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Authors: Leslaw M Aurel Wolf,
Giulio LolliAbstract: Industrial research targets the reduction of CO2 footprint by means of renewable feedstocks. Three different topics are addressed: the use of the biomass as feedstock for fuels and chemicals, utilization of carbon dioxide as feedstock in the polymer industry, and finally, a concept to apply renewable energy in combination with carbon dioxide to make intermediates for chemical synthesis. These examples have been selected in order to illustrate that the strategic change of feedstocks has to be addressed on different time scales, necessity for the multidisciplinary approach, and the enabling role of catalysis.Ensuring the supply of raw materials, together with supply of energy, is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Already a shift toward the use of biomass or other renewable resources can be seen. In the review the development of new technologies for biodiesel, polycarbonates, and formic acid reforming to CO is presented. The development of these technologies illustrates the actual industrial research and drafts a vision for the future.PubDate: T03:10:08.DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
Pages: 201 - 201Abstract: Factory equipment. Copyright: hramovnick – PubDate: T03:58:33.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
Pages: 202 - 202PubDate: T03:58:35.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
Pages: 203 - 203PubDate: T03:58:33.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
Authors: Viktoria Z Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad,
Tetyana Beltramo,
Bernhard Hermannseder,
Annika Hitzemann,
Marius Nache,
Olivier Paquet-Durand,
Thomas Schöck,
Florian Hecker,
Bernd HitzmannFirst page: 219Abstract: The food industry is the fourth largest industrial sector in Germany. The eagerness for innovation is classified as low. The food industry faces significantly larger challenges compared to the chemical industry since the demands of raw materials on processing are higher and more complex. In this contribution, the characteristics of food manufacturing are presented. The potential of optical process analyzers based on NIR, fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy as well as on digital image analysis is demonstrated. These process analyzers can provide important information on raw materials, intermediate and end products, and improve the automation grade of production processes.In the food industry there are high demands for the processing and quality of raw materials. Nevertheless, compared with other industries, the innovation is much lower and few automatization can be found. Using the example of optical measurement methods, the potential of process analytics for the use in food manufacturing processes is discussed.PubDate: T02:50:11.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
Authors: Mohammad A. ChowdhuryFirst page: 229Abstract: The utilization of the silica‐based materials in biomedical applications is evolving at a rapid pace with attentions mostly devoted to the ordered mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs). However, apart from the ordered‐MSNs, a range of other silica‐based materials have been extensively applied in the controlled release (CR) of drugs, bone treatments, and bone regeneration, but have gained less attention. This article presents an overview on the recent research advancements of the silica‐based materials, i.e., silica xerogels, silica microspheres, silica hybrids, silica microcapsule particles, silica ceramics, silica bioactive glasses, and silica beads which are mainly used in CR of drugs, bone disease treatments, and bone regeneration. The in vitro and in vivo biological evaluations on these silica‐based materials for antibacterial properties, osteoblast cell activities, osteogenetic performances, cell adhesion and proliferation, bio‐mineralization, and material degradation are discussed. The effect of morphology or surface modifications and addition of bone morphogenetic proteins to the silica‐based formulations are illustrated.This review presents the current state and perspectives of the controlled release of drugs, bone treatments, and bone regeneration using diverse silica‐based materials excluding ordered mesoporous silica nanoparticles. It also discussed various in vitro and in vivo biological evaluations such as bio‐mineralization, osteoblast cells adhesion and proliferation, osteogenetic performances and osteogenic differentiation.PubDate: T02:50:09.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
PubDate: T06:10:05.:DOI:
10.1002/cben. &
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JournalTOCs &where the scientific revolution begins
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Scientific Journal of Crop Science
Bimonthly (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) Journal Access: Open
Journal scope: crop agronomy, production, genetics and breeding,
germplasm, crop protection, soil sciences, postharvest systems and
utilization, agroforestry, crop-animal interactions, environmental
issues and agricultural information.
Indexed and covered: Directory
of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), FAO, Worldcat, JournalTOCs, JournalSeek,
Google, Google Scholar, PKP, CABI Abstract, Global Impact Factor (GIF), HINARI
Research in Health, TEEAL (Cornell University), Index Copernicus, Academic Keys,
intercropping on yield and system productivity in Makurdi, Central Nigeria Field experiments were
conducted from July to November, during 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons at the
Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria, to evaluate
soybean-maize intercropping on yield and system productivity. Sole soybean, sole
maize and the intercrop of soybean and maize constituted the treatments, which
were laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications.
Results of study showed that intercropping soybean with maize significantly
(P≤0.05) reduced soybean yield by 43.8 % and 55.6 % respectively, in 2011 and
2012. However, maize yield was not significantly (P≤0.05) affected when
intercropped with soybean. Total intercrop yield was greater than the sole crop
Investigation physialogical Characteristics of
Ricinus Communis (L.) and Brassica juncea (L.) in
cadmium contaminated soil
We have previously
reported that Ricinus communis (castor) is more
tolerant to soil cadmium (Cd) and more efficient for
Cd phytoremediation than Brassica juncea (Indian
mustard). This expriment was performed to
Investigation physialogical and biochemical
characteristics of Ricinus Communis (L.) and
Brassica juncea (L.) in cadmium contaminated soil.
Castor plants showed stronger self- protection
ability in form of proline bioaccumulation (r2=
0.949) than Indian mustard (r2= 0.932), Proline
accumulation increased by 2.6 fold in B. juncea and
17.7 fold in R. communis on 90 DAS applied in
cadmium contaminated soil.
