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Android DDMS如何使用?
DDMS 的全称是Dalvik Debug Monitor Service,它为我们提供例如:为测试设备截屏,针对特定的进程查看正在运行的线程以及堆信息、Logcat、广播状态信息、模拟***呼叫、接收SMS、虚拟地理坐标等等。
如何启动 DDMS
DDMS 工具存放在SDK - tools/路径下,启动DDMS方法如下:
DDMS对Emulator和外接测试机有同等效用。如果系统检测到它们(VM)同时运行,那么DDMS将会默认指向 Emulator。以上2种启动后的操作有些不一样,建议分别尝试下。
DDMS 的工作原理
DDMS将搭建起IDE与测试终端(Emulator 或者connected device)的链接,它们应用各自独立的端口***调试器的信息,DDMS可以实时监测到测试终端的连接情况。当有新的测试终端连接后,DDMS将捕捉到终端的ID,并通过adb建立调试器,从而实现发送指令到测试终端的目的。
DDMS***第一个终端App进程的端口为8600,APP进程将分配8601,如果有更多终端或者更多APP进程将按照这个顺序依次类推。DDMS通过8700端口(”base port”)接收所有终端的指令。
在GUI的左上角可以看到标签为”Devices”的面板,这里可以查看到所有与DDMS连 接的终端的详细信息,以及每个终端正在运行的APP进程,每个进程最右边相对应的是与调试器链接的端口。因为Android是基于Linux内核开发的操 作平台,同时也保留了Linux中特有的进程ID,它介于进程名和端口号之间。
在面板的右上角有一排很重要的按键他们分别是Debug the selected process、Update Threads、Update Heap、Stop Process和ScreenShot。
Emulator Control
Telephony Status: 通过选项模拟语音质量以及信号连接模式。
Telephony Actions: 模拟***接听和发送SMS到测试终端。
Location Control: 模拟地理坐标或者模拟动态的路线坐标变化并显示预设的地理标识,可以通过以下3种方式:
Manual: 手动为终端发送二维经纬坐标。
GPX: 通过GPX文件导入序列动态变化地理坐标,从而模拟行进中GPS变化的数值。
KML: 通过KML文件导入独特的地理标识,并以动态形式根据变化的地理坐标显示在测试终端。
Threads、Heap、File Exporler
这几项,我们在其他开发工具中也经常使用,就在不此详细说明了。通过File Exporler可以查看Android模拟器中的文件,可以很方便的导入/出文件。
在Emulator Control\Telephony Actions 中输入以下内容
Using DDMS
Android ships with a debugging tool called the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), which provides port-forwarding services, screen capture on the device, thread and heap information on the device, logcat, process,
and radio state information, incoming call and SMS spoofing, location data spoofing, and more. This page provides a modest discussion of DDMS it is not an exhaustive exploration of all the features and capabilities.
Running DDMS
DDMS is integrated into Eclipse and is also shipped in the tools/ directory of the SDK. DDMS works with both the emulator and a connected
device. If both are connected and running simultaneously, DDMS defaults to the emulator.
From Eclipse: Click Window & Open Perspective & Other... & DDMS.
From the command line: Type ddms (or ./ddms on Mac/Linux) from the tools/directory.
How DDMS Interacts with a Debugger
On Android, every application runs in its own process, each of which runs in its own virtual machine (VM). Each VM exposes a unique port that a debugger can attach to.
When DDMS starts, it connects to . When a device is connected, a VM monitoring service is created
between adb and DDMS, which notifies DDMS when a VM on the device is started or terminated. Once a VM is running, DDMS retrieves the VM's process ID (pid), via adb,
and opens a connection to the VM's debugger, through the adb daemon (adbd) on the device. DDMS can now talk to the VM using a custom wire protocol.
DDMS assigns a debugging port to each VM on the device. Typically, DDMS assigns port 8600 for the first debuggable VM, the next on 8601, and so on. When a debugger connects to one of these ports, all traffic is
forwarded to the debugger from the associated VM. You can only attach a single debugger to a single port, but DDMS can handle multiple, attached debuggers.
