
以下是部分电影列表:[007之巡弋飞弹 Never Say Never Again 1983 ④][007之择日而亡 Die Another Day 2002 ④][007之最高机密 For Your Eyes Only 1981 ⑤][007之杀人执照 Licence to Kill 1989 ④][007之来自俄罗斯的爱情 From Russia with Love 1963 ⑤][007之生死关头 Live and Let Die 1973 ⑤][007之皇家赌场 Casino Royale 2006 ①][007之诺博士 James Bond 007 Dr.No 1962 ④][007之量子危机 Quantum of Solace 2008 ⑤][007之金手指 Goldfinger 1964 ⑤][007之霹雳弹 Thunderball 1965 ⑤][007之黑日危机 The World Is Not Enough 1999 ④][11∶14 Elevenfourteen 2003 ④][13号星期五 Friday the 13th 2009 ②][13骇人游戏 13 Game Sayawng 2006 ③][2077日本锁国 Vexille 2007 ②][20世纪少年第1章 20th Century Boys 2008 ②][20世纪少年第2章 20th Century Boys Chapter Two The Last Hope 2009 ④][21克 21 Grams 2003 ⑤][300斯巴达勇士 300 2007 ②][36总局 36 Quai des Orfèvres 2004 ⑤][8英里 8 Mile 2002 ④][99法郎 99 Francs 2007 ④][A1头条 A1 Tou Tiao 2004 ③][BJ单身日记Ⅰ Bridget Jones's Diary 2001 ⑤][BJ单身日记Ⅱ Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason 2004 ④][MR 73左轮*** MR 73 2008 ⑤][OSS117:里约谍影 OSS 117 Lost In Rio 2009 ⑤][V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta 2005 ①][Wall-E WALL.E 2008 ④][X-战警前传:金刚狼 X-Men Origins Wolverine 2009 ⑦][X战警Ⅰ X-Men 2000 ④][X战警Ⅱ X2 2003 ④][X战警Ⅲ X-Men The Last Stand 2006 ④][X档案:我要相信 The X Files I Want to Believe 2008 ④][一个头两个大 Me, Myself & Irene 2000 ①][一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic 2009 ②][一千零一夜 Arabian Nights 1974 ③][一周 One Week 2008 ③][一夜大肚 Knocked Up 2007 ①][一帮外行 A Bunch of Amateurs 2008 ①][一球成名Ⅰ Goal 2005 ④][一球成名Ⅲ Goal 3 2009 ③][一级恐惧 Primal Fear 1996 ⑤][一级戒备 The Sentinel 2006 ②][一级重罪 High Crimes 2002 ④][一线声机 Cellular 2004 ③][一路响叮当 Jingle All the Way 1996 ⑤][一身二体 Personneauxdeuxpersonnes,La 2008 ③][七宗罪 Se7en 1995 ⑤][七宝奇谋 The Goonies 1985 ⑤][七磅 Seven Pounds 2008 ⑤][万世英雄 El Cid 1961 ③][万圣节Ⅸ Halloween 2007 ④][万福玛丽亚 Maria Full of Grace 2004 ⑤][三十极夜 30 Days of Night 2007 ①][三月女郎 Miss March 2009 ③][三脚猫部队 Delta Farce 2007 ①][上海正午 Shanghai Noon 2000 ⑤][上班一条虫 Office Space 1999 ⑤][不朽的园丁 The Constant Gardener 2005 ⑤][不知羞耻 Nestyda 2008 ③][不请自来 The Uninvited 2009 ⑤][与女人们的对话 Conversations with Other Women 2006 ②][丛林噩梦 Turistas 2006 ⑤][丛林大反攻Ⅰ Open Season 2006 ④][丛林大反攻Ⅱ Open Season 2 2008 ④][东京奏鸣曲 Tokyo sonata 2008 ①][东京狂想曲 Tokyo! 2008 ②][东方的承诺 Eastern Promises 2007 ①][东邪西毒:终极版 Ashes of Time Redux 2009 ⑤][丧尸出笼 Day Of The Dead 1985 ②][为子搬迁 Away We Go 2009 ④][为所应为 Do the Right Thing 1989 ⑦][为马儿端上啤酒 Beer For My Horses 2008 ③][义海雄风 A Few Good Men 1992 ②][乌龙兄弟 Tommy Boy 1995 ③][乐队造访 The Bands Visit 2007 ②][乒乓玩到家 Ping Pong Playa 2007 ④][乔安娜妈妈的议院 A Casa da Mae Joana 2008 ④][乘客 Passengers 2008 ⑤][九条命 Nine Lives 2005 ⑤][乱战 Chaos 2005 ②][云之彼端,约定的地方 The Place Promised in Our Early Days 2004 ②][五十活死人 Fifty Dead Men Walking 2008 ②][亚瑟王 King Arthur Director's Cut 2004 ②][亡灵呼唤 Stir of Echoes 1999 ④][产前阵痛 Labor Pains 2009 ②][亨利?普尔驾到 Henry Poole Is Here 2008 ⑤][亲亲老爸 Dan in Real Life 2007 ②][亲密如贼 Thick as Thieves 2009 ⑤][人形恶魔 Embodiment Of Evil 2008 ②][人烟之岛Ⅰ bitaemyy ostrov 2008 ⑤][人烟之岛Ⅱ Obitaemiy Ostrov-Shvatka 2009 ②][人狼 Jin-Roh 1998 ③][人猿星球 Planet of the Apes 1968 ⑤][人皮客栈Ⅰ Hostel 2005 ①][人类之子 Children Of Men 2006 ②][人肉盛宴 Gnaw 2009 ③][人鬼情未了 Ghost 1990 ⑤][什么不会杀死你 What Doesn't Kill You 2008 ④][今年圣诞节 The Christmas 2007 ⑦][从心开始 Reign Over Me 2007 ①][***妈妈 Baby Mama 2008 ①][伊戈尔 Igor 2008 ⑤][伊甸木 Eden Log 2007 ⑦][伊甸湖 Eden Lake 2008 ⑤][伊莎贝拉 Isabella 2006 ②][休旅任务 RV 2006 ⑦][众神与将军 Gods and Generals 2003 ④][伟大的巴克?霍华德 The Great Buck Howard 2008 ⑦][伴你高飞 Fly Away Home 1996 ⑤][低俗小说 Pulp Fiction 1994 ⑤][体热 Body Heat 1981 ⑤][余生的第一天 Le Premier Jour Du Reste De Ta Vie 2008 ⑤][佛莱迪大战杰森 Freddy Vs. Jason& 2003 ⑤][你好再见 Hello Goodbye 2008 ②][你给我闭嘴 Tais.Toi! 2003 ④][佣兵传奇 Alatriste 2006 ⑤][侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood Prince of Thieves 1991 ②][俄罗斯娃娃 The Russian Dolls 2005 ④][保持通话 Connected 2008 ⑤][倩女幽魂Ⅰ A Chinese Ghost Story 1987 ②][倩女幽魂Ⅱ A Chinese Ghost Story Ⅱ 1990 ③][倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You 1994 ③][偷天情缘 Groundhog Day 1993 ⑤][偷天换日 The Italian Job 2003 ①][偷天陷阱 Entrapment 1999 ①][傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 2005 ①][僵尸人 Fido 2006 ③][僵尸肖恩 Shaun of the Dead 2004 ①][僵尸脱衣舞娘 Zombie Strippers! 2008 ④][先知 Knowing 2009 ②][光荣战役 Glory 1989 ②][光荣战役 The Bed Sitting Room 1969 ⑦][克莱默夫妇 Kramer vs. Kramer 1979 ⑤][入侵脑细胞Ⅱ The Cell 2 2009 ②][全金属外壳 Full Metal Jacket 1987 ①][公主新娘 The Princess Bride 1987 ⑤][公园男孩 Trailer Park Boys The Movie 2006 ⑦][公爵夫人 The Duchess 2008 ④][关键投票 Swing Vote 2008 ⑤][兵临城下 Enemy at the Gates 2001 ②][其实你不懂他的心 He's.Just Not That Into You 2009 ④][兽餐 Feast 2005 ①][内衣少女 Lalingerie 2008 ④][再生号 Written By 2009 ④][再造战士Ⅰ Universal Soldier 1992 ④][再造战士Ⅱ Universal Soldier The Return 1999 ⑤][冒牌天神Ⅰ Bruce Almighty 2003 ①][冒牌天神Ⅱ Evan Almighty 2007 ④][冒险乐园 Adventureland 2009 ⑦][冰冻之河 Frozen River 2008 ⑤][冰刀双人组 Blades of Glory 2007 ①][冰火神魔 Fire and Ice 1983 ④][冰血暴 Fargo 1996 ④][冲出宁静号 Serenity 2005 ⑤][冲出逆境 Antwone Fisher 2002 ⑤][决战以拉谷 In the Valley of Elah 2007 ①][决斗犹马镇 3:10 to Yuma 2007 ①][冷山 Cold Mountain 2003 ②][冷血惊魂 Repulsion 1965 ③][冷血杀手 In Cold Blood 1967 ②][凤舞狂沙 The Quick and the Dead 1995 ④][凯特?