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欢乐童年、七彩梦想----首届万辉社区少儿才艺文化节12月8日成功举办!添加时间: 15:33:27 & &&&& 12月8日,由万辉地产与城厢区第一实验小学联合组办的“首届万辉社区少儿才艺大赛”在万辉二期罗马广场成功举行!
& && 万辉地产一直致力于社区文化建设,全力打造和谐美丽的温馨家园。本次文化节旨在给社区广大小朋友搭建一个展示交流的平台,让他们在万辉留下欢乐的童年记忆,放飞自己的七彩梦想,迎接美好的未来!
&&& 文化节分为白天的书画类专场以及晚上的才艺表演暨颁奖晚会,共计110名万辉小业主报名参加。经过评选,表现特别优秀的均获得“小小书画家”及“万辉小童星”金奖,其余参与的小朋友也获得“小小书画家”及“万辉小童星”称号,同时他们也获得了不少的奖品鼓励。晚上的才艺表演环节特别精彩,随着城厢区第一实验小学老师们的歌舞表演,才艺表演环节正式拉开序幕!随后的才艺表演有钢琴、架子鼓、古筝、唱歌、舞蹈等众多表演形式,掌声不断。其中的一个由乐动艺术培训中心支持推荐的节目尤其让人感动,主角是一位双目失明的小朋友:黄芳、今年7岁,她热爱音乐、坚强乐观,目前由乐动艺术培训中心老师为其进行全程的友情指导培训,在晚会上她为大家演奏了钢琴曲目《欢乐的牧童》并演唱歌曲《隐形的翅膀》获得了热烈的掌声,相信在她的努力下,在众多热心人士的关爱下,一定能够放飞自己的音乐梦想!
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Windows 7: NSIS Error
NSIS Error
I'm getting a pop-up NSIS error - Error launching installer. I think it was after I uninstalled Comodo or zone alarm on one of my computers.
Can I check the &event viewer& to find out what program is causing the error. Or you have other suggestions on how to get rid of my annoying friend?
Hard Drives 232 GB
Windows 7 32 bit
will show you what it set to run on startup.
If it's an erroneous installer launch I'd check the RunOnce first.
Typically that's set and then the machine is rebooted so the installer can get at files before they're locked by the system.
Keyboard PS/2
Mouse PS/2 Wheel Mouse
Hard Drives 500 GB Sata internal :
SIIG USB 3.0 docking stations w/WD Caviar Black 6 Gb/s drives
Other Info SIIG USB 3.0 PCIexpress card.
Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Click here
Click on Download Now button
When the download is complete . Drag the DDS program from the Downloads folder to your Desktop
Double click the DDS icon on the Desktop then click the Run button to run the tool.
Place a check next to attach.txt and click Start . When done, DDS will open two logs DDS.txt
Save two logs onto your desktop and upload them with your reply
How To Upload a File
Click on the Go Advanced button under the Message box . Scroll down to Additional Options then click on Manage Attachments in the Attach Files sections . Click the Browse button locate the file then click on the Open button . In the Upload File from your Computer section click on the Upload button . Wait until it finishes uploading then close the window . Then click Submit Reply .
Keyboard Microsoft Wireless Laser Keyboard 7000
Mouse Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 7000
Cooling Intel Stock Heatsink Fan
Hard Drives WD6400AACS-00M3B0 (640GB SATA )
Thanks for the post. I found the culprit, it's was Comodo Dragon. I uninstalled it and all is well. I had re-installed Comodo firewall and that must have come along with.
Hard Drives 232 GB
Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
If you solved your issue then mark this thread solved .
Keyboard Microsoft Wireless Laser Keyboard 7000
Mouse Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 7000
Cooling Intel Stock Heatsink Fan
Hard Drives WD6400AACS-00M3B0 (640GB SATA )
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit sp1
Nsis error, error lauching installer
recently I have 2 times blue screen.
Attached Files
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Antivirus Avast
Windows 7 64-bit Professional
comodo & nsis-error = deinstall comodo dragon browser
hope this helps
Windows Home Premium x64 7 SP1
error Launch installer
I have been getting this error for a short time, and latest updates have failed to install. Ran the DSS system but not that good on reading or finding the errors in these TXT files.
Attached Images
Attached Files
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Hard Drives internal 500GB, external 350GB
Antivirus Nortons Internet Security 2014
Browser Firefox V25.0
Windows Home Premium x64 7 SP1
After reading some of the other problems with this error, I downloaded a package called Reimage did the scan and then discovered after the scan it would cost me 69.00, so deleted it. Did the removal using REVO uninstaller. Still got the problem, but then discovered some how a system
was now on my computer. Did some research and found using MS's uninstall that the system still thought Reimage was in system, tried to remove it using MS uninstall, and system just hung telling me it was removing it. After 5-8 minutes I killed it went
back to Revo Uninstaller, found following on pc, conduit.con, and sweet-updater.
Got rid of both and did the restart. Still got the NSIS error. But a little disturbed at some systems forcing you to take garbage you did not ask for or told it not to install, and still get it in to the system. When I booted the system up this morning no ERROR. Not exactly sure where it went or what caused it to disappear, but until I don't see this for a few days, will be happy.
Hard Drives internal 500GB, external 350GB
Antivirus Nortons Internet Security 2014
Browser Firefox V25.0
windows 7 home premium 64 bit
having problem uploading files
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(9.1 KB, 6 views)
&NSIS Error
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