2k16 2k17 两个游戏…一打比赛电脑就重启…玩街头霸王不知火舞模式没事…温度一切正常…不知为什么…

《》中玩家们一般都很关注MC模式的剧情,不过熟悉之后便会转移目光到每个版本都会有一些改动的MG模式,小编今天带来的就是已经体验过MG模式的小伙伴分享的体验心得,感兴趣的童鞋们不妨都来看看吧!体验心得:“每一年的,总是先玩一盘快速比赛熟悉一下操作手感,然后看看MC剧情和改动,最后就全身心投入到MG模式中去了。每一年的MG模式都会有一定的改动,今年也不例外:例如开档时能选择从休赛期开始,使得玩家在16-17赛季开始前有一定的腾挪空间;例如休赛期会有联盟就规则改动征求意见,虽然不少极为蛋疼的提议会极有可能通过,但不失为每一个新的赛季带来变数;还例如增加了劳资协议和电视转播合同的到期等等。鉴于自己喜欢挖掘和培养潜力股,喜欢一内一外作为核心的配置,所以还是像2K15和2K16一样选择了狼开档。Wiggins不比前两年拉风,潜力微降之余,总评更是不升反降,不过作为一个有防守有运动能力的外线,一切皆可培养;KAT今年绝对是有着2K封面加成,总评迫近90大关,潜力也是杠杠的,作为有防守有篮子的内线,绝得是核心;LaVine一直不温不火,但毕竟有投射有运动能力,弄去打第六人还是非常适用的,就是老闹情绪比较烦人;Dunn作为今年的5号秀,有投射有防守能控球分球,可以替代略显高薪的Rubio作为首发控卫,未来肯定是明星控卫无疑(游戏中……);KG最后一年发挥余热,可以打替补大前锋(首发是KAT),赛季结束基本就铁定退役了;其余还有像Dieng、T.Jones和沙坝子可以培养的年轻球员,剩下的就基本属于可留可不留的角色了。今年开档选择从休赛期开始,结果抽签居然中了状元……只能对76人说对不起了……2K对Simmons很是慷慨地给了99的潜力(话说2K你是多看好他啊……),森林狼正好缺一个首发的小前锋(Wiggins被我拉去打分卫了),所以用状元签选择Simmons无疑。Simmons的特点就是全面,可内可外,防守主控一把抓,缺点就是投射较菜,往内线打和快攻是主要得分手段。选了Simmons后,再第二轮选择2.13m的中锋AJ.Hammons(现实中是小牛的人),内线防守B、篮板B+,放在名单里慢慢培养,遇上伤病还能立刻顶上。选秀后的夏季联赛还让我挖掘了一些不错的替补球员(当然最后没有全部签约):Briante Weber,控卫,现实中在去年被热火选中,外线防守B+、主控B、中距离B-,虽然1.88m的身高矮了点,只能打控卫,但在2K17里是抢断的一把好手,绝对是立刻能上场的角色;Chinanu Onuaku,大前锋,今年被火箭选中,篮板A-、内线防守C+,扔在名单里以防伤病爆发还是可以的,缺点就是2.08m的身高太矮,无法打中锋,端尿盆的罚球姿势需要习惯;JaKarr SamPSon,小前锋/分卫,去年被76人选中,如今属于掘金一员,特点是外线防守,虽然评价只有C+,但实际看数值会发现和防守有关的项都不错,而且身体素质和快攻意识都能在比赛中发挥作用(2K15和2K16中我都将他留在名单里);Malcolm Brogdon,分卫/小前锋/控卫,今年被雄鹿选中,中距离、三分、外线防守、主控、智商都是B-,堪称可以从控卫打到小前锋的人选,绝对是很好的补充。其他还有很多功能十分单一但出色的球员,特别是在篮板一项上,不过基本都是用着接近小前锋的身高(2.08m或以下)打大前锋和中锋的位置就是了。像森林狼这种预算不足老板还比较抠门的球队,利用夏季联赛捡漏捡便宜还是不错的。暂时先说这么多吧,继续爽去~”
游戏大小: 54.13GB
游戏类型: 体育竞技SPG
游戏语言: 中文
操作系统: winXP,win7,win8,win10
玩游戏网 Corporation, All Rights Reserved 湘ICP备号-3& 2K15中MC模式的电脑模拟比赛时间的问题
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Includes 49 Steam Achievements
Title: NBA 2K17
Release Date: 20 Sep, 2016
Buy NBA 2K17
Buy NBA 2K17 Legend Edition
Buy NBA 2K17 Legend Edition Gold
Legend Gold Edition
The NBA 2K17 Legend Edition Gold includes-
Digital Content:
100,000 VC
‘92 Dream Team playable in Quick Game
Kobe #8 Mitchell & Ness Jersey
Kobe USA Basketball Jersey
Kobe hoodie
Nike Kobe shoe collection - 24 shoes in all
MyTEAM Gold Bundle (includes 5 packs w/guaranteed Kobe Free Agent card)
Note: Only one Legends Gold Edition Locker Code may be redeemed per MyNBA Account
Legend Edition
The NBA 2K17 Legend Edition includes-
Digital Content:
30,000 VC
‘92 Dream Team playable in Quick Game
Kobe #8 Mitchell & Ness Jersey
Kobe USA Basketball Jersey
Kobe hoodie
2K Kobe XI shoe
MyTEAM Legend Bundle (3 packs w/guaranteed Kobe Free Agent card)
Note: Only one Legends Edition Locker Code may be redeemed per MyNBA Account
About This Game
Following the record-breaking launch of NBA 2K16, the NBA 2K franchise continues to stake its claim as the most authentic sports video game with NBA 2K17. As the franchise that “all sports video games should aspire to be” (GamesRadar), NBA 2K17 will take the game to new heights and continue to blur the lines between video game and reality.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom(TM) II X4 805 @ 2.50 GHz or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GT 430 1GB / ATI(R) Radeon(TM) HD 6450 1GB or better
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 70 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0x compatible