基特里奇:一个美国女孩的秘史 Kit Kittredge:An American Girl 2008 ③][出轨 Unfaithful 2002 ⑤][刀锋战士Ⅰ Blade 1998 ②][刀锋战士Ⅱ Blade 2 2002 ①][刀锋战士Ⅲ Blade Trinity 2004 ②][分手男女 The Break Up 2006 ④][分离 Separation 1968 ②][分裂 Splinter 2008 ⑤][切?格瓦拉:游击队 Che Part Two 2008 ②][切?格瓦拉:阿根廷 Che:Part One 2008 ①][初来乍到 New In Town 2009 ④][利欲两心 Two For The Money 2005 ④][别惹佐汉 You.Don't Mess with the Zohan 2008 ④][别惹小孩 Trick R Treat 2008 ⑤][刺杀希特勒 Valkyrie 2008 ③][刺杀肯尼迪 JFK 1991 ⑤][前女友们的幽灵 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 2009 ④][前进 Go 1999 ①][剑蝶 Butterfly Lovers 2008 ⑤][剑鱼行动 Swordfish 2001 ④][割喉岛 Cutthroat Island 1995 ②][功夫 Kung Fu Hustle 2004 ①][功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda 2008 ④][加勒比海盗Ⅰ Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003 ①][加勒比海盗Ⅱ Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest 2006 ①][加勒比海盗Ⅲ Pirates of the Caribbean:At Worlds End 2007 ①][加州之王 King of California 2007 ①][勇敢的人 The Brave One 2007 ①][勇敢的心 Braveheart 1995 ②][勇敢者游戏Ⅱ Zathura A Space Adventure 2007 ③][勇闯夺命岛 The Rock 1996 ⑤][化学婚礼 Chemical Wedding 2008 ⑤][北极的圣诞老人兄弟 Fred Claus 2007 ④][匪帮说唱传奇 Notorious 2009 ⑤][十一罗汉 Ocean's Eleven 2001 ①][十三罗汉 Oceans Thirteen 2007 ③][十三鬼叫门 Thir13en Ghosts 2001 ①][十二回合 12 Rounds 2009 ③][十二罗汉 Ocean's Twelve 2004 ①][十日拍拖手册 How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days 2003 ①][十日谈 The Decameron 1971 ③][十诫 The Ten 2007 ①][十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers 2004 ①][千尸屋Ⅱ The Devil's Rejects 2005 ⑤][千机变Ⅱ The Huadu Chronicles:Blade of the Rose 2004 ⑤][千疮百孔 Bug 2006 ④][千网危情 The Grifters 1990 ⑦][千钧一发 Gattaca 1997 ④][午夜巴塞罗那 Vicky Cristina Barcelona 2008 ⑤][午夜快车 Midnight Express 1978 ③][午夜食人列车 The Midnight Meat Train 2008 ⑤][半路兄弟 Step Brothers 2008 ⑤][单刀直入 A Man Apart 2003 ④][单身男子俱乐部 Old School 2003 ①][南太平洋 South Pacific 1958 ②][南方传奇 Southland Tales 2007 ②][博物馆惊魂夜Ⅱ Night At The Museum Battle Of The Smithsonian 2009 ④][卡廷惨案 Katyn 2007 ④][卡斯 Cass 2008 ⑤][卡波特 Capote 2005 ⑤][卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca 1943 ⑤][卡蜜儿 Camille 2007 ④][卧虎藏龙 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2000 ③][印度支那 Indochine 1992 ⑦][危情十日 Misery 1990 ③][危缘 Vinyan 2008 ③][危险关系 Jackie Brown 1997 ①][即时发生 What Just Happened 2008 ⑤][原初 Le Premier Cercle 2009 ④][去年在马里昂巴德 Last Year At Marienbad 1961 ①][双镖 Twin Daggers 2008 ②][双面女蝎星 Point Of No Return 1993 ⑤][反恐特警组 S.W.A.T 2003 ②][反恐王国 The Kingdom 2007 ④][反抗军 Defiance 2008 ②][反斗智多星Ⅰ Waynes World 1992 ④][反斗智多星Ⅱ Waynes World 2 1993 ③][变化 Shifty 2008 ③][变异编年史 Mutant Chronicles 2008 ⑤][变形金刚Ⅰ Transformers 2007 ①][变相怪杰 The Mask 1994 ④][变种DNA Mimic 1997 ①][变线人生 Changing Lanes 2002 ④][变身怪医 Jekyll 2007 ①][叛国者 Traitor 2008 ⑤][口是心非 Duplicity 2009 ②][古墓丽影Ⅱ Lara Croft Tomb Raider:The Cradle of Life 2003 ①][古怪因子 The Wackness 2008 ④][另一边的背后 The Other Side Of The Underneath 1972 ②][叮当小仙女 Tinker Bell 2008 ④][史上第一年 Year One 2009 ④][史密斯夫妇 Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 ①][史酷比Ⅰ Scooby Doo 2002 ⑤][史酷比Ⅲ Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins 2009 ⑤][叶问 Ip Man 2008 ⑤][司法雇佣兵 Mercenary For Justice 2006 ②][合法入侵 Lakeview Terrace 2008 ⑤][吉屋出租 Rent 2005 ①][同屋三分惊 Shallow Grave 1995 ②][同志们 Comrades 1986 ②][后天 The Day After Tomorrow 2004 ①][后窗惊魂 Disturbia 2007 ①][吓死鬼 The Victim 2006 ③][吸血莱恩Ⅱ Blood RayneⅡ Deliverance 2007 ⑤][吸血鬼魅影 Shadow of the Vampire 2000 ③][告别艳阳天 Le Chateau de ma mere 1990 ⑤][周末夜狂热 Saturday Night Fever 1977 ④][呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights 2009 ④][和其他人一样 Comme Les Autres 2008 ③][和巴什尔跳华尔兹 Waltz with Bashir 2008 ⑤][咒怨Ⅰ The Grudge 2004 ③][咒怨Ⅲ The Grudge 3 2009 ②][哈利?波特与凤凰社 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2007 ①][哈利?波特与消失的密室 Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets 2002 ①][哈利?波特与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005 ①][哈利?波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 ①][哈利?