Unity5 怎么把Mesh渲染成unity rendertexturee

& &&Unity 5 引领开发引擎进入次时代!
Unity 5来了!引擎进入次时代!(附官方说明)天极网游戏频道 10:54
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  Unity Technologies今天宣布:备受期待的次时代多平台引擎开发工具——Unity 5正式发布!这是Unity迄今为止最强大的版本,含有大量的图形改进和扩展的编辑器功能集,让开发者具备跨越21个平台创造出色、创新游戏的潜力。此外,Unity还发布了Unity Cloud Build,这使得开发者能够通过云计算更有效率地进行游戏和的开发。
  为了实现Unity 让开发大众化的长远目标,随着Unity 5的正式发布,我们通过改进授权方式逐步向所有开发者开放了整个引擎和编辑器。这不仅仅对大型工作室或者公司意义重大,也为爱好者和刚起步的开发者平添了巨大力量。Unity 5有两个版本:
  Unity 5 Professional Edition(专业版)
  Unity 5 Professional Edition(专业版)包含了Unity Cloud Build Pro、Team License、Game Performance、Asset Store Level 11、Unity Analytics Pro等功能。无论是2-3人的小型工作室,还是超过100人的大型团队,仅以75美元/月的低价便可获得,从而享受这些更为高效和更有价值的增值功能。
  Unity 5 Personal Edition(个人版)
  Unity 5 Personal Edition(个人版)是一款免费解决方案,为爱好者、独立开发者和刚起步的工作室提供Unity引擎中所有的强大功能和编辑器,如Profiler、Occlusion Culling、Render-to-Texture和Post-Processing Special Effects,以及Unity 5的所有重要功能,如PBS、Enlighten和反射探头。
  Unity首席执行官John Riccitiello表示: “Unity 5是Unity 的重要里程碑,它使开发人员能够制作出更精美绝伦的游戏和应用,在更多的平台触及更多的受众。我们希望每个人都能获得并使用Unity 5,所以我们增加了免费的个人版。Unity 5专业版具备Unity 5.0的基本功能,并增加了拥有增值功能的一些工具,如Unity Cloud Build Pro和Team License。Unity 5个人版是针对刚起步的开发者,并免费提供引擎和编辑器的所有功能。”
  世界各地的开发人员已通过使用Unity 5取得了巨大成功,如Camouflaj最近发布的《Republique Remastered(共和国)》和即将推出的游戏《Ori》,以及Moon Studios的《Blind Forest》和Space Ape的《Rival Kingdoms》。
  Unity 5还添加了重要功能,使开发人员能够跨越任何风格、流派及平台,制作令人叹为观止的视觉效果:
  Unity 5极大地增强了图形功能,如基于物理的阴影、凭借Enlighten的实时全局光和反射探头,使开发人员能够创建震撼的视觉。
  Unity 全面、省时省力、可扩展的编辑器在Unity 5变得更为强大,支持64位,具备前所未有的音频工具,动画系统的重大改善,庞大的物理系统升级,以及更多功能。凭借Unity 5,开发者拥有可任其创造力自由驰骋的能力和灵活性。
  Unity 5业界领先的多平台支持使开发者可跨越21个不同的平台,包括新的WebGL,以及游戏主机、和移动设备。所有的繁复的技术工作都由Unity 承担,您只需要专注创造令人惊叹的游戏或者应用内容即可。
  随着Unity Cloud Build 云功能的发布,Unity性的开发效率达到了新的高度,由此进一步提高了生产力,并使开发者可专注于制作出色的游戏。Unity Cloud Build现已推出,欲了解其详情,请访问/cloudbuild。
  下载:Unity 5 Personal Edition(个人版)和Professional Edition(专业版)今天可在/cn/get-unity立即下载。
  下一页为Unity 5 官方说明文档
1分页导航1.Unity 5来了2.
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!
1. 请问Unity是否至少需要一个相机作为主相机?2. 使用相机的setTargetBuffer方法后,怎么取出colorBuffer中的数据?3. Graphics.SetRenderTarget() 有什么作用?它设置的是什么渲染目标?和设置主相机的渲染目标有什么不同的地方?4. 调用camera.render()进行手动渲染,与自动进行的渲染有什么不同?可否关闭自动渲染?怎么关闭。。。问题有点多,还请各位大牛们不吝赐教,谢谢!
