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《当中国统治世界:西方世界的终结和一个新的全球秩序的诞生》第二版 书评
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Martin Jacques is one of Britain's foremost public intellectuals. A Visiting Senior Research Fellow at IDEAS, the London School of Economics' centre for diplomacy and grand strategy, a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, and a Fellow of the Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC, Martin Jacques is widely respected as a leading global expert on what could prove to be the most important geopolitical event of the past 200 years: the rise of China.
Born in Coventry in 1945, Martin Jacques earned a first class honours degree in Economics at Manchester University, followed by a masters degree, and then a PhD from Cambridge University. He subsequently held a lectureship in the Department of Economic and Social History at Bristol University.
In 1977, he became editor of Marxism Today, a post he held for fourteen years until the journal's closure in 1991, transforming what was an obscure and dull publication into a the most influential political magazine in Britain. In the early 1990, Jacques co-founded the think-tank Demos, and worked as deputy editor of The Independent. He has been a columnist for the Times, the Sunday Times, the Guardian, the Observer, and the New Statesman, as well as writing for many newspapers and magazines worldwide, including Financial Times, Economist, New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Daily Beast, New Republic, Volkskrant, Corriere della Sera, L'Unita, Il Mondo, Süddeutsche Zeitung, South China Morning Post, and Folha Des Paulo.
He has made many television programs for the BBC, including writing and presenting Italy on Trial (1993), The Incredible Shrinking Politicians (1993), a two-part series on The End of the Western World (1996) and Proud to be Chinese (1998).
In recent years Martin Jacques has worked as a Visiting Professor at Renmin University, Beijing, a Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Singapore,a Visiting Research Fellow at the Asia Research Centre at the London School of Economics, and a Visiting Professor at both Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, and at the International Centre for Chinese Studies at Aichi University in Nagoya.
Martin Jacques是英国最著名的公共知识分子,伦敦学院经济外交和大战略中心IDEAS的高级访问研究员,北京清华大学客座教授,华盛顿特区大西洋学院研究员。中国的崛起可能是过去200年里最重要的地缘政治事件,Martin Jacques作为该问题的全球领先的专家受到广泛的尊敬。
1945年出生于考文垂的Martin Jacques在曼彻斯特大学获得经济学一级荣誉学位,之后获得一个硕士学位,然后是剑桥大学博士学位。随后在布里斯托尔大学经济和社会史系担任讲师。
近年来,Martin Jacques担任北京人民大学的客座教授,新加坡大学的高级访问研究员,伦敦经济学院亚洲研究中心客座研究员,并在京都的日本立命馆大学在和名护市的爱知大学中国研究国际中心担任客座教授。
Greatly revised and expanded, with a new afterword, this upxe to Martin Jacques’s global bestseller is an essential guide to understanding a world increasingly shaped by Chinese power
Soon, China will rule the world. But in doing so, it will not become more Western.
Since the first publication of When China Rules the World, the landscape of world power has shifted dramatically. In the three years since the first edition was published, When China Rules the World has proved to be a remarkably prescient book, transforming the nature of the debate on China.
Now, in this greatly expanded and fully upxed edition, boasting nearly 300 pages of new material, and backed up by the latest statistical data, Martin Jacques renews his assault on conventional thinking about China’s ascendancy, showing how its impact will be as much political and cultural as economic, changing the world as we know it.
First published in 2009 to widespread critical acclaim - and controversy - When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order has sold a quarter of a million copies, been translated into eleven languages, nominated for two major literary awards, and is the subject of an immensely popular TED talk.
martin jacques的全球畅销书的本次更新进行了大幅扩展和修正,增加了一个新的后记,这个版本是了解当今世界的必备指南,当今世界越来越受到中国力量的影响。中国将统治世界,但在这个过程中,它不会变得更加的西方化。
现在,在这个大幅的扩展和完全更新的版本里,拥有近300页的新材料,并得到了最新统计数据的支持,Martin Jacques更新了对中国崛起传统思维的驳斥,展示了中国的崛起对政治、文化的影响与对经济的影响同样深远,正在如我们所知的那样改变世界。
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. A convincing economic, political and cultural analysis of waning Western dominance and the rise of China and a new paradigm of modernity. Jacques (The Politics of Thatcherism) takes the pulse of the nation poised to become, by virtue of its scale and staggering rate of growth, the biggest market in the world. Jacques points to the decline of American hegemony and outlines specific elements of China's rising global power and how these are likely to influence international relations in the future. He imagines a world where China's distinct brand of modernity, rooted firmly in its ancient culture and traditions, will have a profound influence on attitudes toward work, family and even politics that will become a counterbalance to and eventually reverse the one-way flow of Westernization. He suggests that while China's economic prosperity may not necessarily translate into democracy, China's increased self-confidence is allowing it to project its political and cultural identity ever more widely as time goes on. As comprehensive as it is compelling, this brilliant book is crucial reading for anyone interested in understanding where the we are and where we are going. (Nov.)
