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TechnologyNew Hori Tac 4 Tactical Assault Commander Mouse Keyboard for PS4 PS3 | eBay
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9 product ratings
Easy to use
Good value
Well designed
HORI TAC 4 I only use it for Black Ops 3 PS4 and 12 years of PC sniping transition to Console for the first time flawless.
This is one the best devices ever made to help professional Pc gamers to transistion from PC to console. I spent all my life fighting on a High end PC computers trying to have the best and fastest to dominate anyone, I had world record ddr3 ram 2400mhz cars 8 t1 quad channel and fastest computer displays made by benQ, right now I'm sporting xl2410t and after you have acquired one these HORI TAC 4 you should invest in a no lag input display, most big display tv's lag. For best performance with this device In black ops 3 PS4 I used a different mouse called "razor Lachesis 4000 dpi model and then program the mouse on the computer so it was set at 125DPI the lowest setting possible which enable me to set the in game bo3 settings to 5 for vertical and 9 for left and right horizontal,also the polling no rate of the mouse set to 500 and not 1000 to keep things from over saturating other than completely remapping all my buttons I changed the dead zone on the game pad to blue indicator light and the aim speed to light blue, I'm sure I could crank the horizontal speed up higher but the vertical is locked at 5 needs to stay that way if you want to be able to have headshot aim over distance. The only sad part is getting dpi low enough on the mouse so u can use the higher movement settings in Black Ops 3 to gain the upper hand, just 4 days of my life with this HORI TAC 4 getting tuned in I now play like professional on ps4, I'm a real professional sniper on PC and with this HORI TAC 4 I can do a drop shot 360 and head shots after you learn the muscle memory and have fast display you catch on quick with this if your good on Pc. I will be making an online video later on my YouTube account is neweggbuilt, and this device is not a cheat in any way it just looks like that when I use it haha.
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Very PC (depending on the title)
This item works pretty well as I've tested it on a couple games. Far Cry 4 played better with the TAC4. Battlefront plays a little wonky but its still more accurate
(to me) than the joystick. Now, if only some games could be patched to work directly with the TAC4 rather than forcing it to translate the mouse imputs to the motions of the right stick.
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Everything worked out nicely, was happy with my purchase!
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Exellent!! Great item!
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Great Fightpad!
Really solid controller with good buttons and a Great D pad. Would recommend this controller too anyone wanting too use a controller instead of an arcade stick.
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See More Details about硬件制造商Hori日前公布了专为PS4设计的键鼠,这下FPS玩家可高兴了。
这套USB键鼠被称为&战术进攻指挥官4(Tactical Assault Commander 4)&,有与电脑相似的键盘布局,不过键位要少很多。
&战术进攻指挥官4(Tactical Assault Commander 4)&售价130美元,而其前作&&为PS3设计的 &战术进攻指挥官3(Tactical Assault Commander 3)&&售价100美元。
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