By default, DDMS also listens on another debugging port, the DDMS "base port" (8700, by default). The base port is a port forwarder, which can accept VM traffic from any debugging port and forward it to the debugger
on port 8700. This allows you to attach one debugger to port 8700, and debug all the VMs on a device. The traffic that is forwarded is determined by the currently selected process in the DDMS Devices view.
The following screenshot shows a typical DDMS screen in Eclipse. If you are starting DDMS from the command line, the screen is slightly different, but much of the functionality is identical. Notice that the highlighted
process,com.android.email, that is running in the emulator has the debugging port 8700 assigned to it as well as 8606. This signifies that DDMS is currently forwarding port 8606 to the
static debugging port of 8700.
Figure 1. Screenshot of DDMS
If you are not using Eclipse and ADT, read , for more information on attaching your debugger.
Tip: You can set a number of DDMS preferences in File & Preferences. Preferences are saved to$HOME/.android/ddms.cfg.
Known debugging issues with Dalvik
Debugging an application in the Dalvik VM should work the same as it does in other VMs. However, when single-stepping out of synchronized code, the "current line" cursor may jump to the last line in the method for one step.
Using DDMS
The following sections describe how to use DDMS and the various tabs and panes that are part of the DDMS GUI. The Eclipse version and the command line version have minor UI differences, but the same functionality. For information on running DDMS, see the previous
section in this document, .
Viewing heap usage for a process
DDMS allows you to view how much heap memory a process is using. This information is useful in tracking heap usage at a certain point of time during the execution of your application.
To view heap usage for a process:
In the Devices tab, select the process that you want to see the heap information for.
Click the Update Heap button to enable heap information for the process.
In the Heap tab, click Cause GC to invoke garbage collection, which enables the collection of heap data. When the operation completes, you will see a group of object types and the memory that has been allocated
for each type. You can click Cause GC again to refresh the data.
Click on an object type in the list to see a bar graph that shows the number of objects allocated for a particular memory size in bytes.
Tracking memory allocation of objects
DDMS provides a feature to track objects that are being allocated to memory and to see which classes and threads are allocating the objects. This allows you to track, in real time, where objects are being allocated
when you perform certain actions in your application. This information is valuable for assessing memory usage that can affect application performance.
To track memory allocation of objects:
In the Devices tab, select the process that you want to enable allocation tracking for.
In the Allocation Tracker tab, click the Start Tracking button to begin allocation tracking. At this point, anything you do in your application will be tracked.
Click Get Allocations to see a list of objects that have been allocated since you clicked on the Start Tracking button. You can click on Get Allocations again to append to the
list new objects that that have been allocated.
To stop tracking or to clear the data and start over, click the Stop Tracking button.
Click on a specific row in the list to see more detailed information such as the method and line number of the code that allocated the object.
Working with an emulator or device's file system
DDMS provides a File Explorer tab that allows you to view, copy, and delete files on the device. This feature is useful in examining files that are created by your application or if you want to transfer files to
and from the device.
To work with an emulator or device's file system:
In the Devices tab, select the emulator that you want to view the file system for.
To copy a file from the device, locate the file in the File Explorer and click the Pull file button.
To copy a file to the device, click the Push file button on the File Explorer tab.
Examining thread information
The Threads tab in DDMS shows you the currently running threads for a selected process.
In the Devices tab, select the process that you want to examine the threads for.
Click the Update Threads button.
In the Threads tab, you can view the thread information for the selected process.
Starting method profiling
Method profiling is a means to track certain metrics about a method, such as number of calls, execution time, and time spent executing the method. If you want more granular control over where profiling data is collected,
use the and
For more information about generating trace logs, see.
Before you start method profiling in DDMS, be aware of the following restrictions:
Android 2.1 and earlier devices must have an SD card present and your application must have permission to write to the SD card.
Android 2.2 and later devices do not need an SD card. The trace log files are streamed directly to your development machine.
To start method profiling:
On the Devices tab, select the process that you want to enable method profiling for.
Click the Start Method Profiling button.
Interact with your application to start the methods that you want to profile.
Click the Stop Method Profiling button. DDMS stops profiling your application and opens
the method profiling information that was collected between the time you clicked on Start Method Profiling and Stop Method Profiling.