Additional Notes: Dual- Additional Notes: Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for S software installations required (included with the game) include DirectX and Visual C++ Redistributable 2012
OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 @ 3 GHz / AMD FX-8370 @ 3.4 GHz or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 770 2GB / ATI(R) Radeon(TM) R9 270 2GB or better
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 70 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Dual-analog gamepad
Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The NBA and NBA member team identifications are the intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective NBA member teams. (C) 2016 NBA Properties, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Best basketball game in the market!I really recommend it!MyTHOUGHTS:- FOR HARDCORE 2K FANS: Must buy- FOR CASUAL 2K FANS: G best 2K since next gen graphics- FOR NON-2K PLAYERS: Get it on sale- FOR ALL: No Spike Lee MUST BUY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
?????? game. ?????? gameplay. ?????? graphics. ?????? physics. ?????? music. Give me my money back.
Gaven't played much
however what i have played the game is great. I don't know if 2k16 was that bad or this is just that good but this game feels like a dream and last years a nightmare!
WTF is rubbish!!!
it's ???????t
Waste my money
NBA2k17, like its other parts, is a simulator that has perhaps the greatest career mode in all of sports games. But it is not without its many, many flaws.For every two things that 2k fixes, they take one step back. This game is filled with bugs, glitches, graphical errors, unpolished animations, physics and unfair gameplay. Fake bumps, borderline idiotic AI, slider controls that artificially make the game more difficult by creating unfair play, and unrealistic expectations. 2K is excellent at portraying a level of depth in an NBA superstar unlike any other game, and if you're willing to put up with the irritations, then the game is an excellent addition.TL;DR: Buy it if you're willing to put up with it. It is an excellent game, flawed, but excellent.
First 2k on PC.. It's buggy as hell. MyCareer just freezes and no buttons work both during games and in the warehouse.. Plus in one game it just kept randomly calling timeouts.. I wouldn't press anything but as soon as gameplay started it just kept calling timeouts till i ran out.. I got a tech foul for callign to many timeouts hahaBut apart from that it has great depth and the face scan is really cool once you get it to work! Should be fun to work at when the bugs are fixed
SUPER LAG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Basketball simulator out there. All the people giving bad reviews are ?????? at micro transactions or they are not updating their drivers. I have tested this game on a 970 and 980 TI and they both can run the game at 1080p at max settings. I haven’t seen one glitch or crash. Stop giving games bad reviews because you don’t even know how to update your drivers.
I have played this game for 2 weeks. There is a Cheater I found in MyParkHere is my link
I hope 2k improve thier anti-cheat system.