&Provocative...a fascinating account.&—Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
“挑衅性的…令人着迷的叙述”——Michiko Kakutani纽约时报
“A very forcefully written, lively book that is full of provocations and predictions.”—Fareed Zakaria, GPS, CNN
“一本笔触有力,活泼的书,充满了挑衅和预测。“——Fareed Zakaria GPS,CNN
“The West hopes that wealth, globalization and political integration will turn China into a gentle giant… But Jacques says that this is a delusion. Time will not make China more W it will make the West, and the world, more Chinese.”—The Economist
“[An] exhaustive-, incisive exploration of possibilities that many people have barely begun to contemplate about a future dominated by China. ... [Jacques] has written a work of considerable erudition, with provocative and often counterintuitive speculations about one of the most important questions facing the world today. And he could hardly have known, when he set out to write it, that events would so accelerate the trends he was analyzing.”—The New York Times Book Review
“The rise of China may well prove to be the defining economic and geopolitical change of our time, and few authors have given the subject deeper thought, nor offered a more illuminating analysis, than Martin Jacques.”—Niall Ferguson, author of The Ascent of Money
“中国崛起可能成为我们这个时代经济和地缘政治变化的定义,几乎没有作者给出了对这个问题做出更深层次的思考,也没有人像Martin Jacques那样提供更多充满启发的分析。”——Niall Ferguson,《货币崛起》的作者
“[A] compelling and thought-provoking analysis of global trends.... Jacques is a superb explainer of history and economics, tracing broad trends with insight and skill.”—The Washington Post
“令人信服和发人深省的全球趋势分析……Jacques 是一个历史和经济学的高超诠释者,他用技巧和洞察力跟踪大趋势。”——华盛顿邮报
“This important book, deeply considered, full of historical understanding and realism, is about more than China. It is about a twenty-first-century world no longer modelled on and shaped by North Atlantic power, ideas and assumptions. I suspect it will be highly influential.”—Eric Hobsbawm, author of The Age of Extremes
“这是一本重要的书,深入思考,充满对历史和现实的理解,不只是中国。它讲述了21世纪的世界不再按照北大西洋的力量、观点和假设进行模仿和塑造。我怀疑这本书的影响力会很大。”——Eric Hobsbawm,《极端时代》的作者
“This an extremely impressive book, full of bold but credible predictions … [this] book will long be remembered for its foresight and insight.”—The Guardian (UK)
Martin Bacaon March 27, 2015
A Mosaic of China
I am sure that China has all three dimensions -- China has the past, has the present and china has the future. Millions people, including Chinese themselves want to understand China and Chinese and I believe that many of them bought or will buy this influential Martin Jacques' book, because it offers views on China.
Mr. Jacques began with the history, then continues with the present and finally he hinted the future. The book described important parts of Chinese history, such as connection with Japan, dealt with first connections between West and East, paid attention to Chinese ethics, including implicit one, and last but not least mentioned politics. I can underline that China is turbulent country, it means that some facts are becoming obsolete... so readers ought to accept this information (actually it is the 2nd edition, the 1st edition was published in 2009. But now--in March 2015--also this the 2nd &greatly expanded and fully upxed& edition is now partially out of date).
Of course, some information can be doubtful/questionable because of obsolescence, or point of view, or because of presumption (I should mention that M. Jacques--born in 1945--was editor of the Communist Party Great Britain's Journal &Marxism Today& from 1977 until its closure in 1991).
Well, we never forget that it is only one view from several possible views. On the other hand I declare that this book could be very useful for sinologists, ethics, admirers of East and politics as well. Martin Jacques' &When China Rules the World& offers eloquent mosaic(s) of China.