1 maincamera 只是一个打了 tag的camera, 可以没有 ,这样 用到camera.main的代码就会失败例如xffect的代码2:setTargetBuffers 将 rendertexture的buffer设置为相机的渲染对象, 因此要获取buffer数据,需要将 对应的rendertexture 设置为active, 接着调用texture2d 的readpixels可以读取 colorbuffer里面的数据 到 texture2d里面, 参考
如果要读取 depthbuffer里面的数据 参考 参考unity builtin shader 里面关于depthtexture 的shader以及CGInclude 里面的头文件,查看如何获得depthbuffer的数据3:Graphics 是unity的底层API,Camera是Unity的上层API,Camera渲染的是相机自身看到的场景中的物体,而Graphics 直接操作的是 rendertexture,mesh,以及纹理texture,以及GPU生成的几何体这些对象的处理和渲染,
两个操作的对象是不同的,两个API 所处的 游戏引擎 层级也是不同的。4: camera.render 用于手动精确控制 渲染顺序,例如想要对游戏中玩家对象渲染两次,第一次用正常Camera 渲染玩家模型,LateUpdate 函数里面 第二次用相同位置的另外一个camera,手动调用render
再render一边模型。例如想给主角加一个阴影,第二遍可以用replace shader渲染一下人物阴影,接着调整一下阴影的rendertexture的alpha值,接着用于地面混合一下,这样就可以制作出 动态实时 半透明阴影了。只要disable掉 camera组件 就可以 关闭主动渲染。
社交帐号登录Issue#162985: Unity - Releasing render texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture!
You are concerned by Issue#162985: Unity - Releasing render texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture!, so please do not hesitate to share any informations or solutions, to help people that are looking for assistance to fix it.
I'm getting this error as of the update to 5.3.2p3, where I wasn't getting it in any previous version. Is there some way that I can request that more information be provided with this error? Which rendertexture is being released, what is it its name? What camera is it attached to? What is the stack trace of the method that is releasing it? This error has crippled my builds and I can't track it down.
Sorry, your answer is too short !
Answer now
After upgrading to Unity 5.3.4 we're seeing the error &Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture!& whenever we change anything screen related (resolution, vsync, alt+tab, etc).
There's no stack or useful information whatsoever but it's obviously obliterating our RenderTextures. This has not happened prior to 5.3.4. So far we've worked around it by disabling and screen changes in-game but this is not ideal and does not stop the problem occuring when alt+tabbing....
Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture!
Posting this here as not getting much response in the support forum.
After upgrading to Unity 5.3.4 we're seeing the error &Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture!& whenever we change anything screen related (resolution, vsync, alt+tab, etc).
There's no stack or useful information whatsoever but it's obviously obliterating our RenderTextures. This has not happened prior to 5.3.4. So far we've worked around it by disabling and screen changes in-game but this...
Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture! since 5.3.4
Hello everybody,
I need to capture the screenshot of a canvas, here is my code
Code (CSharp):
void TakeScreenShotF(bool isTakingBeforeChange = true)
& & {
& & & & _normalCanvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceC
& & & & _normalCanvas.worldCamera = _
& & & & // get the camera's render texture
& & & & RenderTexture rendText = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 24);
& & & & _camera.targetTexture = rendT
& & & & RenderTexture.active = _camera.targetT...
Camera render texture issue
Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active!
RenderTexture warning: Destroying active render texture. Switching to main context.
Does anyone have a good explanation as to why this error is occurring, or how to prevent it? As far as I can tell it doesn't happen in the editor, and this error seems to occur when loading a level that doesn't have a camera which uses a render texture when the previous one did. I've tried releasing the active render texture before loading,...
Standalone only error: Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active!
I've written a disposable wrapper for temporary render textures, you can see the code here:
Any idea why I'm getting this error:
&Attempting to release RenderTexture that were not gotten as a temp buffer&
As you can see in the code, I definitely am creating a temporary texture. Is it a threading/scope thing?
is there any way how to force Camera to render to target texture and the same also to monitor?
any ideas ?
Many thanks.
This is an unexpected behavior for me... I have two cameras in identical spots, one renders to a texture, while the second one renders the scene, and then uses the rendered texture as a full-screen overlay to do some special effects.
I noticed that the elements in the render to texture camera would move normally at run time on the vertical axis of the framebuffer, but that as I change the viewport aspect ratio of the rendering window, the elements move at a rate of change about equal to...
Render to texture forcing aspect ratio change on camera?
I've got an issue with rendering though it does not appear on all Android devices. It's been reported on the HTC 10. My original setup was one perspective camera that rendered background, foreground, and gui. An orthographic camera that renders ui tiles for the player to select. All working fantastic. I then decided to blur the background but not foreground, so my existing perspective camera now renders all layers bar foreground layer. This camera has depth of field and bloom added to it. I...
