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英文翻译countless&&&& repeatedly&&&& untold&&&&they encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their des ...&&&&[数学] surd root&&&&inexertion&&&& not necessarily so&&&&defection&&&&indivisible&&&&countless&&&& not qualified&&&¬ count as outstanding, important, etc.; not considered outstanding
论射 ...&&&&aliquant&&&&surd&&&&surd number&&&&(in conclusion of letters) i need not write down in detail all that i feel&&&&underdo&&&&le leave much to be desired
广告质量仍不 ...&&&& moreover&&&&undutiful&&&&never-failing&&&&have as much food and clothing as one wants&&&& indivisible&&&& indivisible number&&&&aliquant&&&&indivisible element
例句与用法Along the banks of the stream wandered a countless multitude .沿河两岸数不尽的人群在漫游。Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold .数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。Bizarre thoughts, weird visions, and strange voices perplexed and terrified her .数不尽的离奇念头,光怪陆离的幻象,奇异的声响,一齐向她袭来,使她感到恐惧。May each year bring you greater happiness and greater success愿数不尽的幸福和成功与岁同增! The sands of the beach are incalculable海滩上的沙是数不尽的。 May happiness in countless ways fill each moment of your holiday愿数不尽的快乐伴你佳节每一刻" thousands of wild goats .“数不尽的野山羊。 ” These are countless scientific and philosophical questions that can help tickle your mind a bit帮助你动动脑筋的这些科学和哲学问题真是数不尽。 Well , it seems a weary number of hours , she muttered doubtfully : it must be more“唉,好像过了数不尽的时刻啦, ”她疑惑地喃喃着, “一定还多些。 May the precious new life you ' ve brought into the world bring you a world of new joys在你俩喜得贵子之日,愿新生的小宝贝给你们带来数不尽的新欢乐更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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