请教 如何在Cocos2D里面切换魔发精灵 动画片动画

分享将Flash动画输出到Cocos2d Actions的方法
发布时间: 17:34:32
作者:Toni Sala
问题:《Muster my Monsters》以及高质量的动画
《Muster my Monsters》是一款玩法极为简单的游戏:它实际上是一款甚为精致的石头剪子布游戏。应该说,它是一款很棒的游戏,因为它迫使我解决将Flash动画输出到Cocos2d这个问题。
这款游戏的美术资产(游戏邦注:包括所有角色设计和动画)是由Javi Sanz这名出色的Flash美术师和开发者完成。
现在,给你一些粗略的数据,在Windows Phone版本中我们有2个角色,但我们计划在iOS版本中增加为5-8个角色。每个角色有9个动画。平均每个动画约有16-18帧,每帧有420*400的图片。我需要为每个角色每个动画创建一个的精灵表格。
flash to cocos2d(from indiedevstories)
这两种工具都有一些基本的过程生成动画技术支持。但目前他们主要用于制作菜单按钮和UI等元素的动画。所以,虽然我们可以使用这些工作制作《Muster my Monsters》的动画,但这却并非最佳解决方案。我还考虑使用Spriter,但该项目的早期阶段却并不允许。
首次尝试:输入Flash XML文件
但是,Flash XML文件格式很糟糕。它极为巨大并且如果你使用了一些功能就会改变基本的布局。每次我有一个输入者的运行版本时,都会发现运用于Flash项目时,会有一个新功能更改了所有的XML文件格式。即使创造更多XML文件,也会分裂项目元素。
再次尝试:使用Action Script输出Flash动画
此时Javi建议针对这个Flash项目编写一个简单的Action Script运行每一帧,寻找与角色一致的对象并获得转换信息。这听起来像是一个很好的替换方法,所以我最终决定学习Flash脚本和开发的基本方法。
这意味着一种策略变化。在首次尝试时,我们试图输入Flash XML文件格式,我试图将所有的Flash功能映射到Cocos2d动作。所以,我尝试获取关键帧、插值帧和清除函数等高端信息。
*支持动画师使用包括motion tweens、classic tweens甚至是基于骨骼的动画等所有Flash动画功能
punch-win(from indiedevstories)
1 [character playAnimationWithKey:@"attack"];
characters(from indiedevstories)
针对Mac OS的播放器
这种方法的主要问题在于获取转变数据的Action Script以及cocos2d引擎制定了一些假定条件。Flash动画师必须清楚这些假定或局限性,并据此创造动画。
所以他在制作动画时需要获得一些反馈。他需要知道自己用Flash所做的东西确实能够运行于游戏引擎。这也正是我为何开发一个Mac OS播放器的原因,它可以让你动态馈送描述动画的plist文件以及响应不同测试角色的资产。
我想概括这种方法的主要优点与缺点以解决“向cocos2d actions输出Flash动画”的问题。
*允许动画师使用包括motion tweens、classic tweens甚至是基于骨骼的动画等所有Flash动画功能
*在一定程度上,我们使用Flash Authoring工具作为游戏引擎的动画编辑器。虽然这可以节省我们开发定制工具的精力,但也意味着我无法更多地控制美术人员所制作的动画。我的意思是说,尽管我已经撰写了一份详细的文件解释了针对我们的引擎,使用Flash作为动画编辑器的指导原则和局限性,但Javi可能还是出乎我预料地使用了一些并不在支持范围的功能或角色设置。
我打算使用这种工具创造菜单等游戏屏幕。与CocosBuilder的用法相似,但会使用Flash Authoring工具作为场景编辑器。这可以让我们在Flash中使用其所提供的高级动画功能设置游戏屏幕。
Exporting Flash Animations to Cocos2d Actions
Posted on July 18, 2012 by Toni Sala
Exporting Flash animations to cocos2d actions is a topic that has been in my mind since some months ago. Spritesheets based animations are very limited in terms of sprites size and frame rate. The more frames you have, the more memory you consume. And the bigger the sprites, the more memory you need as well.