Using the Network Traffic tool
In Android 4.0, the DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server) includes a Detailed Network Usage tab that makes it possible to track when your application is making network requests. Using this tool, you can monitor how
and when your app transfers data and optimize the underlying code appropriately. You can also distinguish between different traffic types by applying a “tag” to network sockets before use.
These tags are shown in a stack area chart in DDMS, as shown in figure 2:
Figure 2. Network Usage tab.
By monitoring the frequency of your data transfers, and the amount of data transferred during each connection, you can identify areas of your application that can be made more battery-efficient. Generally, you should
look for short spikes that can be delayed, or that should cause a later transfer to be pre-empted.
To better identify the cause of transfer spikes, the
allows you to tag the data transfers occurring within a thread using ,
followed by manually tagging (and untagging) individual sockets using and .
For example:
// Transfer data using socket
Alternatively, the Apache
included in the platform automatically tag sockets internally based on the active tag (as identified by ).
These APIs correctly tag/untag sockets when recycled through keep-alive pools. In the following example,
the active tag to be 0xF00D. There can only be one active tag per thread. That is the value that will be returned by
thus used by to tag sockets.
The finally statement invokes
clear the tag.
// Make network request using HttpClient.execute()
} finally {
Socket tagging is supported in Android 4.0, but real-time stats will only be displayed on devices running Android 4.0.3 or higher.
Using LogCat
LogCat is integrated into DDMS, and outputs the messages that you print out using the
along with other system messages such as stack traces when exceptions are thrown. View the
for more information on how to log messages to the LogCat.
When you have set up your logging, you can use the LogCat feature of DDMS to filter certain messages with the following buttons:
You can also setup your own custom filter to specify more details such as filtering messages with the log tags or with the process id that generated the log message. The add filter, edit filter, and delete filter
buttons let you manage your custom filters.
Emulating phone operations and location
The Emulator control tab lets you simulate a phone's voice and data network status. This is useful when you want to test your application's robustness in differing network environments.
Changing network state, speed, and latency
The Telephony Status section of the Emulator controls tab lets you change different aspects of the phone's networks status, speed and latency. The following options are available to you and are effective immediately
after you set them:
Voice - unregistered, home, roaming, searching, denied
Data - unregistered, home, roaming, searching, denied
Latency - GPRS, EDGE, UMTS
Spoofing calls or SMS text messages
The Telephony Actions section of the Emulator controls tab lets you spoof calls and messages. This is useful when you want to to test your application's robustness in responding to incoming calls and messages that
are sent to the phone. The following actions are available to you:
Voice - Enter a number in the Incoming number field and click Call to send a simulated call to the emulator or phone. Click the Hang up button to terminate the call.
SMS - Enter a number in the Incoming number field and a message in the Message: field and click the Send button to send the message.
Setting the location of the phone
If your application depends on the location of the phone, you can have DDMS send your device or ***D a mock location. This is useful if you want to test different aspects of your application's location specific features
without physically moving. The following geolocation data types are available to you:
Manual - set the location by manually specifying decimal or sexagesimal longitude and latitude values.
