太极拳英语 介绍的英语

目录1 拼音tài jí quán2 英文参考Chinese shadow boxing[21世纪英汉汉英双向词典]taijiquan[中医药学名词审定委员会.中医药学名词(2004)]hexagram boxing[湘雅医学专业词典]3 概述太极拳为中国民间流传的一种卓有成效的拳法。指中国武术中,每一个动作圆柔连贯,每一式都是绵绵不断,犹如图的拳术。太极拳原为技击,后逐渐演变为以健身为主的拳法。太极拳传为明代武当山道士所创,一说来自明代著名将领戚继光据民间拳术总结的拳经三十二式。
4 太极拳的流派近代太极拳按流派可分为五类:陈氏太极拳、杨氏太极拳、吴氏太极拳、武氏太极拳和孙氏太极拳,各有特点。清初以来,太极拳在河南温县陈家沟陈姓家族中传习最盛,其后逐渐演变出陈氏、杨氏、吴氏、武氏与孙氏等太极拳流派,在架式与劲力上各具特点。现在国家体委根据流行最广的杨氏太极拳改编成24式简化太极拳、48式简化太极拳和88式太极拳。该拳法的特点是运动柔软、放松,适合于老弱者的健身。它对于慢性疾患如、病和慢性等都有较好的防治效果。成为具有广泛基础的之一,并且在世界各地也正在产生越来越大的影响。5 太极拳拳法太极拳拳法宗太极之旨,以?、(扌履)、挤、按、捋、?、肘、靠八势为之式,架势与步法以进步、退步、左顾、右盼、中定五势为之式,计十三式。以绵、软、劲、柔中有刚为行拳要领。6 参考资料 [1] 李经纬等主编.中医大词典----2版[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,. [2] 中医药学名词审定委员会. 中医药基本名词(2004)[M].北京:科学出版社,2005.相关文献
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  Theoretical basis of Qigong The human body is a complicated system. Gases form, food is digested, Qi and blood circulate, saliva secretes, waste material is discharged, the PH changes, and spiritual activity influences metabolisms, all happening continuously in response to the growth of life. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards such physiological changes as results of fluctuations and changes in the flow and function of Qi which circulate throughout the body through channels and collaterals. Qigong is a psychopneumatological exercise, drills posture, respiration and focus of the mind in order to unclog the channels and collaterals and re-establish body equilibrium.  Benefits of practicing Qigong: Qigong can affect the complex mechanism of the human body in various ways. Qigong experts and doctors in the past have done much research and established many theories. Contemporary research has further proven that Qigong is a holistic exercise, which requires little of the environment but produces a positive effect on the functions of all body organs and systems or tracts.  Effects on the Respiration System The effect of Qigong is very obvious on the respiratory system. Most people can deepen, prolong, invigorate and slow down their breathing after from 10-20 times per minute to 4-5 times or even fewer. When Qigong practice is effective, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide decrease. This indicates that Qigong increases alveolar ventilation by activating gas exchange. Reduction in the number of respiration does not cause shortage of oxygen but saves much bio-physiological energy which otherwise would be consumed in more respiratory movement.  Effects on the Digestive System Qigong exercise invigorates and regulates digestion. Studies have shown that the up-and-down movements of the diaphragm muscles in the Qigong-practicing group of patients were much larger on scale than in a comparison group that did not practice Qigong. The stomach fundus of a Qigong practitioner was also found to be six times higher than that of a non-practitioner. These Qigong-related changes prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and premature aging.  Effects on the Blood Function Qigong can dramatically change the peripheral blood picture. Measuring Qigong effects on blood shows white cells increase 13 to 23 percent on average. The phagocytic index of white cells may also increase from 40 percent to over 90 percent after Qigong practice.  Effects on Cardiovascular Function Static Qigong (also known as Quiescent Exercise) is particularly effective in slowing the rate of heartbeat. Qigong can significantly reduce pulmonary pressure, of which the effect is better than intravenous injection. After Qigong practice, the systolic pressure dropped 18 millimeters and the diastolic dropped 16 millimeters.  Effects on Metabolism It has been proved that a practitioner抯 gas metabolism is reduced when one enters the quiescent state of Qigong, but change in the quantity of oxygen while doing Qigong exercise can reduce gas metabolism to the minimum level required by the human body ordinarily, which is lower than simply lying.本作文共2页,当前在第1页&&1&&2&&
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