我认为中国有三个维度——过去,现在和未来。包括中国人自己在内的数以百万计的人,都想了解中国和中国人,我相信其中的很多人已经买或者会买Martin Jacques这本有影响力的书,因为它提供了对中国的看法。
我们永远不能忘记,这只是几个可能的观点之中的一个。另一方面,我声明,这本书对于汉学家,东方的崇拜者和政治爱好者是非常有用的。Martin Jacques的《当中国统治世界》对中国进行了意味深长的描绘。
Amazon Customeron November 12, 2016
an amazingly complex and weighty tome, I am struggling with the huge amount of research that has gone into the writing of this book. The reason I ranked the book with four stars instead of five is because of the seemingly bottomless amount of information which I struggle to absorb and understand. I find the best way for me to deal with the complexity of this book is to read &the hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy&at the same time, so that I can get my head undone.
Hans Fleischmannon December 1, 2013
A Great Analysis of Past and Future
I am still reading, but so far: The book contains a very good descxtion and analysis of past developments and understanding of the world's &civilizations& in the various countries that could/will be important in the future. It strongly opened my eyes (and ears) to things that will be important and my thinking about what will happen. I am very much looking forward to read the rest of the book.
Kelly Wrighton November 12, 2016
Very insightful, even prescient
The author relentlessly marshals facts and figures (the book is replete with tables and charts and comparisons) to demonstrate the amazing growth of China relative to the West that will lead to Chinese hegemony in future. Well written, the book suffers only from repetition and wordiness.
Dwight J. Workeron May 15, 2014
excellent book to understand the 21st century.
My only obxtion is that the book is too verbose. He could have said the same with half the words. But his points are very well taken. You sense the author's French schadenfreude as he watches the USA slide.
Albino dolphinon July 29, 2015
Essential reading.
Critical info if you want a peek at the future........'not a nation state...a civilization state'. Thinks of itself as the center of the universe...'the middle kingdom'....considers decisions in a three thousand year context.
E. Pittson September 11, 2014
Good history of China Economy
This is one long book, but very informative. Lots of history of Southeast Asia and economics of the area. Very good study of the development of the China economy.
Gary C. Schauson December 11, 2010
The book is a little more than I wanted to know about the world enonomy. It is interesting the impact of the world economy on the United States and how we need to deal with new challenges ahead. Are we going to be number 1 as a global entity or are we going to fall to the economies of China and India? Time to think about that and how do we as a country deal with that challenge.
Rickon October 5, 2016
I would highly recommend passing up on this book it was so boring
This book is nothing but a bunch of speculation poorly written and so boring to read
Paulo H. Amorimon April 17, 2014
Jacques seems to have it all.
I expect another upxe to follow how he puts in perspective:
- China's l
- China's larger D
- the US after Siria and Crimea, vis a vis China
maria teresa la valleon May 10, 2013
A thorough review of the current situation in China and a most valuable descxtion of the background conditions in the so-called Western world. ('So-called' because I had always thought the West was a ge the author uses it exclusively in political terms -thus leaving South America floating who knows where.Not a pleasant feeling.).
The descxtion of the stark contradictions it is facing at this point in time, plus its impact on the rest of the world is most illuminating. I am reading the chapter on the sustainability or lack of it, of China's development: definitely a cause of deep concern. M. Jacques has certainly done a veruy good and necessary job.
kai liuon November 18, 2012
a china centric view
A compendium of ancient and present day China across cultural, political and economical spectrum.
At times exhaustive in nuance but comprehensiveness makes up for it.
A very useful reference book also.
Paul Schnizleron December 12, 2012
A valuable presentation of Chinas political and economic evolution and realities, its culture and what it means for the future
Because of the undeniable fact that China has now reached center stage in our world of the 21st century, this book is a &must read& for someone who wants to understand what may be in store for us in the future.