GPX - GPS eXchange file
KML - Keyhole Markup Language file
DDMS 的全称是Dalvik Debug Monitor Service,它为我们提供例如:为测试设备截屏,针对特定的进程查看正在运行的线程以及堆信息、Logcat、广播状态信息、模拟***呼叫、接收SMS、虚拟地理坐标等等。DDMS为IDE和emultor及真正的android设备架起来了一座桥梁。开发人员可以通过DDMS看到目标机器上运行的进程/现成状态,可以android的屏幕到开发机上,可以看进程的heap信息,可以查看logcat信息,可以查看进程分配内存情况,可以像目标机发送短信以及打***,可以像android开发发送地理位置信息。可以像GDB一样attach某一个进程调试。
SDKàtools目录下提供了ddms的完整版,直接双击ddms.bat运行即可。下面以Eclipse的DDMS perspective为例简单介绍DDMS的功能。
注意:DDMS对Emulator和外接测试机有同等效用。如果系统检测到它们(VM)同时运行,那么DDMS将会默认指向 Emulator。以上2种启动后的操作有些不一样,建议分别尝试下。
DDMS 的工作原理
DDMS将搭建起IDE与测试终端(Emulator 或者connected device)的链接,它们应用各自独立的端口***调试器的信息,DDMS可以实时监测到测试终端的连接情况。当有新的测试终端连接后,DDMS将捕捉到终端的ID,并通过adb建立调试器,从而实现发送指令到测试终端的目的。
DDMS***第一个终端App进程的端口为8600,APP进程将分配8601,如果有更多终端或者更多APP进程将按照这个顺序依次类推。DDMS通过8700端口(“base port”)接收所有终端的指令。
在GUI的左上角可以看到标签为”Devices”的面板,这里可以查看到所有与DDMS连 接的终端的详细信息,以及每个终端正在运行的APP进程,每个进程最右边相对应的是与调试器链接的端口。因为Android是基于Linux内核开发的操 作平台,同时也保留了Linux中特有的进程ID,它介于进程名和端口号之间。
当你选中某个进程,并按下调试进程按钮时,如果eclipse中有这个进程的代码,那就可以进行源代码级别的调试。有点像GDB attach。图片抓取按钮可以把当前android的显示桌面抓到你的机器上,也是非常有用。
右边那个窗口中有threads, heap , file explorer选项卡。分别显示线程统计信息,栈信息,以及android的文件系统。
file explorer非常有用,他可以把文件上传到android手机,或者从手机下载下来,也可以进行删除操作。选中file explorer选项卡后,按下面三个按钮便可实现对android手机文件系统的上传,下载,删除操作。
emulator control也是非常重要的,通过它可以像手机发送短信, 打***,已经更新手机位置信息。
Telephony Status: 通过选项模拟语音质量以及信号连接模式。
Telephony Actions: 模拟***接听和发送SMS到测试终端。
Location Control: 模拟地理坐标或者模拟动态的路线坐标变化并显示预设的地理标识,可以通过以下3种方式:
? Manual: 手动为终端发送二维经纬坐标。
? GPX: 通过GPX文件导入序列动态变化地理坐标,从而模拟行进中GPS变化的数值。
? KML: 通过KML文件导入独特的地理标识,并以动态形式根据变化的地理坐标显示在测试终端。
eclipse adt目前提供的的ddms功能只是真正ddms的一小部分,你 可以直接使用tools下面的ddms来使用所有功能。其中有一个查看进程内存分配的功能比较有用。
Android 内存泄漏调试
位置: /ANDROID_SOURCE/system/core/rootdir/init.rc 部分脚本
# Define the oom_adj values for the classes of processes that can be
# killed by the kernel.
These are used in ActivityManagerService.
setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ 1
setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ 2
setprop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ 4
setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ 7
setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ 15
# Define the memory thresholds at which the above process classes will
# be killed.
These numbers are in pages (4k).
setprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM 1536
setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM 2048
setprop ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM 4096
setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM 4096
setprop ro.HOME_APP_MEM 4096
setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM 5120
setprop ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM 5632
setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM 6144
# Write value must be consistent with the above properties.
# Note that the driver only supports 6 slots, so we have HOME_APP at the
# same memory level as services.
write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 0,1,2,7,14,15
write /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 1
write /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift 4
write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree 96,44
# Set init its forked children's oom_adj.
write /proc/1/oom_adj -16
(一) 查询数据库没有关闭游标
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri ...);
if (cursor.moveToNext()) {
Cursor cursor =
cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri ...);
if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) {
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
//ignore this
(二) 构造Adapter时,没有使用缓存的 convertView
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
来向ListView提供每一个item所需要的view对象。初始时ListView会从BaseAdapter中根据当前的屏幕布局实例化一定数量的view对象,同时ListView会将这些view对象缓存起来。当向上滚动ListView时,原先位于最上面的list item的view对象会被回收,然后被用来构造新出现的最下面的list item。这个构造过程就是由getView()方法完成的,getView()的第二个形参 View convertView就是被缓存起来的list item的view对象(初始化时缓存中没有view对象则convertView是null)。
由此可以看出,如果我们不去使用convertView,而是每次都在getView()中重新实例化一个View对象的话,即浪费资源也浪费时间,也会使得内存占用越来越大。ListView回收list item的view对象的过程可以查看:
android.widget.AbsListView.java --& void addScrapView(View scrap) 方法。
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View view = new Xxx(...);
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View view =
if (convertView != null) {
view = convertV
populate(view, getItem(position));
view = new Xxx(...);
(三) Bitmap对象不在使用时调用recycle()释放内存
* Free up the memory associated with this bitmap's pixels, and mark the
* bitmap as "dead", meaning it will throw an exception if getPixels() or
* setPixels() is called, and will draw nothing. This operation cannot be
* reversed, so it should only be called if you are sure there are no
* further uses for the bitmap. This is an advanced call, and normally need
* not be called, since the normal GC process will free up this memory when
* there are no more references to this bitmap.
