足球经理2017新特性5新特性详细介绍 FM2015有什么新特性

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UID6172819主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分701金钱9267 荣誉2 人气64 在线时间2755 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 701, 距离下一级还需 299 积分
帖子精华0积分701金钱9267 荣誉2 人气64 评议0
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Football Manager 2015 Features(FM2015特色)
Redesigned User Interface(重新设计的用户界面)
The interface for Football Manager has been completely redesigned and features a new responsive sidebar, making some of the previously hidden areas of the game available in just a few clicks.
Player Promises Page(球员承诺)
You can easily view all the promises you've made to your players, fellow managers or the board in the brand new promises page. Now there's no excuse for forgetting you promised to give that kid a run in the first team!
Managerial Style(管理风格)
When you start a new game you'll now have the option to choose what style of manager you want to be. Whether you'll be a tracksuit manager on the training ground or a more distant tactical manager. You can also set your mental and coaching attributes as well as what coaching badges you hold.
Coaching Badges(教练标志/象征)
As a manager you can now take time out to train for your coaches badges. These will increase your coaching and mental attributes allowing you to get the most of your players and ensuring you have the respect of the players, fans and owners. However choose when to take your badges wisely since dividing your time could have a negative influence on your team.
Most significant improvements to the 3D Match Engine since FM2009(自FM2009之后,最显著的一次3D比赛引擎改善)
The Football Manager 2015 Match Engine has been given its biggest overhaul since FM2009 with new new cutting edge motion capture data enabling the game to accurately reflect real player movements. There have also been improvements to the stadiums and weather in FM2015, players will look wetter when its raining and more reflective in the sun, while stadiums will feature team specific colours and banners.
Touchline Team Talks in FM2015(球场边及时交谈)
FM2015 introduces Touchline Team Talks which allow you to talk to your squad during the game, you can shout encouragement or abuse at the entire team, or specific individuals, just as you would during pre match, half time or full time team talks.
New default tactics and improved tactics from AI managers(新的默认策略,并且改进AI策略)
There are more default tactics than ever, so you'll never be short of a tactic to choose from and the AI will be more varied in the tactics they put out against your side. AI managers will now utilise their tactics more effectively than before, including incorporating player roles more intelligently into their tactics, and they’ll also have preferred roles that they’ll integrate into their tactics system.
Four new player roles(四个新的角色球员)
Football Manager 2015 sees the introduction of four new player roles a Roaming Playmaker, who splits his duties between both a Deeplying Playmaker and an Advanced Playmaker. The second new role is a Raumdeuter, who is a sort of wide poacher, who stays out wide during the build up play before entering the mix late on in an attack. The third role is an Inverted Wingback who will tend to drift inside alot more than a regular wingback. Finally there is the new Wide Playmaker role suitable for wide men who want to drift inside more than a conventional winger.
New Player Preferred Moves(新的球员习惯动作)
FM2015 introduces new Player Preferred Moves. There is a new 'penalty box player' PPM suitable for those players who like to do their work in the box rather than dropping wide or deep. There is also a 'refrains from shooting from distance' for those players who like to look for a killer pass or work the ball into the box instead of having a crack. For goalkeepers there is a new ‘likes to throw the ball long to start counter attacks’ perfect for those sides who want to push straight on the attack from a defensive position.
Scouting Improvements(球探功能改进)
Scouting has been improved to be better integrated into the player search functionality, becoming a central place to find new players. There are also new ways to search for players, such as instructing your scouts to search for a replacement for a particular player. Scouts will also get in touch more regularly to offer their thoughts on an assignment, or suggest new assignments. You can also scout players over a long time frame, such as 3 months if you're preparing for the next transfer window, or waiting until a players contract runs down. Scout reports also include a new 'Pros and Cons' section, making it easier than ever to get a quick overview of player from your scout.
Improved Fog of War(提高隐藏球员属性)
Fog of War is an option you have when starting a new game which makes attributes of non scouted players hidden. However in FM2015 this has been revamped so that players you don't know much about have a range of attributes such as 12-16 and you'll have to scout them more and with better scouts to see exactly what the players rating is for that particular attribute.
Improved Search(改进搜索功能)
The new interface comes with an improved search which works similarly to modern web browsers. Simply start typing and a list of suggestions will drop down depending on what you've typed. The search will now be faster and more intelligent allowing you to very quickly get around the game.
Improved Player Search(改进球员搜索功能)
There are new options when searching for players in FM2015. You can now search only for those players who have been scouted making it easier to compare scouted players against each other. FM15 also boasts new ways to filter your search such as searching for players who are unhappy at their current clubs or searching for players who count towards your home grown quota.
