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  无毒你懂得网站_那种网站你懂的2017    无毒你懂得网站_那种网站你懂的2017  见着江晨来势生猛,潇湘子□棒一立,棒端向他掌心点来。江晨见□棒上白索缠绕,棒头拖着一条麻绳,便如是孝子手中所执的哭丧棒,心知他棒上暗藏剧毒,当下将手一番,一招空手入白刃,已抓住了尹克西的金鞭。  See Jiang Chen became animated, Xiaoxiangzi - rod, rod end to his palm to. See reporter Jiang Chen stick mud head winding, dragging a rope, such as filial hands the kusangbang, knowing he will now stick hidden poison, a hand, a hand into knives, has grabbed Yin Kexi's golden whip.  尹克西心下骇然,待要抖鞭回击,鞭梢已入敌手,当即顺着对方一扯之势,和身向江晨扑来,与此同时,左手中已多了一柄明晃晃的匕首,这一招以攻为守,乃是十八小擒拿手的绝招。  Yin Kexi heart to be aghast, shaking the whip whipping back, has been into the enemy, immediately follow the other pull force and body to Jiang Chen came, at the same time, the left hand has been more a shining dagger, this trick is offensive, eighteen small grappling hand trick.  “好功夫。”江晨赞了一声,当下右手一翻,破金剑锋芒急转,直奔他左手斩去,尹克西满拟这一匕首刺出,敌人非放脱金鞭而闪避匕首不可,岂知对方出手狠辣,竟然要剁下他的左手。  "Good time." Jiang Chen praised a sound, the right hand turn over, breaking Jin Jian's sharp, straight cut to his left hand, Yin Kexi full of quasi this dagger, put off the enemy - the Golden Whip and dagger dodge can not know the other shot biting, had to cut off his left hand.  就在这时,法王的金轮和潇湘子的□棒已同时攻到,江晨一扯金龙鞭不下,大喝一声,一股真气自金鞭上传了过去。尹克西胸口犹如被大铁锤重重一击,眼前金星乱舞,哇的一声,喷出一口鲜血。江晨已放脱金鞭,回手招架。尹克西自知受伤不轻,慢慢退开,在地下盘膝而坐,气运丹田,忍住鲜血不再喷出。  At this time, the king and Xiaoxiangzi - Kingland rods have to attack, Jiang Chen pull down dragon whip, a shout, a true since the Golden Whip spread over. Yin Kexi is like a big hammer hit the chest, before Venus flurry, wow, a blood spray. Jiang Chen has put off the Golden Whip, back. Yin Kexi was injured in the underground, slowly back, sit cross legged, prompt action, blood no longer hold out.  金轮法王与潇湘子二人眼见着江晨一上手就将尹克西打伤,不由得为之大骇,当下联手进退,与江晨激斗起来。  With two people Xiaoxiangzi King Jinlun seeing Jiang Chen started to be Yin Kexi wounded, could not help but to negotiate the joint retreat, fight with Jiang Chen shock.  上次宛城之战,金轮法王因小觑了江晨,故而未用金轮,以至大败而回,如今再次相遇,他自然不敢托大,一出手,便是五轮飞转。  The last battle of Wancheng, because the king Jinlun underestimated Jiang Chen, therefore did not use to defeat and the back wheel, now meet again, he do not care, one shot, is the five round of flying.