(四) 释放对象的引用
public class DemoActivity extends Activity {
private Handler mHandler = ...
public void operation() {
obj = initObj();
mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
我们有一个成员变量 obj,在operation()中我们希望能够将处理obj实例的操作post到某个线程的MessageQueue中。在以上的代码中,即便是mHandler所在的线程使用完了obj所引用的对象,但这个对象仍然不会被垃圾回收掉,因为DemoActivity.obj还保有这个对象的引用。所以如果在DemoActivity中不再使用这个对象了,可以在[Mark]的位置释放对象的引用,而代码可以修改为:
public void operation() {
obj = initObj();
final Object o =
mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
三、内存监测工具 DDMS --& Heap
无论怎么小心,想完全避免bad code是不可能的,此时就需要一些工具来帮助我们检查代码中是否存在会造成内存泄漏的地方。Android tools中的DDMS就带有一个很不错的内存监测工具Heap(这里我使用eclipse的ADT插件,并以真机为例,在模拟器中的情况类似)。用Heap监测应用进程使用内存情况的步骤如下:
1. 启动eclipse后,切换到DDMS透视图,并确认Devices视图、Heap视图都是打开的;
2. 将手机通过USB链接至电脑,链接时需要确认手机是处于“USB调试”模式,而不是作为“Mass Storage”;
3. 链接成功后,在DDMS的Devices视图中将会显示手机设备的序列号,以及设备中正在运行的部分进程信息;
4. 点击选中想要监测的进程,比如system_process进程;
5. 点击选中Devices视图界面中最上方一排图标中的“Update Heap”图标;
6. 点击Heap视图中的“Cause GC”按钮;
7. 此时在Heap视图中就会看到当前选中的进程的内存使用量的详细情况[如图所示]。
a) 点击“Cause GC”按钮相当于向虚拟机请求了一次gc操作;
b) 当内存使用信息第一次显示以后,无须再不断的点击“Cause GC”,Heap视图界面会定时刷新,在对应用的不断的操作过程中就可以看到内存使用的变化;
c) 内存使用信息的各项参数根据名称即可知道其意思,在此不再赘述。
如何才能知道我们的程序是否有内存泄漏的可能性呢。这里需要注意一个值:Heap视图中部有一个Type叫做data object,即数据对象,也就是我们的程序中大量存在的类类型的对象。在data object一行中有一列是“Total Size”,其值就是当前进程中所有Java数据对象的内存总量,一般情况下,这个值的大小决定了是否会有内存泄漏。可以这样判断:
a) 不断的操作当前应用,同时注意观察data object的Total Size值;
b) 正常情况下Total Size值都会稳定在一个有限的范围内,也就是说由于程序中的的代码良好,没有造成对象不被垃圾回收的情况,所以说虽然我们不断的操作会不断的生成很多对象,而在虚拟机不断的进行GC的过程中,这些对象都被回收了,内存占用量会会落到一个稳定的水平;
c) 反之如果代码中存在没有释放对象引用的情况,则data object的Total Size值在每次GC后不会有明显的回落,随着操作次数的增多Total Size的值会越来越大,
d) 此处已system_process进程为例,在我的测试环境中system_process进程所占用的内存的data object的Total Size正常情况下会稳定在2.2~2.8之间,而当其值超过3.55后进程就会被kill。
四、内存分析工具 MAT(Memory Analyzer Tool)
如果使用DDMS确实发现了我们的程序中存在内存泄漏,那又如何定位到具体出现问题的代码片段,最终找到问题所在呢?如果从头到尾的分析代码逻辑,那肯定会把人逼疯,特别是在维护别人写的代码的时候。这里介绍一个极好的内存分析工具 -- Memory Analyzer Tool(MAT)。
(一) 生成.hprof文件
1. 打开eclipse并切换到DDMS透视图,同时确认Devices、Heap和logcat视图已经打开了;
2. 将手机设备链接到电脑,并确保使用“USB 调试”模式链接,而不是“Mass Storage“模式;
3. 链接成功后在Devices视图中就会看到设备的序列号,和设备中正在运行的部分进程;
4. 点击选中想要分析的应用的进程,在Devices视图上方的一行图标按钮中,同时选中“Update Heap”和“Dump HPROF file”两个按钮;
5. 这是DDMS工具将会自动生成当前选中进程的.hprof文件,并将其进行转换后存放在sdcard当中,如果你已经***了MAT插件,那么此时MAT将会自动被启用,并开始对.hprof文件进行分析;
ERROR/dalvikvm(8574): hprof: can't open /sdcard/com.xxx.hprof-hptemp: Permission denied.
