
每一小时写一封信 到72封的时候 就解了
把硬盘拔下来放入微波炉,选择解冻选项,然后选择你的硬盘重量,微波炉会自动检测并给出所需时间,然后按开始键,剩下的就是微波炉替你完成了。等到一声清脆悦耳的“叮”传出,恭喜你,解冻完成了。应该没办法吧…… 只能等72小时美服WOW账号因被人恶意登陆被冻结,求解如何解冻
美服账号被冻结,邮箱收到被冻结通知,在官网的账号恢复服务填写后快2天多了也没恢复。给***发信询问让我填写一个账号恢复表单([url]/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&tag=bnettouform&rhtml=true[/url]) 请问这上面所有内容都需要填写么?请有过类似经验的同学给予说明0.0
[quote][pid=][b]Post by bbcklii585 ( 17:46):[/b][/pid]看来没戏了,你帐号别人怎么知道的,我就好奇了~[/quote]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 灵魂游荡者 ( 17:50):[/b][/pid]我只是在不同地方登陆没有开代理被当做恶意登陆而已[/quote]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by akasier ( 18:06):[/b][/pid]不可能。玩美服用代理,IP变了,也只是锁你账号,改个密码就能继续玩。你只是异地登陆只会是要你改密码的。你这账号冻结了,是别的原因。[/quote]
the World of Warcraft account WOW1 has been accessed/compromised by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use告诉我是因为这个问题。。。 难道不是因为IP是真的被盗了0.0?
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 灵魂游荡者 ( 18:23):[/b][/pid]the World of Warcraft account WOW1 has been accessed/compromised by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use告诉我是因为这个问题。。。 难道不是因为IP是真的被盗了0.0?[/quote]
请问有人遇到过相似情况么。。。 求解哇
你可以试试找下FBI [s:37]
美服 封了 99% 都别想找回来
***是没戏 重来吧如果你是用朋友的 可以传真一份 就找一下***吧
表格里的内容全填。最重要的是ID那项和机密问题:如果没有北美ID就扫描护照首页附件穿过去,主要是验你的Surename是否与photo id一致。同时扫描下你的retail客户端实物(带CDKEY的部分)一起发过去,更有说服力。再啰嗦一遍:注册帐号时填写的姓名绝对要实名!尤其是last name绝对不要胡填。等不及回信或者觉的情况复杂说不清楚就直接打***,在西海岸PST上班时间。封停的email通知字眼就像医院的诊断:只描述"症状"不提供具体分析的。你的情况字面上就是他们认为有除你之外的人登录你的帐号。至于是被盗还是共享没说。***之,ToU就是bullshit,不用跟接***的墨迹这个。
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 篠田麻裏子 ( 21:22):[/b][/pid]美服 封了 99% 都别想找回来[/quote]没这么绝对。只要你注册不瞎填假新鲜,所有retail copy都留底,开变速外挂的号都能折腾回来。Blizzard的customer service在处理日常业务的实际尺度上也是和ToU说一套做一套的。
[size=150%][quote]首先,你需要把这张表格打印出来(因为最后一项需要你的亲笔签名);填写完成后,扫描并以邮件的方式发送到制定的地址。[/quote]下面我挨个给你解释:[quote]Section A: Battle.net Account Information
Please enter the name of a valid Battle.net account to which the World of Warcraft account in Section B should be associated.
Please note, a Battle.net account is required to access the game.
Battle.net Account Email: __________________________________________________________[/quote]这里填写你的战网通行证的邮件 xxxx@xxx.xx[quote]Section B: World of Warcraft Account Information (If Applicable)
World of Warcraft Account Name: ____________________________________________________[/quote]这里填写 通行证下,魔兽世界游戏账号. 尽量 列举完整, 用分号隔开。
World of Warcraft Account Name: asd[quote]Section C: Registered Account User's Updated Contact Information
First Name: ___________________________ & &
ZIP Code: _______________________________
Last Name: ___________________________ & &
Country: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________ & &
(cont.): _______________________________ & &
Email: __________________________________
City: _________________________________ & &
New Parental Control Email*:
State/Province/Region: __________________ & &
*-Only necessary if setting up parental controls[/quote]名: ___________________________ & &
邮编: _______________________________
姓: ___________________________ & &
国家: ________________________________
地址: ______________________________ & &
(cont.): _______________________________ & &
邮箱: __________________________________
城市: _________________________________ & &
州/省: __________________ & &
Only necessary if setting up parental controls
-------这个可以无视,你应该没有什么父母监控邮箱[quote]Section D: Requested Services
Please circle the applicable services needed for the account:
Account Recovery & &
Secret Question Retrieval & &
Move World of Warcraft Account
Power of Attorney Verification & &
Deactivate Authenticator & &
Update Parental Control Email
& & Activate Parental Controls & &
Update Account Holder's Name & &
Password Reset
Paid Character Transfer Dispute & &
& &[/quote]账号恢复
转移WOW账号这个忘了 [s:24]
密码重置取消付费转移角色?应该是把我觉得你应该选择第1个······Account Recovery 账号恢复
[quote]Section E: Registered Account User's Identification
Please circle the included valid government-issued photo ID type(s):
1.Driver's License & &
Military & &
Government Employee & &
& & 5. Passport
-or- other ID type(s) required for verification
Certificate of Birth/Adoption (Minors Only) & &
& & 7. Marriage License & &
Death Certificate
9.Decree of Divorce & &
Court Order of Name Change & &
& &[/quote]这个是要你在附件里提供 ***明证件。 然后在这里选择[color=crimson]任意一种[/color]证件种类1.是驾照(北美这边就用它当做***明)
5.护照 (这个必须)
9离婚证[quote]Section F: Account Transfer Requests
Blizzard may allow transfers of accounts for 'Exceptional Circumstances,' such as transferring the account from a parent or guardian to a child upon reaching the age of majority. If you are seeking to initiate an account transfer for an Exceptional Circumstance, please complete the section below. Note that with regards to account transfer requests,
Blizzard reserves the right to refuse any account transfer request for any reason, or for no reason.
The undersigned relinquishes all control of and rights to use the World of Warcraft account with the login name _____________________________ to the individual ______________________________.
Registered User's Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
Registered User's Name, Printed: _______________________________________________________
[/quote]F 这个你用不上,就不用填了。[quote]Section G: Agreement and Signature
The undersigned certifies that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, all information contained in this form and in the accompanying statements and documents is true, complete and correct. The undersigned acknowledges having read and understood the Terms of Use Agreement located at [url]/us/legal/tou.html[/url] and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use Agreement.
Registered Account User's Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________
Registered Account User's Name, Printed: _________________________________________________[/quote]注册账号使用者签名 --------(这里要手写啊) 然后是日期 (月/日/年)注册账号使用者名字,这里需要 不好翻译, 举例 (使用者叫 Jay zhou) 那么就 一笔一划的写
: Jay Zhou[quote]最后一步,填写完了,扫描上传。a.这个表格必须在一个图片内. b.还需要扫描上传***明扫描图片 c.注意要求的附件大小. jpg估计过大[/quote][/size]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by yiting-04-22 13:14):[/b][/pid]啥叫恶意登陆?[/quote]是楼主自己的理解.Email正式说法是帐号拥有者之外未经授权的登陆行为.只是个书面的&官方&笼统称谓.
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 篠田麻裏子 ( 21:22):[/b][/pid]美服 封了 99% 都别想找回来[/quote]封过,要回来了404页面没有找到