波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2001 ①][哈维的最后机会 Last Chance Harvey 2008 ⑤][哗鬼家族 Beetle Juice 1988 ⑤][哥伦布日 Columbus Day 2008 ⑤][哥斯拉 Gojira 1954 ④][哭泣杀狼 Cry Wolf 2005 ③][唐山大兄 The Big Boss 1971 ③][喜马拉雅 Himalaya 1999 ④][嘉芙莲娜的故事 The Lost Honor Of Katharina Blum 1975 ④][囚禁 Captivity 2007 ⑤][四人餐桌 The Uninvited 2003 ⑤][四十岁老处男 The 40 Year Old Virgin 2005 ①][四眼天鸡 Chicken Little 2005 ⑤][回乡之旅 Homecoming 2009 ④][回到鬼屋 Return To House On Haunted Hill 2007 ①][回魂 Dorothy Mills 2008 ③][国家保安 National Security 2003 ⑤][国家公敌 Enemy of the State 1998 ②][图书馆员:圣杯的诅咒 The Librarian 3 The Curse Of The Judas Chalice 2008 ⑤][图书馆员:寻找命运之矛的探险 The Librarian Quest For The Spear 2004 ③][图书馆员:寻找所罗门王的宝藏 The Librarian Return to King Solomons Mines 2006 ③][圣天空战记& Escaflowne The Movie 2000 ①][圣童降临 Final Fantasy Ⅶ Advant Children 2004 ②][圣袍千秋 The Robe 1953 ②][圣诞坏公公 Bad Santa 2003 ①][圣诞来客 A Christmas Visitor 2002 ③][圣诞精灵 Elf 2003 ④][在别处 Elsewhere 2009 ④][地下拳击场 Fighting 2009 ②][地下铁 Subway 1985 ④][地心游记 Journey to the Center of the Earth 2008 ④][地心游记3D Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D 2008 ④][地牢围攻 In the Name of the King:A Dungeon Siege Tale 2008 ②][地球上最后的日子 Final Days Of Planet Earth 2006 ①][地球停转之日 The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 ⑤][地球湮没之惊涛大历险 Category 7 The End of The World 2005 ③][坎特伯雷故事 The Canterbury Tales 1972 ③][坏女人 Vilaine 2008 ③][坏小子巴比 Bad Boy Bubby 1993 ②][垂直极限 Vertical Limit 2000 ④][埃迪森 Edison 2005 ④][城市英雄 Falling Down 1993 ③][城市里的老鼠 City Rats 2009 ③][基因世代 The Gene Generation 2007 ④][塔拉德加之夜 Talladega Nights 2006 ④][墨攻 Muk gong 2006 ④][墨西哥人 The Mexican 2001 ③][处刑人 The Boondock Saints 1999 ⑤][复仇 Revenge 1990 ⑤][复制杀人魔 Replicant 2001 ②][外星人入侵 Alien Trespass 2009 ②][外星恋 Starman 1984 ⑦][多兰的卡迪拉克 Dolans Cadillac 2009 ②][多米诺 Domino 2005 ⑤][夜宴 The Banquet 2006 ④][夜幕 Evening 2007 ①][夜总会看门人 Clubbed 2008 ③][夜鹰 Nighthawks 1978 ④][大人物拿破仑 Napoleon Dynamite 2004 ⑤][大搜查 Lady Cop & Papa Crook 2008 ⑤][大明星从军记 Major Movie Star 2008 ④][大海深处 The Deep 1977 ②][大淘金 The Italian Job 1969 ③][大话王 Liar Liar 1997 ①][大象 Elephant 2003 ②][大都会 Metropolis 2001 ④][大麻狂热 Reefer Madness.2005 ②][天使 A Angel A 2005 ⑤][天使与魔鬼 Angels & Demons 2009 ④][天使的家 Angel In The Family 2004 ③][天使追魂 Angel Heart 1987 ②][天启四骑士 The Horsemen 2009 ③][天地大冲撞 Deep Impact 1998 ④][天地无垠 Open Range 2003 ②][天王流氓 Gangster No.1 2000 ②][天空上尉与明日世界 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 2004 ①][天衣无缝 Flawless 2007 ③][天袭 The Arrival 1996 ②][天魔Ⅲ Omen Ⅲ:The Final Conflict ④][太保密码 Dobermann 1997 ③][太平间闹鬼事件 The Haunting in Connecticut 2009 ③][太空堡垒卡拉狄加:利刃 Battlestar Galactica Razor 2007 ②][太空炮弹 Spaceballs 1987 ③][太空犬 Space Buddies 2009 ④][太阳之泪 Tears of the Sun 2003 ④][失落的大陆 Land Of The Lost 2009 ⑤][失踪的宝贝 Gone Baby Gone 2007 ①][头号公敌ⅠMesrine Part One Death.Instinct 2008 ③][头号公敌Ⅱ Mesrine PartⅡ 2008 ②][头彩冤家 What Happens In Vegas 2008 ④][头文字D Initial D 2005 ①][夹缝求生 Running with Scissors 2006 ①][夺命手术 Awake 2007 ④][夺命手机 Echelon Conspiracy 2009 ②][夺金暴潮 Hard Rain 1998 ④][奇幻世界 Tideland 2005 ①][奇异的恩典 Amazing Grace 2006 ⑤][奇爱博士 Dr Strangelove 1964 ③][奥斯汀书友会 The Jane Austen Book Club 2007 ②][女人们 The Women 2008 ②][女人领地 In the Land of Women 2006 ①][女同志吸血鬼杀手 Lesbian Vampire Killers 2009 ③][女孩梦三十 13 Going On 30 2004 ⑤][女座头市 Ichi 2008 ④][女拳霸 Chocolate 2008 ②][女王 The Queen 2006 ①][女生惊魂记 Black Christmas 1974 ②][女裁缝 The Seamstress 2009 ④][她找我 Then She Found Me 2007 ④][好人 Good 2008 ⑤][好好先生 Yes Man 2008 ④][好家伙 Goodfellas 1990 ①][好家伙、坏家伙、怪家伙 The Good The Bad The Weird 2008 ②][如何众叛亲离 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People 2008 ⑤][如影随形 The Haunting of Molly Hartley 2008 ⑤][妈妈咪呀! Mamma Mia! 2008 ④][妖魔大闹唐人街 Big Trouble in Little China 1986 ③][妮基塔 La Femme Nikita 1990 ②][威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice 2004 ③][威猛奇兵 To Live and Die in L.A 1985 ③][威胁Ⅱ Menace Ⅱ Society 1993 ④][威震八方 Walking Tall 2004 ④][婚礼傲客 Wedding Crashers 2005 ⑤][婴灵恶泣 Unborn 2009 ③][字母杀手 The Alphabet Killer 2008 ⑤][孤岛惊魂 Far Cry 2008 ⑤][孩子 The Children 2008 ①][孽欲杀人夜 Manhunter 1986 ④][宇宙威龙 Total Recall 1990 ④][守望者 Watchmen 2009 ②][守望者动态漫画 Watchmen The Complete Motion Comic 2009 ⑦][安吉拉怀孕记 Baby On Board 2009 ③][安妮?弗兰克日记 The Diary Of Anne Frank 1959 ⑦][安娜?卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina 1997 ③][安静 Hush 2009 ⑦][完美生物 Perfect Creature 2006 ③][完美陌生人 Perfect Stranger 2007 ②][宝贝计划 Rob B Hood 2006 ④][害虫横行 Infestation 2009 ④][家庭主夫团 Mr Troop Mom& 2009 ⑦][家有喜事2009 All's Well End's Well 2009 ⑤][富兰克林 Franklyn 2008 ③][寻宝假期Ⅰ Without A Paddle 2004 ④][寻宝假期Ⅱ Without a Paddle:Nature's Calling 2009 ⑤][寻找伴郎 I Love You Man 2009 ③][寻找艾瑞克 Looking For Eric 2009 ⑤][导火线 Flash Point 2007 ①][寿喜烧西部片 Sukiyaki Western Django 2007 ④][射杀 Killshot 2008 ④][小岛惊魂 The Others 2001 ③][小布什传 W 2008 ⑤][小贼、美女和妙探 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2005 ①][小鬼当家Ⅰ Home Alone 1990 ⑤][小鬼当家Ⅱ Home Alone 2 Lost In New York 1992 ⑤][小魔怪 Gremlins 1984 ⑤][小鸡快跑 Chicken Run 2000 ③][少年黄飞鸿之铁马骝 Iron Monkey 1993 ④][少林寺拳法 The Killing Machine 1975 ④][少林少女 Shaolin Girl 2008 ⑤][尖峰时刻Ⅲ Rush Hour 3 2007 ①][尚格?