I recommend to buy this game for any NBA fan, but, there is a lot of problems.Graphically it's more or less the same than NBA 2k16, meaning ok but nothing amazing for today games.Problem number one though, even if the graphics are about the same, the framerate is two time worse, I do have to say that I did play this one on Windows 10 while I played the last one on Win7 so this might be because od Windows.Speaking of graphics, they need to take serious course on anatomy at 2k studio, yes the scanned faces are allright, yes some players really look good, but some others just look laughable, wrong body type, terrible proportion on some part of the body (in particular the whole shoulders and neck area) Gameplay wise, it's the best NBA 2k I played so far (I only played 2k14,15,16 before though)Myteam feels better than before, more rewarding, the current cards are lower on ratings on purpose to allow a longer lifespan, which is not a terrible idea even if it can feel cheap.The MyGm/MyLeague mode are refined from last year, overall they do feel better, and the league extension is a really good idea.MyCareer mode is allright so far, there is some really decent VC rewards from sponsors to be gained along the way which again make the whole mode more rewarding, the big problem is that you can't skip cutscenes! Yes The cutscenes (that are for 95% of them not worth anyone time to be honest) are forced on you, if you plan to only do one myplayer it can be ok, but if you plan on testing several archetype then you are up for at least 30 minutes of unskippable cutscenes in the first 2 hours of the game more or less, which is boring.Archetypes and the skill caps that come with them are another issue, as many have pointed out, it's almost impossible to create a real superstar player stat wise, but it has to be balanced with the gameplay that is improved and allow more freedom than before, so you will still be able to pull amazing moves even with less impressive stats.
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Finally took the plunge to get this on the last day of pre-release, after being sure that my old comp is able to handle the graphics. Here are my observations based on a couple of Myleague & PlayNow games:Likes:1. System requirement's pretty much similar to that of 2k16's. I'm running it on a bootcamp imac, i5 processor with GT750M.
so far so good, no crashes whatsoever. 2. player movement seems fluid, especially crossovers, hestitation moves etc. broke a couple of ankles using JD can't imagine what one can do with Kyrie Irving or Steph Curry3. Chris Paul sinks open jumpshots consistently now, unlike in 2k16 where I can't get him to score open shots to save his life/ team4.
Nice upgrade in terms of sound, love how it improves the atmosphere of matches5. Easier to draw a foul during drives to the basket. might be a bad thing unless you are using the Beard. i like it because this may deter cheap reach-in spammers Dislikes:1) Biggest beef with this game is the clunky OTF menu. 2K really took a step backwards with this one.
Now it's more graphical but less intuitive. how about not changing things for the sake of changing eh 2k? or at least give us a tutorial on the changes so that we don't have to spend so much time trying to figure it out ourselves? 2) The menu at time-outs gives me a headache. I've never needed to spend full 60 secs to get all my coaching instructions right in the previous 2Ks.
Player substitutions during time outs do not take effect until the next dead ball, this has to be a bug?!?! I've to get around this by using OTF substitutions with intentional fouls.3) Graphics issues - clippings, players with invisible arms4) Can't specify strategies before start of games?? 5) Can we customise our line-ups in the coach options BEFORE the games so that we don't have to change it every single game? Overall I'll still give it a thumbs up coz there isn't a better b-ball game out in the market. Hopefully they are able to resolve some of the issues by the first update...
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Horrible,just horrible. For 40Euro you get an incomplete game. You dont care about online play? You want to play MyCareer offline? Well,forget about customizing your player. 2K became EA, Want to change your crossover style? Pay for it. Want to change the way/style your player shoots? Pay for it. And so on. Its impossible to earn all the needed VCs for all of this and the skills of your player at the same time/considering real time spent playing this game/ without buying VCs. Horrible,just plain horrible. If this wont change in any update,this will be the last 2K game I ever buy.
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This year of NBA 2k17 might be my all time favorite.
The & My Career& mode, in my opinion, is better and more immerse than it ever has been.
Overall I love this game except a few things that you may want to take into consideration before spending $70 on this game.
First, due to the ?????how of an offseason it was in the nba, if you wish to play online, prepare for players who believe that golden state is the only team in the game.
As you could expect from a sports game, it is somewhat laggy when playing online and has issues connecting you to games.
Wait timer seems to always lie to me or never appear.
This game is A GRIND FOR VC.
The my career is definelty goiing to be very time consuming for me as i have already put in 20 hours in a few days of owning the game.
