
1. 流传久远,这可没有某个固定单词来形容啊,意思就是“传播广泛”或者是“经受得住时间的考验”呗,所以你用spread
abroad或是stand the test of
1. 同样是对话,作为前文的回应,这里的“他说”译为his reply。
2. “流传久远的作品”刚才讲到了应该如何翻译,其实,这里隐藏了一个很重要的知识点,那就是偏正短语的主谓译法,所以,“作品”是主语,“流传久远”是谓语,因此,“流传久远的作品”就是“作品流传久远”,这就好翻译了啊。来来来,还记不记得蓝皮书上武哥讲偏正短语的主谓译法时用的是哪个例子?就是gleaming
eyes &&&eyes are
3. “是靠”表示原因,后面这句和前面的句子没有逻辑上的关系,所以进行分译,不需要用and连接。
His reply was, “Literary works have stood
the test of time because of the skill with which they were written.
Who today really cares about the details of what life was like a
hundred years ago?”
1. 反映,reflect,重要词汇,要会认,会写哦!表示“反映、反射”,物理上的光反射也是这个词啊。注意!关于它,有一个搭配:reflect
on,意思是“深思”,比如:I reflected on the
child’s future,也有“对……产生某种印象”之意,比如:The
affair hardly reflected well on the president.
2. 命运,有童鞋问武哥,fate和destiny这俩用哪个好捏?其实,这里基本没有区别,你都能用。如果深究,fate强调过程和过去,destiny强调未来的结果已经是注定的。
1. 前后这两个句子逻辑上没有关系,所以分译,用句号连接。
2. “我认为”和前面表示观点句子重复,可以不翻译,然而后面句子缺少真正主语,所以寻找隐藏主语,把readers作为句子的真正主语,“打动人心的”改变为宾语,这个句子重点在主语和谓语的处理上,比较难,真的不简单哦!
I disagree. Readers are moved by the life
reflected in a story and the fate of the chief
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。我认为我们不会再沈老师的课堂上感到无聊 的翻译是:Shen teacher of the class, I think we're not going to be bored 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Shen I think we will not get bored on the teacher's classroom
Shen teacher of the class, I think we're not going to be bored
Shen teacher of the class, I think we're not going to be bored
I believe that we will no longer feel bored at a classroom teacher Shen
相关内容&amixed terrain 混杂的地形 & aRADIADOR 幅射器 & aDear Ms Zhang 亲爱的女士张 & a过着幸福美满,快乐的生活 Happy content, joyful life & a我会慢慢的向你靠近 I can slowly approach to you & aa dillar,a dollar dillar,一美元 & aLi Dong lived
in Shanghai (一九四九年以前) Li Dong lived in Shanghai (in 1949 before) & a获得幸福很容易也很困难 Obtains happily very easy very to be also difficult & a比如电网、电站、充电桩的建设、费用的收取、运营管理等 For instance electrical network, power plant, sufficient terminal rod construction, expense collection, operation management and so on & a因为还剩下足够的时间,她根本没必要那么匆忙 Because is also left over the enough time, her necessity so has not been simply hurried & a一根香? A cigarette & a300天前的这个时候 300天前 & aI have yellow hair and a little hat. 我有***头发和一个小的帽子。 & asarver starten sarver starten & asmoking,is,a,teenagers,serious,a,study,shows,many,Chinese,problem,for. smoking, is, a, teenagers, serious, a, study, shows, many, Chinese, problem, for. & a你对付 Coping with & aLike the sun Dazzling... Like the sun Dazzling… & aI do not have mood to work 我没有心情工作 & a城市要道封锁警力调度算法 City important highway blockade police forces dispatch algorithm & a曾益其所不能 Adds to its cannot & aDOWHATYOULOVEANDFUCKTHEREST DOWHATYOULOVEANDFUCKTHEREST & a你要那天的票? You want that day the ticket? & a为什么无精打采的? Почему listless? & a制作三明治很容易 The manufacture sandwich is very easy & a我们有技术 We have the technology & aIn accordance with Australian Commonwealth Government legislation,the University is obliged to notify the Department of Immigration and Citizenship(DIAC) that you have breached the conditions of your student visa 与澳大利亚联邦政府立法符合,大学被迫使通知移民的部门,并且公民身份(两端交流开关元件)那您破坏了您的学生签证的条件 & a那简简单单的两个字,却会给人带来刺痛。是宿命的纠缠,还是今生的孽缘!滚!离开我的世界!别再出现! That simple two characters, can bring the stabbing pain actually to the human.Is the fate entanglement, this life bad karma! Roll! Leaves my world! Again do not appear! & aa great way to 准许做sth & a为什么不一直信任我们呢 Why not always trusts us & a“你相信有永远的爱吗?”