However, actually, memory usage has not been an issue in the projects I have worked so far. So, exporting Flash animations to cocos2d is a task that I have been procrastinating… till now.
The problem: Muster my Monsters and high quality animations
Muster my Monsters is a very simple game in terms of gameplay: it is basically a rock-paper-scissors game with a nice dress. Actually, a very nice one because it has forced me to solve the problem of exporting Flash animations to cocos2d.
Here you have a video preview of the game that shows the kind of animations that the game features. By the way, all the game art (including all character design and animation) is done by Javi Sanz, an incredibly talented Flash artist and developer.
As you can see, the characters are very big. Actually, they take about 70-80% of the screen size when the zoom effect is active. The characters are extremely detailed Flash vector images and the animations are very smooth (due to the Flash interpolating/tweening system). That’s why the resulting spritesheets are huge.
So, to give you some rough numbers, in the Windows Phone version we have 2 characters but we plan to increase it to 5-8 for the iOS version. Every character has 9 animations. On average, every animation has about 16-18 frames and every frame is a 420×400 image. I needed to build a
spritesheet for every animation of every character…
The download size of the resulting binary would be prohibitive. And also the memory consumed during execution. So, even using a compressed texture format, this is kind of a problem :p
The solution: procedural animation
The first thing that came to my mind was to use some already existing tool that will allow us to create procedural animations and import them into my iOS-cocos2d game engine. I found out two interesting tools: LevelHelper and the new version of CocosBuilder.
Both tools has some basic procedural animation support. But, currently, they are intended to animate things like menu buttons and UI elements in general. So, although, it would be possible to create the animations in Muster my Monsters using these tools, it would probably not be the best solution. I also considered Spriter, but the early stage of the project put me back from it.
Moreover, Javi is already a talented Flash artist so exporting Flash animations to cocos2d seemed to be the way to go.
First try: Importing Flash XML file
I have never developed in Flash, so my first attempt was to avoid all kind of interaction with it :p Flash has a nice feature that allows you to export an entire Flash project in XML format. It
seemed the easiest solution as it will allow me to focus on the iOS-cocos2d side.
However, the Flash XML file format is hell. It’s extremely huge and the basic layout changes if you use some features or others. Every time I had a working version of the importer, I found a new feature that, when used in the Flash project, changed all the resulting XML file format. Even creating more XML files, fragmenting the project elements.
Second try: exporting Flash animations using Action Script
At this point Javi suggested to write a simple Action Script that go though every frame of the Flash project timeline, looking for the objects that conform the character and getting the transformation information. This sounded like a very good alternative, so I finally decided to learn the basics of Flash scripting and development
It was worth it. Actually, this is the solution I finally adopted. I have a simple action script that is able to write a plist (or XML) file with the transformation information of every object in the scene for every frame of the animation.
This implies a change of strategy. On the first try, when attempting to import the Flash XML file format, I was trying to map all the Flash features to cocos2d actions. So, I was trying to get high
level information such as keyframes, interpolation frames and ease functions.
However, the action script strategy produces frame by frame information. It is kind of raw information. So, I don’t need to care about high level features. It is just a frame by frame animation
description. In some sense, it is very similar to using spritesheets!
This approach has some very interesting advantages:
Actually reduces the needed memory
Allows for extremely high quality smooth animations.
Allows the animator to use all the Flash animation features including motion tweens, classic tweens or even bones-based animation.
Reduces the complexity of the animations engine in the iOS-cocos2d side and makes it easily scalable and maintainable.
In my particular case, allows Javi to keep working in Flash.
I went from this (x20):
Size reduced by 100 times! Great!
On the cocos2d side
Actually, the hard work is done on the Flash side. So, once I have the plist file ready, it is only a matter of parsing it. I created a few classes for my engine that model movable objects, frames and animations.
Then I use this model classes to create a CCNode that is composed by a few sprites, one for each body part of the characters (head, arm, forearm, body, foot…). Finally, I create a bunch of cocos2d sequence actions (CCSequence) that interpolate the transform information (position, rotation and scale) for every modelled frame.