R. Harringtonon November 29, 2015
5.0 out of 5 starsHardly disturbing, an elegant scholarly hard look at reality
If one were ignorant of the long catastrophe starting with Reagan and culminating with Bush, this would be a disturbing analysis, as it apparently is to architects of that long reach for empire. I differ with the analysis in on that it ignores the impossibility of any further climb along the axes of technology fueled by energy. China nor any civilization can prevail in that long march, where the greater forces of raw dehumanized nature will. The US need but reclaim democracy from the oligarchs of money-expertise - import from China the subservience of money to the state - and continue to deploy information and social technologies in the repair of democracy (rather than in its destruction by the new &surveillance state&) such that it would promote intelligence and competency in a broader range of interests beyond the merely economic and political. We should re-import family values and re-problematize radical individualism to the point where education is seen as a public good once more. The &civilization-state& of China cannot be a model for multi-cultural civic-minded c it is too blood-bound. The US still can, although it most likely won't - in that I have to agree with Jacques. A move toward cosmopolitan constitutionalism, embracing rather than competing against China, is the only reasonable and realistic move. China will, in time, relearn its own fine tradition of understanding a cosmic role for humans, and the US will leave go of our God obsession and our longing for an end to history in some ideal stasis. Irony is a stance engineered by disillusion. China could use more, and we could use less toward our both/and collective future. There is no more cogent roadmap toward that collective future than in this book. Among other things, it foreshadows the New Silk Road, which will be open in both directions, don't forget.
Trainmanon November 10, 2015
This should be required reading for all Americans. Their expanding influence will dramatically change the world's balance of power. And it will be damaging to americans.
T REXon July 7, 2015
Author missed the mark!America and the West do not have the moral capacity to lead the earth and will be delivered into bondage.This book is just filled with boring statistics but does not address the real issue: Only China has the moral capacity to rule the earth!America will be violently overthrown by the 'assassin's mace' and China will rule with an iron fist! The book is a waste of paper!
Thomas A. Reedon December 26, 2014
It is rare that books on geopolitics can be both scholarly and appeal to a wide audience, but this one manages it. The author also manages to show us how and why there's been a failure of perception/ideas when it comes to understanding the role of China on the world stage. A must-read for anyone with any interest whatsoever in what's happening in the global economy.
paul dvorakon November 28, 2014
Not to worry, everyone. If you are old enough to recall from the 1980s, the business press was filled with articles on Japanese management methods, and how Japan was destine to rule the world. It turns out that the un-free market is a cruel mistress. She loves you one year and makes life miserable the next.
In China, the masses (people) will not tolerate working long hours for little paychecks. Eventually, their costs will rise to western levels and manufacturing companies there will be off to find the next low cost manufacturing country. We have seen this movie before.
Graceon August 10, 2014
Logical, unbiased, and very true to fact. That is what comes to mind when thinking of this book. I am very surprised by how much I enjoyed this book, and more so by its startlingly honest analysis. As someone who was prepared to question this book's credibility, I have to say- I finished it feeling quite utterly impressed.
benghazion July 16, 2014
Don't bother. Also his stupid emphasis that the Han Chinese are not really one race is total BS.
He should look at his own race. The english are a mix of German tribes, French, celts, romans and vikings yet the english are seen as a race. You could say the same of the French, Russians and Spanish. All have ancestors from numerous backgrounds. So the Han Chinese are one race even though they have ancestors from numerous backgrounds.
Jacob A. Ballon June 9, 2014
Jacques provides a wonderful analysis of the current international landscape and provides details and facts that most westerners have been ignorant to for far too long. I had this book assigned to me by one of the foremost researchers in Chinese society in the united states.
-Peter A. Mulgrew3 years ago
If you read this book, you are still ignorant on China.
Rybeckon February 24, 2013
The writer paints with a very broad brush. His idea that China and Chinese people should be understood from a civilisational paradigm rather than a nation state paradigm is interesting. He argues that China is a civilsation behaving like a state. To appreciate what this means, think back to the ancient Greek states which were all members of a single advanced Hellenistic civilisation, but were hopelessly, and ultimately fatally, divided. China, like the ancient Greek states, once consisted of numerous warring states sharing a single civilisation, but over time these warring states managed somehow to fuse into a single state, with a homogenous sense of race and culture, which survived into the present day. The author argues that this civilisational state model gives the Chinese state a unique vitality - imagine, for example, what kind of power Greece would have become if the brief unity which it achieved during the Persian wars and Alexander the Great had been sustained to the present day.