HTC 10 camera render issue
So I have a minimap that uses a camera projected on a Raw Image using a Render Texture. Everything worked fine until I added this new tree - as you can see, the tree's leaves don't seem to render, and they show up as transparent, so the map has &holes& in it. This is only at the start though, and I can then move around, and the map moves fine and the trees look fine, but these cutouts stay in the same position and never go away. Anyone ever seen anything like this, and have any idea what...
Raw Image / Render Texture tree leaves issue
Is it possible to render Canvas into texture when RenderMode is set to something different than WorldSpace? I can't get it to work.
At first, sorry for my bad at English.
In my 2D game:
- I use an addition Camera(called FxCam) to render all objects of Light layer
- Then I use Camera.targetTexture to get the image from FxCam as TextureMask for MainCam to present lights in game.
- It work pretty good on Windows Build and Editor but only work on Osx Editor. On Osx Build, Camera.targetTexture returns a Black screen, no light object in this one.
Need Help. Thanks so much!!
I have a Render Texture for a mini HUD for the center console of my cockpit. I want a UI to be displayed there so I decided to use the Unity UI interface. The HUD on the center console is via a Render Texture. I used a simple image to test out the scaling and when I move my ship the image flickers in an out of phase.
I tried changing the clipping, and plane distance with no solution. I really need the UI to work on the center console as it is crucial for in-game feedback.
If anyone has...
UI Flicker (Screen Space Overlay -& Render Texture)
I am using render texture to implement mirror reflection. It work fine in editor and non VR mode. But once I build to GearVR with VR mode on, the texture become black. I tried play with Target Eye and GLES versions but nothing works. Any insight?
Image #1 is in non-VR mode, the cube has render texture from a camera which look at the sphere
Image #2, the same scene, just turn on VR mode. the sphere and the plane disappear in render texture...
I need to render four views of the same object from four cameras - off screen basically. I then want to image each cameras view to an image in the canvas. Seems easy enough, just haven't had much luck googling so far.
I've got camera collision sorted for the most part, the only trouble is that you can still peak through walls if you line the camera up so that it's just about to collide with the wall - so in other words, the camera is almost parallel to the wall, It's probably best to take a look at the image to understand what's going on.
In the image, I'm able to peek through a wall with a thickness of 1.
View attachment 172417
I'm raycasting from the player to the camera but of course in...
Camera Collision - Camera FoV issue
So let's assume you were making a 3D remake of &The Legend of Zelda&, meaning that Link traverses the map by going from 'square' to 'square', and when he gets to the edge of a square, the map slides over, and places Link on the opposite side of the screen. (If he was on the left side of the screen, when switching squares, he'd start from the right)
In 3D - The camera is sitting at an angle above and tilted down at the play area (in perspective mode, not ortho, lets assume this...
Is there a way to render a camera to a bounding cube / object?
So I have a container with a grid layout component and a mask. At run time, it's populated with instantiated panels that are children of my container. These panels contain, among other bits, a image component hooked up as a RenderTexture.
My problem is, the mask of the container seems to ignore the RenderTextures in it's children. So, the mask works in that it cuts off other parts of it's children- a normal image, some text etc- but the RenderTexture has not been masked by it's...
Mask Parent of Render Texture
We have a different behavior for IOS-build, which is build using Unity Cloud Build:
Scenario #1
Have 2 cameras:
one for gameobject's, second for UI. Canvas Render mode: Screen space - Camera
No UI-elements is showen when run it on device
Scenario #2
Have 1 camera, and Canvas Renderer mode is Screen Space - Overlay.
All works fine on device.
In editor all scenarios work fine.
Have anyone got ideas?
I am making a game that is based on a mental hospital, you are the person in charge of watching the cameras to make sure the people inside the hospital are safe.
Picture of TVs for Cameras: (Prototype)
View attachment 173598
I am trying to make the view output of each camera on to each of the boxes (6)
Could anyone help me with this?
I do not know wether this is the right thread to post this in or not, moderators can feel free to move if required. I have gotten a simple issue in a few of my scenes and projects, (not all) which makes me unable to get close to objects or it will hit it. Almost like my free camera in editor mode is larger then it is. You know when you go past a object you will eventually go through it and see the other side. This happens when im like 3 metres away from the object. As mentioned, this only...
Editor Camera Issue
Hi. Tried to create renderTexture with type set to Depth and depth buffer set to 24 bit, then creating camera, disabling it, seting renderTexture as camera's target texture and then calling Render() and RenderWithShader(Shader.Find(&Hidden/Camera-DepthTexture&),null) and RenderWithShader(Shader.Find(&Hidden/Camera-DepthNormalTexture&),null), but still cant get it right whe passing it to shader using SetTexture. Can someone post an example of rendering depth from non-main camera to render...