“我相信的。” 「信じた持っているforever?をか」。 「私は信じる。” & afortifie 魔药 & aand i'll show it to the pilot as proof that i have paid? 并且我将显示它对飞行员作为证明我支付了? & aspell bed 咒语床 & a骑自行车去远行 Rides the bicycle to take a long journey & a一个在温哥华的朋友 In Vancouver's friend & agucci gucci louis fendi fendi prada gucci gucci路易斯fendi fendi prada & a他决定创办自己的企业 He decided organizes own enterprise & a慢慢的我的身边不能没有你。 慢慢的我的身边不能没有你。 & a另外,我们应该多参加社会公益活动,多植树造林,多栽种花草,多增加我们的绿色地带! Moreover, we should participate in the social public welfare activity, the multi-afforestation, plants the flowers and plants much, increases our green region! & a我很爱你四眼 I love your four very much & a忘不了离你而去的人,该怎么办? 正在翻译,请等待...
& afailed to initialize the DirectX. 没初始化DirectX。 & aI shall be responsible for my parents 我负责我的父母 & a红点 Red spot & a0612班是由40个同学组成的大家庭,同学们性格开朗,彼此团结互助,我们的班级始终都有一种温馨的感觉 正在翻译,请等待...
& awith the addition 与加法 & a在日本,大多数学生坐火车上学,尽管其他人也步行或骑车上学 In Japan, the majority students ride the train to go to school, although other people also walk or ride a bicycle to go to school & aindonesia... 印度尼西亚… & a这本书是极好的 This book is extremely good & athen we can't think or do our work properly. 然后我们不可能认为或适当地完成我们的工作。 & a商业信用等级为AAA企业 The commercial credit rank is the AAA enterprise & aWhere are you now ? and close the doors of doubt 在哪里现在您? 并且接近疑义的门 & ablanketed 覆盖 & a道德沦丧 The morals perish & aihjured
struck ihjured 捉住 杀害 触击 & aLET'S GO TO THE RESTAURANT FOR DINNER AND
WE CAN H***E A CHAT 我们去餐馆为晚餐,并且我们可以有闲谈 & a我认为我们不会再沈老师的课堂上感到无聊 正在翻译,请等待...对别人大声说话是不礼貌的 翻译!
对别人大声说话是不礼貌的 翻译!
it's impolite to talk to others loudly.
It is bad manners to interupt other?s words 再答: Interrupt
1.It is polite eating up your dishes.2it not polite to speak loud in the most afrcia countries.3i have no idea that whether is polite to speak loud.4do you know
1.在阅览室大声说话是不礼貌的 It is impolite to speak loudly in public.2.在公共场合,我们应该注意不要大声说话We should be careful not to speak loudly in pulic.3.说英语的国家English-speaking countrie
It is impolite to talk loudly in public
1.It is impolite2.across from the right3.can't must4.donging the cleaning5.anything to drink6.there is 7.take photos8.can't feed animals9.can ride
1. It's rude to talk loudly in public places.2. Too many people, we have to get in the line and wait.3. Do you know anyone else who likes music?4. We've learnt
It is impolite
1.Standing close to the person whom you are talking with is really normal in many Asian countries.2.It is not allowed to speak loudly in some places.3.It is not
翻译是:You had better not speak/talk loudly in the reading room句型had better do sth:最好干某事speak/talk:说 in the reading room:在阅览室里
Speaking loudly is impolit in public.
1.impolite/rude to interupt2.following the orde
不知道什么原因,对着笔记你很幽默!干嘛不怀疑一下你住的环境湿度太大 .你是不是开着混音,右键
1.I hate when people in the library to speak2.Because he bother to me3.I would be very angry4.I'll have him and I went out to speak5,or let him speak6.Told him
You should talk with others bravely ,and you can train your courage by speaking loudly in front of the mirror .
Dear bill, would you mind not talking aloud in class? this will influence others.And please do your homework by yourself instead of copying mine in class. Pleas