Improved Player Interactions(改进球员互动)
The different ways in which you can interact with your players has been massively expanded in FM2015. You can even ask players to talk to the media or to look for a new club themselves if you're having problems selling them. FM15 also brings the ability to talk to a group of players about the same issue, not all issues require a full team talk, but if 5 or so players are concerned about the same thing you can now get them together to talk as a group rather than dealing with each one individually. Players will also ally with each other or against each other, so players may choose to stand up for their coach in discussions with troublesome players.
Media Improvements in FM2015(媒体功能改进)
FM2015 sees the journalists split into tabloid and broadsheet. This will provide a greater mix of media interaction, styles and personalities within the media. Tabloids will be looking for their next big headline while broadsheets will be looking for a more tactical analysis. Brand new in Football Manager are tunnel interviews and training ground interviews. Just like in real life you may be called on to answer questions at any time.
Improvements to Finances(财务功能改进)
Finances have been improved in FM2015 to give you a better idea of the money going in and out of your club and whether or not you're meeting your targets. It's now easier to plan for the following season as transfer and wage budgets are set earlier in the year and take into consideration future transfers and players that will be leaving when their contract expires, thus freeing up part of your wage budget when searching for a replacement.
Manager History(经理历史)
You will now be able to get a better understand of not only your own managerial history, but the history of past and rival managers as well. When you join a club you will now be able to compare yourself to how past managers have done as well as get an insight into how the board tend to react to things like bad form. The improvements will allow you to track all the finest moments and results from your career, as well as those few embarrassing moments, such as the humiliating defeat to a lower league side.
Better Job Interviews(更好的工作面试)
Job interviews have been expanded following their introduced in FM2014. You will now be asked more specific questions about whether you can make the step up (when applying to a larger club), or why you didn't spend very long at one of your previous clubs. Your track record in the transfer market will also come under scrutiny. You'll have to answer these questions very carefully if you're going to get the job.
Changes to training(改变训练)
Training has been expanded in FM2015. You can now ask a player to train for a specific mentality rather than just a player role. Amateur and semi-professional training is now more realistic, taking into consideration the shorter amount of time staff get to spend with players. Coaches also have new personalities and styles of coaching, that makes each individual coach unique. What's more, if you choose to be a tracksuit manager you will now be hands on, on the training ground yourself and the attributes you develop will directly influence your star rating as a coach.
For years Football Manager has used the advertising hoardings within the game to promote a number of important charities. Now they have gone a step further and introduced Movember. Each November the generated faces of regens will begin growing mustaches which gradually develop over the course of the month.
Twitch TV Integration(集成电视功能)
Football Manager 2015 features brand new twitch.tv integration. Meaning it's easier to make and share videos of your game, including live streaming.
Voice chat and video(语音聊天和视频功能)
It has been confirmed that a later patch for Football Manager 2015 will introduce voice and video chat, so you can keep in touch with friends will playing your game.
Over 600,000 players and staff(超过60万的球员和工作人员)
Football Manager 2015 has the biggest database EVER with over 600,000 players and staff.
Redesigned User Interface(重新设计的用户界面)
The interface for Football Manager has been completely redesigned and features a new responsive sidebar, making some of the previously hidden areas of the game available in just a few clicks.
Player Promises Page(球员承诺)
You can easily view all the promises you've mad ...
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
☆最熟悉你的街?人去后夕阳斜☆游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】意甲联赛 最佳射手AC米? 功?教? 200/200★★★★◆◆
UID998643主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分2693金钱5681 荣誉36 人气12 在线时间2122 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分2693金钱5681 荣誉36 人气12 评议0
UID460582主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1045金钱12475 荣誉6 人气32 在线时间7201 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1045, 距离下一级还需 955 积分
帖子精华0积分1045金钱12475 荣誉6 人气32 评议0
Redesigned User Interface(重新设计的用户界面)
The interface for Football Manager has been completely redesigned and features a new responsive sidebar, making some of the previously hidden areas of the game available in just a few clicks.
Player Promises Page(球员承诺)
You can easily view all the promises you've made to your players, fellow managers or the board in the brand new promises page. Now there's no excuse for forgetting you promised to give that kid a run in the first team!
在新的承诺页面中,你能够更方便的看到你对球员,同行,董事会作出的承诺。现在你没有借口说忘记了承诺过那个小孩一线队比赛的机会。。- -!
Managerial Style(管理风格)
When you start a new game you'll now have the option to choose what style of manager you want to be. Whether you'll be a tracksuit manager on the training ground or a more distant tactical manager. You can also set your mental and coaching attributes as well as what coaching badges you hold.