云顿 JCVD 2008 ⑤][尤伦卡 Yulenka 2009 ③][尸骨无存 Cabin Fever 2003 ⑤][局内人 Inside Man 2006 ①][川流熙攘 Hustle & Flow 2005 ⑤][巫山历险记 Race to Witch Mountain 2009 ③][巴德尔和迈因霍夫 Der Baader Meinhof Komplex 2008 ②][巴比伦纪元 Babylon A.D. 2008 ⑤][巴黎拜金女 Priceless 2006 ④][巴黎,我爱你 Paris,je t'aime 2006 ⑤][布拉格练习曲 Vratné lahve 2007 ③][布朗森 Bronson 2009 ②][布莱恩的一生 Life of Brian 1979 ①][帝国时代 History Of The World PartⅠ 1981 ⑦][帝国的毁灭 Untergang,Der 2004 ②][幕后女英雄 Les femmes de l'ombre 2008 ⑤][年少莫轻狂 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 1961 ②][年少轻狂 Kidulthood 2006 ②][幸运数字史莱文 Lucky Number Slevin 2006 ①][幻影凶间07 ①][幻想之地 Imagine That 2009 ④][幽灵小镇 Ghost Town 2008 ④][应召女友 The GirlFriend Experience 2009 ④][座头市 The Blind Swordsman:Zatoichi 2003 ⑤][开罗谍影 OSS 117 Cairo Nest of Spies 2006 ③][异形Ⅰ Alien 1979 ①][异形Ⅳ Alien:Resurrection 1997 ①][异形大战银河猎人 Alien Vs Hunter 2007 ⑤][异形魔怪 Tremors 1990 ①][异教徒 The Wicker Man 2006 ③][异次元骇客 The Thirteenth Floor 1999 ⑤][异能 Push 2009 ③][弗莱蒙和希特伦 Flammen & Citronen 2008 ④][弹簧刀 Sling Blade 1996 ⑦][当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness 2006 ④][影武者 Kagemusha 1980 ②][征服者 Pathfinder 2007 ④][微不足道 Big Nothing 2006 ③][微光城市 City of Ember 2008 ⑤][德州电锯杀人狂 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 ②][德州电锯杀人狂 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 ④][心灵传输者 Jumper 2007 ⑦][心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting 1997 ②][心灵撕裂 Strip Mind 2007 ③][忍 Shinobi 2005 ⑤][忍者武士丈 Shoguns Ninja 1980 ④][忍者神龟 TMNT 2007 ⑤][忍者神龟Ⅰ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ⅰ 1990 ③][忍者神龟Ⅱ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ⅱ 1991 ③][忍者神龟Ⅲ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ⅲ 1993 ③][忘掉莎拉?马歇尔 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 2008 ④][忠奸人 Donnie Brasco 1997 ⑤][怎样都行 Whatever Works 2009 ⑤][怒火攻心Ⅰ Crank 2006 ①][怒火攻心Ⅱ Crank 2 High Voltage 2009 ③][怒犯天条 Dogma 1999 ①][怒虎狂龙 Tango & Cash 1989 ②][急速出口 Exit Speed 2008 ④][性事电影 Extreme Movie 2008 ③][性瘾日记 Diary Of A Sex Addict 2008 ②][怪兽大战外星人 Monsters vs Aliens 2009 ④][怪兽屋 Monster House 2006 ⑤][怪医杜立德:百万傻蛋 Dr Dolittle Million Dollar Mutts 2009 ③][怪形 The Thing 1982 ④][怪物公司 Monsters Inc 2001 ③][怪物史莱克Ⅲ Shrek the Third 2007 ②][恋恋笔记本 The Notebook 2004 ⑤][恋爱学分 Starter For Ten 2006 ⑤][恐怖休息站Ⅱ Rest Stop Don't Look Back 2008 ④][恐怖星球 Planet Terror 2007 ①][恐怖流浪公园 Trailer Park Of Terror 2008 ③][恶夜之吻 Near Dark 1987 ②][恶灵之泪 Mother Of Tears The Third Mother 2007 ⑤][情不自禁爱上你 I Could Never Be Your Woman 2007 ②][情爱磁场 The Rules of Attraction 2002 ⑤][惊世狂花 Bound 1996 ⑤][惊声尖笑Ⅰ Scary Movie 2000 ①][惊声尖笑Ⅳ Scary Movie 4 2006 ①][惊天核网 The Sum of All Fears 2002 ④][惊情四百年 Bram Stoker's Dracula 1992 ②][惊魂下一秒 Next 2007 ①][惩罚者Ⅱ Punisher War Zone 2008 ⑤][意外之夫 The Accidental Husband 2008 ③][愤怒乒乓球 Balls of Fury 2007 ①][愤怒的公牛 Raging Bull 1980 ⑤][憨豆先生的假期 Mr Beans Holiday 2007 ①][成为简?奥斯汀 Becoming Jane 2007 ①][我一直深爱着你 Il y a longtemps que je t'aime& 2008 ⑤][我与长指甲 Withnail And I 1987 ④][我为玛丽狂 There's Something About Mary 1998 ⑤][我为蜜月狂 The Heartbreak Kid 2007 ④][我为钱狂 Mad Money 2008 ③][我们拥有夜晚 We Own the Night 2007 ①][我叫布鲁斯 My Name Is Bruce 2007 ⑤][我最好朋友的女朋友 My Best Friend's Girl 2008 ⑤][我的血腥情人节 My Bloody Valentine 2009 ③][我的血腥情人节3D My Bloody Valentine 3D 2009 ③][我的车在哪 Dude Where's My Car 2000 ③][我知道谁杀了我 I Know Who Killed Me 2007 ①][战争之王 Lord Of War 2005 ④][战争公司 War Inc 2008 ④][戴夫号飞船 Meet Dave 2008 ⑤][戴罪立功 The Inglorious Bastards 1978 ③][所罗门王的宝藏?上集 King Solomons Mines Part 1 2004 ④][扎克和米莉拍A片 Zack and Miri Make a Porno 2008 ⑤][折磨 Tortured 2008 ⑤][拆弹部队 The Hurt Locker 2008 ⑤][拉拉队夏令营 Fired Up 2009 ①][拉贝日记 John Rabe 2009 ④][拜见罗宾逊一家 Meet the Robinsons 2007 ⑦][拯救上帝 Saving God 2008 ⑦][拳霸Ⅱ Ong bak 2 2008 ③][拽我入地狱 Drag Me To Hell 2009 ④][挑战星期天 Any Given Sunday 1999 ⑤][挑战者 Highlander 1986 ②][捉鬼敢死队 Ghostbusters 1984 ②][换子疑云 Changeling 2008 ⑤][搏击之王 Kickboxer 1989 ⑤][搏击俱乐部 Fight Club 1999 ②][摇滚万岁 This Is Spinal Tap 1984 ①][摇滚之王 The Rocker 2008 ⑤][摇滚夏令营 Camp Rock 2008 ④][摇滚家 Rockers 1978 ①][摇滚帮 RocknRolla 2008 ⑤][摔角手 The Wrestler 2008 ⑤][摧花手 Uccello dalle piume di cristallo, L' 1970 ⑤][撕裂记忆体 The Lazarus Project 2008 ⑤][撞车 Crash 2004 ③][操控 Management 2008 ④][放松日 Awaydays 2009 ④][政局密云 State of Play 2009 ②][教父Ⅰ The Godfather 1972 ⑤][教父Ⅱ The Godfather Part Ⅱ 1974 ②][教父Ⅲ The Godfather Part Ⅲ 1990 ②][敲开天堂的门 Knockin' on Heaven's Door 1997 ④][文雀 Sparrow 2007 ④][料理鼠王 Ratatouille 2007 ④][断箭 Broken Arrow 1996 ①][断背山 Brokeback Mountain 2005 ①][新世界 The New World 2005 ④][新世纪福音战士新剧场版:序 Evangelion:1.11 You Are (Not) Alone 2007 ②][新丧尸出笼 Day of the Dead 2008 ④][新娘大战 BRIDE WARS 2009 ⑤][新娘航班 Bride Flight 2008 ②][新宿事件 Shinjuku Incident 2009 ③][新泽西爱未眠 Jersey Girl 2004 ①][新郎不是我 Made Of Honor 2008 ③][旅馆大堂对面 Across the Hall 2009 ③][无头骑士 Sleepy Hollow 1999 ①][无影剑 Shadowless Sword 2005 ④][无影无踪 Troubled Water 2008 ③][无忧无虑 Happy Go Lucky 2008 ②][无懈可击 Arlington Road 1999 ①][无所适从 Middle of Nowhere 2008 ①][无敌波霸 Major League 1989 ①][无敌钢铁侠 The Invincible Iron Man 2007 ④][无极 The Promise 2005 ⑤][无畏上将高尔察克 Admiral 2008 ⑤][无赖 Pokkiri 2007 ⑦][无间道Ⅲ Infernal Affairs Ⅲ 2003 ③][日出 Sunrise A Song Of Two Humans 1927 ④][日落之后 After the Sunset 2004 ②][时空英豪Ⅴ Highlander:The Source 2007 ②][时间劫匪 Time Bandits 1981 ③][旺角卡门 As Tears Go by 1987 ⑤][星尘 Stardust 2007 ①][星战迷友 Fanboys 2008 ②][星期五 Friday 1995 ④][星球大战:克隆战争 