>> 《猎天使魔女》秘籍
发表: 来源:多游网作者:jason 浏览:4
不需要按任何提示键,但必须站到相应的道具或者隐藏人物的***旁边才会生效!左边*** 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 Y 开启雷射***,需要100万 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 A 开启光剑,需要100万 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 LB 开启光环,需要500万 右边*** 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 RB 开启长之证,需要200万 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 LT 可开启时之腕轮,需要300万 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 RT 开启绝顶腕饰,需要500万 后面*** 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 B 开启 JEANNE,需要100万 上上上上 下下下下 左右左右 X 开启ZERO,需要500万 隐藏人物开启之后不要记录,直接退回主菜单,钱不花秘籍依然生效~
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战士, 积分 837, 距离下一级还需 663 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分837 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 tangyao1987 于
22:44 编辑
Cheat mode
In Chapter 2, Verse 3 or later, stand in front of the specified telephone in the plaza from Verse 3 while not in a fight, and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. The &Weapons& phone is the left phone by the stairs. The &Accessories& phone is on the right. The &Characters& phone is the stand alone phone on the other end of the plaza. Note: A certain number of Halos are required to activate the codes.
& & Bracelet Of Time
& & Stand in front of the &Accessories& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, LT. This code requires 3 million Halos to activate.
& & Climax Bracelet
& & Stand in front of the &Accessories& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, RT. This code requires 5 million Halos to activate.
& & Eternal Testimony
& & Stand in front of the &Accessories& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, RB. This code requires 2 million Halos to activate.
& & Jeanne
& & Stand in front of the &Characters& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, B. This code requires 1 million Halos to activate.
& & Little Zero
& & Stand in front of the &Characters& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, X. This code requires 5 million Halos to activate.
& & Bazillions
& & Stand in front of the &Weapon& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, Y. This code requires 1 million Halos to activate.
& & Pillow Talk
& & Stand in front of the &Weapon& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, A. This code requires 1 million Halos to activate.
& & Stand in front of the &Weapon& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, LB. This code requires 5 million Halos to activate.
Successfully complete all chapters on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty.
Non-Stop Infinite Climax mode
Successfully complete all chapters on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Non-Stop Infinite Climax difficulty.
Play as Jeanne
Get a &Platinum& rank in all chapters on the Normal or higher difficulty to unlock Jeanne. Alternately, unlock the &Eternal Marionette& accessory.
Play as Little Zero
Successfully complete the &Lost Chapter& to unlock Little Zero.
Bonus weapons
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon (or LP):
& & Bazillions: Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty.
& & Durga claws: In Chapter 5, defeat the angel mini-bosses (Grace and Glory) to get the first part of the weapon. The second part can be found at the coiled &snake& road that leads to the Staff of Jormungandr. When starting on the road, turn to the right to get the second part from the chest, which then becomes an Alfheim portal. The third part of the weapon can be found appoximately halfway up the coiled &snake& road. Search the &rest area& found just before the road begins breaking apart to find a chest that contains the third part of the weapon.
& & Handguns: Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty.
& & Kilgore launcher: In Chapter 9, the first part is found past a wall with a sun symbol at the first fight. The second part is dropped after defeating the enemy warships (Kinship). The third part is located near the shop portal after passing the Golem (metal sphere) in the town square. To reach it, jump the gap, and go to the top of the stairs to find another wall with a sun symbol.
& & Kulshedra whip: In Chapter 3, defeat an angel (Fearless) to get the first part of the weapon. The second part can be found in the fight after obtaining Panther form. Get past the first area to reach a small pool with Witch Time statues. Drop down into the water, and turn to the left. Search the rocks to find a chest that contains the second part of the weapon.
&&Stand in front of the &Characters& phone, then press Up(4), Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Right, B. This code requires 1 million Halos to activate
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