So, basically, the resulting “Character” class is a CCNode with a dictionary of CCActions corresponding to the animations created on the Flash project. You can play the animations with a method like this:
?1 [character playAnimationWithKey:@"attack"];
A desktop player for Mac OS
The main problem of this approach is that the Action Script that gets the transformation data and the cocos2d engine make some assumptions. The Flash animator must be aware of these assumptions or limitations and needs to create the animations according to them.
So he needs some kind of feedback while creating the animations. He needs to know that what he is doing on Flash, is actually working on the game engine. That’s why I have also developed a Mac OS Player which you can feed dynamically with plist files describing the animation and the assets corresponding to the different characters you want to test.
Following, you have a video that shows the whole process: from creating some (simple) animations with Flash to viewing it with the Desktop player.
I would like to put together the main advantages and disadvantages of this method to solve the “exporting Flash animations to cocos2d actions” issue.
Drastic reduction of the needed memory
Allows for extremely high quality smooth animations.
Allows the animator to use all the Flash animation features including motion tweens, classic tweens or even bones-based animation.
Reduces the complexity of the animations engine in the iOS-cocos2d side and makes it easily scalable and maintainable.
In my particular case, allows Javi to keep working in Flash.
Allows me to avoid investing time on developing a custom animation tool.
In some sense, we are using the Flash Authoring tool as an animation editor for our game engine. Although this allows us to avoid investing efforts on developing a custom tool, it also implies that I have less control on the kind of animations that the artist produces. I mean, I have written a detailed document explaining the guidelines and limitations on using Flash as an animation editor for our engine, but it could be the case that Javi uses some not supported feature or layouts the character in a way that I have not anticipated.
Future work
I plan to also use this tool to create game screens such as menus. Similar to CocosBuilder but, again, using the Flash Authoring tool as an scenes editor. This will allow us to layout game screens in Flash using the advanced animation features that Flash provides.()
CopyRight Since 2010 GamerBoom All rights reserved &&闽ICP备&号-1gyenty18 的BLOG
接上一节,在GameScene.h中声明:#pragma once
#include "cocos2d.h"
class GameScene : public CCLayer
virtual bool init();
static CCScene* scene();
virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(void);
virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
};并在GameScene.cpp的init()中设置: this-&setTouchEnabled(true); 然后在registerWithTouchDispatcher(void)函数中注册Touch事件:CCDirector::sharedDirector()-&getTouchDispatcher()-&addTargetedDelegate(this, 0, true);完整代码如下:#include "GameScene.h"
CCScene* GameScene::scene()
CCScene* scene =CCScene::create();
GameScene* gameScene = GameScene::create();
bool GameScene::init()
CCSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()-&getWinSize();
CCSprite* map = CCSprite::create("bg.png");
map-&setPosition(ccp(size.width / 2, size.height / 2));
this-&addChild(map, 0);
CCArray* spriteArray = CCArray::createWithCapacity(4);
for(i = 0; i & 4; i++)
CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame = CCSpriteFrame::create("lubi.png",
CCRectMake(i * 80, 80 * 2, 80, 80));
if(i == 0){
sprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame);
sprite-&setPosition(ccp(size.width / 2 - sprite-&getContentSize().width,
size.height / 2 + sprite-&getContentSize().height));
CCAnimation* spriteAnimation = CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(spriteArray, 0.2f);
void GameScene::registerWithTouchDispatcher(void)
bool GameScene::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
sprite-&setPosition(ccp(pTouch-&getLocation().x, pTouch-&getLocation().y));
void GameScene::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
void GameScene::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
