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中文翻译无领导小组&&&&geniculate]背外侧膝状体核; 背外侧膝状体核... &&&&&&伦敦干船坞公司... &&&&&&长延时... &&&&&&低度异型增生... &&&&&&线群控制器... &&&&&&英国政府化学所... &&&&&&立管布置... &&&&&&lgbt rights movement... &&&&&&合作公司环保认证制度... &&&&&&lgbt civil rights... &&
例句与用法Study on structural characteristics of lgd on bank nonperforming loans家电连锁企业的定价策略研究The vocational value of the valuator maybe works on their evaluation of lgd( 4 )评价者在进行lgd评分时可能会受到职业价值观倾向的影响。 Leaderless group discussion ( lgd ) is a situation simulation test technology of assessment center , and is an effective personnel test无领导小组讨论是评价中心技术中的一种情境模拟测评技术。 Some research findings suggest lgd has good reliability and accepted availability . many organizations have used it widely in practice . but there is still no systematic lgd applied pattern多项研究表明,这种测评技术具有很好的信度和比较好的效度,因而在各种组织中得到了广泛的应用。 It has been proved that lgd has accepted availability on some dimensionalities . and the third part is about the research of the raters . it suggest : the consistent of raters is very good in total and in each dimensionality同时对评价者的研究表明: ( 1 )评价者在总体和各维度上其评分一致性程度非常好; ( 2 )不同的评价者在总体上其评分一致性非常好。 In the simulation team , the candidates discuss a problem or a situation , and the raters evaluate their abilities by watching their behaviors to find which one is competent for a position . lgd is used for the selection and diagnosis of the managers它主要通过模拟团队环境,给予被评价者仿真式的工作氛围,让其就某个问题或情境进行讨论,以考察他们的实践工作能力,从而诊断被评价者是否胜任某一管理工作职位。 Liposome is an effective nuclide delivery agent for neutron capture therapy . in this paper liposomes containing encapsulated gadolinium complex were prepared and characterized . the influence of formulation factors such as ph , ionic strength , buffer , and storage time upon the stability of liposomes was investigated . the uptake rate constant and its concentration dependence of lgd in tumor cells were compared in vitro with that of gd complex itself . the results indicate that the uptake rate of lgd in tumor cells increases to eight times as much as that of gd - edta , but the release rate of gd from tumor cells containing lgd is remarkably lower than that from the tumor cells containing gd - edta . the results reveal that lgd would be a potential drug for neutron capture therapy of cancer制备和表征了包埋gd - edta的脂质体,测定了ph ,离子强度,缓冲液组成及温度对gd - edta脂质体的影响,比较了gd - edta脂质体和gd - edta被肿瘤细胞摄入的动力学曲线。结果表明, gd - edta脂质体在37和生理条件下最稳定,肿瘤细胞摄入gd - edta脂质体速率是gd - edta的8倍,而释放gd的速率, gd - edta脂质体远远低于gd - edta ,这些结果提供了脂质体包埋gd - edta作为钆中子俘获治疗药物的可能性。 It suggests the applied pattern of lgd includes five phases : test tools selecting , lgd materials preparing , execution preparing , executing and summarizing . the second part is about the reliability and availability of lgd . its results suggest : the reliability is good in total and inconsistent on some dimensionalities但是系统、全面、指导性强的lgd应用性模式却很少,为此本研究结合lgd在实际中的应用提出更为完善、系统的lgd应用模式,其基本分为五个阶段:测评抉择阶段;材料准备阶段;实施准备阶段;具体实施阶段和结果总结段。 &&
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