
剧评:“权力的游戏”第五季第九集魔龙之舞:火焰至上时间:来源:作者:美剧迷分享到:Review: 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Episode 9 'The Dance of Dragons': Fire ReignsIt seemed like everyone and everything was being set ablaze in tonight's penultimate episode.每个人,所有的一切仿佛都被今夜的倒数第二集点燃&Post-&Game& Analysis &“戏”后***Since last week's episode was shrouded in ice, it was only appropriate that this week's was rich with fire. Jon Snow and the Wildlings he managed to save last week made it back to The Wall, though for a minute there it looked like Alliser Thorne wasn't going to open the gate for them. Thankfully it seems like Thorne is at risk of becoming a good person, and let them through. A few miles south, Ramsay Bolton's &20 very good men& managed to sneak into Stannis' camp and set many of the tents on fire, but that blaze was nothing compared to what Drogon would inflict at the end of the episode. Meanwhile, there was no stop in King's Landing this week, so the imprisonment of Cersei and Margaery will most likely be addressed and maybe resolved during next week's season finale.如果说上周的那集是冰封当道,那么本周的一集只能说是烈焰横行。琼恩?雪诺和他搏命救出的野人们终于回到长城,有那么一会艾里沙?索恩看似不会开启城门。不过谢天谢地,索恩甘冒角色反转形象洗白的风险下令开门放行。南行数里,拉姆斯?波顿的“20精兵特攻队”成功潜入史坦尼斯的营盘,进而大肆纵火,火势虽凶,但是根本无法与剧末卓耿的龙焰争辉。相应地,本周君临这边的剧情毫无进展,看样瑟曦和马格丽的监禁处境会留待下周的季终集解决。&Most Poised to Take the Throne &谁能夺位改称王Well, that's one way to take all of the growing empathy for and fondness of Stannis Baratheon and flush it down the toilet. It had been previously suggested that the increased air time for Shireen Baratheon (as compared to her presence in the books) was because of her eventual death at the hands of Melisandre's magic, and that assumption turned out to be correct. Of course Stannis sent Davos back to Castle Black, because not for a million years would Davos had let Stannis sacrifice his daughter to R' imagining how heartbroken Davos is going to be when he returns is heartbreaking in itself. His gift of the wooden stag and thanking Shireen for teaching him to read was so sweet that the tragedy to come was inevitable, but it's pretty shocking that the show actually went through with burning a child alive. This is another departure from the novels --&&is now dead on the show, and this one was was particularly awful to watch. Shireen's screams were unbearable to hear, and once Selyse finally realized what the hell they had just done and tried to stop it, the entire scene reeked of despair. Stannis, this might put you one step closer to the Iron Throne, but you just murdered your own child. You no longer deserve it.好吧,确实有办法能把观众对史坦尼斯?拜拉席恩的同情和好感尽数夺走,然后把它们通通冲进马桶。之前有人提出过,席琳?拜拉席恩出场戏份增加(与原著中的出场相比)的原因,是她终将命丧于梅丽珊卓的魔法,这个猜想被证实了。显然戴佛斯被差遣回黑城堡的原因,是他绝不会允许史坦尼斯把女儿献祭给光之王拉赫洛;实在不忍想象戴佛斯回来的时候会有多么伤心。他送给席琳木雕雄鹿和感谢小公主教他识字的情节有多么暖心,悲剧结局的到来就有多么不可避免(这就是Flag的力量)。但是这次还是足够让人震惊,剧情居然发展到活活烧死孩子。这段再次偏离原著----又一个书中仍活着的角色在剧中死掉,而此次尤其让人不忍直视。席琳的哀嚎让人难忍,而王后赛丽丝最终意识到了她们在做什么蠢事情,她挣扎着要制止这幕惨剧,整段镜头被绝望充斥。史坦尼斯,这也许会助你离铁王座更近一步,但是你残杀了自己的骨肉,你不配称王。