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SweetFX Shader Suite Download Version 1.5.1
Download SweetFX Shader Suite Download Version 1.5.1 - &SweetFX is a universal image improvement and tweaking mod, that works with almost any 32-bit DirectX 9, 10 or 11 game or application.
This software is made by Guru3D's own&&and as will be supported here
to the fullest extend. The goal of this software is to &provide similar tools to games in realtime, as video processing software provides for movies and videos. You will need some technical grasp to be able to work with this software though. As such we recommend you to read the information below carefully.&
This is the download mirror for SweetFX - Current version is 1.5
I'll be posting
and you can discuss SweetFX and share settings here too (use the code tag and optionally the spoiler tag when posting settings).&We are also very happy to see your screenshots but try not to post full size screenshots as they break the forum format. Post images no wider than 1024 pixels that link to the full size screenshots instead. If you post a lot you may also consider using the spoiler tag.
News and linksThere is a great SweetFX Borderlands 2 specific guide on youtube by TheAdipose. So if you have trouble figuring out the instructions in the SweetFX readme, maybe seeing it being used and configured will help.He's just making started a series of new guides for SweetFX:
Part One - what is sweetfx?Part two - your first tweaks
Terrasque have made a GUI tool that makes it easier to install and configure SweetFX. He calls it SweetFX Configurator
Those of you with an AMD card will be happy to learn that the latest RadeonPro beta now supports SweetFX and can run all the effects without relying on the InjectSMAA injector.This makes it easy to use with RadeonPros many other cool features, but most importantly this also works with 64bit executables, which the InjectSMAA injector that SweetFX currently ships with does not.It is however an AMD only tool otherwise I would probably have chosen to it as the default injector I develop SweetFX for.
What is it?So in case you're new to SweetFX Shader Suite (or just SweetFX), it's a mod built on the InjectSMAA shader injector, that allows you to apply a suite of post processing shader effects to your games.
You may have tried another shader injection mod before, like InjectFXAA, InjectSMAA or FXAAtool. SweetFX improves upon all of these.
You can add SMAA anti-aliasing , sharpening and tweak the color, gamma , exposure and more.It's meant to allow you to improve the look of your games and change the look and mood of it to your liking.If you use SMAA antialiasing instead of MSAA or an even more expensive antialaliasing technique you can also make the game run faster (than with MSAA)
Skyrim with mods/ENB&
Skyrim with mods/ENB + SweetFX
CompatibilityIt works with all graphics cards as long as they support at least shader model 3. That's all cards produced after 2002 (give or take).
It does not work with 64bit game executables yet, however 64bit support should be coming in the near future - so far use the 32bit version of your game if it gives you a choice between 32 and 64bit.
It should work on Windows 2000 and newer, both 32bit and 64bit. So far tested working on WinXP , Vista , Win7 and Windows 8.It may work on Linux using Wine - please report your findings.
It does not work well with most programs that overlay an image onto the game. It has a workaround for the Steam overlay so that will work, and you can make overlays based on Rivatuner OSD work as well with a compability setting in those overlays , but other overlays may prevent SweetFX from making changes to the image or outright crash the game - turn those off.