If you dont want to put tons of hours into my career, then dont bother starting.
Besides that I love this game and only wished that online would be easier to run and more consistent with my wait timers. Hopefully these
bugs get fixed around when the season will start or in the next patch.
If anyone wants to play 2k ever add me as a friend and you can catch this L
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So far the best NBA 2K in years! I am still in the first season of myCAREER, starting out low as usual, still getting drafted among the top 20. So while every other NBA team picks up a 70+ player (some are higher), the Denver Nuggets decided to pick this white guy with an average rating of 55. And with hard work and no (real) money spent, thanks to &Doin' the work& and generous VC gifts from ingame sponsors and becoming a better player, I am, after 22 hours played, already a 74 average player. And the growth continues. &Doin' the work& is actually an uncomplicated system, also gives you minor improvements for free and allows you to raise the ten skill categories which you spend your VC on (besides Badges, clothes and stuff for your private court).The story is actually not terrible. You team up with Justice Young (played by Michael B. Jordan) and form the dynamic duo &Orange Juice&, which actually sounds completly batshit insane in the beginning but it's not as horrible as being called &Frequency Vibrations& in 2K16. It also unlocks a major feature of the game, the duo-controls which enables some great plays. You even get a voice that seems to match most ethnic groups you can choose from and the story is not horrible at all. Your mom only calls on the phone, your father is dead and so there is no major drama except for the stuff that happens in the team or if you decide to skip on (team) training. No Spike Lee is also a major improvement.Technically the game runs flawless for me except for some black players sometimes losing their arms in the middle of the game. If somebody could explain to me now why my player always has to walk so many ways to leave places I would be really happy. Did nobody test the game before and figured out it's beyond annoying?
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This is one HECK of a game!My hand/eye coordination is pretty lousy and I had reservations about trying a controller-based action game like this, but I am a basketball junkie and the vids I'd watched online looked absolutely fantastic.In addition to my lousy hand/eye coordination, I was a horrible basketball player when I was a kid and never played on a team or tried to coach later on....
Those factors and the fact I hadn't tried any sort of sophistacated graphics-based basketball game in any series for a long time meant I was *waaaaaaayyyyyyyy* behind the 8-ball on learning this game and getting any good at it.Long story short, I still suck, but not so badly that I didn't outgrow the &rookie& level in just a couple games.
Couldn't get any good at the level just above that called &Pro&, so I've found the ability sliders and have adjusted them so I'm at some level in-between Rookie and Pro.
btw, there are three preset levels *above* Pro...
I'll never get there.
This game is flat-out *AWESOME*!
(And for me it'd be even more awesome if I could ever figure out how to do a dunk (on purpose, that is...
I did one accidentally once... somehow...).The flow of the game is terrific, graphics sharp and smooth, at least with my snappy new gaming-level PC.
Yes, this game needs quite a bit of computing power to run well with graphics settings on High.
I would think most reasonably up-to-date &everyday&-rated PC's would do okay on this game with video settings knocked down a bit, but to really enjoy this game at its best you'd probably need something pretty close to my rig (Intel i3 chip running at 3.9 Ghz, 16 gig RAM, Nvidea 970 GTX video card with 4gig rom).Thus far, I haen't done things like MyPlayer or MyLeague, and so far I have almost no interest in even trying them.
I've just played random games with me always controlling the Warriors.
LOTS of games!
My dunk-free, 3-point bombing Warriors!To those who are complaining about things like missing legs or arms on players or other strange graphics glitches...
UPDATE YOUR VIDEO CARD'S DRIVERS!!The few things I've gotten a little tired of would include things like the pregame and halftime shows (fun at first, but quite repetitive after not very long at all) and the really repetitive timeout huddles...
Oh, and the player and coach interviews where the lipsynch is rather off...
Fortunately, you can skip through these for the most part.
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Story of the game is thousand times better and more interesting then NBA2k16. I suggest this game everyone. 2k did good job.
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Any NBA fan will like this, despite the technical issues like fps drops, sometimes you won?t see the players limbs and some crashes.With the last update, I didnt suffer any crash tho.So, if you like the game, buy it, you?ll have A LOT of time to spend on the different modes and, why not, some laughs with the &almost invisible& players :D8/10
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Good bronze shooters can actually make good wide open shots in this game. unlike last year this is good!!!!!!