Nevertheless, I do feel that the main thesis of this book - that China will rule the world - is ultimately not sustained. In spite of the sensational title (no doubt a marketing strategem in order to sell more books (worked on me!), the writer actually takes a very even handed approach to the subject by acknowledging both the achievements and challenges, the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese civilisation state. So the impression that one is left with in the end is equivocal. China may suceed ultimately in dominating the world - or not.
-Liping Lin3 years ago
The Book does over exaggerate a bit, but the Idea of the Han identity is true.
Troy Parfitton December 31, 2011
Martin Jacques's When China Rules the World is well written, nicely packaged, and fails utterly in explaining why China is going to rule the world. But then, maybe we should it expect it to. After all, it's not called Why China Will Rule the World, but with a title like the one it has, one can be forgiven for expecting a concrete explanation.
In this book, you'll find academic prose, a massive sext bibliography, 70 pages of notes, lovely maps and graphs, omissions of key evidence, wild speculation, unforgiveable leaps in logic, stupefying factual errors (Sun Yat-sen's philosophy was not influenced by M it was influenced by Abraham Lincoln), and a thesis that, if you will, repeatedly repeats itself repeatedly, but offers little in the way of support.
Before we look at the tome in toto, let's have a glance at its Taiwan section. The chapter on Taiwan gives a fairly accurate overview of China's and Taiwan's political history since 1949 and notes that 2009 saw a thaw in cross-strait relations. The two sides signed agreements regarding direct flights, and so on, therefore there might be `a resolution of disputes in the relatively near future.'
But those agreements were signed by the Nationalist Party, the organization that turned Taiwan into the Republic of China upon losing the Chinese Civil War. Never mind that China and Taiwan were only ever nominally united, and for a very short time (something Jacques fails to mention), a chief aim of the Nationalist Party is so-called reunification. Because it can't have &reunification,& the Nationalists settle for closer ties with China. &Reunification& is impossible because the Nationalist Party's rival, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), won't allow for it. Moreover, supporters from both parties don't want it. Polls regularly show that something like 90 percent of Taiwanese people want nothing to do with China politically. The Taiwanese are incredibly passionate and politically motivated, and they make frequent use of their democratic right to demonstrate. Futurology is a fool's game, but I would stake my life on the people of Taiwan turning their country on its head before capitulating to Beijing or being sold out by the Nationalists in Taipei.
Jacques says that if the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gets re-elected and declares independence, China will likely invade Taiwan, but it's highly unlikely the DPP will declare independence because their supporters don't want them to. Something like 70 percent of Taiwanese people wish to keep the status quo. The Nationalists and many of their supporters would never go in for independence, neither would the United States. Politically, Taiwan represents a political conundrum and cross-strait relations are a knotty, complex affair. But not to Martin Jacques, who says `thin one day they might be resolved' (quotation marks are mine). Such a sentiment is the type of hare-brained sloganeering you'd find on a Communist Party propaganda banner. Jacques has to say a solution is possible because if China is really going to rule the world, a prerequisite would be to gain control over the tiny, nearby, Chinese island that has underscored China's impotence for six decades.
I mention the Taiwan section because it is representative of the rest of the book. With print, you can make obstacles and complexities disappear by not mentioning them, and you can make any scenario seem plausible. Just use the words `possibly,' `likely,' and `perhaps,' and for variety's sake, or to sound authoritative, say that certain events will transpire. Using the word `will' makes you sound like an expert. Don't complicate things with the word `because' because that only leads to claims that people can dispute.
The thesis statement for When China Rules the World can be found on p. 15: &It is banal, therefore, to believe that China's influence on the world will be mainly and overwhelmingly economic: on the contrary, it's political and cultural effects are likely to be as far-reaching. The underlying argument of the book is that China's impact on the world will be as great as that of the United States over the last century, probably far greater.&
But why will it be greater?
You read the book's two parts (I: The End of the Western World, II: The Age of China) and sift through their many subsections (e.g. Beijing as The New Global Capital) only to find the flimsiest of evidence.