Who's the God of Tits and Wine? &醉生梦死又何妨Doran Martell is winning this title for the second time this season, and rightly so. Alexander Siddig has been playing this fan favorite with just enough strength, combined with the right amount of merciful leadership. Through the meeting with Jaime, Ellaria, Myrcella and Trystane, Doran has proven himself a compelling change of pace from the other rulers of Westeros. But while his tendency to forgive is admirable, is Doran really just pulling a long con here? Much like Littlefinger, Doran seems to have a plan going at all times. Is he really this noble and righteous, or does he have something else up his sleeve?道朗马泰尔本季二度赢得这个称号,当之无愧。亚历山大?希迪格是这样诠释这个角色的,少一分嫌少的强势加上多一份嫌多的仁爱。与其他维斯特洛统治者不同,道朗以更具压迫性的步调贯穿于与“弑君者”詹姆, “红毒蛇”遗孀艾拉莉?, 弥塞拉公主和崔斯丹王子的会面始终。一方面道朗的宽容大度让人钦赏,另一方面难知他是否在放长线钓大鱼。和小指头有些相像,道朗始终给人感觉城府很深。他是真的这般公正高贵呢,还是袖中暗藏玄机呢?Wit of the Week &智冠群雄压全场It was decided that Princess Myrcella would return to King's Landing with Jaime, and that Trystane would not only accompany them, but would be given a spot on King Tommen's small council. That decision was made with one caveat: Since Bronn hit a prince in the face, he'd have to get a bit of it back in return. They brought Bronn up from the dungeons and he remarked on how good the food looked. Areo Hotah's elbow to Bronn's face would have been enough of a comeback, but combined with Doran's snarky &Perhaps some soup instead?& remark, the Dornish were put on par with the most witty characters of the series.弥塞拉公主会随詹姆返回君临之事已定,崔斯丹王子不但会与他们同行,而且将在国王托曼的御前议会上占一席之地。做出这个决定时有个小插曲:因为波隆打了王子的脸,他也得受到相应的惩罚。波隆被从地牢中提出,这大萌货还有心思评论点心的卖相。接下来对他的惩罚就是,阿利欧?何塔直照波隆面门的肘击,加上道朗的挖苦补刀:“要不要换成汤?”(被打的吃不了东西),这个多恩人足以位列本剧最机智的人物。Great Moments in Feminism &巾帼不把须眉让The scene with Nymeria and Tyene playing a game of quickness felt like the first genuine portrayal of the Sand Snakes this season. Instead of being overly presentational in their fighting abilities, or inserted into a ridiculous invented scene with unnecessary nudity, this tiny little scene of sisters dealing with their own rivalry felt like a more truthful representation of these characters.个人感觉“沙蛇”姐妹娜梅莉亚和特蕾妮玩反应游戏的情节才是“沙蛇”们的最真实写照。相对于过渡炫耀她们的战斗技巧或是荒唐地加入全无必要的裸露镜头,这一小段姐妹们斗嘴对抗的情节更真实的呈现了这些角色的性格。Meanwhile, over in Braavos, Arya spotted Mace Tyrell getting off an incoming ship with Meryn Trant, one of the remaining names on her kill list. She abandoned her assignment with the &Thin Man& and followed him to a brothel, where she discovered his interest in young girls. She'll no doubt use this information to her advantage next week.回到布拉佛斯,艾丽娅发现梅斯?提利尔伙同铁卫马林?特兰进港登陆,而马林的名字就在她的复仇名单上。她中断了针对“很瘦的人”的任务转而跟踪马林到一家妓院,在那里她发现了他喜好幼女的性癖。无疑,艾丽娅将在下周充分利用这条情报。Most Magical Moment &最精彩镜头In Meereen, Daenerys and her fiance Hizdahr, along with new advisor Tyrion, began the reopening of the fighting pits. There are moments when Emilia Clarke is able to add great nuance to her performance, and the look of utter disgust combined with heartbreak when she clapped to begin the first fight was a great one. Daario didn't seem threatened by Dany's new intended, though that didn't stop the two from having a battle of words during the fighting, as Tyrion looked on in exasperation. &There’s always been more than enough death in the world for my taste,& he said. &I can do without it in my leisure time.