
永恒的爱是什么意思 永恒的爱在线翻译 永恒的爱什么意思 永恒的爱的意思 永恒的爱的翻译 永恒的爱的解释 永恒的爱的发音
永恒的爱 双语例句1. 1. 我的永恒和无条件的爱给你们大家,给予你们礼物和爱。&&&&MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love.2. 2. 今天,瑞纳斯这位略带腼腆的当代艺术家,用他明亮的眼睛,在飞速变化的纷繁世象中发现永恒、静穆和澄澈的美,并以敏感的心驻留之,以博大的爱呵护之。&&&&Rinas, a pleasantly reserved contemporary artist, constantly captures eternal, tranquil and crystal-clear beauty in today's fast evolving, dazzling and alienating world, and perpetuates it with a sensitive heart and powerful love.3. 有消息是永恒的爱,永恒的忠诚,以及超越了世俗生活的程度。&&&&There the message is undying love, eternal fidelity, and a degree of transcendence over mundane life.4. 然而,现在的爱似乎已经不再寻求海枯石烂的永恒,也没有人会为爱去守候、执着。&&&&I love you not because of who you are, but because of who Iamwhen I am with you.5. 让这九枝金玫瑰花,见证我们永恒的爱,并让这份难能可贵的真爱永久地保存流传。&&&&By this golden nine roses, witness our everlasting love, the real love being joined by this praiseworthy for self's excellent conduct is preserved forever circulating.6. 6. 在我的世界里,我的爱情是永恒的,我的心永远是热的。&&&&In my world, my love is going to be eternal, and my heart is always glowing for YOU.7. 7. 莫迪里阿尼用他短短36个春秋的生命历程阐释了人生的爱与恨、激情与冷漠,拥有了男人永恒的红玫瑰和不朽的白玫瑰。&&&&He used his short 36 years` life to explain love and hatress, passion and apartness and possessed the eternal red rose and imperishable white rose of male.8. 这是真实的,持久的,永恒的爱。&&&&This is true, abiding, eternal love.9. 永恒的爱的意思9. 一段美好的爱情可以让我们心醉神迷,一段永恒的友情更让我们永生难忘,但是对于父母的爱和依恋却是我们永远挥洒不去的心结,母亲给我们的是像大海一样广阔的深情,父爱则是像高山一样的坚定,在我们的成长中给了我们潜移默化的影响。&&&&A good love can allow us to ecstatic, but also a period of eternal friendship, we will never forget, but for the love and attachment to parents is that we do not always artificial heart knot, mother to us like a vast sea of deep feeling as, love is as strong as the mountains in our growth has given us the impact of subtle.10. 10. 我还要感谢我的父母,谢谢他们日复一日的操劳和对我们永恒的爱。&&&&I`d also like to thank my parents for their every day hard work and eternal loves.11. 小时的孤独和凄凉,当我们关闭疼痛视觉,沉思可悲的是,洛恩和厌倦,相信明天的光线可能揭示出一个更愉快的一天;一片痛苦的黑暗时刻,当我们不希望翻滚的波涛上面悲伤,当死亡的飞驰暴风雨低,我们永远裹尸布高兴,虽然悲伤的不懈动力Goads我们灾区的心以疯狂;当从我们可爱的朋友分手,从场面我们的精神的爱,并驱动,伤心,O'er是无情世界的罗夫,当其中我们元气疾苦,妄想寻求融化或移动,当我们的信任和迷惑,当我们爱和被剥夺,当计划o'er 像我们反复思量山区一边薄雾破灭,从每一个希望排除,我们在黑暗的绝望遵守,那么,和以往任何时候都维持我们的上帝,他的眼睛没有沉睡知道,谁控制每一个跳动的痛苦我们,在我们的困境发出慈悲,爱和严重制约我们避免永恒的阵痛。&&&&&&D its lonely hours and dreary, When we Close the aching sight, Musing sadly, lorn and weary, Trusting that tomorrow's light May reve Amid affliction's darker hour, When no hope beguiles our sadness, When Death's hurtling tempests lower, And forever shroud our gladness, While Grief's unrelenting power Goads our strick When from friends beloved we're parted, And from scenes our spirits love, And are driven, broken-hearted, O'er a hea When the woes by which we've smarted, Vainly
When we trust and are deluded, When we love and are denied, When the schemes o'er which we brooded Burst like mist on mountain's side, And, from every hope excluded, We i Then, and ever, God sustains us, He whose eye no slumber knows, Who controls each throb that pains us, And in mercy sends our woes, And by love severe constrains us To avoid eternal throes.12. 我们爱情的语言就是永恒,这就是我们的爱情故事。&&&&&&Forever is the language of our love, and this is our story...13. 13. 我们爱情的语言就是永恒,这就是我们的爱情故事。&&&&&&Forever is the language of our love, and this is our love story...14. 我知道我们的爱是永恒的,只是因为现实的社会。所以听到迩说不可能。&&&&&&I still believe our love is endless, just for the common customs, so you said it become impossible.15. 在你们之上是星星在你们之下是岩石随着时间流逝请记住你们的爱如岩石般坚固你们的爱如星星般永恒 bronwyn 你愿意将你的灵魂,你的思想,你的肉体同这个男人联系在一起吗是的我愿意那么,gryff 你愿意将你的灵魂,你的思想和你的肉体同这个男人女子联系在一起吗是我将至死不渝那么,在灵魂的见证下你们以血结姻生活在一起直到永远&&&&&&Above is a star in you in you is rock time remember your love is like a rock-solid you love stars eternal bronwyn would you like to be your soul, your thoughts, your physical contact with this guy? yes I do so, you want to put your gryff soul, your thoughts and your physical contact with the man woman together is to die, then, in the presence of the soul to blood knot because you live forever16. 16. 当我凝视你的双眼,我甚至我看到了真正的爱,永恒的爱。&&&&&&When I look into your eyes, I know I`ve already been in love, a long and lasting love.17. 橙树代表着永恒的爱,因此是婚姻的最佳象征。&&&&&&The orange blossom tree represents enternal love and so is a perfect symbol for a wedding.18. 只有那时我们才会知道我们的爱是永恒的。&&&&&&Only then will we know that our love is eternal.19. 19. 希望我们的爱永恒不灭&&&&&&M7Ho CLf, t20. 永恒的爱的近义词20. 我对你的爱永恒不变。&&&&&&I'd be eternally faithfull.永恒的爱是什么意思,永恒的爱在线翻译,永恒的爱什么意思,永恒的爱的意思,永恒的爱的翻译,永恒的爱的解释,永恒的爱的发音,永恒的爱的同义词,永恒的爱的反义词,永恒的爱的例句,永恒的爱的相关词组,永恒的爱意思是什么,永恒的爱怎么翻译,单词永恒的爱是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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