6. 在当前程序中,例如framework中某些代码中,可以使用android.os.Debug中的:
public static void dumpHprofData(String fileName) throws IOException
xxxButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
(二) 使用MAT导入.hprof文件
1. 如果是eclipse自动生成的.hprof文件,可以使用MAT插件直接打开(可能是比较新的ADT才支持);
2. 如果eclipse自动生成的.hprof文件不能被MAT直接打开,或者是使用android.os.Debug.dumpHprofData()方法手动生成的.hprof文件,则需要将.hprof文件进行转换,转换的方法:
例如我将.hprof文件拷贝到PC上的/ANDROID_SDK/tools目录下,并输入命令hprof-conv xxx.hprof yyy.hprof,其中xxx.hprof为原始文件,yyy.hprof为转换过后的文件。转换过后的文件自动放在/ANDROID_SDK/tools目录下。OK,到此为止,.hprof文件处理完毕,可以用来分析内存泄露情况了。
3. 在Eclipse中点击Windows-&Open Perspective-&Other-&Memory Analyzer,或者打Memory Analyzer Tool的RCP。在MAT中点击File-&Open File,浏览并导入刚刚转换而得到的.hprof文件。
(三) 使用MAT的视图工具分析内存
导入.hprof文件以后,MAT会自动解析并生成报告,点击Dominator Tree,并按Package分组,选择自己所定义的Package类点右键,在弹出菜单中选择List objects-&With incoming references。这时会列出所有可疑类,右键点击某一项,并选择Path to GC Roots -& exclude weak/soft references,会进一步筛选出跟程序相关的所有有内存泄露的类。据此,可以追踪到代码中的某一个产生泄露的类。
用 Heap监测应用进程使用内存情况的步骤如下:
1. 启动eclipse后,切换到DDMS透视图,并确认Devices视图、Heap视图都是打开的;
2. 将手机通过USB链接至电脑,链接时需要确认手机是处于“USB调试”模式,而不是作为“Mass Storage”;
3. 链接成功后,在DDMS的Devices视图中将会显示手机设备的序列号,以及设备中正在运行的部分进程信息;
4. 点击选中想要监测的进程,比如system_process进程;
5. 点击选中Devices视图界面中最上方一排图标中的“Update Heap”图标;
6. 点击Heap视图中的“Cause GC”按钮;
7. 此时在Heap视图中就会看到当前选中的进程的内存使用量的详细情况。
a) 点击“Cause GC”按钮相当于向虚拟机请求了一次gc操作;
b) 当内存使用信息第一次显示以后,无须再不断的点击“Cause GC”,Heap视图界面会定时刷新,在对应用的不断的操作过程中就可以看到内存使用的变化;
c) 内存使用信息的各项参数根据名称即可知道其意思,在此不再赘述。
如何才能知道我们的程序是否有内存泄漏的可能性呢。这里需要注意一个值:Heap视图中部有一个Type叫做data object,即数据对象,也就是我们的程序中大量存在的类类型的对象。在data object一行中有一列是“Total Size”,其值就是当前进程中所有Java数据对象的内存总量,一般情况下,这个值的大小决定了是否会有内存泄漏。可以这样判断:
a) 不断的操作当前应用,同时注意观察data object的Total Size值;
b) 正常情况下Total Size值都会稳定在一个有限的范围内,也就是说由于程序中的的代码良好,没有造成对象不被垃圾回收的情况,所以说虽然我们不断的操作会不断的生成很多对 象,而在虚拟机不断的进行GC的过程中,这些对象都被回收了,内存占用量会会落到一个稳定的水平;