Coaching Badges(教练标志/象征)--&这个应该是教练***的意思,不确定
As a manager you can now take time out to train for your coaches badges. These will increase your coaching and mental attributes allowing you to get the most of your players and ensuring you have the respect of the players, fans and owners. However choose when to take your badges wisely since dividing your time could have a negative influence on your team.
Most significant improvements to the 3D Match Engine since FM2009(自FM2009之后,最显著的一次3D比赛引擎改善)
The Football Manager 2015 Match Engine has been given its biggest overhaul since FM2009 with new new cutting edge motion capture data enabling the game to accurately reflect real player movements. There have also been improvements to the stadiums and weather in FM2015, players will look wetter when its raining and more reflective in the sun, while stadiums will feature team specific colours and banners.
比赛引擎在FM09后 最大的一次翻新,包括了一大堆的东西。。不一一翻译了。。。反正我不是很在意这个。。基本是关于球员动作的
Touchline Team Talks in FM2015(球场边及时交谈)
FM2015 introduces Touchline Team Talks which allow you to talk to your squad during the game, you can shout encouragement or abuse at the entire team, or specific individuals, just as you would during pre match, half time or full time team talks.
New default tactics and improved tactics from AI managers(新的默认策略,并且改进AI策略)
There are more default tactics than ever, so you'll never be short of a tactic to choose from and the AI will be more varied in the tactics they put out against your side. AI managers will now utilise their tactics more effectively than before, including incorporating player roles more intelligently into their tactics, and they’ll also have preferred roles that they’ll integrate into their tactics system.
Four new player roles(四个新的角色球员)
Football Manager 2015 sees the introduction of four new player roles a Roaming Playmaker, who splits his duties between both a Deeplying Playmaker and an Advanced Playmaker. The second new role is a Raumdeuter, who is a sort of wide poacher, who stays out wide during the build up play before entering the mix late on in an attack. The third role is an Inverted Wingback who will tend to drift inside alot more than a regular wingback. Finally there is the new Wide Playmaker role suitable for wide men who want to drift inside more than a conventional winger.
FM15引进了4个新的球员角色,Roaming Playmaker,(游动组织者???)他的职责介于Deeplying Playmaker 和 Advanced Playmaker之间。 Raumdeuter,类似于在边路的poacher,会在边路活动,在进攻中不会过早进入小禁区(mix不知道是不是指小禁区,请轻拍)。 Inverted Wingback,相比wingback,更倾向于内切。wide playmaker,相对于传统的边翼球员,更倾向于向内陆活动。
New Player Preferred Moves(新的球员习惯动作)
FM2015 introduces new Player Preferred Moves. There is a new 'penalty box player' PPM suitable for those players who like to do their work in the box rather than dropping wide or deep. There is also a 'refrains from shooting from distance' for those players who like to look for a killer pass or work the ball into the box instead of having a crack. For goalkeepers there is a new ‘likes to throw the ball long to start counter attacks’ perfect for those sides who want to push straight on the attack from a defensive position.
新的球员习惯。penalty box player 这类球员更喜欢在禁区内活动而非其他。refrains from shooting from distance,这类球员更喜欢致命性传球或者传球而非浪射。对于门将,新增了likes to throw the ball long to start counter attacks,直接会抛球发起反击。
Scouting Improvements(球探功能改进)
Scouting has been improved to be better integrated into the player search functionality, becoming a central place to find new players. There are also new ways to search for players, such as instructing your scouts to search for a replacement for a particular player. Scouts will also get in touch more regularly to offer their thoughts on an assignment, or suggest new assignments. You can also scout players over a long time frame, such as 3 months if you're preparing for the next transfer window, or waiting until a players contract runs down. Scout reports also include a new 'Pros and Cons' section, making it easier than ever to get a quick overview of player from your scout.
Improved Fog of War(提高隐藏球员属性)--&应该是改进了迷雾功能
Fog of War is an option you have when starting a new game which makes attributes of non scouted players hidden. However in FM2015 this has been revamped so that players you don't know much about have a range of attributes such as 12-16 and you'll have to scout them more and with better scouts to see exactly what the players rating is for that particular attribute.
Improved Search(改进搜索功能)
The new interface comes with an improved search which works similarly to modern web browsers. Simply start typing and a list of suggestions will drop down depending on what you've typed. The search will now be faster and more intelligent allowing you to very quickly get around the game.
搜索功能随着UI的更新一起改进了,现在用起来更像一个现代的网页浏览器(- -!)。打字时候会有建议的下坠菜单选择。搜索更快更智能了。。。
Improved Player Search(改进球员搜索功能)
There are new options when searching for players in FM2015. You can now search only for those players who have been scouted making it easier to compare scouted players against each other. FM15 also boasts new ways to filter your search such as searching for players who are unhappy at their current clubs or searching for players who count towards your home grown quota.