How to render a DepthTexture from specified camera into a RenderTexture and use it in a shader?
I've made a little unity android plugin, which allows you to use the camera preview image with all it's advantages like auto focus. My question to you guys is whether you could test the .apk for me and say if it works.
Downloadlink: /download/1i4obil6a6vus9v/Live_Picture_Example.apk
View attachment 149139
View attachment 149138
I have a mesh that I am deforming in script (to give it a curve) that is positioned over an icon.
At certain camera angles, the icon draws on top of the arrow, even though it's farther back
The arrow is using the Unity 5 standard shader set to Fade (also occurs with Transparent)
The icon is using Unlit/Transparent. Issue persists if I change it to Standard with Fade or Transparent.
Issue disappears if either is opaque (or arrow is cutout). But I'm trying to keep draw...
Sorting issue with transparent materials at certain camera angles
Hello All,
I have just installed Unity5 and I want to render what I see in the Camera Preview window to disk as an image sequence.
Is there a button for that?
Or do I need a script?
The characters in my project are quad meshes in 3D space that are viewed through orthographic projection (isometric). The sprites are animated and consist of sprites for 8 directions.
This is done using one single texture that is a sprite sheet, this sheet is rescaled and cycles between offsets programmatically to give the idea of an animated sprite.
They display properly in the Unity editor, but when deployed to WebGL there's some really weird stretching going on.....
WebGL Texture offset/scale issue?
I'm using Unity 5.3.2.f1 Personal and I'm trying to author a UI which is generally rendered to a texture to appear in the main game scene as an image on a computer monitor. The player can &lock on& to this monitor at which point we transition to a full screen view of the UI.
I've achieved this by the following means:
1. Create a camera in the scene with a render target which is a texture (with a 16:9 aspect ratio)
2. Create a canvas which in mode &Screen Space - Camera&, and created my...
Authoring UI for both render to texture and to the screen
Hi! This is my first time posting here, so please be nice to me (or however you like :s)&I've got an issue where my green leaves render weirdly with the light or environment or anything really. They seem to leave behind parts of the black box surrounding the image. However once I render it away from the scene and lighting, the plant seems to work fine.But I can't figure out why, and I need the scene with the lighting and the plants. I am using a volumetric lighting in the background. The whole thing is supposed to be an underwater scene. I'm using a texture on one of the lights to simulate the underwater light reflection on the ground.&Every Help is much appreciated!CheersFelix&&&
I've been having issues with getting a render texture working on windows phones 10 for a few versions now. It works fine in Windows 10 PC releases but not for mobile. Any ideas?
Is is possible to define what should be rendered in a render texture - ie. exlude rendering certain parts?
We want to render 50% on one PC and render the remaining 50% on another PC to get optimal performance.
Appriciate any input on this.
View attachment 175516[Unity3D]图形渲染优化、渲染管线优化、图形性能优化
4.针对CPU的优化----减少DRAW CALL 的数量
a.合并相近的模型,手动在模型编辑器中合并或者使用UNITY的Draw call批处理达到相同效果(Draw call
Draw call batching :
有一个合并模型材质不错的插件叫Mesh Baker,大家可以考虑试下。
c.尽量少用一些渲染步骤,例如reflections,shadows,per-pixel light 等。
d.Draw call batching的合并物体,会使每个物体(合并后的物体)至少有几百个三角面。
另外,用灯光将会取消(break)引擎的DRAW CALL BATCH,至于为什么,查看以下:
Forward Rendering Path Details:
e.使用相关剔除数量直接减少Draw Call数量,下文有相关提及。
Lightmapping :
Compressed Textures(图片压缩):
之前U3D会议还听说过一个优化,贴图尽量都用一个大小的格式(512 * 512 , 1024 *
8.LOD 、 Per-Layer Cull Distances 、 Occlusion
LOD (Level Of Detail)
摄像机分层距离剔除(Per-Layer Cull
Level Of Detail :
Per-Layer Cull Distances :
Occlusion Culling :
9.关于Realtime Shadows(实时阴影)
c.需要警醒的是alpha test,这个非常耗时。
float :32位浮点格式,适合顶点变换运算,但比较慢。
fixed: 10位浮点格式,适合颜色,光照,和其他。是highp格式计算的四倍。
a.对Draw Call Batching的优化
b.对Rendering Statistics Window的说明和提示:


