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Surgeon Simulator 2013 - Surgeon Simulator
When changing screen resolution sometimes the cursor lock can fail.Click back into the game window, pause the game by hitting Escape, then click resume. This will re-enable the cursor lock. Why can't I grab with all 4 fingers and my thumb at the same time? Open CloseSome keyboards have issues with multiple keys being pressed down that are close together/in the same region on the keyboard. Remap your keys in the options menu and you should be able to find a setup that works for you! How do I pick things up? Open CloseIt’s all in the thumb! To pick something up you must be holding it with at least 1 finger and the thumb. Check out the old computer in the reception area of the game for details. How do I complete an operation? Open CloseAll operations in Surgeon Simulator are transplants. So that involves removing the defective organ and replacing with a shiny new one. The transplant organ just fell on the floor, how do I get it back? Open CloseThere’s no 5 second rule with human organs. On the floor? UGH! Behave! Once its on the floor it’s gone. Press the ‘esc’ key to bring up the pause menu and click reset to try again. How do I start the game? Open CloseClick on it in your Steam Library. My screen is the wrong size, what do I do? Open CloseClick Options and adjust your resolution and fullscreen setting. Click the Apply Resolution tab to confirm your changes. How do I move the hand? Open CloseThe movement is mouse controlled. Using the mouse moves the hand, holding the left mouse button lowers the hand, and holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse allows you to rotate the hand. Check out the old computer in the reception area of the game for details. Can I use a touchpad to control the game? Open CloseWell, you can try, but it’s not recommended. Will there be DLC? Open CloseWho knows? My game is running really slowly, what can I do to help that? Open CloseGo to the options menu from the reception area. Turn quality setting to low and lower the screen resolution. Why can't I use two hands? Open CloseYou are! One on the keyboard and one on the mouse. You’d need 4 hands to control both of Nigel’s arms. How do I get more operations to perform? Open CloseYou unlock new operations by completing existing ones. Can I turn the gore-levels off or down? Open CloseIn real-life surgery, you can’t change how much blood comes out or what a lung looks like. We wanted to recreate this. Can I reset the reception area? Open CloseYes. Press the ‘esc’ key and click Reset Reception in the menu that appears. I want to add my own tools, will there be mod support? Open ClosePerhaps. We believe it’s still early days for Surgeon Simulator and hope to improve, expand and add support for things like this in the future! However, we’re not promising anything. You never know what the future may hold, and neither do we. Where are the global leaderboards? Open CloseWell wouldn’t you know… we are already storing your best times and blood levels for all your operations. These are available in the Steam community site. We may one day add these to the in-game experience in a future update,but we’re busy people and we wouldn’t want to disappoint you by making you think something will happen when it may not. Also From Bossa Studios…