Naturally, the reader wonders, `When China rules the world, in what language will the world take its instructions?' and Martin Jacques deals with this in the section `Can You Speak Mandarin?' Here, we find the usual: Mandarin has become popular as a second language in countries like South Korea and Thailand. It still hasn't taken off in the West, however, perhaps because of the US's and UK's &abiding linguistic insularity and their failure to comprehend the wide-ranging implications of China's rise.& Jacques goes on to say that Mandarin &will probably in time join English as a global lingua franca and perhaps eventually surpass it.& And then: &The nascent competition between English and Mandarin for the status of global lingua franca... is fascinating... because... they could hardly be more different: one alphabetic, the other pictographic....& Only, there is virtually no competition between English and Mandarin, and the situation is not nascent. Furthermore, Chinese scxt is not pictographic. This gaffe, along with the fact Jacques cannot pronounce the Chinese words he attempts to slip into conversation in his promotional videos, are clear indicators he doesn't speak Mandarin. Not that I'm calling Mr. Jacques a hypocrite. That would be a grave insult to hypocrites everywhere. Perhaps it's just that Jacques prefers to cling to his linguistic insularity and fails to comprehend the wide-ranging implications of China's rise.
I was especially curious to see what Mr. Jacques would say vis-a-vis the exportation or appeal of Chinese culture. The relevant section is a mere three pages long. As examples, Jacques holds up Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Chinese food, and what he calls the &global reach of traditional Chinese medicine.& But Chinese medicine doesn't have a global reach. Western medicine does. Chinese doctors practise Western medicine. They read medical journals in English. They become doctors by studying textbooks printed in London, Boston, and New York. Ask a Chinese doctor about traditional Chinese medicine and they're likely to tell you it's quackery. Also exportable, Jacques says, is kungfu, interesting to me because during the decade I lived in Chinese society I never met a single person who studied kungfu. I never witnessed anyone never saw a single kungfu school. There are kungfu comic books and movies from Hong Kong, but they are, like Jacques's arguments, puerile.
The author's examples go from superficial and silly to downright absurd. While acknowledging China's media outlets don't compare with the BBC, the writer says the potential of the People's Daily and CCTV (China Central Television) shouldn't be disregarded. The People's Daily and CCTV are propaganda outlets for the Chinese Communist Party. Martin Jacques was the editor of the Communist Party of Great Britain's Marxism Today for 14 years. Not surprisingly, that's not mentioned in the book either.
In addition to being a Marxist, Martin Jacques is a dyed-in-the-wool Sinophile, and in the end, Sinophiles are all the same: they are knowledgeable, articulate, dedicated embellishers. About the closest the author comes to explaining his thesis is by saying China will come out on top because it is not a nation-state, but a civilization state - only there's no such phrase a it's a term Jacques invented. Jacques, and other Sinophiles, would have you believe that China is exceptional, not subject to analysis applicable to the world's other countries and cultural entities. China is different. In fact, it's so different the English language lacks the terminology to deal with it, but luckily for us, Martin Jacques has a patent on the required lexical items, and he'll share them for just $29.95. Sinophiles resurrect the old ethos that China is mystical, inscrutable. They would have you believe that China is nigh impossible to understand and oh-so-hard to explain - unless they are the ones explaining it.
Martin Jacque's When China Rules the World represents a wish, an exercise in pro-China propaganda, or both. The Englishman's argument is unsubstantiated, graph-and-chart infused, pseudo-academic tosh. The concept of China ruling the world has nothing to do with China studies and is the wrong lens through which to view that country. There are plenty of highly engaging, informative, and honest, China books out there. This isn't one of them.
