places for your infantry to be in terms of elevation. Dropping a couple of Javelin Soldiers on the ridge outside an enemy base can wreak havoc for their mining operations, especially when they are on laser lock mode. Even after the Ore Truck and Refinery is gone, the vantage point from the cliff can spy on half of the enemy’s base. A video of the Century Bombers drop power potential can be seen below.
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
One of the greatest units in the allied arsenal, and one of the greatest Tier 2 vehicles available, the Assault Destroyer has a respectable anti-tank role, high armor, an extraordinary secondary ability and good mobility due to being amphibious. They are able to crush most units due to their immense size, but the secondary ability, Blackhole armor, is its true crowning glory.
The main weapon is a single shot, slow firing cannon. While it may cause decent damage, it is not enough to rely upon in a fight. The best way to make use of an Assault Destroyer's offensive capabilities, is to have a main force pre-occupy the enemy, while the Assault Destroyer uses its mobility to flank the enemies base, and exploit weak points, such as their economy. This distracts your opponent having to deal with both your main army, and heavy tanks destroying their precious base. But with the ability to crush tier 1 and 2 units, it is perfect for spearheading any land or naval-based assault.
Assault Destroyers are also great in tandem with the Chronorift powers. When you can't run over your opponent's tanks because they are too far away, use Chronorift on them, and drive your destroyers right on top of where they should reappear. When your opponent's units phase back in, they will be quickly dispatched under the treads of your destroyers!
Improving Offensive Power
Coupling an Assault Destroyer with a Guardian Tank's painter beam greatly increases its offensive capabilities by 50%, even more so with the Higher Technology player power, granting it 100% more damage to their prey.
Blackhole Armor
One of the greatest uses of the Assault Destroyer is its secondary ability. Already a high armored unit able to absorb most attacks with ease, Blackhole Armor amplifies their defense by 25%. Many of you are familiar with the term 'meatshield,' using a unit with a high defense against the enemy. They take all the firepower on themselves with little damage, granting the rest of the attack force the ability to attack without worry of being attacked back.
All attacks within the 'Blackhole Field' are redirected towards the Assault Destroyer allowing other more fragile units to attack and waste the enemy. With careful positioning, it can deflect missiles entering the field back towards the enemy as dumb missiles. It is always best to keep the Assault Destroyer in this mode. The only downside is that it prevents the cannon from firing, but for the trade off it protects all other units in the surrounding area from any sneak attacks made by the enemy that you aren't aware of.
To augment the ability of the field, use fragile, but powerful units such as Athena Cannons and Guardian Tanks to destroy the enemy while you keep them protected. Moving the Assault Destroyer forward both acts as a defensive buffer, but also a deterrent as most units will be crushed underneath the treads of the Destroyer if they dare to charge forward.
Assault Destroyer Rush
A quick tech rush, that while leaves you on a slight economical standstill, granting you only $2100/minute, can cripple the enemy greatly to the point that they will have lost the game right then and there. They key to this strategy is counter-scouting your enemy and micromanaging your units and their secondary abilities. This strategy involves the use of both of the Hydrofoil's secondary ability, and Cryocopters. The best way to counter scout your enemy is using dogs, or peacekeepers against Allies or Soviets, but against Empire it becomes more costly requiring Javelin Soldiers, which still becomes highly risky.
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
The Javelin Soldier is one of the more basic Allied infantry, but also one of the more feared. This anti-armor and anti-air infantry is an early game power house when combined with Peacekeepers, IFVs, or even garrisoned in buildings. The secondary ability, Laser Lock, makes the Javelin Soldier even more deadly when well protected, firing a barrage of rockets onto enemy units or structures.
Laser Lock Mode
This mode is particularly deadly against enemy armored units and structures. When in Laser Lock mode, the Javelin Soldier will pound enemy units or structures with a constant stream of rockets with a slight increase in range. Even one Javelin Soldier in Laser Lock mode can destroy medium armored units and buildings in seconds, especially when your opponent does not see it coming. Used with normal Javelin Soldiers, they can handle just about any non-anti-infantry force that comes in its way.
However, this deadly force comes at a pretty steep price. While in Laser Lock mode, the Javelin Soldier is extremely vulnerable to any type of attack because of the 3 second pre-attack delay. With the pre-attack delay, Javelin Soldiers need to be reinforced by supporting units. In the early game, mixing in Peacekeeper IFVs and extra non-Laser Locking Javelin Soldiers is a good way to keep enemy infantry and aircraft at bay. During the mid-game to late game they work extremely well with Guardian Tanks for ground forces and can be backed up with a couple Apollo Fighters or IFVs if met by Twinblades.
Switching Targets in Laser Lock Mode
Even though the Javelin Soldier has a pre-attack delay, it doesn't mean that they are completely helpless when have to swith targets. If the Laser Lock is firing on one target and a threat approaches, quickly force fire on the new threat while it's in range. This will transfer the Laser Lock onto the new target. The video below shows an example of how it is done.
Javelin Soldiers are by far the best garrisoning unit that the Allies have since they can attack both enemy ground and air units. They can be used to set up a forward defense on maps like Cabana, creating a damaging choke point. This type of map control will make your opponent think twice before attacking from a direct route and also give you a good line of sight around the map.
