
欧洲长剑 VS 欧洲刺剑 Longsword VS Rapier【中国刀吧】_百度贴吧
欧洲长剑 VS 欧洲刺剑 Longsword VS Rapier收藏
非常精彩 欧洲长剑 VS 欧洲刺剑 Longsword VS Rapier
Introduction of Nick
--- the user of rapier I specialise in Italian Rapier combat, primarily from Ridolfo Capo Ferro, of which I published a translation in 2007 and have run numerous classes around the world, but always researching and developing from other sources.Also study German longsword, grosse messer, Hutton Sabre and starting smallsword. Always happy to pick up and train or fight with anything, against anything. I won both HEMAC European Rapier Competitions in 2009.
Nick简介(持刺剑的一方)精通意大利Ridolfo Capo Ferro刺剑,2007年在欧洲公开发表意大利刺剑译文以及举办大量刺剑课程培训,并获得2009年欧洲刺剑竞赛冠军,同时研究德国双手剑术。
Nick is the one of the finest player of rapier in European Rapier , but with the light and weakness in defense of the rapier to fight against the longsword ,obviously not on position of advantage , his rival Mike ,almostly level in longsword than Nick .so we think that the longsword take the position of advantage .
掌主的眼光越来越专业了 。
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所谓刺剑就是贵族玩具,没有硬格挡技法,是无法和战场上应用的手半剑 ,双手剑对抗的。大家可以看到即使是欧洲刺剑高手面对水平相仿的双手长剑对手也无法占优势 。
欧洲长剑一方两种有效应对战术:犁势起势的防守反击 对峙中突然抢攻
这种冷兵器跨越交流能充分展示各个冷兵器的攻防技法。这里欧洲长剑一方属于优势,能够得心应手的发挥,更全面更精彩地展示欧洲长剑犁势起势的防守进攻技法。随便提一下,欧洲长剑双手转换成单手突刺,是由于对手刺剑不能格挡防守有机会发挥 。
欧洲长剑一方展示的中位起势攻防技法以及变化 ,堪称目前欧洲长剑最具代表性的,此外欧洲刺剑技法,对使用单手剑法也非常有提高价值。
Rapier 重量长度和longsword差不多,主要是弹性突出 ,无法格挡防守依靠步法身法。
中世纪战场上强悍的双手大剑 Great Sword Claymore 苏格兰斩剑
3-4磅 。Nick不久将发布德国双手大剑VS长剑 ,剑盾 ,刺剑实战视频 。
Nick论德国双手巨剑 ZweihanderWe have built zweihanders for sparring purposes . We used to own steel zweihanders, but they cannot be safely sparred with.We have used zweihanders against rapier, longsword, sword and buckler and shield. The zweihander has a tremendous advantage. We did many high contact sparring tests where one person used the zweihander against upto three opponents at once who used a mixture of sword types. The majority of the time the zweihander was able to win. This is why it was used against multple opponents in defence of towns and flags. Blade breaking is a risk against a zweihander, but your main worry are reach and leverage. A Zweihander can deal crippllng leg cuts and body thrusts out of the reach of almost any sword, but it can also batter or force through many guards and parries. For a start, most sword fighting systems are for civilian fighting, as the sword is typically a 2nd or even 3rd weapon in war. Clearly a civilian cannot carry a zweihander. They also can be problematic in any kind of confined spaces, not just maneouverng space but as with any long weapon, they suffer at close quarters with the grips. In a straight up comparison though, you wouldn't want to come up against one all things being equal.
德国双手大剑VS长剑 我实在无法想象何种防护服足以承受双手大剑的打击,估计戴了头盔都会被抡成脑震荡。不过用剑盾打双手大剑应该胜算很大,所谓尾大不掉,用盾把双手大剑卡死,再用腾出来的剑猛砍就行
这种问题和尝试上文提到 ,防护护具一直是不可忽视的重要问题 。