Version 1.5SweetFX is a universal image improvement and tweaking mod,that works with almost any 32bit (and hopefully soon 64bit) DirectX 9, 10 or 11 game or application.It's goal is provide similar tools to games in realtime, as video processing software provides for movies and videos.It runs on all Windows versions from Windows 2000 and up. Both 32bit and 64bit.It works perfectly with all cards that can run DirectX9 games and support shader model 3. (that's all cards since the Ati Radeon X1xxx and Nvidia Geforce 6xxx series)Some of the effects will even work on cards so old that they can only run shader model 2. (Ati Radeon 9xxx to X8xx series and the GeForce FX 5xxx series)- there is a compability setting that enables support for these really old cards in /SweetFX/SweetFX_compatibility_settings.txtEffects included:* SMAA Anti-aliasing : Anti-aliases the image using the SMAA technique - see /smaa/* FXAA Anti-aliasing : Anti-aliases the image using the FXAA technique - currently only work under DirectX9. Use the d3d9.dll found in \SweetFX\dlls\FXAA DX9 dll\ for this.* Explosion : Scatters the pixels similarly to the Explosion filter in Irfanview* Cartoon : Creates an outline-effect that makes the image look more cartoonish.* Advanced CRT : Mimics the look of an old arcade CRT display.* LumaSharpen : Sharpens the image, making details easier to see* Bloom : Makes strong lights bleed their light into their surroundings* HDR : Mimics an HDR tonemapped look* Levels : Sets a new black and white point. A fast and easy way to increase contrast but it causes clipping. The Curves effect does this in a more subtle way without causing clipping.* Technicolor : Makes the image look like it was processed using a three-strip Technicolor process - see* Cineon DPX : Makes the image look like it was converted from film to Cineon DPX. Can be used to create a "sunny" look.* Monochrome : Removes colors from the image so it appears as if shot on black and white film.* Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights (and typically does it better then the Tonemap effect)* Tonemap : Adjust gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog. (may cause clipping)* Vibrance : Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation.* Curves : Contrast adjustments using S-curves - without causing clipping.* Sepia : Sepia tones the image - see* Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. - see )* Dither : Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. This lessens banding artifacts - see )* Border : Makes the screenedge black as a workaround for the bright edge that forcing some AA modes sometimes causes.* Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode.* Custom : A template to allow other to more easily program their own shader. Just edit /SweetFX/Shaders/custom.h (some programming knowledge required)
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Originally Posted by jujuom26
Please, can you tell me what kind of antialiasing you use for Castlevania.
I tried SGSSAAx4 with 0x as flag but it doesn't work good.
I think 4K Downsampling + SMAA is your best option here ,also try &0x& maybe this bit works better
Originally Posted by Marcel
Recluse Try Boulotaur SweetFX. DPX work without problem but
not working
For me works
Yeah DPX works , also try to create a custom resolution of
,it doesn't crash the game!
Originally Posted by Flisan
Sorry if this question has been asked before, but i cabt find any.
Can't get SweetFX running with Payday 2. It's not loading with the game. Has anyone find a solution on this?
Post what the log file says please.
Originally Posted by Zomgerd
Post what the log file says please.
Sorry, i'm new to SweetFX.
Where can i find the log file? In the game dir?
If so, here it is.
full path: C:\Spel\PAYDAY 2\
redirecting CreateDevice
initialising shader environment
redirecting device-&Reset
initialising shader environment
redirecting device-&Reset
initialising shader environment
Originally Posted by chromatical
I can't get sweetfx working in Battlefield 3
Have you disabled the Origin overlay?
Originally Posted by Flisan
Have you disabled the Origin overlay?
Thank you Flisan, this fixed my problem, sweetfx working great now.
Originally Posted by krpetrov
Sweetfx is incompatible with Windows 8.1 RTM. Any news fixing it ?!
It will need a new injector to fix.
I haven't heard from Boulotaur in a while - although I'd really like to get in contact again. Lots of interesting injector stuff going on behind the scenes and we need his help.
But I am talking with Crosire and helping him test his eFX injector - which is not yet ready for release - however he mentioned that he had already fixed the Windows 8.1 problem.
So when eFX is ready for it's first (probably alpha) release it should at least work with Windows 8.1
Originally Posted by Flisan
Sorry, i'm new to SweetFX.
Where can i find the log file? In the game dir?
If so, here it is.
Yep that's the one.
Which injector are you using? Ceejay's or boulotaur's?
Try disabling the Steam Overlay if you haven't already (not really known to be the problem but you never know.)
Do you have this problem with any other games?
Originally Posted by
It will need a need injector to fix.
I haven't heard from Boulotaur in a while - although I'd really like to get in contact again. Lots of interesting injector stuff going on behind the scenes and we need his help.
But I am talking with Crosire and helping him test his eFX injector - which is not yet ready for release - however he mentioned that he had already fixed the Windows 8.1 problem.
So when eFX is ready for it's first (probably alpha) release it should at least work with Windows 8.1
Thanks man. You are great !
Originally Posted by krpetrov
Sweetfx is incompatible with Windows 8.1 RTM. Any news fixing it ?!
Works just fine here on Windows 8.1 RTM (9600). Tested in Guild Wars 2.