Nexus between Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change in Ethiopia This paper focuses mainly on
assessing the food security-agriculture-climate change nexus and
provides multidisciplinary scientific assessment and recommendations for
sustainable agro ecological solutions in the quest of humanity to
sustainable development. While agriculture tend to support the
overwhelming majority of the population in every part of Africa in
general and in Ethiopia in particular, climate change in itself will
very likely affect four key dimensions of the food security including
availability, accessibility, utilization and sustainability of the food,
due to close linkage between food and water security and climate change.
The impacts of climate change and increases in climate variability on
agricultural systems and natural-resource-dependent households, as well
as on food security ...
Image of the
The effect of sustainable land
management (SLM) to
local evidences from Tehuledere Woreda,
Anrs, Northern Ethiopia
Now a days, land degradation has emerged as a
significant threat to the promotion of green economy, wellbeing of the ecology
and ensuring food security. To counteract such a problem, Scaling up SLM
technologies is a drastic solution. It is with this grand theme that this study
was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda in three surrounding districts (Amumo,
Kundimeda and Messal) taking the vulnerability of the area in to consideration.
It shade light at identifying the factors hindering the adoption of SLM
technologies and, the role of SLM technologies to ensure food security, and
assessing the causes of food security in the context of SLM in the study area.
The data used were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The primary
sources include structured questionnaire survey and focus group discussion
methods. A total of 193 households were interviewed and their responses were
interpreted. Scientific reports and conference proceedings were used to support
the primary data. Descriptive statistics method was used for analyzing among
farm land size, household, topography, erosion status and the adoption of soil
and water conservation practices.
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Vol 5, No 7 (2016): JulyInternational Surgery Journal
Welcome to International Surgery Journal
ISSUES : 4 per year
Guide for Authors
International Surgery Journal (ISJ) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed surgery journal. The journal's full text is available online at . The journal allows free access to its contents. International Surgery Journal (ISJ) is dedicated to publishing research on all aspects of surgery. International Surgery Journal (ISJ) focuses on General Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, GI Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Surgical Oncology, Radiology, Ophthalmology,&Pediatric Surgery, Anaesthesia, Trauma Services, Minimal Access Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, ENT, Colorectal Surgery, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic techniques and procedures, Preoperative and postoperative patient management, Complications in surgery and new developments in instrumentation and technology related to surgery. International Surgery Journal (ISJ) is one of the fastest communication journals and articles are published online within short time after acceptance of manuscripts. The types of articles accepted include original research articles, review articles, editorial, case reports, short communications, point of technique, correspondence and images in surgery. It is published quarterly. International Surgery Journal (ISJ) complies with the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, issued by the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors. The complete document available at http://www.icjme.org.
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The following types of manuscripts are routinely accepted (please note that word count is from abstract to references but excluding references):
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Original research papers
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2. Abstract
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7. Acknowledgements
8. Declarations
9. References
10. Tables
11. Figures and Legends
1. Title page
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Reporting guidelines for specific study designs:
Type of Study
Randomized controlled trials
Studies of diagnostic accuracy
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Observational studies in epidemiology
Meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology
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6. Discussion and Conclusions
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Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required
9. References
References should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in superscript after the punctuation marks. All authors should be quoted for papers wi for papers with more than six authors, the first six should be quoted followed by et al.
Journal article:
Garber A, Klein E, Bruce S, Sankoh S, Mohideen P. Metformin-glibenclamide versus metformin plus rosiglitazone in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin monotherapy. Diabetes Obes Metab -63
Book chapter:
O'Brien C. Drug addiction and drug abuse. In: Brunton LB, Lazo JS, Parker KL, eds.Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 11th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-H 9.
National Cancer Institute. Fact sheet: targeted cancer therapies, 2012. Available at http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/targeted#q1. Accessed 9 June 2012.
10. Tables
Each table should be given on a separate page, paginated as part of the paper. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and the number should be followed by a brief descriptive caption, occupying not more than two lines, at the head of the table (e.g. Table 1: Effect of drug on blood pressure). Tables should normally be self-explanatory, with necessary descriptions provided underneath the table. Each column should have a heading and the units of measurement should be given in parentheses in the heading. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
11. Figures and Legends
Authors are encouraged to use color to enhance the impact and clarity of figures. There is no charge for using color in International Surgery Journal. For figures supplied in parts, please use A, B, C, etc. to label the panels or parts of the figure. Name your figure files with Figure and the figure number, e.g., Figure 1: Liver enzyme levels. For the best quality final product, it is highly recommended that you submit all of your artwork photographs, line drawings, etc. - in an electronic format. Computer prepared images must be at a minimum of 300 dpi at the final publication size. Lower resolution will result in pixilation and poor quality images. These should be submitted as JPEG or TIFF.
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The same patterns as described for Original research papers, with respect to text style, figures, tables and references, apply also to other publication types. A summary (up to 250 words) is required for Reviews, although the subject headings stipulated for Original research paper summaries do not apply.
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International Surgery Journal (ISJ) doesn't charge article submission and processing fee from the authors. ISJ charges a publication fee of Rs. 2500 (Plus Service Tax as applicable)&for Indian authors and $70 for Non-Indian authors. Individual publication fee waiver requests are considered on the grounds of hardship on a case-by-case basis. Publication fee has to be paid only if your article gets accepted for publishing. There are no colour figure charges.
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(For example, PubMed Style: D&souza AS, Samuel CJ, Katumalla FS, Gupta G, Goyal S. A randomized comparison between misoprostol and dinoprostone for cervical ripening and labor induction in patients with unfavorable cervices. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. doi:10.-1770.ijrcog).
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