&在弥林,丹妮莉丝、她的未婚夫西茨达拉和新谏臣提利昂,他们一同出席了竞技场的重开仪式。演员艾米莉亚?克拉克(丹妮莉丝)在很多镜头的表演中都加入了细微的表情描写,在击掌示意第一场打斗开场时,那掺杂着极度厌恶和痛心的表情尤其精彩。丹妮的小情绪也吓不倒达里奥,两人在比赛的时候一直在激烈的争论。与此同时,提利昂看的也是满心烦躁。“即使我不想看,我的身边也总是杀戮和死亡”他说,“真不想在闲暇时候也看这些东西。”The second fight came as more of a shock, when Jorah emerged as one of the fighters. Though it looked pretty dire for the older fighter, he persevered with some swift moves in a battle reminiscent of &Gladiator& and what we know of the games once held at the Coliseum of ancient Rome. One of his opponents even did a flying leap spear throw much like the dearly departed Oberyn Martell. But Jorah had only a moment to celebrate his victory before he plunged his own spear right towards Dany's head, but not at her, as it turned out. A member of the Sons of the Harpy was moments away from attacking. Then, one by one the Sons revealed themselves in the crowd, leading to total chaos as they battled the Unsullied and Dany attempted escape. Hizdahr was killed in the fray, and at one point Dany, Missandei, Daario, Jorah and Tyrion found themselves encircled by approaching Sons.第二战,“大熊”乔拉作为斗士登场给人带来了更多的震惊。这个悲惨的老战士,他艰难的抵挡着对手们“角斗士”风格的迅捷动作,这场景不禁让人联想到古罗马斗兽场的比斗。有个斗士飞身投矛,这身手竟与欧伯伦?马泰尔的经典动作有几分神似。可怜的乔拉胜出之后也几乎没来得及庆祝,紧接着他就用那只长矛直投向丹妮。长矛的目标自然不是丹妮,一个鹰身女妖之子眼看要刺杀得手就应声倒地。一个又一个女妖之子在人群中现身,竞技场陷入一片混乱:无垢者和女妖之子们的战斗,女王一行试图逃离。西茨达拉也在骚乱中被杀,丹妮, 弥桑黛, 达里奥, 乔拉还有提利昂一度被逼近的女妖之子们围困到了竞技场中心。The pause here was odd. The Sons greatly outnumbered the Unsulied at that point, so it was strange that they didn't simply charge and overpower them. The stall may have been unrealistic, but it provided a moment for the Deus Ex Machina ...or should we say Deus Ex Drogon, to arrive.这段停顿很突兀,当时鹰身女妖之子人数远超在场的无垢者,很奇怪地,他们没有直接收紧包围完成袭击。这段拖延很不现实,简直就是给大救星超强怪兽登场创造机会,换言之,魔龙卓耿降临了。Drogon's vengeance against those who would harm his mother was swift and great: He soaked the Sons with fire, and had a tender moment with Daenerys. (It's a good bet that she's regretting having the other two locked up for so long.) It also seemed like Dany had had just about enough of her role in the game at this point. Conquering these various cities, the bloodshed that came with it, having to marry in order to stamp out an uprising, the eventual move to Westeros -- it seems as if it had all become too much for her. She climbed aboard Drogon's back to not only remove some of the spears that had been rammed into his scales, but in that moment decided that Drogon's back was the place she felt the most at home. &Fly& she told him, and Drogon took to the skies, with Tyrion and the others looking on at the stunning site in absolute awe combined with their own fear.谁敢意图伤害龙母,他将受到卓耿简单粗暴的报复:烈焰。魔龙和丹莉丽丝有一段微妙的对手戏。(看来丹妮很可能会后悔一直锁着另外两条龙。)此刻,丹妮真是受够了自己被卷入的这一起起纷争:征讨一个又一个城市,征讨时的血腥杀戮,为了杜绝叛乱委屈和亲,重归维斯特洛遥遥无期----这一切让她不堪重负。她爬到卓耿的背上不仅是为了拔出那些刺入鳞片的投矛,更是因为在那里找到了家的感觉。“飞吧!”她对龙低语,卓耿的身影没入天空,留下提利昂等人呆立在原地,满脸的敬畏。It Is Known &小结和以前一样,不知不觉本季只剩最后一集了。第五季也有多条线索起起伏伏,留待下周一集继续,其中有些线索让人非常在意:丹妮会落在何处?她在那里会有什么遭遇?提利昂,乔拉,达里奥将何去何从?席琳的牺牲换来了什么?艾丽娅能否成功解决马林?特兰和“很瘦的人”?遭遇过慑人的异鬼的雪诺将如何应对?瑟曦能怎么摆脱牢狱之灾?接下来的一期,让我们拭目以待。&原作者:Casey Cipriani&llt7895123(人人美剧编辑部)Photo credit: HBO图片来源:HBO资料来源:编译/美剧迷