Troy Parfitt is the author of Why China Will Never Rule the World
Martin Jacques的《当中国统治世界》写的好,包装也很好,但没有完全解释为什么中国将统治世界。但是,也许我们应该期待这一点。毕竟这本书不叫《为什么中国会统治世界》,但它有这样的一个标题,期待一个具体的解释也是可以原谅的。
Jacques说,如果民进党(DPP)获得连任,并宣布独立,中国可能会入侵台湾,但民进党不太可能会宣布独立,因为他们的支持者不希望他们那么做。大约70%的台湾人希望维持现状。国民党和他们的许多支持者也不会支持独立,美国也不会。政治上,台湾是政治难题的代名词,两岸关系错综复杂。但对Martin Jacques并非如此,他说:“事情变得越来越好,有一天他们可能会解决”(引号是我加的)。这种意见是一种轻率的标语,可以在GCD的宣传横幅上找到类似的话。Jacques不得不说解决方案是可能的,如果中国真的要统治世界的,前提是要实现对那个微小的,邻近的,中国的岛屿的控制,而后者已经强调天朝的无能长达六十年之久。
当然,读者会问,`当中国统治世界的时候,世界将用什么语言接受它的指令?”Martin Jacques在“你会说普通话?”一节中讨论了这个问题。在这里,我们发现了通常的情况:在韩国和泰国等国,普通话已经成为第二语言。但它还没有开始在西方流行,然而或许是因为美国和英国的“持久的语言封闭性和未能理解中国崛起的广泛影响。”Jacques继续说普通话“可能会及时与英语一起作为全球通用语言,也许最终会超过后者。”然后说:“英语和汉语之间对全球通用语地位的竞争刚刚开始,……这种竞争是迷人的…因为……他们的不同不可能更大了:一个字母的,另一个是象形的……”只是英语和普通话之间实际上几乎没有竞争,而且这种情况并非刚刚出现。此外,汉字不是象形文字。这种失态,再加上Jacques不会读汉字的事实——他曾试图在他的宣传视频的谈话里加入汉字,确切的表明他不会说普通话。我并不是说Jacques先生是一个伪君子。因为那是对伪君子的一种严重侮辱。也许Jacques只是喜欢坚持自己的语言的封闭性,并且无法理解中国崛起的广泛影响。
作者的例子从肤浅和愚蠢到彻头彻尾的荒谬。虽然承认中国的媒体不能与BBC相比,但作者说的人民日报和CCTV(中国中央电视台)的潜力不可忽视。人民日报和中央电视台是不过是CCP的宣传中心。而Martin Jacques担任英国***《今日马克思主义》杂志编辑长达14年。毫不奇怪的是书中也没有提到这一点。
除了是一个马克思主义者,Martin Jacques还是一个彻头彻尾的亲华派,而最终亲华派都是一样的:他们知识渊博,口齿伶俐,专注于粉饰太平。作者在他的论文中用于解释中国将脱颖而出的最接近的原因,因为它不是一个民族国家,而是一个文明国家。只是并不存在“文明国家”这个短语,它是Jacques发明的一个术语。Jacques和其他亲华派,会让你相信中国是例外的,用于世界其他国家和文化实体的分析方法不适用于中国。中国是不同的。事实上中国是如此的不同,以至于英语语言中找不到与它对应的专有名词,但幸运的是,Martin Jacques对我们需要的词项享有专利,而且他会分享给大家,只需要29.95美元。亲华派挖掘出古旧的文风,称中国神秘且不可思议。他们会让你相信中国几乎是无法理解的,很难解释--除非由他们来解释。
Martin Jacque的《当中国统治世界》代表了一个希望,一种支持中国的宣传运动,或两者皆有。这个英国人的说法毫无根据,书里充斥着图形图表和伪学术的话。中国统治世界的概念与中国的研究毫无关系,如果通过它来查看那个国家就大错特错。别的地方还有很多极具吸引力、见闻广博且诚实的关于中国的书籍。而这本书并不是其中之一。
Troy Parfitt是《为什么中国不会统治世界》的作者
-China Author Forum
Did we read the same book? Jacques didn't come off as a Sinophile at all! I thought he spent most of the book blaming China for killing his wife...
Thanks for your thorough review. Out of curiosity, what would you consider some of the &highly engaging, informative, and honest China books& that someone might read instead of this one?
-Troy Parfitt
If you want to understand China, you've got to know its history. Try Jonathan Fenby and Jonathan Spence. For a more contemporay look, I'd suggest Peter Hessler.
如果你想了解中国,你必须知道它的历史。试试Jonathan Fenby和Jonathan Spence的书。如果要更现代的书,我建议看Peter Hessler。
-deepak s fernandes
Thank you for this review. It helped me decide about not purchasing the book.
-Amazon Customer
Great review. Totally agree with you about Spence, Fenby and Hessler. There's also a recent book by a guy called Michael Meyer called &In Manchuria& - also a much better (and far more informative) read.
很好的评论。完全同意你关于Spence, Fenby和Hessler的看法。最近还有一个叫Michael Meyer的家伙写的一本名为“满洲里”的书,也更值得一读(更加见闻广博)。
Why you so butt hurt by the facts of the book?
金钱 +2000
Troy Parfitton台蛙是这个,名字我找错了,呵呵
《蒋介石传》&&作者:布赖恩·克罗泽& &出版社:国际文化出版公司
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