c) 反之如果代码中存在没有释放对象引用的情况,则data object的Total Size值在每次GC后不会有明显的回落,随着操作次数的增多Total Size的值会越来越大,
d) 此处已system_process进程为例,在我的测试环境中system_process进程所占用的内存的data object的Total Size正常情况下会稳定在2.2~2.8之间,而当其值超过3.55后进程就会被kill。
Dalvik Debug Monitor Server(DDMS)是主要的Android调试工具之一,也是 的一部分,独立的程序版本也可以在Android SDK的根目录下的tools/下面找到。关于DDMS更多的信息,请参考 。
from Eclipse: click Window & Open Perspective & Other... & DDMS
or from the command line: run ddms (or ./ddms on Mac/Linux) in the tools/ directory
在左边的面板选择进程com.example.android.hcgallery,然后在 工具条上边点击Show heap updates按钮。这个时候切换到DDMS的VM Heap分页。它会显示每次gc后heap内存的一些基本数据。要看第一次gc后的数据内容,点击Cause GC按钮:
我们可以看到现在的值(Allocated列)是有一些超过8MB。现在滑动相片,这时看到 数据在增大。因为只有仅仅13个相片在程序里边,所以泄露的内存只有这么大。在某种程度上来说,这时最坏的一种内存泄露,因为我们没法得到 OutOfMemoryError来提醒我们说现在内存溢出了。
生成heap dump
我们现在使用heap dump来追踪这个问题。点击DDMS工具条上面的Dump HPROF文件按钮,选择文件存储位置,然后在运行hprof-conv。在这个例子里我们使用独立的MAT版本(版本1.0.1),从 。
如果你使用ADT(它包含DDMS的插件)同时也在eclipse里面***了MAT,点击“dump HPROF”按钮将会自动地做转换(用hprof-conv)同时会在eclipse里面打开转换后的hprof文件(它其实用MAT打开)。
用MAT分析heap dumps
启动MAT然后加载刚才我们生成的HPROF文件。MAT是一个强大的工具,讲述它所有的特性超出了本文的范围,所以我只想演示一种你可以用来检测 泄露的方法:直方图(Histogram)视图。它显示了一个可以排序的类实例的列表,内容包括:shallow heap(所有实例的内存使用总和),或者retained heap(所有类实例被分配的内存总和,里面也包括他们所有引用的对象)。
如果我们按照shallow heap排序,我们可以看到byte[]实例在顶端。自从Android3.0(Honeycomb),Bitmap的像素数据被存储在byte数组里 (之前是被存储在Dalvik的heap里),所以基于这个对象的大小来判断,不用说它一定是我们泄露掉的bitmap。
右击byte[]类然后选择List Objects & with incoming references。它会生成一个heap上的所有byte数组的列表,在列表里,我们可以按照Shallow Heap的使用情况来排序。
使用MAT比较heap dumps
调试内存泄露时,有时候适时比较2个地方的heap状态是很有用的。这时你就需要生成2个单独的HPROF文件(不要忘了转换格式)。下面是一些关于如何在MAT里比较2个heap dumps的内容(有一点复杂):
第一个HPROF 文件(using File & Open Heap Dump ).
打开 Histogram view.
在Navigation History view里 (如果看不到就从Window & Navigation History找 ), 右击histogram 然后选择Add to Compare Basket .
打开第二个HPROF 文件然后重做步骤2和3.
