
10:31:10 条 来源:多玩坦克世界 作者:你的样?如往昔 ]
  Posted on September 16, 2014 by Silentstalker & 118 Comments &
  Just for it to be clear for everyone: currently, the test server is running the 3rd test round. The previous list of changes I marked as 3rd round was an update to the second round. Yea, it gets confusing.
  Also, please note that the &Crab Village& map leaked earlier is apparently an internal WG map, used for testing the vehicles.
  - Q: &Will the Chaffee case be the only case of compensation?& A: &We will see every time individually, if there are any such cases in the future.&
  霞飞的案例将会是唯一的补偿方式? 我们会分别对待的,如果以后会再次出现这样的情况的话。
  - the Chaffee compensation (43340 XP) will be added to the current XP you have on the Chaffee. This is the final decision, it won&t be changed.
  - the Chaffee solution was accepted because &it&s a fast and simple solution&
  - Storm confirms: FV215b (120) will be changed to Chieftain Mk.3 and FV4202 to Centurion Action X
  Storm证实 FV215b (120)会改为酋长MK.3,FV4202会变为百夫长AX
  - FV215b (120) will not stay in the game
  FV215b (120) 不会留在游戏中
  - Storm states that the Chieftain will be better than FV215b
  - Storm states that he can&t say whether Action X turret will be durable (good for &tanking&), models have to be made first and it has to be tested, but the turret will be tough overall
  Storm表示,现在还不能够说是否AX炮塔耐用 (很好的抗炮),首先要去把模型建成,接着进行测试,不过这个炮塔整体上还是挺硬的
  - patch 9.3 will come soon
  9.3 快来了
  - no plans to allow player to buy &event tanks& for money
  - according to Storm, the real fate of the FV4202 premium (for free or not) will be announced &closer to winter& & for now the current info (SS: by Evilly about the mission apparently) should be better disregarded
  据Storm所说,金币车FV4202的的命运会在临近冬季时公布&&暂时的这些消息 (比如通过任务获得)还是无视的好
  - apparently, if I understand it correctly, it&s possible that if the queue waiting time for a tank is above certain limit, it&s possible for the matchmaker to override the &similiar time spent on each battletier& and, for example, if it was your turn to end up as a top tank but there are few tanks below your tier for the team to be built that way, it will put you on the bottom of the team instead to avoid waiting
  - there are some performance fixes in 9.3, addressing the &freezes& (that happen when an enemy tank is lit up for the first time) and the developers are still working on performance increase as well
  9.3对一些游戏性能表现进行了修复,解决了卡死的现象 (发生在第一次点亮敌军车辆时),开发人员仍旧致力于游戏性能的提升。
  - no plans to allow the change of crew nationality
  - Russian players are complaining that the IS-7 barrel is low res (it basically is not a circle, it has 12 sides or so, very rectangular and visible). This however will be the version that will appear on the live server.
  熊孩子们抱怨-7的炮管分辨率过低 (基本上不是一个圆形,而是由于12个边组成这样子,相当的均匀和明显),不过这个版本是会出现在正式服上的。
  - XP for &tanking& will return, but later
  - the characteristics of new LT&s are final。
  9.3 新轻坦的参数数据是最终的。
  - the bug when the tank &twists& after being spotted was fixed in 9.3
  - there is a small bug in the stock ISU-152 gun barrel (there is a hole). Storm: &Small thing.&
  - it&s not known for now, what will happen to T-62A turret, when the tank is reworked to HD
  - KV-85 turrets& appearance (SS: they both look the same apparently) is correct
  - apparently, some model bugs that are known will not be fixed in 9.3, developers didn&t manage to make it on time
  - the &weld& on the Maus turret that some players reported as a bug is actually correct, on real tank it&s not visible because it was carefully painted over by several coats of paint
  一些玩家反馈说老鼠炮塔上的焊缝是一个bug ,其实也没错,在现实中坦克上,并不能够被发现,因为表面被细致的涂了几层油漆
  - IS-7 armor is &historical, where it&s possible and we have enough data&. The turret slope is generally correct (there might be differences in sloping in range of single degrees), the only exact answer could be provided by 3D laser scanning the tank. Developers didn&t do that yet but they have the option to and it&s completely possible they will in the future.
  - Maus will not be buffed. Of all tier 10&s, it&s first in damage blocked by armor and second in winrate and average XP per battle.
  - IS-7 pintle machinegun will not return, the feedback is that it&s okay the way it is in HD
  IS-7的机-*** 不会返回了,反馈意见表明高清模型还可以的。