Star Wars The Clone Wars 2008 ⑦][星舰迷航Ⅲ Star Trek 3:The Search for Spock 1984 ③][星舰迷航Ⅳ Star Trek 4:The Voyage Home 1986 ③][星际之门:真理之舟 Stargate:The Ark of Truth 2008 ⑤][星际传奇Ⅰ Pitch Black 2000 ⑤][星际牛仔 Cowboy Bebop:Tengoku no tobira 2001 ②][星际迷航Ⅰ Star Trek The Motion Picture 1979 ⑦][星际迷航Ⅱ Star Trek 2:The Wrath of Khan 1982 ③][星际迷航Ⅴ Star Trek 5:The Final Frontier 1989 ③][星际迷航Ⅵ Star Trek 6:The Undiscovered Country 1991 ③][星际迷航Ⅶ Star Trek Generations 1994 ④][星际迷航Ⅷ Star Trek First Contact 1996 ④][星际迷航Ⅸ Star Trek Insurrection 1998 ④][星际迷航Ⅹ Star Trek Nemesis 2002 ④][春假一团糟 Spring Breakdown 2009 ③][昨夜情深 About Last Night 1986 ②][晚安,好运 Good Night,and Good Luck 2005 ④][智勇急转弯 My Cousin Vinny 1992 ①][暗夜列车 Night Train 2009 ③][暗流Ⅰ Les Rivieres Pourpres 2000 ④][暮光之城Ⅰ Twilight 2008 ④][暴力人生 Man of Violence 1971 ④][暴力史 A History of Violence 2005 ⑤][暴力街区Ⅰ District B13 2004 ④][暴力街区Ⅱ Banlieue 13 Ultimatum 2009 ②][曼尼山夺宝历险 Der Schuh des Manitu 2001 ②][曼谷杀手 Bangkok Dangerous 2008 ④][最后一吻 The Last Kiss 2006 ⑤][最后一班地铁 The Last Metro 1980 ④][最后死战 The Last Drop 2005 ①][最后的合资企业 Den Siste Revjakta 2008 ③][最后的圣殿骑士(一) The Last Templar Part 1 2009 ②][最后的圣殿骑士(二) The Last Templar Part 2 2009 ②][月亮坪的秘密 The Secret of Moonacre 2008 ③][有人在吗 Is Anybody There 2008 ④][朋友一场 Just Friends 2005 ③][朗读者 The Reader 2008 ⑤][木乃伊Ⅲ The Mummy Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor 2008 ④][木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio 1940 ⑤][末世纪暴潮 Strange Days 1995 ③][末代皇帝 The Last Emperor 1987 ⑤][本 X Ben X 2007 ③][本杰明?巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008 ②][本能Ⅰ Basic Instinct 1992 ①][本能Ⅱ Basic Instinct 2:Risk Addiction 2006 ①][机关***少女 Machine Girl 2008 ④][机动杀人 Taking Lives 2004 ④][机械师 The Machinist 2004 ①][杀了我吧 You Kill Me 2007 ②][杀人房间 The Killing Room 2009 ④][杀人理论 Kill Theory 2009 ④][杀出个黎明Ⅰ From Dusk Till Dawn 1996 ⑤][杀手没有假期 In Bruges 2008 ④][杀手的肖像 Henry Portrait Of A Serial Killer 1986 ④][杀死比尔Ⅰ Kill Bill:Vol.1 2003 ①][杀死比尔Ⅱ Kill Bill:Vol.2 2003 ①][来到美国 Coming to America 1988 ①][杯酒人生 Sideways 2004 ⑤][杰克说过 Jack Said 2009 ⑤][极地特快3D The Polar Express 3D 2004 ④][果岭争雄 The Greatest Game Ever Played 2005 ①][查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005 ④][标准流程 Standard Operating Procedure 2008 ④][校园兔女郎 The House Bunny 2008 ④][校园蓝调 Varsity Blues 1999 ④][校园风云 Election 1999 ⑤][格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm 2005 ③][格莫拉 Gomorra 2008 ⑤][格蕾丝 Grace 2009 ④][桃色交易 Indecent Proposal 1993 ①][梅兰芳 Forever Enthralled 2008 ①][梦幻街奇缘 Miracle On 34th Street 1947 ⑤][棒球男孩 Sugar 2009 ③][楚门的世界 The Truman Show 1998 ④][模范贱兄弟 Role Models 2008 ⑤][欢迎来北方 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis 2008 ③][欲望都市 Sex and the City 2008 ⑤][歌舞青春Ⅲ High School Musical 3:Senior Year 2008 ⑤][正义杀戮 Righteous Kill 2008 ⑤][步行者 The Walker 2007 ③][死亡埋葬 Dead & Buried 1981 ⑦][死亡契约 The Contract 2006 ①][死亡实验 Das Experiment 2001 ②][死亡幻觉Ⅰ Donnie Darko 2001 ⑤][死亡幻觉Ⅱ S.Darko 2009 ③][死亡繁殖 Dying Breed 2008 ④][死亡证据 Death Proof 2007 ②][死亡飞车 Death Race 2008 ④][死刑犯 The Condemned 2007 ①][死囚之舞 Monster's Ball 2001 ④][死寂 Dead Silence 2007 ①][死神来了Ⅰ Final Destination 2000 ③][死神来了Ⅱ Final Destination 2 2003 ③][死神来了Ⅲ Final Destination 3 2006 ①][歼灭任务 Peregon 2006 ②][残虐你,娱乐我 Amusement 2008 ⑤][残酷冰雪 North Face 2008 ③][毁于一旦 Love Me No More 2008 ④][母女情深 LOL 2008 ④][毒品网络 Traffic 2000 ⑦][毒行公路 Go Fast 2008 ③][比佛利拜金狗 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2008 ⑤][比利杰克 Billy Jack 1971 ⑤][毕业生 The Graduate 1967 ⑤][气泡 Bubble 2005 ①][水性杨花 Easy Virtue 2008 ②][水银侠 Mercury Man 2006 ④][水银蒸发令 Mercury Rising 1998 ④][汉娜?蒙塔娜大电影 Hannah Montana The Movie 2009 ②][汉尼拔崛起 Hannibal Rising2007 ①][汉江怪物 The Host 2007 ⑤][汽车宝贝 Car Babes 2006 ④][汽车总动员 Cars 2006 ①][沙丘 Dune 1984 ②][法国贩毒网Ⅰ The French Connection 1971 ⑤][法国贩毒网Ⅱ French Connection 2 1975 ③][法律之上 Above The Law 1988 ④][波弗特 Beaufort 2007 ⑤][泰若星球 Terra 2007 ④][洛奇Ⅱ Rocky Ⅱ 1979 ④][洛奇Ⅲ Rocky Ⅲ 1982 ④][洛奇Ⅳ Rocky Ⅳ 1985 ④][洛奇Ⅴ Rocky Ⅴ 1990 ④][洪拳大师 Lightning Fists of Shaolin 1984 ⑤][活死人之地 Land of the Dead 2005 ⑤][活死人黎明 Dawn of the Dead 1978 ①][活死人黎明 Dawn of the Dead 2004 ①][流浪狗之家 Hotel for Dogs 2009 ⑤][浓情巧克力 Chocolat 2000 ⑦][浪潮 Die Welle 2008 ⑤][浴火重生 Fuego 2007 ③][海盗 Pirates 1986 ⑦][海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked 2009 ②][海角七号 Cape No.7 2008 ⑤][海防最前线 The Guardian 2006 ①][***书生 Forbidden Quest 2006 ⑤][深海圆疑 Sphere 1998 ③][深海寻人 Missing 2008 ⑤][清洁工 Cleaner 2007 ④][清除代码 Code Name the Cleaner 2007 ④][游侠 War 2007 ①][游戏池 La Piscine 1969 ③][游龙戏凤 Look For A Star 2009 ⑤][漫长假期 Long Weekend 2008 ③][漫长美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday 1980 ⑤][潜龙轰天 Under Siege 1992 ①][潜龙轰天Ⅱ Under Siege 2:Dark Territory 1995 ⑤][澳大利亚 Australia 2008 ⑤][火星任务 Mission To Mars 2000 ④][火烧摩天楼 The Towering Inferno 1974 ①][火爆浪子 Grease 1978 ④][火线保镖 Shoot 'Em Up 2007 ①][火线对峙 Hostage 