Early Game Rushes and Sneak Attacks
The destructive force of the Javelin Soldier makes it the perfect unit to be involved in early game rushes. Depending on the map, three early game rushes come to mind:
Although it will work on both Cabana and Temple Prime, this one is better suited for Temple Prime. Quickly build a Barracks, Power Plant, Refinery and War Factory. Scout your opponent, make sure he isn't garrisoning the straw huts at the back of his base, and capture at least one Oil Derrick. In the meantime, build one Peacekeeper, two Javelin Solider and three IFVs. Load up the IFVs and send them straight to the enemy base. Use the IFVs to transport your troops and unload the Javelin Soldiers and Peacekeepers by the little straw hut in the back of your opponent's base. Garrison the hut and attack the ore collector and refinery using the infantry inside while using your IFVs to harass the other one or keep them close in case you need to get your infantry out in a hurry. An example can be seen in the video below.
Riptide Surprise
This rush involves using a Riptide ACV, Javelin Soldiers, and one of the two garrisons in your enemy base on Temple Prime. Use the same build order mentioned in the IFV rush above. Skirting the loaded Riptide along the edges of the map works best, since many players do not scout the waterways or expand to the water in the early game. Once on land, evacuate your Javelin Soldiers and garrison them in the buildings close to the enemy’s Ore Collectors. From there, pick off any Ore Collectors and any nearby structures. Use the Riptide to defend your garrison from any garrison clearing units. See the following video to see the mechanics of the rush.
Another early rush used primarily on used on Temple Prime. This one involves building two quick Barracks, a Power Plant, and a Refinery. After the first Barracks is build begin building Peacekeepers then from the second Barracks, build Javelin Soldiers and start streaming them toward the enemy’s base. The major downfall of this build is a lack of early game scouting which can in part be made up by the Surveillance Sweep support power. A prime example comes from Pr4ct1c3’s reign in our very own King of the Hill Tournament:
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
The Allies Harrier from Red Alert 2 is back in Red Alert 3 as the Vindicator. This quick strike unit is extremely useful in taking out light infantry, vehicles, and does a fair job against structures as well. While it doesn’t have a flashy secondary ability like most units in Red Alert 3, the Return to Base option allows the Vindicator to fly back to base much faster than its normal speed, increasing its bombing capabilities.
Effects of Air Superiority
When using Vindicators, Air Superiority is a must. The main reason is the increase in payload, increasing the number of bombs from 2 to 3. Also, when re-arming despite an increase in payload, the Vindicator reloads its 3 bombs in 3 seconds as opposed to its 2 bombs in 4 seconds. Another important effect of Air Superiority is the 20% defense buff the Vindicator receives, which makes bombing runs much safer. Lastly, but less important, is the increased sight range.
Always Use Return to Base
After a bombing run, maneuver your Vindicators away from any anti-aircraft fire then use the Return to Base secondary ability. This will give a 25% speed boost to your Vindicator on the return flight home resulting in less damage and allows you to use your Vindicators again sooner.
What Vindicators Can Destroy
Vindicators, especially with Air Superiority are extremely effective against all types of ground and some naval units. All tier 1 infantry fall to one Vindicator, especially Engineers, making them a good last ditch effort in keeping Oil Derricks from being captured. Upgraded Vindicators really excel against tier 1 Soviet harassment units, mainly Terror Drones and Stingrays, destroying them in one bombing run. Vindicators also fair well against tier 2 armor, tier 3 ground artillery, and ground based anti-aircraft units as well. One upgraded Vindicator will severely damage any of these units and a second will destroy them.
Vindicators and Ore Collectors
Unlike the Orca from Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars and Kane’s Wrath, the Vindicator is not very effective at destroying Ore Collectors. It takes 5 upgraded Vindicators to destroy one Ore Collector. Making a couple bombing runs is effective, but gives opponents a chance to repair if they are the Allies or Empire. Another way to use Vindicators to destroy Ore Collectors is by using one Cryocopter and one Vindicator to shatter the truck once it is frozen.
Vindicators also do a decent job at destroying structures. Two upgraded Vindicators can destroy tier 1 base defenses, Sputniks and Nanocores. Three upgraded Vindicators can destroy Power Plants and Barracks, and four can destroy an Oil Derrick.
The Vindicator Rush
Much like GDI’s Orca Rush from Command and Conquer 3, the Allies have a similar rush that uses Vindicators. Start by building a Power Plant, Airfield, Refinery and a second Airfield. Research the Air Superiority upgrade also.
Build 4 Vindicators from the first Airfield then one from the second. Use the first couple Vindicators to scout out the map. Bomb enemy Engineers, Dog, Bears, or Dojo Cores that come into play since you want to deny your opponent any Oil Derricks. Once all 5 Vindicators are ready, begin bombing enemy Ore Collectors. When the enemy builds anti-air units, begin bombing them with two Vindicators, or if they are Tengus build a couple Apollo Fighters. In the meantime, use the other 3 Vindicators to bomb Power Plants and Barracks. Once you have the money, build a second Refinery before another Power Plant. The low power status will not be much of a setback, since you will be busy micromanaging units.
From here the rest is situational. Try to keep the enemy from expanding since any extra money made from that can be used to replace destroyed Ore Collectors, Power Plants and build units to counter your Vindicators. Use frequent bombing runs to distract your enemy while you capture more Oil Derricks, or use a squadron of 4 Vindicators to destroy them. Teching up isn’t always necessary since Javelin and Peacekeeper IFVs make a good follow-up attack once you can afford them. Teching up to tier 2 does have its advantages though since it opens up Guardian Tanks and Cryocopters, which can both help to keep Ore Collectors in check. The video below shows the Vindicator rush in action.
天邈汉化组翻译【初级】地下先遣军沙虫卫士 寄生坦克
UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3063 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
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