Improved Player Interactions(改进球员互动)
The different ways in which you can interact with your players has been massively expanded in FM2015. You can even ask players to talk to the media or to look for a new club themselves if you're having problems selling them. FM15 also brings the ability to talk to a group of players about the same issue, not all issues require a full team talk, but if 5 or so players are concerned about the same thing you can now get them together to talk as a group rather than dealing with each one individually. Players will also ally with each other or against each other, so players may choose to stand up for their coach in discussions with troublesome players.
Media Improvements in FM2015(媒体功能改进)
FM2015 sees the journalists split into tabloid and broadsheet. This will provide a greater mix of media interaction, styles and personalities within the media. Tabloids will be looking for their next big headline while broadsheets will be looking for a more tactical analysis. Brand new in Football Manager are tunnel interviews and training ground interviews. Just like in real life you may be called on to answer questions at any time.
小报会找头条,而大报会更关注战术分析。 新增了入场通道采访和训练场采访。就像现实生活一样,在哪儿你都会被提问。
Improvements to Finances(财务功能改进)
Finances have been improved in FM2015 to give you a better idea of the money going in and out of your club and whether or not you're meeting your targets. It's now easier to plan for the following season as transfer and wage budgets are set earlier in the year and take into consideration future transfers and players that will be leaving when their contract expires, thus freeing up part of your wage budget when searching for a replacement.
Manager History(经理历史)
You will now be able to get a better understand of not only your own managerial history, but the history of past and rival managers as well. When you join a club you will now be able to compare yourself to how past managers have done as well as get an insight into how the board tend to react to things like bad form. The improvements will allow you to track all the finest moments and results from your career, as well as those few embarrassing moments, such as the humiliating defeat to a lower league side.
Better Job Interviews(更好的工作面试)
Job interviews have been expanded following their introduced in FM2014. You will now be asked more specific questions about whether you can make the step up (when applying to a larger club), or why you didn't spend very long at one of your previous clubs. Your track record in the transfer market will also come under scrutiny. You'll have to answer these questions very carefully if you're going to get the job.
Changes to training(改变训练)
Training has been expanded in FM2015. You can now ask a player to train for a specific mentality rather than just a player role. Amateur and semi-professional training is now more realistic, taking into consideration the shorter amount of time staff get to spend with players. Coaches also have new personalities and styles of coaching, that makes each individual coach unique. What's more, if you choose to be a tracksuit manager you will now be hands on, on the training ground yourself and the attributes you develop will directly influence your star rating as a coach.
For years Football Manager has used the advertising hoardings within the game to promote a number of important charities. Now they have gone a step further and introduced Movember. Each November the generated faces of regens will begin growing mustaches which gradually develop over the course of the month.
Twitch TV Integration(集成电视功能)
Football Manager 2015 features brand new twitch.tv integration. Meaning it's easier to make and share videos of your game, including live streaming.
更好的在tv上的体验,balh balh balh
Voice chat and video(语音聊天和视频功能)
It has been confirmed that a later patch for Football Manager 2015 will introduce voice and video chat, so you can keep in touch with friends will playing your game.
Over 600,000 players and staff(超过60万的球员和工作人员)
Football Manager 2015 has the biggest database EVER with over 600,000 players and staff.
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
☆☆ Viktor Fischer ☆☆『体育游戏区』『论坛事务处理区』游侠动漫组【活跃】阿贾克斯 最佳新星FinalFantasyFans?№007
UID6327672主题阅读权限150帖子精华0积分19148金钱18137 荣誉172 人气4201 在线时间17574 小时评议26
帖子精华0积分19148金钱18137 荣誉172 人气4201 评议26
UID2283835主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分195金钱4480 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1149 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 195, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
帖子精华0积分195金钱4480 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2039197主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分55金钱928 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间158 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 55, 距离下一级还需 145 积分
帖子精华0积分55金钱928 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3506735主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分167金钱959 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间332 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 167, 距离下一级还需 33 积分
帖子精华0积分167金钱959 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2281759主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分289金钱3385 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间923 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 289, 距离下一级还需 211 积分
帖子精华0积分289金钱3385 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
不管怎么说 ,就是“期待”~~
UID8412647主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分25金钱381 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间138 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 175 积分
帖子精华0积分25金钱381 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
11月是什么呢& && &&&
UID1126029主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分212金钱6596 荣誉0 人气4 在线时间2110 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 212, 距离下一级还需 288 积分
帖子精华0积分212金钱6596 荣誉0 人气4 评议0
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