2005 ②][火龙帝国 Reign of Fire 2002 ①][灵异空间 Flatliner 1990 ①][灵数23 The Number 23 2007 ⑤][灵通人士 In the Loop 2009 ②][灵魂歌手 Soul Men 2008 ⑤][灾难大电影 Disaster Movie 2008 ④][烈日长红 Dark Blue World 2001 ②][热天午后 Dog Day Afternoon 1975 ④][热带惊雷 Tropic Thunder 2008 ④][燃烧弹 Incendiary 2008 ⑤][燃烧的平原 The Burning Plain 2008 ④][燃眉追击 Clear and Present Danger 1994 ①][爱上罗姗 Roxanne 1987 ③][爱国者游戏 Patriot Games 1992 ①][爱情呼叫转移Ⅱ Fit Lover 2008 ④][爱情导师 The Love Guru 2008 ③][爱情服务生 Waiting 2006 ④][爱情盛宴 Feast of Love 2007 ⑤][爱情达阵 Leatherheads 2008 ⑤][爱我别走 Lie With Me 2005 ④][爱是全部 Alles is Liefde 2007 ②][爱的边缘 The Edge of Love 2008 ③][牛津谋杀案 The Oxford Murders 2008 ④][特务迷城 The Accidental Spy 2001 ③][特务风云 The Good Shepherd 2006 ⑤][特快达阵 The Express 2008 ⑤][狂人皮埃洛 Pierrot Le Fou 1965 ④][狂蟒之灾 Anaconda 1997 ④][狐狸与我:我和她的冒险日记 The Fox And The Child 2007 ①][狙击豺狼 The Jackal 1997 ①][狩猎聚会 The Hunting Party 2007 ④][独奏者 The Soloist 2009 ②][独家新闻 Scoop 2006 ③][狮入羊口 Lions For Lambs 2007 ④][狱中豪杰 Big Stan 2008 ⑤][狼人生死恋 Wolf 1994 ⑤][狼人部队 Dog Soldiers 2002 ⑤][狼族盟约 Brotherhood Of The Wolf 2001 ④][狼溪 Wolf Creek 2005 ④][狼牙?皇后 Queens of Langkasuka 2008 ④][猎杀U-571 U-571 2000 ①][猎杀红色十月 The Hunt For Red October 1990 ④][猎猪 Pig Hunt 2008 ④][猎豹行动 The Nest 2002 ④][猎食者 The Hunters 1996 ②][猎鹿人 The Deer Hunter 1978 ⑦][猛鬼街Ⅰ A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 ④][猛鬼追魂 Hellraiser 1987 ⑤][猜?情?寻 Chasing Amy 1997 ④][猫头鹰的哭泣 Cry of the Owl 2009 ③][猫女 Catwoman 2004 ③][玉米田的小孩 Children Of The Corn 1984 ⑦][王牌大贱谍Ⅰ Austin Powers International Man of Mystery 1997 ④][王牌大贱谍Ⅱ Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 ④][王牌大贱谍Ⅲ Austin Powers in Goldmember 2002 ④][王牌播音员 Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy 2004 ①][玛丽?雪莱的弗兰肯斯坦 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 1994 ⑤][玛侬的复仇 Manon des sources 1986 ②][玩乐时间 Playtime 1967 ②][玩命记忆 Unknown 2006 ④][玫瑰人生 La vie en rose 2007 ①][环游地球80天 Around the World in 80 Days 2004 ⑤][现场直播 Live! 2007 ②][瓶装火箭 Bottle Rocket 1996 ③][甘地传 Gandhi 1982 ⑦][甜心先生 Jerry Maguire 1996 ⑤][甜蜜布拉格 Up And Down 2004 ①][生与死 DOA Dead or Alive 2006 ⑤][生化危机Ⅰ Resident Evil 2002 ①][生化危机Ⅱ Resident Evil:Apocalypse 2004 ①][生化危机Ⅲ Resident Evil:Extinction 2007 ①][生化危机:恶化 Resident Evil:Degeneration 2008 ④][生死决断 Sasaeng Gyeoldan 2006 ④][生死狙击 Shooter 2007 ①][生死豪情 Courage Under Fire 1996 ②][甲虫 Junebug 2005 ③][电光冷雾中 In the Electric Mist 2009 ⑤][电梯惊魂 Blackout 2007 ④][***情缘 The Other End of the Line 2008 ⑤][电锯惊魂Ⅰ Saw 2004 ②][电锯惊魂Ⅲ Saw 3 2004 ①][电锯惊魂Ⅳ Saw 4 2007 ①][电锯惊魂Ⅴ Saw Ⅴ 2008 ⑤][男人百分百 What Women Want 2000 ⑤][男儿本色 Invisible Target 2007 ①][男孩 A Boy A 2007 ③][画皮 Painted Skin 2008 ⑤][留级之王 Van Wilder 2002 ②][疯狂圣诞假期 Christmas Vacation 1989 ④][疯狗强尼 Johnny Mad Dog 2008 ③][白日美人 Belle De Jour 1967 ④][百货战警 Paul Blart:Mall Cop 2009 ⑤][的士速递Ⅲ Taxi 3 2003 ③][监守自盗 The Lookout 2007 ③][监视 Surveillance 2008 ⑤][监视与报告 Observe And Report 2009 ④][盗梦侦探& Paprika 2006 ①][盲区行者 A Scanner Darkly 2006 ①][盲流感 Blindness 2008 ⑤][相见恨晚 Brief Encounter 1945 ⑤][看得见风景的房间 A Room With A View 1986 ②][真实罗曼史 True Romance 1993 ③][真爱至上 Love Actually 2003 ①][睡眠经销商 Sleep Dealer 2008 ④][睡美人 Sleeping Beauty 1959 ④][破坏欲 The Broken 2008 ③][破处之旅 Sex Drive 2008 ⑤][破绽 Fracture 2007 ③][神奇四侠Ⅱ Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer 2007 ④][神奇女侠 Wonder Woman 2009 ③][神***手 Shen Qiang Shou 2008 ②][神秘匹兹堡 The Mysteries of Pittsburgh 2008 ⑦][神秘群岛 Half Light 2006 ⑤][神话 The Myth 2005 ④][福斯特对话尼克松 Frost Nixon 2008 ⑤][离魂异客 Dead Man 1995 ④][私人物品 Personal Effects 2009 ⑤][秒速5厘米 5 Centimeters Per Second 2007 ②][秘密的阴谋 Secret Defense 2008 ③][秘窗 Secret Window 2004 ④][穷小子的斗争 Poor Boys Game 2007 ④][空中危机 Flightplan 2005 ⑤][空中杀手 The Sky Crawlers 2008 ⑤][笨贼妙探 Blue Streak 1999 ④][第三个人 The Third Man 1949 ③][第九连 9 Rota 2005 ④][第九道门 The Ninth Gate 1999 ②][米尔克 Milk 2008 ⑤][粉红豹Ⅰ The Pink Panther 2006 ①][粉红豹Ⅱ The Pink Panther 2 2009 ③][精武门 Fist Of Fury 1972 ③][精英部队 Tropa de Elite 2007 ⑤][糖果屋大道 Sugarhouse 2007 ②][紧急动员 The Siege 1998 ②][纠缠 Obsessed 2009 ③][红房旅馆 L'Auberge rouge 2007 ⑤][红楼惊魂 Jailhouse Rock 1957 ③][红男爵 Der Rote Baron 2008 ③][红绫艳 The Red Shoes 1948 ②][红色的雪 Dead Snow 2009 ④][红色迷雾 Red Mist 2008 ①][红龙 Red Dragon 2002 ①][纪念我父亲 In Memory of My Father 2005 ⑦][纳尼亚传奇Ⅱ The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian 2008 ⑤][纳瓦隆突击队 Force Ten From Navarone 1978 ③][纹身师 The Tattooist 2007 ③][纽约开膛手 The New York Ripper 1982 ⑤][纽约提喻法 Synecdoche, New York 2008 ⑤][纽约爱情故事 Two Lovers 2008 ③][线人 The Informers 2009 ②][线人 The Line 2008 ②][绅士大盗 Arsene Lupin 2004 ③][终结者Ⅲ Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines 2003 ①][结婚*** License To Wed 2007 ③][绝密飞行 Stealth 2005 ①][绿巨人Ⅱ The Incredible Hulk 2008 ④][绿灯侠:首航 Green Lantern First Flight 2009 ④][缉毒特警 NARC 2002 ④][罗丹岛之恋 Nights in Rodanthe 2008 ⑤][罗生门 In the Woods 1950 ⑤][罗马帝国沦亡录 The Fall Of The Roman Empire 1964 ③][罪恶之都 Babylon 1980 ③][美丽新世界Ⅰ Asterix and Obelix Take on Caesar 1999 ③][美利坚颂歌 An American Carol 2008 ⑤][美味情缘 No Reservations 2007 ②][美国X档案 American History X 1998 ④][美国处女 American Virgin 2009 ⑤][美国田园下的罪恶 An American Crime 2007 ⑤][美国精神病人 American Psycho 2000 ④][美少女啦啦队:战斗到最后一刻 Bring it On Fight to the Finish 2009 ④][老娘说了算 Because I Said So 2007 ③][老爷车 Gran Torino 2009 ②][老男孩 Old Boy 2003 ①][耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ 2004 ⑤][职业大贼 The Professionals 1966 ⑤][肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption 1994 ⑤][肚子 Belly 1998 ①][肥仔的性幻想 Fatso 2008 ④][自动注射 Automaton Transfusion 2006 ①][自由国度 Freedomland 2006 ④][至尊对决 Cash 2008 ⑤][致命危机 No Way Back 1995 ②][致命围困 Walled In 2009 ⑤][致命弯道Ⅰ Wrong Turn 2003 ⑤][致命拜访 The Invasion 2007 ②][致命武器Ⅰ Lethal Weapon 1987 ④][致命游戏 The Game 1997 ⑤][致命紫罗兰 Ultraviolet 2006 ⑤][致命诱惑 Fatal Attraction 1987 ②][致命距离 Striking Distance 1993 ②][舞梦成真 Make It Happen 2008 ③][航越地平线 Dead Calm 1989 ④][艾希曼 Eichmann 2007 ①][花落花开 Séraphine 2008 ②][芳心谋杀案 Lonely Hearts 2006 ⑦][苏醒的亚当 Adam Resurrected 2008 ④][苏默斯小镇 Somers Town 2008 ⑤][英国病人 The English Patient 1996 ②][英雄 Hero 2002 ④][苹果核战记续篇 Appleseed Saga Ex Machina 2007 ①][茶水男孩 The Waterboy 1998 ②][荒谬无稽 Ridicule 1996 ⑤][荒野大飚客 Wild Hogs 2007 ①][荒野生存 Into The Wild 2007 ②][莫扎特传 Amadeus 1984 ⑤][莱姆生活 Lymelife 2008 ⑤][菠萝快车 Pineapple Express 2008 ④][菲比梦游奇境 Phoebe in Wonderland.2008 ④][蒙古王 Mongol 2007 ④][蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisa Smile 2003 ④][蓝丝绒 Blue Velvet 1986 ①][蓝色粉末 Powder Blue 2009 ③][蓝色霹雳 Blue Thunder 1983 ①][蓝调传奇 Cadillac Records 2008 ⑤][蕾切尔的婚礼 Rachel Getting Married 2008 ⑤][虎兄虎弟 Two Brothers 2004 ④][虎胆龙威Ⅳ Live Free or Die Hard 2007 ①][虫虫危机 A Bug's Life 1998 ③][蜘蛛侠Ⅰ Spider Man 2002 ①][蜘蛛侠Ⅱ Spider Man 2 2004 ①][蜘蛛侠Ⅲ Spider Man 3 2007 ①][蜜蜂的秘密生活 The Secret Life of Bees 2008 ⑤][蝙蝠侠Ⅰ Batman 1989 ④][蝙蝠侠Ⅱ Batman Returns 1992 ④][蝙蝠侠Ⅲ Batman Forever 1995 ④][蝙蝠侠与罗宾 Batman and Robin 1997 ⑤][蝙蝠侠前传Ⅱ:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight 2008 ④][蝙蝠侠前传:侠影之谜 Batman Begins 2005 ①][血书 Book of Blood 2008 ④][血腥巧克力 Blood And Chocolate 2007 ②][血街 Streets of Blood 2009 ⑤][街区派对Ⅱ Da Block Party 2 2007 ④][街头霸王 Street Fighter 1994 ⑤][街头霸王Ⅳ Street Fighter Ⅳ The Ties that Bind 2009 ③][街头霸王:春丽传 Street Fighter The Legend of Chun Li 2009 ③][袅袅夕阳情 Not Yet 1993 ⑤][被迫杀人 Driven To Kill 2009 ③][被遗忘的妻子 The Wifes He Forgot 2006 ④][裙角飞扬的日子 La Journee De La Jupe 2008 ④][要命法则 W Delta Z 2007 ③][见色忘友 Grumpy Old Men 1993 ①][角斗士 Gladiator Extended-Cut 2000 ③][解构生活 Breaking and Entering 2006 ⑤][誓不遗忘 Not Forgotten 2009 ④][***故事Ⅰ Police Story 1985 ④][警网铁金刚 Bullitt 1968 ④][计划赶不上变化 Le Code A Change 2009 ③][训练日 Training Day 2001 ②][记忆裂痕 Paycheck 2003 ④][诈骗 The Grift 2008 ②][诗人 The Poet 2007 ④][该死的联队 The Damned United 2009 ③][详述病情 Explicit Ills 2009 ⑦][诺丁山 Notting Hill 1999 ⑤][谍影重重Ⅰ The Bourne Identity 2002 ④][谍影重重Ⅱ The Bourne Supremacy 2004 ④][谍影重重Ⅲ The Bourne Ultimatum 2007 ④][谍海计中计 The Recruit 2003 ①][谍网迷魂 The Manchurian Candidate 2004 ④][谎言之躯 Body of Lies 2008 ⑤][谢利 Cheri 2009 ④][豪门黑金 Loaded 2008 ⑤][贝奥武夫 Beowulf 2007 ①][贝奥武夫与格兰戴尔 Beowulf And Grendel 2005 ①][贫民窟的百万富翁 Slumdog Millionaire 2008 ⑤][购物惊魂记 While She Was Out 2008 ⑤][贱女孩 Mean Girls 2004 ④][赌命鸳鸯 The Getaway 1994 ③][赌城风云 Casino 1995 ⑦][赌城风情画 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1998 ⑤][赌王之王 Rounders 1998 ⑤][赛末点 Match Point 2005 ④][赤裸特工 Naked Weapon 2002 ⑤][超人归来 Superman Returns 2007 ⑤][超奥特8兄弟 Superior Ultraman 8 Brothers 2008 ⑤][超级坏 Superbad 2007 ①][超级英雄电影 Superhero Movie 2008 ⑤][越狱特别篇:最后一越 Prison Break The Final Break 2009 ③][趣味游戏 Funny Games 2007 ④][足球流氓Ⅱ Green Street Hooligans 2 2009 ③][足迹 Sleuth 2007 ②][跨国银行 The International 2009 ③][跳舞大电影 Dance Flick 2009 ③][跷课天才 Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1986 ⑤][身在其中 à l'intérieur 2007 ⑤][车库惊魂 P2 2007 ④][车祸惊魂 Stuck 2007 ⑤][转轮手*** Revolver 2005 ①][轰炸鲁尔水坝记 The Dam Busters 1955 ⑤][轻蔑 Contempt 1963 ④][辛巴达七航妖岛 The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad 1958 ④][辣姊妹 Set it Off 1996 ④][达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code 2006 ②][迈克尔?克莱顿 Michael Clayton 2007 ①][运转乾坤 Trading Places 1983 ①][近战 Direct Contact 2009 ③][远大前程 Great Expectations 1946 ③][连锁反应 Chain Reaction 1996 ①][迫在眉睫 John Q 2002 ②][迷失城市 The Lost City 2006 ①][迷失太空 Lost In Space 1998 ③][追凶 Brick 2005 ②][追风筝的人 The Kite Runner 2007 ⑤][逃出鳄鱼岛 Rogue 2007 ⑤][逃狱 The Escapist 2008 ⑤][逆时针 Anti Clock 1980 ②][逍遥骑士 Easy Rider 1969 ④][通天塔 Babel 2006 ④][通缉令 Wanted 2008 ④][通缉英雄 Hero Wanted 2007 ⑤][速度与激情Ⅰ The Fast and the Furious 2001 ①][速度与激情Ⅱ 2 Fast 2 Furious 2003 ①][速度与激情Ⅲ The Fast And The Furious 3 Tokyo Drift 2006 ④][速度与激情Ⅳ Fast And Furious 2009 ③][遇见比尔 Meet Bill 2007 ⑤][遗传学歌剧 Repo!The Genetic Opera! 