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73 people found this review funny
NEW PLAYERS: Overall, one of the best basketball games in the market, but can be hard to pick up. If you do, you're in for a treat. (See below)FEATURES:
- High quality visuals for a basketball game (or any game, really)
- Very immersive MyCAREER mode
- MyPARK: a game mode where your MyPLAYER can play pick up games with others online
- 2K PRO-AM: create and customize teams and play online
- MyTEAM: the ultimate
build your team (of current and former players) and play against others online on the hardwood
- MyLEAGUE / MyGM: if you prefer controlling a team from the top-down (+ new features!)
- CREATE A PLAYER: in-depth player creation with several new categories
- SHOES: give your players some sexy sneaks. Available for MyPLAYER as well[From here it's more in-depth.]RETURNING PLAYERS: See below.MyPROS:
- MyCAREER immersion is the best in NBA 2K history
- Handles feel great
- Face scanning available for PC players now
- Better AI + more control over them
- Kobe and Michael B. Jordan welcome you to MyCAREER, not Spike Lee
- MyNBA2K17 mobile app hooks you up with easy VC
- Much cleaner UI
- Amazing soundtrack (if you're into rap, especially)
- Lot more player customization (animations, attributes)
- No Spike Lee
- Faster MyTEAM unpacking animations
- Dynamic Duo / Orange Juice mechanic is a free stat boost
- Very natural dribbling in between plays
- Arms a you touch the ball, it's out of their / your hands
- Ball isn' higher mechanics now used for offense
- Harambe logos
- Better, race-neutral MyPLAYER voice compared to the past (never mattered to me though)
- Better player celebrations
- Pres is a decent nickname, but what isn't compared to Frequency Vibrations
- No freqin' and vibin'MyTRIGGERS:
- Questionable player ratings (as of 9/20/16)
- Occasional FPS drops
- You start MyCAREER with a really low rating (as usual)
- Justice Young has better ratings than you
- MyPARK is just 3 ghost towns
- Sound is glitchy (e.g. player interview with PA going off)
- You can't make the player you want with the categorization of playstyles
- If you're a lower draft pick, you can't skip to yours in MyCAREER
- Your MyPLAYER has unforgiving attribute caps (e.g. low free throw and stamina ratings)
- Many players' faces are completely off
- Not the most hacker-proof game out there (as usual)
- You can still select 'Freq' as a nickname
- Lots of attributes for MyCAREER aren't recorded or saved
- Can be difficult to master the mechanics, especially for newer / returning players
- Spike LeeMyTIPS:
- For face scanning, use an iPhone front camera while right in front of really bright white light
* Turn slowly, and per angle.
- Lower the difficulty to:
* Rookie if you're getting crushed or are fairly new
* Pro if you're fine at the level the game puts you at initially
* All-Star if you're ready to play at a respectable level
* Superstar if you need a challenge
* Hall of Fame if you want to find out how hard of a punch your monitor can handleMyREVIEW:
- The latest installment to the NBA 2K series, NBA 2K17, is one of the better basketball games on the market ever--by default. It has a deep career mode, unlike any other game in its genre, but has once again failed to make it the best through acclaim. Its career mode--arguably the most anticipated part of the series now--tends to make critical errors annually. If you want to have the best career, then go buy 2K11. If you want to have the most IMMERSIVE career, then take this game.
- If you're new though, this game might be a headache. It's not the perfect game, it's just the &best basketball game& created, arguably by default. Lots of fun if you put in the work, but if you're way more casual than a lot of 2K players stick with the games that came out in the past.
- MyTEAM, MyLEAGUE/GM are back again and they've been upgraded. Had no issues with their content before (minus the actual gameplay on the COURT; that's another story), and even made adjustments to make the modes more enjoyable. (See MyPROS.)
- Several new mechanics have been introduced this year, including shot / pass aiming and the dynamic duo system. It certainly increases realism, but the game has too many other holes already for 2K to be working on something like that. (See MyTRIGGERS.) There are many issues that I'm sure you'll read about in the other reviews floating around, but the positives in tandem with them bring me to these opinions:MyTHOUGHTS:
- FOR CASUAL 2K FANS: G best 2K since next gen graphics
- FOR NON-2K PLAYERS: Get it on sale
- FOR ALL: No Spike Lee MUST BUY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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