void GameScene::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
本文收录至博客专题:《》Cocos2D-JS 动作回调取得当前动作精灵 - 简书
Cocos2D-JS 动作回调取得当前动作精灵
今天碰到一个需求,要在动作结束的回调函数中取到当前动作的精灵,实现在执行动作之后自动 remove 掉这个精灵。查了一下,没有结果。然后看了一下 API ,发现利用 cc.CallFunc 构造函数中的 data 参数可以解决这个问题。下面是 cc.CallFunc 的构造函数和 init 方法的实现:
ctor:function(selector, selectorTarget, data){
if(selector !== undefined){
if(selectorTarget === undefined)
else this.initWithFunction(selector, selectorTarget, data);
initWithFunction:function (selector, selectorTarget, data) {
if (selectorTarget) {
this._data =
this._callFunc =
this._selectorTarget = selectorT
else if (selector)
this._function =
selector 和 selectorTarget 不赘述。注意到在 init 方法中,将 ctor 方法传入的 data 赋给了 this 的 _data 。再看它的 execute 方法 :
execute:function () {
if (this._callFunc != null)
//CallFunc, N, ND
this._callFunc.call(this._selectorTarget, this.target, this._data);
else if(this._function)
this._function.call(null, this.target);
在执行这个回调的时候将 this._data 传入了原方法中,这样我们就可以将当前动作精灵指针传入回调函数,并在回调中取得它。
var actionSprite = new cc.Sprite("res/me.png");
actionSprite.setAnchorPoint(0, 0);
actionSprite.x = 0;
actionSprite.y = 0;
this.addChild(actionSprite, 1);
var moveAction0 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(cc.winSize.width/2, 0));
var moveAction1 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(0, cc.winSize.height/2));
var moveAction2 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(-cc.winSize.width/2, 0));
var moveAction3 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(0, -cc.winSize.height/2));
var actionCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionCallbackFunction, this);
var actionFinishCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionFinishCallFunction, this);
var actionArray = [];
var actionSequence = cc.Sequence(actionArray);
actionCallbackFunction : function(){
cc.log("Action Callback Function");
actionFinishCallFunction : function(){
cc.log("Action Finish Callback Function");
下面对以上代码做一下小修改,来取得执行动作的精灵。首先我们在构造回调函数时要将精灵的指针作为 data 参数传入:
var actionCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionCallbackFunction, this, actionSprite);
var actionFinishCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionFinishCallFunction, this, actionSprite);
其次我们要在定义回调方法的参数表中加入 data ,以便在函数实现中使用它:
actionCallbackFunction : function(data){
cc.log("Action Callback Function");
if (data != null && data != "undefine"){
cc.log("Get Data");
cc.log(typeof data);
actionFinishCallFunction : function(data){
cc.log("Action Finish Callback Function");
if (data != null && data != "undefine"){
cc.log("Get Data");
cc.log(typeof data);
JS: Action Callback Function
JS: Get Data
JS: object
JS: Action Callback Function
JS: Get Data
JS: object
JS: Action Callback Function
JS: Get Data
JS: object
JS: Action Finish Callback Function
JS: Get Data
JS: object
看到在每一次动作执行完毕后输出 data 类型为 object 和精灵当前的坐标,最后的 removeFromParent() 也成功了。
接下来试一下来构造一个函数,返回一个动作队列。这样,只要创建动作队列然后在精灵上 runAction 就自动实现了精灵动作并在动作结束之后自动清掉这个精灵。创建动作队列的代码如下:
createActionSequence : function(actionSpritePointer){
var moveAction0 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(cc.winSize.width/2, 0));
var moveAction1 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(0, cc.winSize.height/2));
var moveAction2 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(-cc.winSize.width/2, 0));
var moveAction3 = cc.MoveBy(0.5, cc.p(0, -cc.winSize.height/2));
var actionCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionCallbackFunction, this, actionSpritePointer);
var actionFinishCallbackFunction = cc.CallFunc(this.actionFinishCallFunction, this, actionSpritePointer);
var actionArray = [];
var actionSequence = cc.Sequence(actionArray);
return actionS
参数 actionSpritePointer 要在创建时传入要执行这个动作队列的精灵,这样,就能把这个精灵的指针传入回调函数中。创建动作队列并执行的代码如下:
var actionSprite0 = new cc.Sprite("res/me.png");
var actionSprite1 = new cc.Sprite("res/me.png");
actionSprite0.setAnchorPoint(0, 0);
actionSprite1.setAnchorPoint(1, 0);
actionSprite0.x = 0;
actionSprite0.y = 0;
actionSprite1.x = cc.winSize.width/2;
actionSprite1.y = 0;
var actionSequence0 = this.createActionSequence(actionSprite0);
var actionSequence1 = this.createActionSequence(actionSprite1);
cc.log(typeof actionSequence0);