2008 ②][遗言 The Last Word 2008 ③][邮差 The Postman 1997 ③][邻家女孩 The Girl Next Door 2004 ③][部落 The Tribe 2009 ④][酒质受损 Bottle Shock 2009 ③][醉拳Ⅱ Drunken Master Ⅱ 1994 ④][重庆森林 Chungking Express 1994 ⑤][重见天日 Rescue Dawn 2006 ②][重返17岁 17 Again 2009 ③][野蛮人入侵 The Barbarian Invasions 2003 ⑤][金刚 King Kong 2005 ①][金粉世界 Gigi 1958 ③][钢之炼金术师:森巴拉的征服者 Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie:Conqueror of Shamballa 2005 ⑤][铁拳男人 Cinderella Man 2005 ③][铁皮鼓 The Tin Drum 1979 ②][铁血战士Ⅰ Predator 1987 ①][铁血战士Ⅱ Predator 2 1990 ⑤][银发的阿基多 Origin Spirits Of The Past 2006 ④][银城大决战 Silverado 1985 ④][银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2005 ③][银翼杀手 Blade Runner 1982 ①][长毛象 Mammoth 2009 ⑦][长跑者的寂寞 The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner 1962 ③][门徒 Protege 2007 ①][闪灵侠 The Spirit 2008 ④][闪*** Bolt 2008 ⑤][间接伤害 Collateral Damage 2002 ③][间谍游戏 Spy Game 2001 ②][闻香识女人 Scent of a Woman 1992 ①][阁楼 Loft 2008 ④][阅后即焚 Burn After Reading 2008 ④][防弹武僧 Bulletproof Monk 2003 ⑤][防火墙 Firewall 2006 ③][阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine 2006 ①][阳光清洗 Sunshine Cleaning 2008 ③][阴阳魔界 Twilight Zone:The Movie 1983 ⑤][阴风阵阵 Suspiria 1977 ⑤][阿呆与阿瓜 Dumb And Dumber 1994 ④][阿基拉 Akira 1988 ⑤][阿尔法狗 Alpha Dog 2007 ①][阿帕鲁萨镇 Appaloosa 2008 ⑤][阿彦 Ayan 2009 ⑤][阿祖尔和阿斯马尔 Azur Et Asmar 2006 ④][阿粗和阿呆 Rudo y Cursi 2008 ③][陌生人 The Strangers 2008 ④][陌生荒漠 Strange Wilderness 2008 ④][限时追捕 Out of Time 2003 ②][隐形人 The Invisible 2007 ②][隔世情缘 Kate & Leopold 2001 ②][隔山有眼Ⅰ The Hills Have Eyes 2006 ①][隔山有眼Ⅱ The Hills Have Eyes 2 2007 ①][隔离区 Quarantine 2008 ⑤][隧道之鼠 Tunnel Rats 2008 ③][难以破解 Not Easily Broken 2009 ④][零下八度 Eight Below 2006 ①][雷娜?贝克的故事 The Lena Baker Story 2008 ①][雷霆壮志 Days Of Thunder 1990 ④][雾人前传 No Mans Land The Rise of Reeker 2008 ③][雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist 2005 ④][霍乱时期的爱情 Love in the Time of Cholera 2007 ⑦][霍元甲 Fearless 2006 ⑤][霹雳战士龙 Hardware 1990 ①][青春花火 St Elmos Fire 1985 ②][静静的长笛 Circle Of Iron 1978 ①][非常人贩Ⅰ The Transporter 2002 ②][非常人贩Ⅱ Transporter 2 2005 ②][非常人贩Ⅲ Transporter 3 2008 ⑤][非常嫌疑犯 The Usual Suspects 1995 ①][非法制裁 Death Sentence 2007 ②][非法机密 Dark Blue 2003 ②][非礼勿视 See No Evil 2006 ②][面对巨人 Facing The Giants 2006 ⑤][面纱 The Painted Veil 2006 ⑤][革命之路 Revolutionary Road 2008 ④][顶级阴谋 Det som ingen ved 2008 ⑤][颤栗 Haute Tension 2003 ②][风云 The Storm Riders 1998 ②][风月俏佳人 Pretty Woman 1990 ⑤][风流医生俏护士 MASH 1970 ③][飓风营救 Taken 2008 ④][飞出个未来:班德的游戏& Futurama:Bender's Game 2008 ⑤][飞出个未来:绿色狂想 Futurama Into The Wild Green Yonder 2009 ⑤][飞虎神鹰 Navy Seals 1990 ③][飞行小将 Flyboys 2006 ①][飞越未来 Big 1988 ④][飞越颠峰 Over The Top 1987 ③][飞车手罗德 Hot Rod 2007 ④][饥饿 Hunger 2008 ④][马克思?佩恩 Max Payne 2008 ⑤][马克思?马努斯 Max Manus 2008 ③][马达加斯加2:逃往非洲 Madagascar:Escape 2 Africa 2008 ⑤][驯鹿游戏 Reindeer Games 2000 ⑤][驱魔 The Exorcism of Emily Rose 2005 ①][驱魔人前传 Exorcist The Beginning 2004 ③][骑士歪传 Donkey Xote 2007 ③][高中课堂 Entre les murs 2008 ②][高卢英雄大战凯撒王子 Astérix aux jeux olympiques 2008 ⑤][高斯福大宅谋杀案 Gosford Park 2001 ⑦][鬼作秀 Creepshow 1982 ④][鬼哭神嚎 The Amityville Horror 1979 ⑤][鬼域 Re Cycle 2006 ⑤][鬼太郎 Kitaro 2007 ②][鬼妈妈 Coraline 2009 ③][鬼妈妈3D Coraline 3D 2009 ③][鬼娃回魂 Childs Play 1988 ④][鬼娃孽种 Seed of Chucky 2004 ①][鬼屋 House 2008 ⑦][鬼屋魔影Ⅱ Alone in the Dark Ⅱ 2008 ⑤][鬼玩人Ⅲ Army of Darkness 1992 ④][鬼磨坊 Krabat 2008 ④][鬼计神偷 The Score 2001 ②][鬼讯号Ⅰ White Noise 2005 ①][鬼讯号Ⅱ White Noise 2:The Light 2007 ①][鬼镜 Mirrors 2008 ⑤][魔兽战场 Outlander 2008 ⑤][魔屋 The Last House On The Left 2009 ②][魔幻迷宫 Labyrinth 1986 ④][魔水晶 The Dark Crystal 1982 ③][魔法奇缘 Enchanted 2007 ②][魔鬼双瞳 Two Evil Eyes 1990 ②][魔鬼护路人 Putevoy obkhodchik 2007 ⑤][鹰眼 Eagle Eye 2008 ④][黄石的孩子 The Children of Huang Shi 2008 ⑤][黄飞鸿 Once Upon A Time In China 1991 ④][黑夜传说Ⅲ Underworld Rise.of the Lycans 2009 ④][黑客帝国Ⅰ The Matrix 1999 ③][黑客帝国Ⅱ The Matrix Reloaded 2003 ③][黑客帝国Ⅲ The Matrix Revolutions 2003 ③][黑客帝国动画版 The Animatrix 2003 ④][黑帮生意 The Business 2005 ④][黑帮第二代 Knockaround Guys 2001 ⑤][黑暗侵袭 The Descent 2005 ④][黑暗楼层 Dark Floors 2008 ③][黑洞表面 Event Horizon 1997 ④][黑盾 The Black Shield of Falworth 1954 ⑤][黑社会Ⅰ Election 2005 ③][黑社会Ⅱ Election 2 2006 ②][黑绵羊 Black Sheep 1996 ④][黑色大丽花 The Black Dahlia 2006 ①][黑色星期五Ⅱ Friday the 13th Part 2 1981 ③][黑色星期五Ⅲ Friday the 13th Part Ⅲ 1982 ④][黑色豪门 Largo Winch 2008 ②][黑道皇帝 King of New York 1990 ⑤][黑鹰坠落 Black Hawk Down 2001 ②][龙之吻 Kiss of the Dragon 2001 ②][龙之战争 D-War 2007 ①][龙珠:进化 Dragonball Evolution 2009 ⑦][龙纹身的女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2009 ④][龙虎门 Dragon Tiger Gate 2006 ①]
--------------------洞房花烛夜 木有小鸡鸡楼主
--------------------My momma always said life was like a box o'chocolates. You never know what you gonna get. Now, when
--------------------My momma always said life was like a box o'chocolates. You never know what you gonna get. Now, when
不客气的说9成垃圾电影 怪不得 淘宝店都没人买
--------------------You don't know you're beautiful. That's what makes you beautiful
--------------------To Infinity And Beyond~