切换到Compare Basket view, 然后点击Compare the Results (视图右上角的红色"!"图标)。
加上-skin??,指定?示模式?HVGA-L,?可???向emulator - skin HVGA-L (480*320,水平?示)
emulator - skin HVGA-L (320*480,垂直?示,模?器??模式)
emulator - skin HVGA-L (320*240,水平?示)
emulator - skin HVGA-L (240*320,垂直?示)
使用mksdcard指令模?1GB的??卡mksdcard 1024M sacard.img
模?插入 SD 卡的模?器emulator - sdcard sdcard.img
使用 adb+push 上??案到SD??卡adb push 001.jpg /sdcard (???案到 /sdcard 目?下)
adb push pictures /sdcard (?? picture 照片目?到 /sdcard 目?下)
adb push mp3 /sdcard (?? mp3 音?目?到 /sdcard 目?下)
adb shell (Android 模?器??命令列模式)
#cd /sdcard (?入 /sdcard 目?)
#ls (查看 SD ??卡中的?案)
使用 adb+pull ? SD ??卡下??案adb pull /sdcard/001.jpg . (下? /sdcard 目?下的?案)
adb pull /sdcard/pictures . (下? sdcard 目?下的 pictures 目?)
?除 SD 卡?面的?案adb shell
#ced /sdcard
#rm 001.jpg (?除 SD ??卡?的?案)
#rm -r * (?除 SD ??卡?所有?案?目?)
Android模?器影片播放方法mksdcard 4096M video.img (?作一?影像?的 SD ??卡)
adb push video.avi /sdcard (?????影像?到 SD 卡中)
emulator -sdcard video.img (??模?器??入 SD 卡)
下?免?的影片播放??,ex: Meridian Video Player (iiivpa.apk)http://sites.google.com/site/eternalsandbox/Home/meridian-video-playeradb install iiivpa.apk (安?Meridian Video Player)
安? APK ?用程式adb install filename.apk (安?filename.apk)
adb install -r filename.apk (保留已?定?料,重新安?filename.apk)
adb -s emulator-5554 install filename.apk (指定安? APK 套件在 5554 的 Android 模?器中)
移除 APK ?用程式adb uninstall package
adb uninstall -k package (移除程式?,保留?料)
可以先到/data/data或data/app目?下,查?想移除的package名?adb shell
ls /data/data 或 /data/app (查? Package 名?)
adb uninstall package (移除查?到的 Package)
ADB 系?除????工具$adb devices (?示目前有多少?模?器正在?行) $adb -s &serialNumber& &command& (指定模?器?操作)
adb -s emulator-5554 install email.apk$adb install apkfile (安? APK ?用程式套件)
adb install email.apk
$adb uninstall package (移除 APK ?用程式套件)
adb uninstall com.android.email$adb shell (?入 Android 系?指令列模式)
$dmesg (查看 Android Linux Kernel ?作?息)
ls - ?示?案目?
cd - ?入目?
rm - ?除?案
mv - 移??案
mkdir - ?生目?
rmdir - ?除目?$adb push &file/dir& (???案到 SD 卡)
adb push mp3 /sdcard
$adb pull &file/dir& . (? Android 系?下??案)
adb pull /data/app/com.android.email$adb logcat (?控模?器?作??,以Ctrl + c ???控模式)$adb bugreport (?生 adb 除??告)$adb get-state (?得 adb 伺服器?作??)$adb start-server (?? adb 伺服器)
$adb kill-server (?掉 adb 伺服器)$adb forward tcp:6100 tcp:7100 (更改模?器?路 TCP 通?埠)$adb shell ps -x (?示 Android 上所有正在?行的行程)$adb version (?示 adb 版本)$adb help (?示 adb 指令??)
Emulator 命令列????emulator -timezone Asia/Taipei (指定??)emulator -no-boo-anim (省略??小?器人???面)emulator -scale auto (?整模?器?窗大小)
emulator - scale factor (factor: 0.1-3.0)emulator -dpi-device 300 (更改模?器的解析度,default? 165dpi)emulator -skin &skinID& (更改模?器?示模式) emulator -help-keys (?示??快速??明)emulator -shell (相?於adb shell 功能)emulator -data data.img (使 /data 目?使用 data.img 的?案空?)
emulator -sdcard sdcard.img (使 /sdcard 目?使用 sdcard.img 的?案空?)
emulator -cache cache.img (??器?存??存空?)emulator -wipe-data (使模?器恢?到原??定)emulator -help (?示 emulator 指令??)