Originally Posted by krpetrov
Sweetfx is incompatible with Windows 8.1 RTM. Any news fixing it ?!
just a guess but if it's not working, did you already updated your DirectX with the latest DX Web Installer? Helped me out most of the times it wasn't working
Originally Posted by Espionage724
Works just fine here on Windows 8.1 RTM (9600). Tested in Guild Wars 2.
Which injector did you use?
Originally Posted by kilyan
works flawlessly,you have just to put the files in the game exe directory. Beware to delete all previous version files of sweetfx cause some files are not needed by the new version
On Windows 8.1 RTM 9600 ?!
Originally Posted by orangewoolcry
umm sweetfx not working with latest steam games after update to acf format , ive tried to use the old trick , put sweetfx folder into the main hl2 directory and the dxgi.dll and d3d9.dll into the bin folder, but half life 2 crashes , gives me a hl2.exe stopped working message, when i remove sweetfx and its dlls it works flawless , help!
p.s& i as well hope
Boulotaur comes back, still waiting for his sick silent hill 4 ps2 settings he had back some time ago
btw does anyone here have some nice sweetfx settings for devil may cry pcsx2 or for killer 7 dolphin
HL2, Day of Defeat Source, HL2 Lost Coast, and CS Go all work but CSS, HL2 EP1 and Ep2 wont work for me with SweetFX.
Originally Posted by Espionage724
Works just fine here on Windows 8.1 RTM (9600). Tested in Guild Wars 2.
In dx11? Because that's the problem not dx9 and I'm pretty sure GW2 doesn't have dx11 yet if it will get it at all.
Originally Posted by Scerate
just a guess but if it's not working, did you already updated your DirectX with the latest DX Web Installer? Helped me out most of the times it wasn't working
Wont help solve the issue, the DXGI dll needs to be fixed for 8.1 due to the change of code introduced with DX11.2.
Originally Posted by Zomgerd
In dx11? Because that's the problem not dx9 and I'm pretty sure GW2 doesn't have dx11 yet if it will get it at all.
Wont help solve the issue, the DXGI dll needs to be fixed for 8.1 due to the change of code introduced with DX11.2.
ok tried it myself Saints Row 3 and 4 didn't start even with no SweetFX, don't want to say i didn't trust you but i was just curious myself, so it looks like i go back to Windows 8 now. (Second issue is Logitech G600 Drivers not working right
Originally Posted by Zomgerd
^Well it was known issue for a little over a month starting in Win 8.1 preview, which Boulotaur confirmed it's 11.2 and then you have CeeJay, who replied before you even, stating that they need a new injector to fix it(at least I assume he meant new as he said &need& twice.)
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→ NBA2K15没声音怎么办
对于这样一个体积重达40多个G的庞然大物来说,难免会出现各式各样的游戏运往,比如说游戏卡顿、没有声音等,接下来小编就给大家讲解一下NBA2K15游戏没声音怎么办。   1.***dx11,不过这个方法实用性不是非常高  2.运行***目录下的DXSETUP.EXE,***完成后进入游戏,声音就出来了。  3.使用方法2之后,有时候会出现没有播报员声音,请继续等待更好的解决方法。
类型: 体育竞技
大小: 5.46G
语言: 中文
1 7.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 682.5M
2 6.7类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 103.0M
3 8.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.72G
4 7.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
5 7.4类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 45.4M
6 7.3类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3M
7 5.3类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 15.9M
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9 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
10 7.9类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 69.6M
1 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
2 7.3类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3M
3 7.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 682.5M
4 7.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
5 2.5类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 172.3M
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7 9.4类型: 策略游戏语言: 英文大小: 116.8M
8 6.7类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 103.0M
9 7.7类型: 赛车游戏语言: 中文大小: 439.6M
10 8.9类型: 恋爱养成语言: 中文大小: 3.04G
1 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
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3 7.3类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3M
4 5.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.03G
5 7.9类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 6.61G
6 7.7类型: 赛车游戏语言: 中文大小: 439.6M
7 8.3类型: 角色扮演语言: 繁体中文大小: 7.81G
8 7.1类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 45.3M
9 3.3类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 44.4M
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